A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees’ system – Dopt Orders on 5.8.2015

Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees’ system – Dopt Orders on 5.8.2015
No. Z-20025/9/2014-Estt.(Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Block IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi, August 5, 2015.
Office Memorandum
Subject: Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees’ system.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum of even number dated May 20, 2015 on the subject mentioned above wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to ensure that the service books of all employees have an entry of the employees’ Aadhaar number and sought compliance report. The information from most of the Ministries/Departments has not yet been received by this Department so far.

2. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are once again requested to intimate the action taken in this regard and also furnish consolidated information in respect of the Ministry/Department as a whole, including attached and subordinate offices, to this Department latest by 14th August, 2015.

(Mukul Ratra)
Authority: www.persmin.gov.in

Five days Training Programme on ‘Ethics and Values’ in Governance to be conducted

Five days Training Programme on ‘Ethics and Values’ in Governance to be conducted
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Old JNU Campus, Block IV, Third Floor,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067
Dated: 4thAugust, 2015
Office Memorandum

Subject: Five days Training Programme on ‘Ethics and Values’ in Governance to be conducted at IC Centre for Governance, Panchgani for Director/Deputy Secretary level officers working in DOPT and other five departments -Intimation of revised schedule and request for nominations.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT, Training Division’s O.M. of even number dated 28th July, 2015 and 30th July, 2015 (sent to Cabinet Secretariat)/intimating the dates for a five days training
programme on ‘Ethics and Values in Governance’ sponsored and hosted by DOPT in collaboration with IC Centre for Governance (ICCfG), Asia Plateau,Panchgani for the Director/Deputy Secretary level officers of (1) Department of Personnel & Training (2)Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (3) Department of Pensions & Pensioners’ Welfare (4) Ministr~ of Home Affairs (5) Cabinet Secretariat and (6)
Prime Minister’s Office during i September, 2015 to 11thSeptember, 2015.

2. In this connection, it is mentioned that due to certain unavoidable reasons the proposed training programme at the Training Centre of IC Centre for Governance( IC CFG) ,Asia Plateau, Panchgani has been rescheduled. The five days programme will now begin on 14th September, 2015 (Monday) and close on day 5 on 18th September, 2015 (Friday). As the programme is scheduled to begin early in the morning on Monday, September 14th, 2015 the participating officers will be required to arrive on the previous evening, i.e. on Sunday,13th September, 2015 by 6.00 PM. The programme will conclude after lunch on day 5 i.e. Friday, September 18th, 2015; so that the officers can leave for their return journey at 2.00 pm.

3. Being a DOPT sponsored programme, the Course fee and boarding /Lodging fee of the officers will be paid by DOPT. The batch size of the trainees is proposed to be 30 officers. All the concerned Departments mentioned in para 1 above are requested to nominate a few DS/Director level officers for this training programme by 14th August, 2015 in the enclosed proforma.

Yours faithfully,
(Anil Tripathi)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 2619-4167
Email: anitripathi@hotmail.com
Encl: As above

Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02trn/scan0014.pdf

Maharashtra government decided to increase the retirement age for government doctors

Maharashtra government decided to increase the retirement age for government doctors 

Mumbai: Maharashtra government today decided to increase the retirement age for government doctors under the medical and health services group ‘A’ category in the state to 60, from 58.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the state Cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis here.
The decision will be implemented with retrospective effect from May 31, an official said after the Cabinet meeting.
Government doctors holding post graduate diplomas and degrees will be given special increments to ensure availability of sufficient human resources to provide health services.

The Cabinet also approved a proposal to amend the lacunae in the Transplantation of Human Organs Act (1994), and increase quantum of punishment for crimes pertaining to human organ transplants.

The Cabinet also approved a draft of the Maharashtra Acupuncture Treatment Act-2015. This will help in better coordination of acupuncture treatment.

At the meeting, it was decided to shortlist three backward cooperative ginning mills for financial assistance under the 12th Five Year Plan.

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT as on 31st July 2015

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 31st July 2015
A. Approved by Cabinet
S.No.Name of the ServiceCRC* MeetingCabinet Approval
1.CPWD Central Engineering-Service, Central Electrical Mechanical Engineering Service and Central Architecture Service27/06/201103/01/2012
2.Military Engineering Services (Indian Defence Service of Engineers, Architect Cadre and Surveyor Cadre)22/09/2011 and 23/01/201218/04/2013
3.Indian Radio Regulatory Service19/02/201303/07/2013
4.Indian Revenue Service19/02/2013 and GoM** on 29/04/201323/05/2013
5.Indian Customs & Central Excise27/08/201305/12/2013
6.Indian Cost Accounts Service29/10/201302/01/2014
7.Central Labour Service19/02/201317/07/2013
8.Central Power Engineering Service11/12/201313/05/2014
9.Indian Ordnance Factory Service19/03/201429/10/2014
10.Indian Civil Accounts Service17/07/201316/01/2015
11.Border Road Engineering Service26/02/201507/04/2015
12.Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service08/01/201506/05/2015
13.Indian Trade Service06/05/201401/07/2015
14.Indian Statistical Service24/06/201429/07/2015***
*CRC - Cadre Review Committee ** GoM - Group of Ministers *** Minutes awaited
B. Pending Proposals
Sl. No.Name of the ServiceStatus
(i) With Cadre Controlling Authority/Ministry Concerned - CRC meeting held but Cabinet approval pending (4)
1.Railway Protection Force CRC meeting held on 29/07/2013. Decision with the approval of Mos (PP) and FM has been communicated to the Ministry of Railways on 09/10/2013 for taking Cabinet approval.
2,Indian Naval MaterialThe CRC meeting held on 24/10/2013. Comments of DoPT on Cabinet Note have been provided on 21st January, 2015.
3. Indian Information ServiceCRC meeting held on 30/07/2014. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM has been conveyed to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for taking Cabinet approval on 15/12/2014.
4.DGET & Women Training DirectorateCRC Meeting held on 10/04/2015. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM Directorate has been conveyed to Ministry of Labour & Employment for taking Cabinet approval on 26/05/2015.
(ii) With Cabinet Secretariat (3)
5.Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MSMEApproval of Secretary (P) & Secretary (Exp) has been obtained and the Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat
6.Indian Postal ServiceThe first CRC Meeting was held on 20/07/2015. It was decided that the Cadre review proposals may be taken after the report of 7th Pay Commission is received.
7.Indian P&T Acctt. and Fin. ServiceApproval of Secretary (Expenditure) on the revised cadre strength has been obtained and Note for Cadre Review Committee has been sent to cabinet Sectt. on 27/07/2015.
(iii) With Department of Personnel & Training (10)
8.Central Reserve Police ForceThe-cadre structure is under submission in view of discussion held in meeting with MHA on 08/07/2015 and 17/07/2015
9.Central Engineering Service (Roads)The Proposal was received on 24/04/2014.Clarifications were sought from MoRTH, and based on reply received on 16/10/2014 a revised structure was proposed and sent to MoRTH for their comments. The proposal has been referred by the DoE with their comments on 26/06/2015. A meeting is scheduled to be held on 14/08/2015.
10.Indian Railways Personnel ServiceComments of DoE on Work Charge posts have been received and the same is under submission.
11.Indian Railways Accounts ServiceComments of DoE on Work Charge posts have been received and
the same is under examination.
12.Indian Railways Stores Service
13. Indian Railways Service of Signal Engineers
14.Indian Railways Service of Electrical Engineers
15. Indian Railways Traffic Service
16.Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers
17.Indian Railways Service of Engineers
(iv) With Ministry concerned for clarifications (3)
18.Indian P&T Building WorksClarifications are awaited from DoT.
19.Indian Telecom ServiceProposal-received on 13/05/2015. A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 05/06/2015 and the DoT was asked to clarify certain issues. Reply from DoT is awaited.
20.Indian Defence Accounts ServiceProposal received on 22/05/2015. Clarification has been sought vide letter dated 23/06/2015. Reply from M/o Defence is awaited.

Note: 1. In all the remaining cadres. letters have been written to the Cadre Controlling Authorities to send the cadre review proposals for the services/cadres pertaining to their departments.
2. By letter dated 20/04/2015 suggestions have been invited from the cadre Controlling Authorities on Cadre Review on email id singh.mona@nic.in
3. A presentation dated 19/12/2014 on “Reforming Personnel management in Gujarat “has been uploaded on the site for information as it contains many new initiatives of the Government of Gujarat. Slide number 16-47 has the details of restructuring and the recruitment calendar. The link is http://persmin.gov.in/DOPT/CSWing/CRDivision/HRReforms_Guj.pdf.
Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02adm/Sttt.pdf

TA DA and Honorarium Payable to Official and Non-Official Members/Experts: UGC

TA DA and Honorarium Payable to Official and Non-Official Members/Experts: UGC

NEW DELHI – 110 002
29 July, 2015

In supersession of UGC OM. No.1-4/2009 (FD-I/B) dated May 14, 2009, the Rules for TA/DA and Honorarium payable to the Official and non-Official members and experts will be as under:-
The categories of Official and Non-Official Members are as follows:-
Serving (State/Central) Government servants, Semi Government/ Autonomous Bodies, Employees paid from the Consolidated Fund of India or through Grants-in-aid are treated as Official Members.
All others including retired Government Servants and retired/ex-member of the University Grants Commission or Statutory Bodies viz. Universities, Institutions, Councils, Boards and Societies etc. are tO be treated as Non-Official Members.
“Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted by the lncOme Tax. Authorities has to be indicated by the member/expert invariably while filling up the Bill”. Payment of TA/DA will be made through E-mode in the bank accounts of members. Hence, Experts are required to attach a copy of a cancelled cheque leaf ,with their claims.
1. Rs.3,000/- per day for per meeting subject to maximum of Rs.5,000/- per day irrespective of number of meeting in a day.
2. Rs.5,000/- per day for inspection/visit of various committees to institutions/ Universities /organizations.
Outstation Members/Experts;
(i) Travel by Air: The members (Officials as well as non-official) will be entitled to travel by air if he/she was entitled before retirement. Journey by Economy Class will be allowed as an economy measure and will be regulated as per their entitlement, subject to air travel restricted to Economy class only except those who are/were in the apex scale or, equivalent prior to retirement. However, the members working or retired from Apex scale (Rs.80,000 (fixed), Rs.26,000/8000 (Pre-revised)or higher would be eligible for Business Class. As and when the above Economy Measure is relaxed. others may be allowed to travel by their entitled class to the extent of such relaxation. Non-entitled members will be entitled for journey by air, on specific prior approval of Chairman, UGC. The journey by Air India is to be performed for the sectors where it ply. in other sectors,.journey by private airlines will be allowed. The members/experts entitled to travel by air may travel by helicopter in case place is not connected by air. However, hiring of charter helicopter, will not be permissible. The claim for air journey is to be supported by boarding cards.
(ii) Travel by Train: The members/experts will be entitled to travel by all trains including Rajdhani Express/Shatabadi Express, by Ac-2 Tier/Chair Car.

(a) Train/Air tickets will be arranged by the UGC Travel DESK for a UGC Meetings, if TA/DA is paid by the UGC.
(b) The cancellation charges shall also be reimbursable in case of cancellation or postponement of meeting by the UGC [For sl. No. 2. (i) & (ii)].  The specific approval for the same would be required for claiming such amount.
(iii) The outstation members/experts for intercity travel from the place of residence/Office to the place of meeting and back or in between the places of residence and meeting place & back (located not more than 350 kms each side) may travel by their own vehicle or by hired taxi (receipt to be produced). In such case, road mileage @ Rs.16/- per km for journey performed between A & A-1 Class cities and North Eastern Regions/Hilly Regions (both stations)and @Rs.12/-per km in other cities will be allowed on point to point basis. No night halting or driver allowance will be allowed. However, toll taxes/entry tax etc, if any, will be reimbursed on production of receipt.
If the distance is more than 350 kms (each side), either the road mileage will be restricted to 350 kms or to the fare of train as per entitlement/air by economy class/AC bus as available on that particular route (as-per the option of member.)
(iv) The local taxi fare at State Transport Authority (STA) rates applicable in the State from residence/office to Airport/Railway Station/Bus Stand and from Place of meeting to Airport/Railway Station/Bus Stand is payable. Where there are no rates notified by State Transport Authority, the Taxi or Own Car fare @Rs.14/-per km and AC Taxi Rs.16/- Per Km. (Rs.25/- for first km upon downing the meter) and Auto-Riksha @ Rs.8/-per km (Rs.25l- for first 2 km upon downing the meter) and thereafter Rs.8/- per km shall be reimbursable. The re-imbursement of pre-paid or post-paid taxi fare (including toll taxes) on point to point basis will be allowed on actual basis on production of receipt. Taxi fare for full day will not be reimbursed.

(v) The night charges @25% will additionally be allowed if starting the journey by road/ by own car or taxi between 11.00 pm. to 5.00 am. [For Sl. No. 2. (iv)]
Local Experts
Local Experts will be reimbursed taxi charges @ Rs.14/- per km. and for “Ac ‘Iaxi @ Rs.16/- per km. from residence/office, as per entitlement, to the place of meeting & back on point to point basis. Taxi for full day will not be allowed for reimbursement.
(i) Outstation Member/experts:
Following rates of Boarding & Lodging etc. as applicable to the Central Govt- Employee will be applicable to the Experts:-

S. No. Classification
Rate per day of Boarding
Rate per day of Lodging*
1. Experts working/retired in GP or AGP of Rs.10,000/- and above and also those in pay scale of HAG + and above 750/- 7,500/-
2. Experts in GP or AGP of Rs.7600/- and above but less than Rs.10,000/- 450/- 4,500/-
3. Experts in GP or AGP of Rs.5400/- but less than Rs.7600/- 300/- 2,250
4. Experts in GP or AGP less than Rs.5400/- 225/- 750/-

*1. Lodging charges are admissible subject to actual on production of receipt.
2. Boarding charges will be reimbursed on production of receipt/self certification.
3. No lodging charges will be paid if self arrangement is made.
(ii) Local Members/Experts:
No DA. is payable to Local Members/Experts.
4. UGC Officers/Officials will be covered under FR/SRs (TA) Rules.
5. This issues with the approval of University Grants Commission in its 508th Meeting held on 27.07.2015.

(Dr. Jitendra Kr. Tripathi)
Joint Secretary (Finance)
Source: http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/1547480_TA-DA.pdf
TA DA and Honorarium Payable to Official and Non-Official Members/Experts: UGC

Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices: DoPT Order

Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices: DoPT Order

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 31st July, 2015

Subject : Grant of funds for Modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices.

The undersigned is directed to state that Department of Personnel and Training has initiated a scheme whereby financial assistance would be provided to individual Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices for the modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge.

2. Approved scheme for provision of funds to Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices is enclosed for ready reference. The funds will be provided on first-cum-first serve basis.

3. All Ministries/Deptts. and their attached/subordinate offices are requested to assess the need for modernisation of Departmental Canteens under their administrative charge and forward their proposal for grant of funds to this Department after obtaining the approval of respective IFDs.
(Pratima Tyagi)
Source: DoPT Click here

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