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Monday, 14 December 2015

Incentive to Examiners of OFB

Incentive to Examiners of OFB

Dated: 06.11.2015
The Sr,General Manager(s)General Manager(s) of all ordnance & ordnance Equipment Factories

Sub: Information regarding proposed Incentive scheme for the employees of ordnance Factories Organisation

Incentive to Examiners of OFB
 In connection with the subject issue a High Power Committee has been constituted to formulate an incentive scheme for the employees of O.F Organisation who are not covered by the existing piece Work incentive scheme. To enable the committee to deliberate the issue in its justify perspective and render a report within the given time, the following information factory wise may please be furnished:
(i) Total number of examiners working in the Factory(Grade Wise)
(ii) Total number of Maintenance Workerd in the factory(Grade Wise)
(iii)Total Incentive paid to maintenance workers month wise during the period from 2012-2013-2014&2014-2015.
(iv)Total Piece work earnings(PWE) of the factory during the period 2012-2013,2013-2014&2014-2015.
(v) Piece Work Profit paid month wie(Value &percentage (%) both with and without ceiling)during the period 2012-2013,2013-2014&2014-2015.
The above information is required to be furnished by 20-11-2015 positively.The information may please be sent through FAX No.033-22437822 and comnet(admin.ofb@ofb.net) or by special Post

Dr.(smt.)Vani Anand Singh
For Director General Ordnance Factories
Source: INDWF

Government Appoints Justice L Narasimha Reddy to Head Judicial Committee on OROP

Government Appoints Justice L Narasimha Reddy to Head Judicial Committee on OROP

The Central Government has appointed Justice L Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court to head the Judicial Committee which will look into the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme for the Ex-Servicemen.

The Terms of Reference for the Committee shall be to examine and make recommendations on references received from the Central Government on the following matters:-
  • Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise in the implementation of the OROP as notified by the Government on 07 November 2015.
  • Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise out of inter-services issues of the three forces due to implementation of OROP order as notified by the Government on 07 November 2015.
  • Implications on Service matters.
  • Any other matter referred by the Central Government on implementation of the OROP or related issues.
In making its recommendations, the Committee shall take into account the financial impact of its recommendations.

The Committee shall make its recommendation within six months of the date of its constitution. It may, if necessary, give interim reports to the Government on any of the matters related to its terms of reference.
The Committee will devise its own procedure and may call for such information and take such evidence, as may be considered necessary. Ministries and Departments of Government of India shall furnish such information and documents and other assistance as may be required by the Committee. The Committee will have its Headquarters in Delhi. All administrative support to the committee will be provided by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence.

Click to view the Notification

Notification on appointment of Judicial Commitee on OROP – DESW Orders issued on 14.12.2015

Notification on appointment of Judicial Commitee on OROP – DESW Orders issued on 14.12.2015

Finally the Central Government issued orders on appointment of a one man judicial committee headed by Justice L.Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court. The copy of the order is given below for your ready reference…

OROP – DESW Orders

Ministry of Defence
(Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare)
New Delhi, 14th December, 2015

Whereas the Central Government has decided to implement One Rank One Pension (OROP) for the Ex-Servicemen for payment of uniform pension to the armed forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of their date of retirement, which implies that briding the gap between the rate of pension of current and past pensioners at periodic intervals.

Whereas it is necessary to implement the same in an equitable manner keeping in view the existing pension structure, the conditions of service, the reasons for varying pensions in case of service personnel of the same rank with same length of qualifying service retiring at different points of time as well as the principle of OROP decided by the Government vide Govt. of India letter No.12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)/Par-II dated 7.11.2015.

Now, therefore, the Central Government hereby appoints a Judicial Committee headed by Justice L.Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court.

2. The Terms of Reference for the Committee shall be;

To examine and make recommendations on references received from the Central Government on the following matters:
i. Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise in implementation of the OROP letter No.12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)/Par-II dated 7.11.2015.
ii. Measures for the removal of anomalies that may arise out of inter-service issues of the three forces due to implementation of OROP order ibid.
iii. Implications on service matters.
iv. Any other matter referred by the Central Government on implementation of the OROP or related issues.
In making its recommendations, the Committee shall take into account the financial impact of its recommendations.

3. The Committee shall make its recommendations within six months of the date of its constitution. It may, if necessary, make interim reports on any of the matters mentioned in Paragraph 2 above.

4. The committee will devise its own procedure and may call for such information and take such evidence, as may be considered necessary. Ministries and Departments of Government of India shall furnish such information and documents and other assistance, as may be required by the committee.

5. The committee will have its Headquarters in Delhi. All administrative support will be provided by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence.
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Authority: http://www.desw.gov.in/

Click to view the order

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