A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 1 November 2019

DoPT Orders 2019 – Introduction of SPARROW for CSS OfficersDoPT Orders 2019

DoPT Orders 2019

Introduction of SPARROW for CSS Officers

No. 22/15/20 18-CS.I (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, A-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-3
31 st October, 2019


Sub: Introduction of SPARROW for CSS Officers – reg

The undersigned is directed to say that ‘SPARROW’ has been implemented across all the grades of CSS, CSSS & CSCS from the year 2018-19 vide this Department’s Office Memorandum of even number dated 10th April, 2019. Further, keeping in view the practical difficulties faced by various authorities in recording the APARs, the datelines for filing of online APARs have been extended in terms of Department of Personnel and Training’s Office Memorandum No. 21011/02/2015-Estt (A) (Pt. II), dated 18th April, 2019 and reiterated by CS-I Division’s OM of even number dated 28th May, 2019.

Also check: Introduction of SPARROW for CSS officers – completion of various tasks

An analysis of APARs generated on ‘SPARROW‘ reveals that a sizeable number of officers are yet to be mapped up on the system and their APARs are pending for generation. It is necessary that the data in respect of APARs generated in each Ministry across all the grades of CSS, should be analysed to find out the gaps with reference to total strength of officers in a particular grade. In the above context the Ministries/Departments are requested to provide their inputs pertaining to their Department as per the following proforma.

Also read: DoPT Order – Online generation and recording of APAR on SPARROW of Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers

It may be appreciated if the information, in respect of each Ministry / Department incorporating the data pertaining to attached and subordinate offices under their administrative control, may also be compiled and sent to this Department latest by 10th November, 2019.

(Chandra Shekhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

All Ministries / Departments of CSS

Name of the Cadre Unit :

Sub Cadre Units, if any :

S.No.GradeTotal StrengthTotal APARs generatedTotal Officers yet to be mappedReasons for (e)
1JS/ Dir/ DS




DoPT Orders 2019 – Introduction of SPARROW for CSS OfficersDoPT Orders 2019
 Source: DoPT

Expected DA January 2020 – Dearness Allowance calculation’s 3rd stage is over!

Expected DA January 2020 – Dearness Allowance calculation’s 3rd stage is over!

Expected DA January 2020 

Expected DA January 2020 – Dearness Allowance calculation’s 3rd stage is over!

Dearness Allowance calculation’s 3rd stage is over! Central Government Employees

What does Expected DA mean?

The assumption on the Dearness Allowance calculation method. Twice a year, DA is given. So, it’s going to be revised once in six months. DA will be calculated according to CPI (IW) data every month. The percentage will be listed as additional DA without decimal at the end of each June and December.

Expected DA January 2020

There is a need for six months of CPI (IW) statistical data for 2001=100 from July to December 2019 to calculate the additional DA with effect from January 2020. The Labor Office today released the press release of the CPI (IW) for the month of September and the index is increased by two points from 320 to 322. This is the third stage in the ‘Expected DA January 2020 ‘ process. The calculation for the months of July and August has already been completed.

Dearness Allowance calculation’s 3rd stage is over! Central Government Employees

What does Expected DA mean?
The assumption on the Dearness Allowance calculation method. Twice a year, DA is given. So, it’s going to be revised once in six months. DA will be calculated according to CPI (IW) data every month. The percentage will be listed as additional DA without decimal at the end of each June and December.

Expected DA January 2020
There is a need for six months of CPI (IW) statistical data for 2001=100 from July to December 2019 to calculate the additional DA with effect from January 2020. The Labor Office today released the press release of the CPI (IW) for the month of September and the index is increased by two points from 320 to 322. This is the third stage in the ‘Expected DA January 2020 ‘ process. The calculation for the months of July and August has already been completed.

What is Expected DA Table?

The expectation reflected in the table on the DA calculation process is ‘ Expected DA Table ‘. Three table calculations are finalized in the specified tables and the other three table calculations are predicted. For the months of Oct, Nov and Dec 324, 326 and 328, we have given an imaginary CPI (IW) index.

Also check: Expected DA Table January 2020 Calculation for Central Government Employees

   "Maybe 4% of the expected DA for January 2020"
The expectation reflected in the table on the DA calculation process is ‘ Expected DA Table ‘. Three table calculations are finalized in the specified tables and the other three table calculations are predicted. For the months of Oct, Nov and Dec 324, 326 and 328, we have given an imaginary CPI (IW) index.

Also check: Expected DA Table January 2020 Calculation for Central Government Employees

AICPIN for August320
12 Month Total3710
12 Month Average309.17 (3710/12)
Increased Over 261.4218.27 (309.17 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%18
AICPIN for September322
12 Month Total3731
12 Month Average310.92 (3731/12)
Increased Over 261.4218.94 (310.92 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%18
AICPIN for October324 (Expected)
12 Month Total3753
12 Month Average312.75 (3753/12)
Increased Over 261.4219.64 (312.75 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%19
AICPIN for November326 (Expected)
12 Month Total3777
12 Month Average314.75 (3777/12)
Increased Over 261.4220.4 (314.75 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%20
AICPIN for December328 (Expected)
12 Month Total3804
12 Month Average317 (3804/12)
Increased Over 261.4221.26 (317 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%21
AICPIN for July319
12 Month Total3691
12 Month Average307.58 (3691/12)
Increased Over 261.4217.66 (307.58 – 261.42) / 261.42) * 100
Approximate DA%17

   "Maybe 4% of the expected DA for January 2020"

Artisan staff switching over to 7th CPC Pay Matrices

Artisan staff switching over to 7th CPC Pay Matrices


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) &
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)


Dated: 07/10/2019

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Subject: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres – Artisan staff – Extension of option period for switching over to 7 CPC Pay Matrices

Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM item No. 20/2018.
(ii) GS/NFIR’ s letter No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol.11 dated 10/10/2016 to Railway Board.
(iii) NFIR’s letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC (Imp)/2016/R.B.-Part II dated 11/02/2019 & 23/02/2019 addressed to DG(Pers), Railway Board.
(iv) Railway Board’s OM No. C-VII/2018/RSRP/1 dated 11/03/2019 to the Ministry of Finance.
(v) NFIR’s letter No. I/8/CRC/09/2019 dated 13/08/2019 to Railway Board.
(vi) Railway Board’s reply to GS/NFIR vide letter No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1 dated 27/09/2019.

On perusal of the reply of Railway Board to NFIR under reference No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1 dated 27/09/2019, Federation felt that the Railway Board have not analyzed this issue properly as raised by the Federation for the purpose of impressing upon the Ministry of Finance, the need for extending re-option opportunity to the Railway employees who have been promoted subsequent to the date of notification i.e. 28th July, 2016. For proper appreciation, NFIR reiterates its contentions as below :-

Read this: 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation : 7th CPC Pay Fixation with examples

  •     Firstly, the subject relating to extension of option period for switching over to 7th CPC Pay Matrices was tabled by NFIR in the PNM fora under Item No. 20/2018 and the issue is still pending as further discussions are yet to take place.
  •     The issue was also raised by JCM (Staff Side)/Leader in the National Council JCM meeting held on 13th April, 2019 at Rail Bhavan under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary. In this connection, attention is invited to Para 4.5 of the minutes of 47th meeting of NC/JCM circulated vide DoP&T O.M. dated 13th June, 2019, the same may be connected.
  •     Attention is also invited to minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting of NC/JCM held on 7th March, 2019 wherein the Chairman desired that the Department of Expenditure may consider the demand of the Staff Side. The JCM (Staff Side) as well the Federation is awaiting for the final outcome of the discussions held on 7th March, 2019.
  •     In the NFIR PNM Agenda, the Federation has cited the specific case of promotions granted under cadre restructuring w.e.f 01-09-2016 to the Technicians category on Indian Railways and contended that all those staff who came up for promotion w.e.f. September 1, 2016, are entitled for option opportunity to switch over to 7th CPC pay matrices after getting their promotion implemented in the VIth CPC Pay Band if they wish. The Federation has further amplified its contention, stating that 90 days time was given from the date of notification to enable the employees to opt for 7th CPC pay matrices and the said 90 days period ended only on 28th October 2016, whereas the Technicians got promoted w.e.f. 01-09-2016 under cadre restructuring. pointing out this specific case, NFIR they got promoted during this intervening period. This practical situation emerged in Railways could have been explained in detail by the Railway Ministry to the Finance Ministry for rendering justice.
  •     Federation vide its letter dated 11-02-2019 clearly brought out the relevancy of Rule 5 & 6 of RS(RP) Rules 2016 of Ministry of Railways Notification dated 28th July,2016 and Ministry of Finance Notification dated 25th July,2016 in the instant case, therefore it would be unfair to take a negative view for rejecting the legitimate right of the Railway employees. Federation finds that its letter dated 11-02-2019 perhaps has not been connected in Railway Board’s Office while taking up the matter at the level of Ministry of Finance as the Railway Board’s O.M. dated 11-03-2019 to Ministry of Finance, (Department of Expenditure) has not adequately projected the merits as well Railways case.

Summing up, NFIR urges upon the Railway Board to kindly review the case realistically and support NFIR’s genuine demand, duly making out cogent proposal to Ministry of Finance for extending the re-option opportunity not only to the affected employees in the Railways but also to others. Federation also conveys that it is pained to take note the Railway Board’s perception as mentioned in the last sentence of the reply stating “it is a closed chapter”.

Also check: 7th pay commission latest news today 2019

Yours faithfully

General secretary

Source: NFIR

AICPIN for the month of September 2019 – Labour Bureau Index Sep 2019 – CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS

AICPIN for the month of September 2019 – Labour Bureau Index Sep 2019 – CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS

Consumer Price Index (AICPIN) for the month of September 2019

No. 5/1/2019-CPI

DATED: 31st October, 2019

Press Release

Subject: Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – September, 2019

The All-India CPI-IW for September, 2019 increased by 2 points and pegged at 322 (three hundred and twenty two). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.63 per cent between August, 2019 and September, 2019 which was static between the same two months a year back.

Also check: Expected DA Table January 2020 Calculation for Central Government Employees

The maximum upward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing (+) 2.20 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Wheat, Wheat Atta, Coconut Oil, Groundnut Oil, Goat Meat, Dairy Milk, Milk Buffallo, Milk Cow, Pure Ghee, Chillies Dry, Garlic, Onion, Brinjal, Cauliflower, Peas, Potato, Radish, Coconut, Lemon, Sugar, Cooking Gas, Soft Coke, Under Garments, Medicine (Allopathic), Petrol, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Ginger, Cabbage, Carrot, French Bean, Green Coriander Leaves, Tomato, Apple, Hair Oil, Toilet Soap, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

The year-on-year inflation based on CPI-IW stood at 6.98 per cent for September, 2019 as compared to 6.31 per cent for the previous month and 5:61 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 7.05 per cent against 5.10 per cent of the previous month and 0.00 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level Bokaro, Raniganj, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Agra observed the maximum increase of 8 points each followed by Jalandhar (7 points) and Godavarikhani (6 points). Among others, 5 points increase was observed in 3 centres, 4 points in 10 centres, 3 points in 6 centres, 2 points in 11 centres and 1 point in 19 centres. On the contrary, Goa recorded a maximum decrease of 4 points followed by Chennai (3 points). Among others, 2 points decrease was observed in 2 centre and 1 point in 4 centres. Rest of the 14 centres’ indices remained stationary.

The indices of 31 centres are above All-India Index and 46 centres’ indices are below national average. The index of Ernakulam centre remained at par with All-India Index.

Check this Expected DA for Central Government Employees

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of October, 2019 will be released on Friday 29th November, 2019. The same will also be available on the office websites www.labourbureaunew.gov.in


AICPIN for the month of September 2019 – Labour Bureau Index Sep 2019 – CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS


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