A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 27 November 2017

Departmental Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission's recommendations

Dated: 241/11/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Departmental Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission's recommendations-reg.

Ref: (i) Railway Board's letter No. PC- VII/2016/DAC/I dated 05/10/2016, 29/03/2017, 18/04/2017, 03/05/2017, 25/05/2017, 06/06/2017 & 20/11/2017.
(ii) NFIR's letter No. IV/DAC/7 CPC/2016 dated,09/06/2017 & 16/08/2017.

In continuation of above cited references, the Federation furnishes additional material on
Item No. 17 pertaining to Pharmacist category to facilitate the DAC to discuss in the ensuing
meeting. Attention is also invited to NFIR's letter of even number dated 09/06/2017 on this issue of which Item No. 17 of the enclosure is relevant (Annexure-I).

Federation also encloses an Item under heading "grant of Additional Allowance to the
remaining categories of Running Staff viz., ALP, Sr. ALP, LP (Shunting), Goods (Guard) "  together with copy of Board's letter No. PC-VII/2017/R-U/38 dated 20/11/2017 to NFIR for discussion in the second meeting of the DAC (Annexure-II).

So far as the subject "Technical Supervisors of Railways", is concerned, the DoP&T vide F.No. 11/2/2016-JCA-I(Pt.) dated 30th October 2017 has since advised the Secretary (Staff Side) that this being Railway specific item, the Staff Side may take up at the Department Anomaly Committee of Ministry of Railways. A copy of Note pertaining to Technical Supervisors of Railways is also enclosed which may be clubbed with Item No. (xviii) sent to Railway Board on 08/11/2017 (Annexure-III).

DA/As above
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Annexure I
The Commission has failed to appreciate that the category of pharmacist possessing the upgraded qualification of 4 year Degree (Technical) has not been considered on par with the other categories of staff holding Degree qualification. The study report submitted by the IIM Ahmedabad which forms the basis.of recommended pay scales to all the employees of the Central Government, does not contain the category of  Pharmacist, apparently, the Pharmacist category has not been studied for the purpose of granting appropriate Pay Scale.

In view of the prevailing situation the case of Pharmacist deserves to be review by the Anomaly Committee for grant of atleast GP 4600/- at the time of appointment.

Grant of Additional Allowance to the remaining categories of Running Staff viz.,
ALP, Sr. SLP, LP Shunting, Goods (Guard)

Railway Board vide letter No. PC-VII/2017/1/7/5/5 dated 10/08/2017 issued instruction for grant of revised rates of Additional Allowance to the Running Staff viz., Loco Pilot (Goods)/Passenger/Mail-Express/Motorman, Sr. Passenger (Guard) and Guard (Mail/Express) w.e.f. 01st July 2017 without covering the remaining Running Staff belonging to the categories of ALP, Sr. ALP, LP (Shunting), Guard (Goods) etc. In this connection, Federation contends that the remaining Running Staff have been discriminated against wrongly ignoring the fact that there working conditions and responsibilities are akin to those Running Staff who have been granted revised rates of Additional Allowance.

Federation further contends that the ALP, Sr. ALP, LP (Shunting) and Guard (Goods) are also part of Running Staff for all purpose, therefore they also need to be covered for grant of Additional Allowance like other Running Staff to avoid the feeling of de-motivation among them.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to review the case afresh and issue instructions for granting Additional Allowance to the ALP, Sr. ALP, LP (Shunting) and Guard (Goods).

Sub: Seventh CPC pay structure - grave injustice done to Graduate Engineers and Diploma Engineers in Railways - Review urged.

NFIR invites kind attention of the Railway Board to Para 11.40.104 to 11.40.115 of the 7th CPC report (Page No. 747 to 749).

Vide Para 11.40.109 of the 7th CPC report, it has been stated that "the next post in the
hierarchical structure for Technical Supervisors is the post of Assistant Engineer. There is a 1:1 ratio between the posts of Assistant Engineer filled by Direct Recruitment and those filled through promotion".

In this connection, Federation points out that no promotions are presently available for SSEs on the basis of 1:1 ratio. The ground reality is that directly recruited Graduate Engineers to the post of SSE (6th CPC GP 4600/-) continued to remain in the same Grade Pay/Pay Level for not less than 15 to 20 years. Federation also conveys that it would be incorrect to call them "Technical Supervisors" while their official designations are Sr. Section Engineers or Jr. Engineers.

It is further learnt that the 7e Central Pay Commission had relied upon the study report given by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad for denying the improved pay matrices for Graduate Engineers as well Diploma Engineers. Para 6.16.2 of the study report of IIM, Ahmedabad submitted to the 7th CPC is reproduced below:

"6.16.2 Sector-Wise Career Progression and Promotion Rules:
NFIR hopes that the Railway Board admits the truth that never promotions have been granted to the Graduate Engineers on completion of 4-years period to the post of Assistant Engineer and to the post of Divisional Engineer on completion of 4-years in the previous pay level. The IIM's distorted study report has done grave damage to the career growth of directly recruited Graduate Engineers in Railways. The wrong information given to the 7th CPC with regard to career progression and salary details of Graduate Engineers recruited though RRB in Railways through IIM's study report has caused severe damage to their career resulting around resentment among them.

It is sad to state that the Pay Commission has deviated its own principle as enumerated
vide Para 4.1.19 of its report, which is reproduced below:-
"Historically the qualification and skill set required as well as roles and responsibilities discharged at various levels in the overall hierarchy have been central to the basis for pay grading. The rationalization index has been applied keeping this principle in mind".
It is surprising to note that the Railway Ministry (as recorded vide Para 11.40.1 12 of the 7th CPC report) had strongly defended the continuation of existing arrangements on functional grounds, ignoring the reality that the Railway Ministry in the year 2010 had proposed replacement
of GP 46001- with GP 4800/- for improving the career growth of SSEs etc. The Railway Board
also failed to mention before 7th CPC of its decision to upgrade Apex Level (GP 4600/-) posts to
Group 'B' Gazetted (which is yet to be finalized). A.serious anomaly has arisen as a result of
misleading facts placed by Railway Ministry before 7th CPC and also the totally incorrect study
report of IIM, Ahmedabad presented to the 7th CPC as sought by the Commission.

NFIR, therefore, urges upon the Railway Ministry to review de-novo the entire issue and
rectify all aberrations and anomalies arisen consequent upon the denial of improved pay structure and status to the Graduate Engineers as well as Diploma Engineers in Railways and also accord approval for time bound promotions to them.

Source: NFIR


Eligibility of Divorced Daughter of Armed Forces Personnel for Grant of Family Pension

Eligibility of Divorced Daughter of Armed Forces Personnel for Grant of Family Pension

As per Ministry of Defence (MoD) letter of September 2015, presently only those children who are dependent and meet other conditions of eligibility for family pension at the time of death of the Government servant or his/her spouse, whichever is later, are eligible for family pension. Accordingly, divorced daughters who fulfil other conditions are eligible for family pension if a decree of divorce had been issued by the competent court during the life time of at least one of the parents.

The Government has been receiving grievances from various quarters that the divorce proceedings are a long drawn procedure which take many years before attaining finality. There are many cases in which the divorce proceedings of a daughter of a Government employee/pensioner had been instituted in the competent court during the life time of one or both but none was alive by the time the decree of divorce was granted by the competent authority.

The matter has been examined and it has been decided vide Ministry of Defence letter dated 17 November 2017 to grant family pension to a divorced daughter of Armed Forces personnel in such cases where the divorce proceedings has been filed in a competent court during the life time of the employee/pensioner or his/her spouse but divorce took place after their death - provided that the claimant fulfils all other conditions for grant of family pension. In such cases, the family pension will commence from the date of divorce.


7th CPC Operation Theatre Allowance to the Nursing Personnel working Central Government - Hospitals

7th CPC Operation Theatre Allowance to the Nursing Personnel working Central Government - Hospitals


Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
[Establishment Division / PAP Section]
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 17.11.2017

All Chief Post Masters General,
All Post Masters General
All General Managers (Postal Accounts & Finance)
All Directors of Accounts (Postal)
The Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad, U.P.
All Directors of PTCs

Sub: Revision of rates of Operation Theatre Allowance (Special Allowance) to the Nursing Personnel working Central Government - Hospitals as per recommendations of the 7th CPC - regarding.

I am directed to forward herewith the copy of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Office Memorandum No.2.28015/52/2017-N dated 27.09.2017 on the subject cited above for kind information and further necessary action at your end.

Encl.: As above.
[R.L. Patel]
Asstt. Director General [ESTT.]
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(Nursing Section)
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi,
Dated the 27 September, 2017.

Subject: Revision of rates of Operation Theatre allowance (Special allowance) to the Nursing Personnel working in Central Government Hospitals as per recommendations of  the 7th CPC - regarding.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government of India on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, the President is pleased to revise the rate of Operation Theatre allowance (Special allowance renamed as Operation Theatre allowance) from Rs.360/-per month to Rs.540/- per month to the Nursing Personnel working in the following specialized areas in Central Government Hospitals / Institutions under the Ministry of Health &Family welfare

a. All Major Operation Theatres.
b. All Intensive Care Units / Intensive Care Treatment areas
c. Coronary Care Units /Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories
d. Dialysis Unit/ Ward and Transplant Units/ Wards
e. Intensive Care Units for Burns
 f. Tetanus Wards and Rabies Wards
g. Paediatric Nursery/ Neonatal Units

Operation Theatre allowance admissible to nursing personnel is subject to the following conditions:

i. The allowance shall be paid to the nursing personnel for such period only when the concerned staff is actually working in the specified areas. The minimum period for working in the specialized areas will be two to three years.

ii. No Nursing Officer with less than one year of service is to be posted. for duty in these areas.

iii. This allowance is restricted to 35% of  the total staff strength of nursing staff of any hospital/ Institution.
3. The revised rates of allowances shall be admissible with effect from the 1st of July, 2017.

4. This issues with the approval of Deptt of Expenditure vide ID No.A.27023/1/2017/E.II.B(7th CPC)/Pt. dated 14.09.2017.

(A K Sahoo)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

CGDA Transfer Policy Sports quota recruits and sports personnel of national and international repute

CGDA Transfer Policy: Sports quota recruits and sports personnel of national and international repute.

V No.AN/X/10001/2/2015
Dated: 20/11/2017
All PCsDA/CSDA/ and PCA (Fys)

Subject: Transfer Policy: Sports quota recruits and sports personnel of national and international repute.

Transfer Policy guidelines for sports quota recruits have been circulated through HQrs office letter dated 11/8/2015. It states that as teams are not participating in many tournaments, players can be considered for posting to their home States/choice stations. For individual games, sports persons can participate at national/international events as and when organized. The circular further states that sports quota recruits may be considered for posting to their home States/choice stations as per rules and administrative feasibility. All transfer requests of these personnel are allowed to be routed through Volunteer list/normal channel on completion of the prescribed tenure.

2. Since then, various references have been received from individuals who are sports quota appointees. In the meeting of DASCB held on 23/02/17, it has been decided that consultation of DASCB may be obtained for transfer of Sports quota recruits and also other sportsmen of National level and above.

3. Keeping in view the administrative constraints vis-a-vis general transfer policy as well as consultation of DASCB prior to processing transfer requests of sports quota recruits, a need is felt to review the guidelines relating to the- stay at a station by the sports quota individuals and following guideline is framed:
i. Sports quota recruit and sportsperson of national and international repute may be recommended by the DASCB for posting to their home State they representing at national or international level for a period of ten years from their date of appointment or till they attain the age of 35, years’ subject to administrative feasibility. However, they have to [submit a duly authenticated certificate from the state sports authority concerned to their controlling authority, on annual basis, in support of their sporting activities undertaken by them during the year and same will be examined by the DASCB for their recommendation for retention at the same state or transfer to any other place at par with others. Similarly, if a sports person becomes coach of national or international level team after active sport age, his/her transfer request will also be examined in a similar manner.

ii. After completion of above stipulated period, the sports quota recruits/other sportsmen of National/International level, will be treated at par with other employees of the Department in the matter of transfers.

iii. The cases of these sports personnel who are presently serving at stations other than the state whom they are representing in their sporting career, may also be considered, in terms of above guidelines subject to administrative feasibility.

iv. It has also been decided that the PCsDA/CsDA will be assigned the teams of a particular sport/discipline. The PCsDA/CsDA will be responsible for nurturing and grooming of their respective teams.

v. Further, the performance of sports persons will also be closely monitored on quarterly basis to ensure that there is no dip in their performance. The recommendation will be sent to DASCB periodically for monitoring purpose at their level.

vi. These individuals will also have to participate / represent team DAD as and when called for doing so including attending of training/preparatory camp for duration/location as fixed by the "DASCB: or PCDA/CDA concerned.

vii. The transfer request forwarded to HQrs office on sports ground must be supported with annual certificate as mentioned in. para 3 (i) and quarterly report as mentioned in para 3 (v) above. These requests are to be examined by DASCB and forwarded to Admin Section concerned with their recommendations.
4. The guidelines contained in para 3 above are meant; to guide the exercise of transfer of sports quota recruits and sports personnel of national and international level to the extent administratively feasible. These guidelines are not intended to create any entitlement of any kind.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
Source: cgda.nic.in

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