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Friday, 4 October 2019

Confederation Of Central Government Employees Protest against abnormal delay in declaration of Bonus & DA

Confederation Of Central Government Employees Protest against abnormal delay in declaration of Bonus & DA

Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers calls upon to hold PROTEST DEMONSTRATION from today (04- 10-2019) onwards till declaration

Also check: 7th CPC DA Hike will announce today for central government employees and pensioners

Dear Comrades,
Abnormal delay is taking place in declaration of Bonus & DA. Normally, DA is declared in September. Bonus is declared well ahead of Pooja holiday. But this time, till today no orders are issued. To protest against this abnormal delay, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers CHQ calls upon all affiliates and C-o- Cs to hold protest demonstration in front of all offices from today onwards till Bonus & DA is declared. Higher form of action will be decided by National Secretariat,If Govt refuses to declare DA & Bonus.

Also read: 5% DA increase from July 2019 confirmed for Central Government Employees. 12% becomes 17% due to high inflation


Source: https://confederationhq.blogspot.com

DoPT Orders 2019 - Calendar for Cadre Review of Central Group 'A' Services

DoPT Orders 2019 - Calendar for Cadre Review of Central Group 'A' Services

DoPT Orders 2019

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Shawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, Dated 1/10/2019

Sub: Calendar for Cadre Review of Central Group 'A' Services

The undersigned is directed to say that in terms of this Department's OM No. I. 11011/1/2019-CRD dated 14/12/2010, the ideal periodicity of cadre review is 5 years. Despite the said instructions and repeated reminders, it has been observed that the said periodicity is not followed.

With the objective to get the cadre review completed for all the services, this Department had issued a calendar for cadre review for year 2018 vide OM of even No. dated 25/5/2018 with the direction that the same may be followed strictly within the time frame given in the said OM. However, cadre review proposals of many of the services listed therein have yet to be received .

In view of the above, the Department has prepared a calendar (Annexure) for 2019-20 for cadre review of all the Central Group 'A' Services, where the cadre review is due, for strict compliance. The months and year mentioned in the calendar is the time frame within which the cadre review proposal should be submitted by the Cadre Controlling Authorities to DoPT positively. The services required to submit their proposal as per calendar of 2018 are hereby given a last opportunity to submit the proposal failing which necessary action, as deemed fit, would be taken.

Other services which have not been mentioned in the calendar and the cadre review is not due, the Cadre Controlling Authority may submit their proposal in accordance with Cadre Review Guidelines, as and when they feel that the cadre review is required but not later than the ideal periodicity.

Also check: DoPT: Calendar for Cadre Review of Central Group ‘A’ Services

It is reiterated that any proposal for addition in cadre strength of Central Group 'A' Services (creation, encadrement, upgradation, merger etc.) must be routed through DoPT as reiterated in this Department's OM No. I. 11019/17/2016-CRD dated 15/2/2017.

(Randhir Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


Source: DoPT

Grant of additional increment to Railway staff- NFIR

Grant of additional increment to the railway employees

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) &
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No.I/11/Pt II

Dated: 02/10/2019

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of additional increment to the railway employees implementation of 6th CPC recommendations.

Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2012/I/RSRP/1 (RBE No.40/2012).

        (ii) NFIR’s letter No. I/I 1/Part I dated 07/09/2018.

       (iii) NFIR’s letter No. I/11/Pt. II dated 11/02/2019.

  Federation vide its communications dated 07/09/2018 & 11/02/2019 brought to the notice of Railway Board a specific case of wrong fixation of pay in favour of Shri Satyendra Kumar Lal, Chief Typist, DLW, Varanasi. Along with its communication, Federation also provided a chart highlighting the pay fixation done (Drawn) by the DLW/Varanasi vis-à-vis the pay due to be fixed in pursuance of Board’s instructions contained in RBE No. 40/2012 and requested that suitable instructions be issued to the GM/DLW, as also to other Zonal Railways etc., for proper implementation of Board’s orders (RBE No. 40/2012). Federation is disappointed to note that though period of over one year has passed, no action has been taken in the matter, while the employee continues to draw less salary.

NFIR, therefore, once again requests the Railway Board to connect Federation’s letters dated 07/09/2018 and 11/02/2019 and issue suitable clarification to the Zones etc in general and DLW/Varanasi in particular to ensure correct implementation of the instructions contained in RBE No. 40/2012 so as to avoid financial loss to employees on their pay fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix.

A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Building, Metro Station, Pragati Maidan,

Source: NFIR

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