A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 19 May 2017

7th CPC Pay Fixation : Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5

7th CPC Pay Fixation : Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5 

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam,
Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AT/II/2702/Clar
Dated: 28 Apr 2017 

To All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA (Fys)/CsFA (Fys) (Through NIC mail server)

Subject: Implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2016: Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5. 
Reference: This office UO Note of even No dated 28-02- 2017.

As per this office UO Note cited above, the issue of availability of option to enter the 7th CPC w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (i.e., from the date of next increment in terms of proviso 1 of rule 5) to those employees who have got promotion / upgradation in a higher grade between 1st day of January, 2016 and the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 had been referred to MoD along with an illustration (given below) of pay fixation of an employee who got financial upgradation on 17-01-2016 in the grade pay of Rs 5400/- (PB 2); MoD was requested to examine the issue and clarify the matter w.r.t. illustrative pay fixation. 2. The illustrative pay fixation forwarded to MoD/ D (Civ-I) is as follows:

Pay as on 01-01-2016 in the pre-revised pay structure in PB 2 (Rs 9300-34800) will grade pay Rs 4800/- Rs 25080/- (20,280 + 4,800)
Date of grant of MACP in PB 2 with grade pay Rs 5400/- 17-01-2016
Pay fixed w.e.f. 01-07-2016 by granting difference of grade Rs 25680/- (20,280 +5,400)
Pay on 01-07-2016 on accrual of annual increment @ 3% of Rs 25080/- (20280 + 4800) {Rs 752.4 rounded off to Rs. 760/-} Rs. 25840/- (21,040 +4,800)
Promotional increment @ 3% on grant of MACP on 01-07- 2016 Increment Rs. 775.2 rounded off to Rs.780/-
Pay fixed w.e.f. 01-07-2016 in the pre-revised structure in PB 2 (Rs 9300-34800) by granting promotional increment and grade pay of Rs 5400/- Rs 27,220/- (21,820 + 5,400)
Amount arrived at by multiplying the existing pay as on  01-07-2016 with the fitment factor of 2.57 (the individual opted for fixation of pay under CCS (RP) Rules 2016 w.e.f. 01-07-2016) Rs 69,855.4
Revised pay fixed as per Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 in the new pay matrix in level 9 w.e.f. 01-07-2016 Rs 71,300/-

3. Now MoD/ D (Civ-I) has intimated that the illustrative pay fixation as provided above seems to be correct and in consonance with the provisions mentioned in CCS (RP) Rules 2016.
4. Affected cases may be dealt with accordingly.
This has the approval of Add] CGDA (PP&W).
(Vinod Anand)
Authority: http://pcafys.nic.in/files/CCS(RP) Rule18517.pdf

7th CPC Pension Calculation as per Gazette Notification on 12.5.2017 with Illustrations

7th CPC Pension Calculation as per Gazette Notification on 12.5.2017 with Illustrations

As per the Gazette Notification issued by the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare on 12.5.2017, the revision of Pension Calculation for Pre-2016 Pensioners are given below with some illustrations. We provided simple steps in the tables with details of calculation of pension.

Note: 4th CPC to 5th CPC Calculation detail given below:

Basic Pay  as 1.1.96 : 1210
DA as on 1.1.96 : 1791 (148%)
First I.R.100: 100
Second IR 10% of BP subject to Min 100: 121
Pay DA and IR on 1.1.96: 3222
40% of BP: 484
Total: 3706
Next Stage in New Scale: 3710
New Pay on 1.1.96: 3710

Authority: As per Govt Notification on 12.5.2017
7th Central Pay Commission, 7th CPC,7th CPC Pension Calculation, 7th CPC Gazette Notification

Career Progression of Track Maintainers in Railways - full implementation of the report of Joint Committee

Career Progression of Track Maintainers in Railways - full implementation of the report of Joint Committee- reg.

No. IV/Committee/Track Maintainer/Part III
Dated: 18/05/2017
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Career Progression of Track Maintainers in Railways - full implementation of the report of Joint Committee-reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR's PNM Item No. 1/2015.
  • Railway Board's letter No. 2010/CE-1(Spl)/GNS/15 (Pt.) dated 17/08/2012, E(NG)I-2012/PM5/1 dated 13/08/2013, No. 2012/CE-1/GNS/20 dated 01/04/2014 & No. E(NG) I-2012/PM/1 dated 14/10/2014.
  • NFIR's letter No. IV/Committee/Track Maintainer/Pt. III dated 12/04/2016, 10/08/2016, 01/11/2016 & 28/11/2016.
During NFIR's PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 22/23-12- 2016, while discussing the subject matter, Official Side conveyed that the matter has been examined in the Pay Commission Directorate and full facts of the case have been put up for decision on modalities of implementation to Civil Engineering Directorate.

In this connection, Federation reminds the Railway Board that the subject relating to revision of percentages in the Track Maintainer category to 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 in VI CPC GP 2800, 2400, 1900 & 1800 respectively was discussed between the Federations and the Board (MS & FC) on 27/09/2013 when Shri Subodh Jain, Member Staff/Member Engineering was present. During the meeting, it was agreed to revise the percentage distribution of the Track Maintainers in the ratio of 6 : 12 : 22 : 60 in lieu of existing 3 : 6 : 20 : 71 and further upward revision would again be decided later on. In the further meeting held between the Federations and the full Board on 07/02/2014 an agreement was reached (vide Item No. 4) and in this connection extract of minutes of meeting is re­produced below:-

"It was agreed that the percentage distribution of posts in the ratio of 6 : 12 : 20 : 60 as per minutes of the separate meeting held on 27/09/2013 would be implemented for which matching surrender would not necessarily be from the Trackmen cadre only. Further, improvement in cadre structure could be considered after reasonable period of residency has elapsed. However, the matching surrender shall be needed".
Federation is disappointed to notice that the Railway Board instead of fulfilling its commitment has conveyed (citing DC/JCM Item No. 15/2012) that the "Board had decided to keep the existing percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainer as 6 : 12 : 22 : 60 in the Track Maintainer category Grade-I, II, III & IV respectively" without caring to give cognizance to its commitment dated 27/09/2013 and 07/02/2014. The Board's status report amounts to breach of agreement.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board (MS) to kindly see that the commitment given to the Federations is fulfilled duly revising the percentage distribution of Track Maintainers to 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 in VI CPC GP 2800/-, 2400/-, 1900/- & 1800/- respectively with retrospective effect. Federation also demands meeting at the level of CRB.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)

General Secretary
Source : NFIR

NFIRs Charter of Demands - SPAD Definition to be reviewed to prevent harassment and victimization of Running and Safety categories Staff

No. II/34/Part 16
 Dated: 18/05/2017
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: NFIR's Charter of Demands - SPAD Definition to be reviewed to prevent harassment and victimization of Running and Safety categories' Staff (Item No. 30 of Charter of Demands)-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/WCM/209 dated 01/06/2013.
  • Railway Board's letter No. 2013/E(LR)-11/1/15 dated 02/09/2013 toGS/NFIR.
  • NFIR's letter No. II/34/Part XIII dated 10/02/2016.
While enclosing copy of its letter No. II/34/Part XIII dated 10/02/2016, on the subject, the Federation conveys its disappointment over non-responsive attitude of Railway Board on Federation's communication.
  1. In this connection, Federation desires to bring to the kind notice of the Board (CRB) that the subject matter has also been dealt by the High Power Committee (R&S) constituted by the Railway Board to review the duty hours of Running and other safety related categories of staff and the HPC (R&S) gave recommendations vide Para 9.12 of its report as under:-
"Existing instructions of minimum punishment to staff for SPAD cases should be reviewed to ensure that the decision takes into account the gravity of the offence (repercussions of the SPAD) and also the Loco Pilot's past record [Para (1)]".
  1. Federation however is surprised to note that the Railway Board had taken arbitrary decisions vide minutes of the meeting of the full Board held on 06/10/2015 & 08/12/2015 which were circulated vide No. E(LL)/2015/HPC/2/Pt. MS dated 01/02/2016 without caring to consult
  2. Further to above, Federation conveys following points in support of our contention that there is urgent need to define `SPAD' so as to ensure that conclusions are arrived yet judiciously.
  • SPAD (Signal Passing At Danger) is an unusual occurrence and can happen on account of human failure or the failure of machine/equipment.
  • Even the human failures could be due to the failure of brake or signalling system or incorrect operation of signal.
To monitor the SPAD cases DATA LOGGERS have been provided. It is also an admitted fact that reduction in the distance of Relay after the stop signal from 13 mtrs to 03 mtrs has been contributing for increase in the number of SPAD cases.

Though there is a provision in General Rules (GRS) that if a train stops at main line, the speed should be reduced to 50 Kmph at outer most facing point to reduce SPAD, the Loco Pilots are however afraid of adhering to the speed limit to avoid loss of punctuality in trains.
  1. To minimize/eliminate the incidents of SPAD, Federation therefore suggests following measures:-
  • The Home Signal of the station may be kept at an 'adequate distance' to reduce unusualThe adequate distance may be taken as the distance sufficient to ensure safety.
  • A Rectangular Safety Board be placed at about 100/150 mtrs before the Home Signal. The Board could be white with orange inclined alternative reflecting strips with printing thereon with the caption "Loco Pilot to stop at this board and draw ahead up to Home Signal if Home Signal is at ON".
Reports received by the Federation reveal that more than 80% of SPAD cases takes place when the Loco Pilot just passes the distance of 100 mtrs or below. These type of cases do not have financial or any other negative consequences whatsoever but the Loco Pilots are imposed with the penalty of removal from service which does not at all commensurate with the repercussion of such incidents. The authorities while imposing severe punishments do not care realize the truth as to how the Loco Pilot and family members would survive on account of loss of job. The quantum of punishment on alleged SPAD is also justifiably questionable, considering the fact that even a hard core criminal when sent to jail gets three times meal in the jail whereas the Loco Pilot and his family suffers without livelihood due to imposition of draconian penalty.

Keeping total position in view, Federation suggests that in place of "imposition of the penalty" of 'removal from service' on the Loco Pilots, it would be appropriate that the Loco Pilot concerned be taken off from the running duties and placed under "grounding from running duties pending enquiry". Thereafter, on completion of enquiry, opportunity be given for submitting appeal to the Branch Officer to consider the case whether the Loco Pilot be taken back on running duty. NFIR also reminds that the issue of SPAD cases was discussed with the Board (CRB, MS, FC, AMS) on 21/07/2016 informally, but however without any fruitful decision.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to consider the above points and take a view to define SPAD to save the Running Staff from unnecessary victimization. Federation proposes separate meeting to discuss the issue threadbare. Federation hopes to get a reference in this matter soon.

DA/As above
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Rag avaiah)

General Secretary

No. 11/34/Part XIII
     Dated: 10/02/2016
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,

Sub: NFIR's Charter of Demands - SPAD definition to be reviewed to prevent harassment and victimization of Running Staff and Staff belonging to Safety categories (Item No. 30 of demands)-reg.
Ref:    (i) NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/WC/209 dated 01/06/2013.

(ii) Railway  Board's letter     No.   2013/E(LR)-11/1/15 dated  02/09/2013 addressed to the GS/NFIR.
Federation invites attention of the Railway Board to the minutes of the meeting held by Railway Board (CRB, MS & FC) with NFIR on 23/08/2013 wherein NFIR's 34 Point Charter of Demands was discussed. The Railway Board while conveying comments on the 34 Point Charter of Demands vide letter cited under reference had advised following position in respect of demand No. 30 on the subject:-
"Definition of SPAD is not laid down as such. Any passing of 'stop' signal (except permissible signals and those permitted under certain rules such as Automatic signals) at danger by a loco without authority is treated as SPAD irrespective of distance travelled by Loco after passing a signal at danger. Safety Directorate is of the view that the same should continue.
However, Railways were asked to give their suggestions with regard to review of punishment norms issue by Railway Board including those for SPAD.

Replies received from Railways are being compiled and changes proposed, if any, will be put up for perusal and approval of Board".

Thereafter, a period of more than two years has passed, the position relating to changes proposed and the decision of Railway Board thereon is yet to be communicated to the Federation.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to apprise the Federation the proposed changes and the decision taken by the Board at an early date. The Federation also requests to make available the suggestions received from railway early.
Yours faithful
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

Denial of option for pay fixation in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix to the staff inducted from the post of Diesel/Electric Loco Technician to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot against 50% quota vacancies-review requested

Denial of option for pay fixation in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix to the staff inducted from the post of Diesel/Electric Loco Technician to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot against 50% quota vacancies-review requested

No. IV/NFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/2016/R.B./Part I
Dated: 17/05/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Denial of option for pay fixation in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix to the staff inducted from the post of Diesel/Electric Loco Technician to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot against 50% quota vacancies- review requested.

Ref: Railway Board's letter No. PC-VII/2017/R-U/18 dated 01/05/2017.

With reference to the reply of Railway Board vide letter cited above, the Federation conveys as follows:-
  • It may be appreciated that because of staff representations on account of negative response of lower level administration, NFIR has chosen to reach Railway Board. The reply of Board to the Federation may not resolve the staff grievance unless and until Board sends NFIR's letter copy to GMs etc., together with its reply copy sent to Federation also.
  • For proper appreciation, Federation encloses copy of Sr. DFM/GTL (S.C. Railway) reply to DPO/GTL (A/IG/7PCSRs/Certification dated 07/03/2017) together with copy of DRM/P/GTL O.O. No. 502/Loco-Rng/2016 dated 09/05/2016. From these papers, it could be noticed that option for pay fixation has been denied.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue clarificatory instructions to GMs etc., on the subject, duly enclosing copy of Federation's letter and Board's reply thereon to mitigate the problems and ensure proper implementation in order to avoid staff grievances on such matters.

Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass / PTO - relaxation of Rule

Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass / PTO - relaxation of Rule

Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission
RBE No. 48 / 2017
New Delhi, dated: 16.05.2017.
All Zonal Rallways/PUs, etc
(As per mailing list) .

Subject: Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission - Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass / PTO - relaxation of Rule - reg.

Attention is Invited to Board's letters of even number dated 29.10.2008 & 02.02.2011 on the above mentioned subject.

2. The provisions of encashment of leave while availing Pass/PTO were. relaxed vide Board’s letter dated 15.12.2014 on receipt of representations from Railway employees who failed to avail of the benefit during the previous, block period despite availing Pass/PTO and leave during that block period.

3. In terms of Rule 10 of the CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988, a Government servant who is unable to avail of the leave travel concession within a particular block of two years or four years may avail of the same within the first year of the next block of two years or four years. This means, a government servant, governed by CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988. can all encashment of leave twice -  one while availing LTC for the current Block and another for the carry forwarded LTC of the preceding Block. Similar provision is not available in the Railway Services (Liberalized Leave) Rules, 1949 contained in IREC Vol. I / 1985 - Edition.

4. Despite giving one time relaxation mentioned in pars 2 above, representations are all being received for relaxation of the provisions of the encashment of leave for the previous Block periods. .

5. The Competent Authority after. examining the matter has decided that railway employees, who failed to avail of the benefit of encashment of leave in the preceding block period of two years, which. ended on 31.08.2016 and onwards, can avail of the same within the first year of the succeeding block period of two years by fulfilling all conditions stipulated in this regard.

(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Joint Director Finance(Estt.),
Railway Board.
Order Copy

Observance of Demands Week - 24th to 27th May 2017 on pending demands of Central Governments Employees

Observance of Demands Week - 24th to 27th May 2017 on pending demands of Central Governments Employees

No. II/95/Part X
Dated: 18/05/2017
The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Sub: Observance of Demands Week - 24th to 27th May 2017 on pending demands of Central Governments Employees- reg.

The Central Government Employees Confederation (CGEC) has given a call to all Central Government Employees as well INTUC affiliated Unions to observe Demands Week from 24th to 27th May 2017 by launching demonstrations and rallies against anti-worker policies of the Central Government and Government's failure to implement its assurances on revision of minimum wage and multiplying factor.
The affiliates of NFIR must have downloaded the message of Mr. N.S. Pillai, General Secretary, CGEC relating to programme of action.

The affiliates are therefore advised to organize Lunch Hour demonstrations and protest meetings during the week and send Memorandum on issues to the Prime Minister, Finance Minister etc. Press Conferences and Media briefings and Government's betrayal on its commitments should be highlighted.

Copy of the report on protest actions during the observance of Demands Week may be sent to the Federation's Office promptly.
Yours Fraternally,
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

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