A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 31 August 2015

7th Pay Commission report to come into force next fiscal year

7th Pay Commission report to come into force next fiscal year

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission recommendations are likely to be come into effect from April 1 as the country entered a new fiscal year.

The reports of Seventh Central Pay Commission will be implicated from April next year as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in the Parliament on February 27.

The Seventh Pay Commission plans to submit its recommendations on a new pay and pension structure for the country’s 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners’ up to December 31.
Seventh Central Pay Commission team headed by its Chairman Justice A K Mathur (second from left siting), Member Vivek Rae (left siting) and Secretary Meena Agarwal (right siting).
Justice A K Mathur, chairman of the 4-member commission, said they are aiming for the date so that the government employees can get salaries under the new pay scale from the upcoming fiscal year.

However, they were ready to submit its report by the end of September but government gave nod to submit its report till December 31.

“The commission would work to keep inflation in check, as a salary increase is invariably accompanied by a rise in the price level,” an official of the commission said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The commission is exploring whether it would be possible to increase financial limitation of various facilities to the central government employees in place of existence allowances, he said.

For instance, the commission is considering whether it would be possible to increase education allowance facilities from school children to college boys/girls upto 25 years.

Presently the Education allowance is admissible for two children, for studying upto XII standard. The maximum ceiling is stipulated at Rs.18000/- since this allowance had been hiked by 50% because of the DA component in salary having been crossed 100% on 1.1.2014.

He also said they are also considering whether to recommend increasing Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) up to minimum sum assured amount to Rs 5 Lakh in the event of death. Now, the maximum sum assured in the event of death in this scheme is Rs.30 thousand.

The commission is also mulling to recommend more cities to cover Central government Health Scheme (CGHS) from existing 25 cities for better health facilities for central governments employees and pensioners.
Sources said the commission would recommend formation of a fund where a staff will deposit some money towards a flat after retirement at the start of his job; the government will also contribute towards it.

The Commission, which was set up by the UPA government in February 2014 to revise remuneration of central government employees, Defence personnel and pensioners, was required to submit its report by August-end.

The government on Wednesday extended by four months the term of the Seventh Pay Commission, The Commission will now have time until December 31 to submit its report.


Government has one-week window to work on OROP plan

Government has one-week window to work on OROP plan
OROP Military Veterans
OROP Military Veterans
NEW DELHI: With Bihar elections due to be announced in around a week, the military veterans and the government have a narrow window to reach a deal on one rank, one pension. A package on its rollout may be tough to announce once the code of conduct comes into effect for the crucial contest.

Although there are indications of negotiators from both sides narrowing down their differences, they are yet to reach common ground on the issue of the annual revision of increments being demanded by ex-servicemen, which the government has dubbed as impractical. Instead, the government’s negotiators have proposed a reset every five years, something that is not acceptable to the veterans.

While the model code of conduct will kick in the moment elections are announced, an additional complication in the form of the recommendations of the seventh pay commission will come up. The pay panel is expected to submit its report next month but has not been tasked with OROP just yet. The government has proposed that the issue be looked at by the committee, but the ex-servicemen have not agreed to it.
The United Front of Ex-Servicemen has been protesting at Jantar Mantar for the past several weeks and finance minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday said the gap had narrowed down significantly and reiterated that the government was committed to OROP.

But a few metres away from where the United Front of Ex-Servicemen have stationed themselves, a new tent has been erected by a group of personnel below officer rank (PBOR), who are distancing themselves from the United Front.

The Voice of Ex-Servicemen, which claims to be representing the ranks, launched a parallel agitation on August 23 and has submitted a memorandum to the government, which is yet to call it for consultation. It is seeking a restoration of the pre-1973 dispensation and has demanded 75% of the last pay as pension for PBOR. Further, it alleges that family pension for widows of jawans is meagre and so is the military service pay to compensate for difficulties during field posting.

“We were with the United Front but its demand will largely benefit officers who have ignored us and got a better deal for themselves,” said coordinator Bir Bahadur Singh.

Source: mlife.mtsindia.in

Full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners with less than 33 years but more than 20 years service: Supreme Court dismisses UOI Review Petition

Supreme Court Dismisses (both on grounds of delay and on merit) the Review Petition of UOI for Full Pension (in stead of Pro Rata Pension) to Pre 2006 Pensioners with less than 33 years but more than 20 years service. Copies of SC orders dated 28-8-2015 & 26-8-2015 in R.P.(C) NO. 2565/2015 IN SLP(C) NO. 6567/2015 UOI vs M. O. INASU - attached

R.P.(C) NO. 2565/2015
SLP(C) NO. 6567/2015
Upon perusing the paper book, it has come to our notice that there is a delay of 136 days in filing this review petition and we do not find any justifiable reasons to condone the delay.

Even on merits, we have perused the Review Petition and the connected papers with meticulous care, we do not find any justifiable reason to entertain this review petition.

The review petition is, accordingly, dismissed on the ground of delay as well as on merits.
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by
Narendra Prasad
Date: 2015.08.28
14:54:57 IST
Reason: .................................J.
Source: Bharat Pensioner Samaj

BPMS Circular on Postponement of Strike of 02.09.2015

BPMS Circular on Postponement of Strike of 02.09.2015

No. BPMS / 12 / CIR / 2015
Dated: 29.08.2015
The Office Bearers, CEC Members,
President / Secretary of the unions
Affiliated to BPMS

Subject: Postponement of proposed Strike on 02.09.2015

Dear Brothers & Sisters
Sadar Namaskar,

Your attention is invited to this federation’s Circular No BPMS / 11/ CIR / 2015, dated 17.07.2015 whereby all the unions have been directed to take strike ballot and serve the strike notice to the head of establishments to go on strike on 02.09.2015 on the call of Central Trade Unions along with Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh.

Now, it is worth to mention here that an Inter Ministerial Committee meeting held on 26th & 27th August, 2015 under the Chairmanship of Shri Arun Jaitley, Hon’ble Finance Minister and assured for justifys of workers, welfare of labour, concepts of tripartism in the matter of labour relations and appealed to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 02.09.2015.

Since the Government has come forward with positive assurances on the basic demands and assured to continue dialogue, it has been decided to defer/postpone the proposed strike on 02.09.2015 for next date to be decided in future.

Therefore, you are requested to apprise to your Head of Establishment regarding postponement of the proposed strike of 02.09.2015. Kindly see the format in this regard.
With regards,
Brotherly Yours
General Secretary
Copy to:
1. General Secretary, B.M.S. New Delhi, 2426, Ram Naresh Bhawan, Tilak Gali, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi – 110055
2. Secretary General, GENC, Kanpur – For your kind information please

Click to read in Hindi
Source: BPMS

MACP Scheme for Graduates Clerks selected through LDCE/GDCE - clarification by Railway Board on NFIR reference

MACP Scheme for Graduates Clerks selected through LDCE/GDCE - clarification by Railway Board on NFIR reference:-
(Railway Board)
No PC-V/ 2011/M/4/NFIR
New Delhi, dated 25.08.2015
The GeneralSeretary
3, ChelmsfordRoad,
New Delhi-l10055
Sub: Regulation of MACPS in respect of serving Graduates Clerks selected through LDCE/GDCE.

The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR's letter No. IV/MACPS/09/Part.9, dated 07.07.2015 and to state that with the issue of Board's cadre restructuring instructions dt. 18.06.1981, the provisions for filling up of vacancies in Sr.Clerks grade stands amended and as per the extant provisions 20% posts are to be filled by direct recruitment, 13 1/3% through LDCE from amongst in service graduate clerks in lower grade and 66 2/3% by way of promotion on seniority basis evidently, in terms of existing provisions 13 1/3% quota is not direct recruitment quota but promotional quota to be filled through LDCE from amongst in service graduate clerks in lower grade and para 174(4) of IREM Vol.I 1989 Edition indicated that position. Thus the appointment against 13 1/3% quota from amongst Serving Graduate Clerks has to be treated as promotion in terms of point No. (ii) of Boards letter dt. 12.09.2012 (RBE No. 100/2012) for the purpose of MACP Scheme.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Countrywide General Strike on 2nd Sep, 2015 Stands: Confederation News

Countrywide General Strike on 2nd Sep, 2015 Stands: Confederation News
28th August 2015
After two rounds of discussion between the Group of Ministers and the central trade unions on the 12-point charter of demands of the trade unions held on 26th and 27th August 2015, the GoM headed by Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley sent an appeal through the press release dated 27-08-2015 (Press Information Bureau) after 10 pm urging upon the trade unions to reconsider the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015 claiming that the Govt has given concrete assurance to consider most of the demands  of the trade unions and that the trade unions agreed to consider the Govt’s proposals. Similar appeal was also made in the meeting of 27th August.  Both the claims of the Govt are totally incorrect.
To put the facts straight, the joint platform of central trade unions have been pursuing with successive governments at the centre with their basic demands since 2009 and observed three rounds of countrywide general strike since 2010, the last being for two days in February 2013. In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUOs and the Group of Minister, nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues, that too not in the right direction.
The Govt’s press release mentioned, inter alia, certain issues in support of their unfounded claim.
  1. The Govt stated about “appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable” for all. But despite concrete pointers made by the trade unions that such formula should be what has already been unanimously  recommended by the 44th Indian Labour Conference in 2012 and again reiterated by 46th Indian Labour Conference in July 2015 in which the Govt of India is also a party,  the Ministers did not give any concrete commitment on the same. In fact said formulae recommended by 44th ILC in 2012 and reiterated by 46th ILC in July 2015, makes minimum wage around Rs 20000/- at 2014 price level and the Trade Unions demanded only Rs 15,000/. The Ministers’ vague formulation does not ensure even half of that. Is such a position worth consideration?
  2. On contract workers, the Govt assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. What is there to assure except spreading deliberate confusion?  Existing laws of the land lawfully ensures payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The Govt’s statement regarding “sector specific minimum wages for the contract workers” also does not make any sense. The trade unions demanded “same wages and other benefits as regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid to contract workers.” The 43rd Indian Labour Conference held in 2011 recommended the same and 46th ILC unanimously reiterated the same in 2015, in which, again, the present Govt is a party. How could they deny the unanimous recommendation of the highest tripartite forum in the country like Indian Labour Conference?
  3. The steps taken by the Govt on Labour Law amendments, are meticulously designed to throw out more than 70% of the workers on industries and other establishments from the purview and coverage of almost all basic labour laws and also to eliminate almost all components/provisions of rights and protections of the workers. This was supplemented by more aggressive steps already taken by a good number of state governments to already amend the labour laws in the similar lines. On this issue, the Govt stated only that they will hold tripartite consultation before taking such steps.  The trade unions demanded scrapping of such proposals by the central govt and also not to give assents (through President) to the unilateral amendments made by the state governments. Even in all the tripartite consultations held on some of the proposals of the Govt, the trade unions’ unanimous suggestions has been ignored by the Govt in favour of loud supportive applauds of the employers. Once these retrograde changes in labour laws totally dismantling the rights and protection measures for the workers and also throwing more that 70% of the workers out of the purview of labour laws are enacted, thereby rendering the almost entire working people a right-less entity in their workplace, what would ensure even payment of minimum wage and other social security benefits for them, even if those provisions are improved ?  Can any trade union, worth its name accept such a machination designed to impose conditions of virtual slavery on the working people ?
  4. Despite repeated insistence by all the trade unions, the Govt refused to concede to the demand for recognizing  the Scheme workers, viz., Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, ASHA, Para-teachers and others as “worker” with attendant rights of statutory minimum wages and other benefits in gross violation of the unanimous recommendation of the 45th Indian Labour Conference in 2013, reiterated again by the 46th ILC  in 2015. These workers and all the schemes have been put to further crisis threatening their existance owing to drastic cut in budgetary allocations for those schemes. In such a situation, does the assurance of the Govt to “extend social security measures” and “working out ways” for the same carry any meaning?
  5. On bonus issue, the Govt has assured to revise the eligibility and calculation ceiling to Rs 21000/- and Rs 7000/- respectively from existing Rs 10000/- and Rs 3500/-. Trade Unions’ demand has been that since there is no ceiling on profit, all ceilings in the Payment of Bonus Act should be removed altogether. Trade unions also demanded substantial upward revision of the formula for gratuity calculation and remove the ceiling on gratuity payment. The Govt has negated the demands.
  6. On price rise situation, claim of the Govt that it has gone down does not match with ground reality in respect of commodities for daily necessities of the common people. The demands of the trade unions for putting a ban on speculation/forward trading in essential commodities and services along with universalisation of public distribution system throughout the country have been totally ignored.
  7. Trade Unions demanded stoppage of disinvestment in public sector undertakings playing crucial and supportive role in advancement of the national economy. Govt totally ignored the same, rather has been going on aggressively in disinvestment route  in all the major PSUs much to the detriment of the interest of the country’s economy.  On the demands for stoppage of further FDI in defence, railways and financial sector, the stance of the Govt is continuing to be a total denial. Rather, the Govt has been aggressively pursuing deregulation and privatization in strategic sectors like electricity, Port & Docks, Airports etc in a big way.

There are other issues as well, statement of Govt continued to be totally vague and their claim is unfounded. How can anybody, rather any trade union worth its name can consider above stands taken by the Govt on vital demands of the workers as a positive development and move out from the programme of united strike action ?
Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for reconsidering the decisions of the Central Trade Unions for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015. Rather, the situation demands that there should be no vascillation in carrying forward the call for general strike on 2nd September 2015 throughout the country in all sectors of the economy with firm determination.
The Central Trade Unions appeal to all working people irrespective of affiliations to make the call for countrywide general strike against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of Govt a massive success.
                                                                                                                        Tapan Sen
General Secretary CITU
Source: Confederation

OROP: Veterans boycott '65 war celebrations

OROP: Veterans boycott '65 war celebrations

NEW DELHI: Upset military veterans on Friday boycotted the launch of the golden jubilee celebrations of the 1965 war, even as their negotiations with the government on implementation of one rank, one pension (OROP) remained deadlocked despite further meetings.

The almost month-long celebrations of the 1965 war began with President Pranab Mukherjee paying tributes at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate, on a day when Indian soldiers had captured the strategic Hajipir Pass from Pakistan 50 years ago.

READ ALSO: PMO directly involved in addressing OROP, defence minister Manohar Parrikar says

PM Narendra Modi also paid tributes to the soldiers who fought the 1965 war. "As we mark the 50th anniversary of the 1965 war, I bow to all brave soldiers who fought for our motherland in the war," the PM tweeted.

But not even two km away from the Union government's seat on Raisina Hill, the veterans at their Jantar Mantar protest site were clearly unhappy with the continuing delay in implementation of the much-promised OROP.

They commemorated the 1965 war's golden jubilee event in their own quiet way, with participation from some who had participated in the conflict like Brigadier (retd) D P Nayar, a Hajipir operation veteran, and Wing Commander (retd) Vinod Nebb, who was awarded the Vir Chakra for bringing down a Pakistani Sabre fighter.

The veterans did meet home minister Rajnath Singh later in the day. But much like the series of such meetings with defence minister Manohar Parrikar, PM's principal secretary Nripendra Misra and Army chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag, the impasse persisted.

The main bone of contention has become the veterans' demand for "pension equalization" at least once every two years, while the government is ready only for "adjustment" at five-year intervals. Another sticking point is the date of OROP implementation, with the veterans remaining steadfast about it being effective from April 2014, as they were promised earlier. From an earlier position of April 2015, the government has now come down to September 2014.

READ ALSO: Demand for rolling pension change plan holds up OROP

Parrikar, on his part, said the government was working "to fill in the small gaps" and the ex-servicemen should have some patience since the PMO was "directly involved" in resolving the OROP issue.

But this did not go down well with the veterans, who sought an immediate appointment with the PM. "We are rather disheartened. The government is saying it (pension equalization) will be done after five years, which is totally incorrect because it will defeat the very definition of OROP," said Major-General (retd) Satbir Singh, chairman of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement.

"We are not asking for more than what was sanctioned. What they are offering us is not acceptable to us. I think the bureaucracy is not in favour of giving us OROP. The intention is first to dilute it and then deny it," he added.

Holding that they had had "full faith" in Modi, the veterans said the PM should meet them to understand the correct position. "All the wrong information fed by the babus would be thrown away and what is right will be accepted and he will give us OROP in totality," said Maj-Gen Singh.

READ ALSO: OROP talks remain deadlocked as veterans reject govt proposal

Grant of full OROP will mean an additional annual cost of at least Rs 8,300 crore as pension for the over 25 lakh veterans in the country. Taking it into account from April last year, it now adds up to at least Rs 16,600 crore, ahead of the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission from 2016 onwards, as reported by TOI earlier.

Times View

The armed forces personnel are among the most patriotic lot in the country. And as people who have the country's interest upper most on their mind, they must realise that their one-rank-one-pension (OROP) demand is simply not feasible for any government to meet without seriously messing up its finances not just for the present but for all time to come. If the government accepts the demand that the pensions of all ex-servicemen will increase each time anybody of the same rank retires, the sheer scale of the pay-out will run into tens of thousands of crores a year at present and keep escalating with each passing day. That is clearly not a sustainable proposition. Those demanding such an arrangement are being irresponsible. Both the UPA and NDA must also bear the blame for having played competitive populism in promising they would accept the demand. But ultimately this is not just about ex-servicemen, governments or parties. It is the taxpayer whose money will be recklessly splurged if the demand is accepted, and the country's future will be harmed. We are sure that that is the last thing our brave and patriotic soldiers want.

Source: http://mlife.mtsindia.in/

Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers: Railway Board Order

Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers: Railway Board Order

No. F(E)I/2009/AL-28/21
New Delhi, Dated 25 08.2015
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/Production Units,
(As per Mailing List)
Sub: Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers.
It has been decided by the Board, after discussions with both the Federations, to modify the provisions regarding admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers contained-in para 2 of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2006/AL-28/15 dt. 12.03.2008. Accordingly, para 2 of the said letter, is partially modified to read as under:
    “2. As per the provisions contained in Supplementary Rule 186 and Government of India’s order (l) there under, read with Note 8 under Rule 26 of Staff Car Rules, Staff Car Drivers who perform a ‘local journey’ or journey on touring on the official vehicle in his charge, may draw travelling allowance under the ordinary rules as admissible to other Railway employees even if the journeys does not involve the absence of at least one night from his Headquarters. When they perform local journeys for distance exceeding 8 Kms. beyond prescribed hours of duty and such journeys involve absence of a night from head quarters, they are entitled to draw D.A. under ordinary rules admissible to other employees, for the period beyond duty hours, in addition to OTA. In case the journey does not/involve their absence of one night from their headquarters, they are entitled to draw D.A. for the period beyond duty hours subject to the condition that DA shall be payable for the period with reference to which D.A. has been drawn. In such cases, they have the option to draw either OTA or DA on any day on which such journeys have been undertaken.”
2. This would be applicable to all Drivers irrespective of the type of vehicle they drive.

3. These orders will take effect from the date of issue. Past cases, will, however, continue to be dealt with under provisions of letter No. F(E)l/2006/AL-28/15 dt. 12.03.08.

4. Hindi version is enclosed.

5 . Receipt of the letter may be acknowledged.
(Somali Chaturvedi)
Dy. Director Finance (Estt)
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR

Friday, 28 August 2015

Travel by Premium Trains on LTC, Official Duty, Tour, Training, Transfer – Clarification orders issued by PCAFYS

Travel by Premium Trains on LTC, Official Duty, Tour, Training, Transfer – Clarification orders issued by PCAFYS

10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001.
Date: 24/08/2015
1. The Secretary, OFB, 10-A, S.K. Bose Rd., Kol – 700 001
2. All Sr. General Managers I All General Managers, Ordnance I Equipment Factories
3. All Group Controllers & Br. SAO/AOs.

Sub: Travel by Premium Trains on LTC/Official Duty/Tour/Training/Transfer etc. – Clarification reg.

Attention is invited to DoPT O.M. No. 31011/2/2015 Estt.(A-IV) dated 2th January 2015 and Deptt. of Expenditure, Min of Finance, O.M. No. 19046/2/2008-E.IV dated 22/04/2015, it is clarified that travel by Premium Trains by Central Government servants on LTC/Official Duty/Tour/Training/Transfer etc. is not allowed and therefore, the fare charged for Premium Trains by the Indian Railways for the journey performed by Premium Trains shall not be reimbursable. In cases where journey on Official Duty/Tour /Training/Transfer etc. has already been performed by Premium Trains, the amount reimbursed shall be restricted to the admissible normal fare for the entitled class of train travel or the actual fare paid, whichever is less.

It is, therefore, once again impressed upon all concerned not to travel by premium trains on LTC/Official duty / Tour / Training/ Transfer etc. and Controlling / Countersigning Officers are requested to regulate the said claims in terms of the Govt. of India letters cited above.

Dy. Cont. of Accounts (Fys.)

Authority: www.pcafys.gov.in

Indian Railways begins On-Line Recruitment Examination

Indian Railways begins On-Line Recruitment Examination

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways

28-August, 2015

Taking a new leap forward, Railway Recruitment Board are organizing Pan-India On-line (Computer Based) recruitment examination, for the first time, for 3273 vacancies of Senior Section Engineers and Junior Engineers from 26th August to 4th September, 2015. Applications for this examination were also called Online. Around 18 lakh candidates have applied for this mega On-line (Computer Based) examination. Sharp increase in vacancy to candidate ratio indicates wide popularity and acceptance of On-line mode.

This new format is expected to enhance objectivity, transparency and credibility of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) exams significantly. This examination is being conducted in 242 cities all over India including far off locations in North East and J&K.

The on-line system is very user friendly and fool-proof, taking care of all the checks and balances. The system allows the candidate to navigate from one question to another with utmost ease and can also be read/attempted in the respective regional languages. 

Fixed Medical Allowance to Pre April, 2003 retired Ex-Servicemen: PCDA Circular No. 544

Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Armed Forces Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in such cases where date of retirement is prior to 01.04.2003

Circular No. 544
Dated: 04.06.2015
Subject: Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Armed Forces Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in such cases where date of retirement is prior to 01.04.2003 and who had opted not to avail medical facilities at OPD of Armed Forces Hospitals/ MI Rooms and are not member of ECHS.

Reference: This Office Circular NO.451 dated 21.02.2011 and Circular NO. 208 dated 27.07.1998.
A copy of GOI, MOD letter NO. 1(10)/2009-D(Pen/ Policy) dated 5th May 2015 is forwarded herewith for immediate implementation. The same has also been uploaded on this Office website
www.pcdapension.nic.in and may please be downloaded at your end without waiting for the hard copy Of the order and action may be taken accordingly.

2. The fixed medical allowance has been enhanced from Rs. 300/- PM to Rs. 500/- PM with effect from 19.11.2014. Ex Servicemen who retired after 01.04.2003 have to become member of ECHS compulsorily and are not eligible to draw Fixed Medical Allowance. However, all Pre 01.04.2003 retirees have the Option of either joining the Scheme or draw Fixed Medical Allowance as per the extant rates.

3. The other conditions for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance as mentioned in this Office Circular No. 208 quoted under reference shall continue to be in force. PDAS are requested to please review the cases and revise the Fixed Medical Allowance in the affected cases accordingly.
(G K Baranwal)
Dy. Controller (Pensions)
No. Gt/Tech/0164/III,
Dated: 04.06.2015
Source: http://pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-181.pdf

Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors

Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.5/16/2009.CS-II(C), dated 26/27.8.2015

Subject: Clarification regarding stepping up of pay of senior PAs of CSSS w.r.t. their juniors.

The undersigned is directed to say that several references have been received in this Department from Ministries/Departments seeking advice as to whether the pay of the senior PAs can be stepped up at par with that of their junior Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA of Department Commerce (Supply Division) (now in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting). It has also come to the notice of this Department that many Ministries/Departments have already granted stepping up of pay to their PAs at par with the pay of Shri Jai Bhagwan.

2. The issue of fixation of pay of Shri Jai ghagwan, PA has been examined in this Department. As per DoP&T’s O.M.No.35034/1/97-Estt.(D) dated 04th October, 2012, stepping up of pay is allowed to those officials who got their ACPS benefit prior no 1.1.2006 but are drawing less pay than their juniors, who got it after 1.1.2006 subject to certain conditions. Therefore, in all similar cases, the stepping up of pay of a particular senior who got the ACPS benefit before 1.1.2006 could only be allowed with direct reference to a particular junior who got it after 1.1.2006 and got his pay fixed in terrns of para 2(c) of Department of Expenditilre’s U.O. note No.10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009. Any stepping up of pay is not allowable in a chain-like manner. Shri. Jai Bhagwall got ACP on 01.07.2005 and as such, para 2(c) of Department of Expenditure’s U.O. note No.10/1/2009-IC dated 14.12.2009 would apparently not apply in his case. As such, the pay fixation order No.G-12014/1/2008-Admn dated 09.02.2011 of Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA issued by the Department of Commerce (Supply Division) is not in order.

3. Ministry of I&B were requested to explore the possibility of allowing stepping up of pay to Shri Jai Bhagwan, in case his case is covered under the O.M. dated 04.10.2012. Accordingly, DAVP, Mintstry of I&B, re-examined his case and re-fixed his pay w.e.f. 01.07.2006 by granting stepping up of pay with reference to his junior namely Smt. Promila Bandooni. A copy of DAVP, M/o I&B’s Office Order No.A.20012/07/2012-Admn.l dated regarding re-fixation of pay of Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA of CSSS enclosed herewith.

4. In view of the above, all Ministries/Departments are advised to take further necessary action to accordingly review the stepping up of pay already granted to their PAs in comparison to Shri Jai Bhagwan, PA, CSSS and necessary recoveries of excess amount, if any, be effected. in this regard, from the concerned officials.

Authority : www.persmin.gov.in

Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners – Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006 : CPAO Order dated 25.08.2015

Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners – Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006 : CPAO Order dated 25.08.2015
NEW DELHI-110056
PHONES :26174598.26174456.26174438
CPA0/Tech/Pre-2005 Revision/2015-16/11
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners.
Attention is invited to DP&PW OM No.38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated-30.07.2015 on the above subject (copy enclosed) in which it has been decided to grant the benefit of revision of pension of those pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2006 who are entitled to get the benefit of revised pension w.e.f. 24.09.2012 as per DP&PW O.M. ofeven No. Dated-28.01.2013.
As per record available with CPAO, 71,515 pensioners/family pensioners are entitled to get the benefit of revised pension from 01.01.2006. These cases have been categorized as follows:-
i) 15, 466 cases which have not been revised so far to be revised by ministries / Departments after checking their records. 
ii) 26,893 cases have been revised after due process by Head of Office -> PAD-> CPAO and CPAO has full required data of these cases for which a consolidated amendment authority in batches is being separately sent from CPAO to CPPCs for effecting pension revision w.e.f. 01.01.2006 and FAQs will be informed accordingly. 
iii) 29,156 cases which have already been revised w.e.f. 24.09.2012 but HOO/PAO’s checking of information is required for sending revision special seal authority (SSA) to CPAO after following usual process
i.e. Head of Office -> PAO->CPAO.
All Heads of the Departments/ Heads of the Offices and Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs/Administrator of UTs are requested to finalize the cases mentioned at category No. (i) & (iii) above at the earliest and send the revised Special Authorities through PAOs to CPAO for arranging the payment of arrears. They may also check their records for any additional cases requiring revision. The Ministry-wise/Department-wise details of outstanding cases as (i) & (iii) above have been made available on CPAO’s website which can be downloaded by using PAO login.
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts
Source: CPAO

Cabinet Agrees to Give 4 Months Extension to 7th Pay Commission

Cabinet Agrees to Give 4 Months Extension to 7th Pay Commission

“The cabinet has consented to give four more months for the 7th Pay Commission to submit its report.”

Following the request from the 7th Central Pay Commission, the cabinet has given an additional four months’ grace time, according to a government release.

The 7th Pay Commission was constituted on 28.02.2014 by the centre. The 18 months’ time given to the Commission ends today. The Commission has stated that there is excess of pending workload to prepare final report and that they want to intensive consultation with stakeholders. Hence, the cabinet gave a nod to extend the time until December for the Commission to carry out its work.

As a result of this new development, the Commission will submit its report in January 2016.
Rumours and unconfirmed news about this began to circulate since Monday. The meeting of the defence minister and the finance minister with the prime minister held in the week begining onwards. And the Pay Commission’s chairman’s interaction with the prime minister – all these activities led to a lot of speculations.

There were talks that the Prime Minister’s Office was getting ready to make some important announcements regarding the One Rank One Pension scheme.

Until last month, employees were confident that the 7th Pay Commission will submit its report on time. This belief was further strengthened by a series of incidents that took place. Employees are extremely disappointed to hear this announcement.

And, Central Government employees are now wondering what the real reason could be for the sudden delay..!

Source: www.cgstaffnews.in

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Strike under reconsideration – Govt assured on Bonus, Minimum wage and Labour law issues

Proposed Strike on 2nd September under reconsideration – Govt assured on Bonus, Minimum wage and Labour law issues

Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands Appeals to Reconsider Proposed Call for Strike in View of Discussions

The Second meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) continued discussion on 12 Demands Charter of Trade Unions for the second day here today in continuation of discussions held yesterday. The Committee comprises Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, MoS(IC) Labour and Employment, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MOS(IC) Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Jitendra Singh, MoS DOPT, and Shri Piyush Goel, MoS (IC),Power. During the discussions Trade Unions expressed concern and asked for clarifications on their demands. Addressing their concerns and expectations, the Finance Minister explained policies on which the Government is working and assured that the Government is committed to welfare of labour. Underlining the importance of role of Trade Unions, Shri Jaitely assured the Central Trade Unions that all labour laws reforms will be done with due discussions and tripartite consultations.

In view of the discussions held in conducive and cordial atmosphere, the IMC appealed to Trade Unions to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 2nd September, 2015.The Trade Unions have agreed to consider the appeal.

In view of the suggestions given by Central Trade Unions in the meetings held on 19th July, 26th August and 27th August, 2015, the Government assured the following :
1. Appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.

2. For the purposes of bonus the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. Earlier in 2006-07 the calculation ceiling was decided at Rs.3500/- and eligibility limit was wage of Rs.10,000/- per month which is proposed to be revised to Rs.7,000 and Rs.21,000 respectively.

3. The Government is expanding the coverage of social security and working out ways to include construction workers, Aanganwari workers ,ASHA workers and Mid Day Meal workers..

4. Regarding contract workers the Government assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. Moreover, the Government is working out ways so that workers of industries will get sector specific minimum wages.

5. Government has already enhanced minimum pension for EPFO members and every pensioner gets minimum pension of Rs.1000/- per month perpetually.

6. Labour laws reforms will be based on tripartite consultations as already stated by the Prime Minister. The States are also being advised to follow the tripartite process.

7. For strict adherence to labour law enforcement, advisory has been issued to the State/UT Governments and strict monitoring has been initiated by Central Government.

8. For employment generation Mudra Yojana, Make in India, Skill India and National Career Service Portal initiatives have been taken.

9. Abolition of interviews for all primary jobs which do not require any special knowledge/expertise, is being done for transparency and expediting the process of recruitment.

10. Inflation is lowest in the last many years excepting two items onion and pulses. Government is taking necessary steps to contain the higher prices of these two commodities also.
It was further clarified that there is no ban on filling up of vacancies in Government jobs and all concerned Departments are taking necessary action to fill-up these vacancies. It was further assured that the Government is committed to job security, wages security and social security to the workers. The issue of equal wages for equal work for contract workers is an issue requiring wider consultations and a committee will be constituted, if required.

Source: PIB News

Women Employee needs Eight month maternity leave to be thought through

Women Employee needs Eight month maternity leave to be thought through

New Delhi: Women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi’s proposal to extend three-month maternity leave to eight months needs to be thought through.

Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi

There is no doubt that newborns need their mothers, but extending maternity leave for eight months is not the right solution.

No company or government can afford an employee to be away for eight months, and if they are made to do so, they may not be eager to hire or promote women.

Encouraging mothers with young children to remain in the workforce is a challenge no company or government has worked out yet.

Last year, Facebook and Apple came under criticism when they offered cash incentives to their female employees to freeze and store their eggs. This, the companies claimed, was done so that women could focus on their careers.

But this idea has not caught on yet, and with many people doubtful about tampering with the ‘natural order’ it is not likely to do so anytime soon.

So what is the solution? There is no ideal one, but what is clear is the government must give companies some leeway.

Training a new person, employing them for eight months and getting rid of them when the woman returns to work is unfair to the employee, the company and to the woman herself.

Why? Because one cannot assume in today’s fast moving world, that her role would have remained the same as it was eight months ago. New skills may be required.

Therefore it is better to ask pregnant women upfront if they would like to return to work post-pregnancy. If they do, they must devote a certain number of hours to work.

The government must support this by helping to set up creches, and allowing women to work part time from home. This is better than having a woman return to work after eight months.

Via: tkbsen

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Four Month Extension of Term of 7th Central Pay Commission

Four Month Extension of Term of 7th Central Pay Commission

Extension of the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today gave its approval for the extension of the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission by four months up to 31.12.2015.

The 7th Central Pay Commission was constituted by the Central Government on 28.2.2014. 
According to the Resolution dated 28.2.2014, by which the Commission was constituted, it is to make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution that is by 27th August, 2015.

In view of its volume of work and intensive stake-holders’ consultations, the 7th Central Pay Commission had made a request to the Government for a four month extension up to 31.12.2015

Source: centralgovernmentnews.com

Banks confirm participation in September 2 general strike nationwide

Banks confirm participation in September 2 general strike nationwide

Bank employees and officers associations have confirmed their participation in the nationwide general strike to be held on September 2.

In a press release, CH Venkatachalam, the General Secretary of All India Bank Employees Association, said,

“The Centre is following anti-worker and anti-welfare policies. Serious damage is being particularly caused to workers’ rights. The Centre is trying to appease the capitalists and industrialists at the cost of the workers and the rest of the society.

“Reforms are being brought to the labour laws in favour of the management. The rights of the workers and labour unions are being taken away. Excessive overseas investments are being allowed into the railways, defence, and finance sectors. New jobs are not being created as much as they should be. The Centre is also not taking any steps to regulate the prices of essential commodities.

“The central workers union has called for a nationwide strike on September 2 to condemn this attitude of the Centre. Bank officers and employees’ unions will participate in this strike.”









Seeking Merger of DA and Oppose reduce the Retirement age – DPCC

Seeking Merger of DA and Oppose reduce the Retirement age – DPCC

Maken to sit on dharna

Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Ajay Maken along with a large number of party workers will sit on a daylong dharna tomorrow at Jantar Mantar seeking merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) with basic pay and also to oppose the move by the BJP-led Central Government to lower the retirement age of government employees.

DPCC chief spokesperson Sharmistha Mukherjee said party workers, government employees, teachers, pensioners and others will join Maken in the dharna to press their demand for merger of DA with basic pay and also to oppose the move to lower the retirement age of government employees.

Addressing a press conference, Mukherjee said the Congress would be seeking the merger of 100 per cent DA with basic pay, which is 113 per cent as on January 1, 2015. The Congress-led UPA II government was to take a decision on merger of DA with basic pay, but due to the announcement of the general elections, it had to be deferred.

Read more at The Tribune

Draf Regulations for Retirement Advisers – PFRDA

Draf Regulations for Retirement Advisers – PFRDA


Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority is in the process of drafting regulations for Retirement Advisers. Towards this end, the Authority has prepared a Concept Note which is being placed on the website of PFRDA for Stakeholders and public comments.

Concept Note on Introduction of Retirement Adviser
The detailed note under various subject healines are…

1. Background
2. Retirement Planning
3. Retirement Adviser
4. Scope of Work of Retirement Adviser
5. Eligibility for Retirement Adviser
6. Application for Registration
7. Registration Fee
8. Exemption from registration and Certification
9. Period and Validity of Registration
10. Renewal of Registration
11. Suspension and Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
12. General Responsibilities and Obligations
13. Maintenance of records
14. Segregation of execution services
15. Appointment of Compliance Officer
16. Fees to be charged by the Retirement Adviser
17. Grievance Redressal
18. Penal provisions

For more details click here…
Authority: www.pfrda.org.in

Submission of declaration Of assets and liabilities by CSS officers for each year- regarding

Submission of declaration Of assets and liabilities by CSS officers for each year- regarding

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.21/2/2014-CS.I(PR/CMS), dated 25.08.2015

Subject: The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- Submission of declaration Of assets and liabilities by CSS officers for each year- regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 9.4.2015, 23.04.2015 and 16.7.2015 regarding declaration of assets and liabilities by CSS officers under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 and to state that vide Notification dated 27.04,2015 the last date for filing of returns by public servants as on 1.8.2014 and as on 31.3.2015 been extended to 15th October, 2015.

2. All CSS officers are requested to file the returns as on 1.8.2014 and for the year 2015 (as on 31.3.2015) online at cscms.nic.in at the earliest without waiting for the last date to approach to avoid rush and slowing down of the system at the last moment. All officers of US and above levels of CSS should also take a print out of the return filed online and submit to this Department duly signed.

3. Ministries/Departments are requested that the contents of this O.M, may be widely circulated among all CSS officers working under their control. They should also monitor and ensure that the returns are submitted by all officers within the stipulated period without fail through Web Based Cadre Management System.
Under Secretary to the overnrnent of India
Authority: www.persmin.gov.in

Children of Government servants should study only in Government schools – Allahabad High Court

Children of Government servants should study only in Government schools – Allahabad High Court

The Allahabad High Court has issued strict orders that the children of government employees should study only at government schools.

A Public Interest Litigation was filed at the Allahabad High Court stating that in Uttar Pradesh, led by its Samajwadi party Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, the government-run schools do not have sufficient teachers. The officials were not taking any steps to improve the standard of education in these schools and infrastructure was poor.

After hearing the arguments, Justice Sudhir Agarwal issued an order, excerpts of which are provided below:
All the government employees shall enroll their children only at government-run schools. The rule is applicable also to the representatives of the people, and the employees of the justice department. The state government can impose penalties to stop them from admitting their children to private schools.

The employees can be made to pay as penalty the sum that they had paid as fees to the private schools. The revenue thus generated can be added to the state exchequer. The Chief Secretary of the state was given six months to submit a report on this reform.

Source: http://www.cgstaffportal.in/

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

One Rank One Pension announcement likely on Friday (28.8.2015)

One Rank One Pension announcement likely on Friday (28.8.2015)

“There is speculation that an OROP announcement could come as early as Friday, August 28, the 50th anniversary of the 1965 war with Pakistan”.

OROP – Fasting protesters admitted to the hospital

Retired servicemen from the armed forces are on a fast-until-death protest at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar, demanding the implementation of One Rank One Pension scheme.

One of the protesters is Retired Colonel Pushpender Singh, who has been fasting for eight days. His health condition worsened and he was examined by a doctor who said that he had to be rushed immediately to the hospital. The former Colonel was taken to the military hospital.

He was replaced by Saheb Singh at the protest. Major Singh and Ashok Chauhan are the other protestors who are fasting until death for the implementation of One Rank One Pension.

Prior to being rushed to the hospital, Pushpender Singh said, “I don’t want to go to the hospital, but I’m forced to because the doctors are worried that it might affect the functioning of my brain. I shall resume my fast after my discharge from the hospital.”

Grant of higher Grade Pay to Fire Engine Drivers

Grant of higher Grade Pay to Fire Engine Drivers

REF: BPMS / DGOS / WZ 75(1/4/L)
Dated: 25.08.2015
The Director OS (Pers),
Master General of Ordnance Branch,
IHQ of MOD (Army),
‘B’ Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110011
Subject: Grant of higher Grade Pay to Fire Engine Drivers.
Respected Sir,

With due regards, your attention is invited to the structure of Fire Fighting Cadre in AOC which is notified as SRO 93 of 2006 and the hierarchy of this cadre is mentioned below:-
Subsequently, vide ID No. 2(1)/2009-D(Civ-I), dated 26.07.2010, MOD issued instructions for grant of upgraded pay scales to the Fire Fighting Staff as per 6th CPC recommendations which is mentioned below:-
Para 3 of the above MOD ID states that as for the four grade promotional scheme applicable to the civilian drivers as extended to the Fire Engine Drivers, they may continue where they exist at present and in remaining establishments, the posts of Fire Engine Drivers shall be merged with the Fire Fighting Cadre.
This upgradation and merger have disturbed the horizontal parity between Fire Fighting Cadre and Fire Engine Drivers as under:-
 To remove this disparity some of the incumbents (FEDs) filed O.A. (No.060/00443/2015) in Central Administrative Tribunal – Chandigarh. On 25.05.2015 the CAT Chandigarh disposed off the O.A. with direction to respondents to take a view on the pending representations of the applicants by passing reasoned and speaking order in accordance with Law and Rules within a period of 03 months.
In such circumstances, you are requested to consider the above in correct perspective and issue necessary instructions so that the horizontal disparity between Fire Fighting Cadre and Fire Engine Drivers may be removed without further delay.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM-II Level Council (MOD)
Source: BPMS

Railway Bord: Commencement of Pension in favour of retired Railway employees

Commencement of Pension in favour of retired Railway employees: Railway Bord

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board

No. 2015/AC-II/21/10
New Delhi Dated:17.08.2015
General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-110055

Dear Sir,
Sub:- Commencement of Pension in favour of retired Railway employees.

Ref:- Your letter no. II/35/Pt.11 dated 29.7.2015.

The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter ibid and state that Board has taken various steps to streamline the pension payment system to ensure that payment of pension is commenced from the month following the month of retirement and the grievances, if any, are redressed promptly, as indicated below:

i. Single Window System has been implemented with banks to do away with delays in commencement of pension payments inherent in the earlier system. In brief, the scheme envisages that Railways will hand over the PPOs issued during a month to the nominated nodal branch of the respective banks (located at the HQ of PPO issuing Railways) by 5th of the following month. The nodal branch is responsible to forward it to their concerned Centralised Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) by 1oth of the following month so that the CPPC can commence pension w.e.f. last day of the following month. The scheme has already been implemented with 22 banks and remaining banks are under process of implementation.

ii. Further, at present, the pensioner is called to the bank for submission of an undertaking about recovery of excess/overpayments before commencement of pension. In order to obviate delays in the process of commencement of pension on this account, Board , vide letter no. F(E)III 2008/PN1/13 dated 17.3.2015 , has issued instructions that requisite undertaking may be obtained by HOD from the retiring employee before his retirement and forwarded to pension disbursing bank along with PPO by the Accounts Officer. The pensioner would no longer be required to visit the bank to activate his first payment of pension.

iii. In addition, it is planned to issue e-PPOs to the banks under the centralised Pension application (ARPAN) which would do away with the delays altogether. The same is being tested and is expected to be rolled out by end of this year. Railways are being advised to strictly follow the instructions and monitor timely commencement of pension to the staff.
iv. RBI was also addressed to direct the banks to put in place a sound grievance redressal mechanism for pensioners at CPPC/ Pension Paying Branches of the Banks . RBI has since issued the advisory to the banks to ensure expeditious redressal of pensioners’ grievances.
v. Zonal Railways have been advised to scrupulously follow the instructions issued by Board in this regard.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary, Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Directorate of Estates Guidelines: Withdrawal of guidelines related to sharing and close relations

Directorate of Estates Guidelines: Withdrawal of guidelines related to sharing and close relations

No. 12035/4/2014-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section
Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 108..
Dated the 10th August, 2015
Subject: Withdrawal of guidelines related to sharing and close relations.
Reference is invited to the Directorate of Estates guidelines issued vide O.M No.12033/17/78-Pol.II dated 26.5.1978, O.M No. 12035/52/78-Pol.II dated 25.1.1979, O.M No.12035/58/79-Po1.II dated 31.8.1979 and OM No.12032(1)/74-Pol.II dated 21.12.1976 regarding sharing of accommodation and definition of close relations for the purpose of sharing of General Pool residential accommodation. In view of amendments made in SR-317-B-2 vide Gazette Notification GSR No.112 dated 13.06.2015 the above mentioned guidelines have become redundant. Therefore, the competent authority has decided to withdraw the above mentioned guidelines w.e.f 13.06.2015.
(Swamali Banerjee)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Source: http://estates.nic.in/WriteReadData/dlpolicyorders/Withdrawal%20of%20Guidelines%20regarding%20sharing%20of%20GPRA.pdf

MACP Anomalies: Railway Board's meeting with Federations

MACP Anomalies: Railway Board's meeting with Federations

Government of India
Ministry of Railway
(Railway Board)
New Delhi. dated: 19.08.2015
The General Secretary,All India Railwaymen’s Federation,
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi-110055
 General Secretary,National Federation of Indian Railwaymen,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-110055.
Subject: Grievances of Staff – MACP Anomalies.
Ref.: Board’s letter No. 2013/E(LR)II/1/17 dated 18.02.2014.

In the above connection, a meeting of the Federations with Board (MS and FC) has been fixed for 27.08.2015 at 11.00 hrs. in the Committee Room (Room No. 237). A list of issues to be discussed is enclosed.
2. President and General Secretary of the Federations are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the above meeting

Yours faithfully,
(Naveen Kumar)
Dy. Director, E(LR)-I
Enclosure to Railway Board’s letter No.2014/E(LR)II/1/4 Dated 19.08.2015

List of issues to be discussed
(1) Financial up-gradation under MCPS to the directly Graduate Engineer – Considering entry Grade Pay as Rs. 4600/- for the purpose of MACP to all the directly recruited Engineering Graduates in Design/Drawing Cadre and other Cadres
(2) Third financial up-gradation under MACPS on completion of 20 years of service from the first promotion or 10 year after second promotion or 30 years after regular appointment – whichever is earlier?

(3) Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme in the promotional hierarchy (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – as per judgment of various Courts’

(4) MACPS benefits to railway employees – cases of employees joining another unit/organization on request.

(5) provision of all benefits on financial upgrading under MACPS – including entitlements for travel & treatment in hospital etc.

(6) Non-grant of benefit of financial up-gradation under MACPS to the staff on North Western Railway.

(7) Grant of Financial Up- gradation under MACPS to the staff who are in the same Grade Pay for more than 20 Years.

(8) Abolition of pay Scale and Introduction of up-graded Pay Scale with revised designation – Senior Section Engineers (Drawing) – Clarification on entry Grade Pay.

(9) Non-grant of financial up gradation under MACP Scheme to the Stock Versifiers working in Zonal Railways/Production Units. ‘

(10) Grant of financial Up-gradation under MACP Scheme – Wrongful clarification issued by the Railway Board.

(11) Wrong implementation of MACP Scheme in IT Cadre/ Granting of financial benefit under MACP Scheme to EDP Staff.

(12) Grant of Transport Allowance to the employees availing the facility of Workmen Trains.

Source: NFIR

7th Pay Commission may be submitted in Second Week of September 2015

7th Pay Commission may be submitted in Second Week of September 2015 – Dainik Bhaskar News relating to 7th CPC also indicates abolition Grady Pay System and introduction of 15 new pay scales

Seventh Pay Commission is expected to double the salaries of government employees. The Commission’s report is to be submitted to the central government in the second week of September. The new pay scale will be implemented January 1, 2016.

According to sources, the seventh pay commission my abolish grade pay, and instead 15 new pay scales would be introduced. The pay will include pay in the pay scale plus the applicable Dearness Allowance. Based on this pay, allowances such as HRA and transportation allowance will be determined.

As per the 6th Pay Commission, presently in force, the employees get the full benefit of retirement after completion of 33 years of service. After retirement, they get gratuity to the extent of 16 1/2 months of pay. The retirement policy and benefits are expected to be the same in the 7CPC also.

The Seventh Pay Commission report is yet to be submitted to the government. Once submitted, the same will be examined by a committee of senior officers of the government.  This may take another two months. Then it will be submitted to the Ministry of Finance, which he will give the go-ahead to implement the recommendations next year January 1, 2016. Assuming a 2.86 times increase in salary, burden on the exchequer would be Rupees 1 Lakh 28 thousand crores.

Officers and employees of the organization have already put their demands before the government. The associations of central government staff officers have warned that they will go on strike if there is too much cut in the CPC recommendations report.
Source: Dainik Bhaskar

Monday, 24 August 2015

Indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Book Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction

Indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Book Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction: BSNL Order
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Corporate Office
(Pension Section)
5th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
No. 48-5/2015-Pen.(B)
Dated:-  19th Aug 2015
1. All Administrative Heads, BSNL Corporate Office
[PGM(BW), GM(Pers.), GM(PF/FP),
2. All Heads of Telecom Circles/
Telecom District & other Administrative Offices/
Telecom Stores/Telecom Factories, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
Sub: Indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Book Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction -reg.
I am directed to refer to this office circular No.1 & 2 dated 2oth April, 2015 subsequent letter dated 12th August, 2015 (uploaded on intranet) forwarding DOP&PW’s OM No.1/19/2014-P&PW(E) dated 14.01.2015, endorsed by Department of Telecom. vide OM No.40-20/2011-Pen(T) dated 24th March, 2014 on the subject mentioned above by way of which, all Circles were requested to ensure seeding of Aadhaar Card no. in the service books/salary package software and pension papers of BSNL employees invariably and without exception as directed earlier. It is to be noted that the aforesaid exercise being part of Minimum Government – Maximum Governance is being monitored by PMO.
2. In this connection, it is intimated that, for ensuring inclusion of Aadhaar Card No. in this employees records as stated above, ERP Cell, ALTTC Ghaziabad has configured the same by creating necessary field in Employees master data-ERPUSAP, which can be uploaded in ITO 185 table of SAP with Sub type-0015 for each employees of BSNL. For updation, there are two possibilities:
(i) For bulk updation, Circles can fill data in attached template and raise one PIS issue on ERPHELP DESK in HCM-HR Module. The same will get uploaded by coreteam.
(ii) SSA wise HR administrators are there, who are authorized to maintain such records in SAP. The lnfotype is ITO185 and subtype-0015. HR administrators can maintain it one by one for all employees as and when they get Aadhaar No.
3. You are, therefore, requested to kindly instruct all the concerned authorities in. Circle as well as SSAs to upload the Aadpaar No. on ERP-SAP as per guidelines/instructions given by ERP Cell, Ghaziabad. This may be treated as most urgent. Further, compliance report may please be arranged to be sent by 31.8.2015 so that action report status can be provided to DOT.
Yours faithfully,
(V.K. Sinha)
Asstt. General Manager (Estt.I)
Source: http://www.bsnleuchq.com/Adhar%20no0001.pdf

BSNL to pay gratuity to Casual Labourers

BSNL to pay gratuity to Casual Labourers:

BSNL Corporate office has issued an order to sought the details regarding engagement details of casual labourers from all Circles for extension of gratuity to casual labourers.  The text of BSNL order is reproduced below:-
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Labour Establishment (LE) Section
Establishment Branch.
Dated the 19th Aug 2015
All Heads of Circles,
Subject- Extension of gratuity to casual labourers -details regarding engagement details of casual labourers – reg
Kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 31.03.2015 and subsequent reminder dated 13.05. 2015 (letters available in the intranet) requesting to furnish the following information in respect of the casual labourers currently being engaged in your Circle:-

Sl.No. Name of casual labourers Whether TSM status conferred Date of birth Date of engagement Present monthly  wages

2. The requisite information/ details has not been received from all Circles till date. In this connection, it is mentioned that the issue of extending the provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972/ BSNL Gratuity Trust Rules to casual labourers is under consideration of BSNL Corporate office . The list of casual labourers who will be covered under the Rules, their monthly wages , date of engagement date of birth etc. are required to calculate the fund requirement for covering the employees under the said Act/ Rules.

3. As the issue is to be settled without any further delay, it is once again requested to furnish the information/ details immediately to this office. While requesting to furnish the details Vide letters referred above, it was specifically requested to sent the soft copy also on E-mail address jkmishra__2005 @yhaoo.co.in or sanjeevkumar.pradhan @gmail. com.

4. It is, therefore, requested to all Circles, who have not furnished the information till date, to furnish the same immediately to this office latest by 31.08.2015. It is also requested to all Circles to ensure that soft copy of the details has been mailed to the above e mail address.

The matter may be treated as URGENT.
Yours faithfully,
(J.K Mishra)
Astt. General Manager(ESTT.II)
Source: http://www.bsnleuchq.com/190820150001.pdf

Pension Revision of Ex-servicemen for grant of arrears from 01-01-2006, MoD Order is awaited.

Pension Revision of Ex-servicemen for grant of arrears from 01-01-2006, MoD Order is awaited.

Clarification by Major Navdeep on his blog Indianmilitary.info:-

Chain mails are floating referring to a circular issued by the PCDA(P) stating that the MoD has issued orders concerning the implementation of the decision of the Supreme Court regarding grant of arrears from 01-01-2006 rather than 24-09-2012. Click here for PCDA Circular C-144 dated 14-08-2015

The news is incorrect.

The said circular only concerns defence civilian pensioners based on the letter issued for civilian pensioners by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’’ Welfare (DoPPW). It may kindly be understood that the PCDA(P) has no authority to issue circulars on its own till the time the MoD issues a Government letter to the said effect.

However, the good news is that the MoD is also working on the same and the letter should be out soon. Some added time after the issuance of the DoPPW letter was expected to be taken by the MoD since there are certain additional issues to be addressed by the MoD over and above the ones in the DoPPW letter and a mutatis-mutandis letter could not have been issued.

For example, the MoD is to add the Military Service Pay (MSP) also in addition to the elements in the civil letter and then unlike civil pensioners, separate tables would have to be ultimately prepared by the Defence Accounts Department for various ranks and different categories which are not applicable on the civil side.
Moreover, the benefit of the upward revision would be differently applied to ranks other than Commissioned Officers since they had been granted pensions based on the maximum of 5th CPC scales fitted into the 6th CPC pay bands with effect from 01-07-2009 while officers and all civil employees were granted pensions based on minimum of pay of the pay bands. The comprehensive letter alongwith comprehensive tables would definitely be issued in due course and we would have to be a little patient about the same.

Source: www.staffnews.in

Extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – reg

Extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – reg

18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 116
Fax:26514170, Tel:26858570
website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in

F.No.11086/01/2012-KVS HQ (Admn.II)/793-805

Dated: 21.08.2015


Subject: Extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – regarding.

Consequent upon KVS proposal of even No dated 01.05.2015 routed through Ministry of HRD, the Director, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare CGHS (P) Section, Government of India,Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi vide office memorandum No.S 11016/8/2015-CGHS (P) dated 29.05.2015 has conveyed the decision of the Ministry regarding extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) with the following guidelines:-
a. CGHS facilities shall be extended to the retired employees of KVS only in Delhi/NCR. They will be entitled to OPD facilities and medicines from CGHS dispensaries in Delhi/NCR only on the same lines as is being done in case of serving employees of KVS.
b. They may avail treatment from CGHS empanelled hospitals at CGHS approved rates. The medical expenses for IPD/hospitalization treatment will be borne by KVS and they will not be eligible for cashless medical facilities.
c. The pensioner’s card will be issued to those pensioners who have been recommended by KVS and on payment of service charges on cost to cost basis in advance on yearly basis at the rates determined by Department of Health and Family Welfare in consultation with O/o the Chief Advisor (Cost), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
d. The CGHS membership card will have to be renewed annually by KVS in advance for both serving as well as retired employees (wherever applicable). Failure to renew the CGHS membership within the specified time period will lead to de-activation of the CGHS card.
e. There is no provision for issue of life-time CGHS cards to the pensioner beneficiaries of KVS.
The CGHS facilities have been extended to the retired employees of KVS as per the terms and conditions laid down in the aforesaid Memorandum with the following conditions:-
*. The retired employees of KVS residing in Delhi/NCR and whose serving counter parts are covered by CGHS medical facilities in Delhi/NCR can opt for this scheme. The details of such posts covered by CGHS medical facilities are given in Annexure – I.
*. The rate of contributions in such cases will be determined by the Department of Health & Family Welfare from time to time with reference to the grade pay drawn by the KVS employee at the time of retirement/death. The present rates of contribution are as under:-
Sl. No Grade Pay drawn by the Pensioner at the time of retirement
(in Rupees)
1 Up to Rs.1,650/- per month 50 600
2 Rs.1,800/-, 1,900/-, Rs.2,000/-
Rs.2,400/-, and Rs.2,800/- per Month
125 1,500
3 Rs.4,200/- per Month 225 2,700
4 Rs.4,600/-, Rs.4,800/-, Rs.5,400/- and Rs.6,600/- Per Month 325 3,900
5 RS.7,600/- and above per month 500 6,000

*. The willing retired employee(s)/family members (if otherwise eligible) may submit their application in prescribed proforma (Available on CGHS website msotransparent.nic.in with link Circulars) along with Demand Draft of his/her own subscription, self attested copy of relevant documents to the respective authority from where the terminal benefits were settled (Pension Sanctioning Authority of KVS HQ/Deputy Commissioner, Regional office as the case may be applicable).
*. The Deputy Commissioner of the Region concerned, after detailed cross verification and examining the case will forward such duly completed application(s) to the joint commissioner (pers.) KVS, Headquarters along with prescribed contribution in the form of Demand Draft/Cheque equivalent to one year CGHS subscription in favour of “Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)”.
*. In respect of officers/employees of KVS, HQ, such request applications will be processed by the Deputy Commissioner (Finance) who looks after the pension section and who will forward the same with all necessary documents to the joint commissioner (Pers.), KVS.
*. The payment of Fixed Medical Allowance will be discontinued by the concerned pension sanctioning authority in KVS/Regional Office from the date of receipt of CGHS card in K.V.S. on case to case basis, after due verification.
*. The reimbursement of medical claims of beneficiaries, if any, will be done by respective Regional Office as per rules. It will take effect from the date of issue.
This issues with the approval of Commissioner, KVS.


Source/View/Download: Original Order

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