A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

7th CPC Pay Fixation Tables: Promoted from Level 1 to 2

7th CPC Pay Fixation Tables: Promoted from Level 1 to 2

7th CPC Pay Fixation Tables: Pay Fixed on the Date of Promotion or Date of Next Increment
Pay Fixation on Promotion or MACP as per FR22(I)(a)(1) after 7th Pay Commission is regulated by the Rule13 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016. This Rule regulates the Pay Fixation on Promotion or MACP to all Central Government Employees to permit to fix their pay on the date of promotion itself and also opts to pay fixation from the Date of Next Increment (DNI).

Pay Fixation on Promotion Date: A Government servant is promoted, will first be given one increment in the current level. Then he will be placed, equal to or next higher matrix pay in the promoted level.

Pay Fixation on Increment Date: A Government servant may allowed to fix his pay from the Date of his Next Increment (either 1st July or 1st January) as per recommendations of 7th Pay Commission. A Government servant is promoted, then, from the date of promotion till his Increment Date (either 1st July or 1st January), he shall be placed at the next higher cell in the promoted level. And then, on Increment Date his pay will be re- fixed and 2 increments (One Annual Increment and another Promotional Increment) will be granted in the same level, and he will be placed at the next higher cell in the promoted level.

We provide a ready reckoner table for promotees from level 1 to level 2. Table describes in two parts such as 'Pay Fixed on Promotion Date' and 'Pay Fixed on Increment Date'

Level - 1 (GP 1800) to Level-2 (GP 1900)
Fixed on Promotion DateFixed on Increment Date
IndexLevel - 1Level - 2Pay on PDPay on DNIPay on PDPay on DNI

Government Considering an Alternative for Pay Commission?

Government Considering an Alternative for Pay Commission?
Government Considering an Alternative for Pay Commission?
"Whether the Government is considering an alternative for increasing the salaries and allowances of Central Government employees and pensioners in future instead of forming Pay Commission?"

Pay Commission Reports - Q&A in Lok Sabha

Whether the reports of successive Pay Commissions have been increasing the burden on Government finances/ exchequer in partially accepting their recommendations for increase in wages and if so, the details thereof; ?
The financial impact of the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission, as accepted by the Government, is normally more pronounced in the initial year and gradually it tapers off as the growth in the economy picks up and fiscal space is widened. While implementing the recommendations of the last Central Pay Commission, i.e., the Seventh Central Pay Commission, the Government staggered its implementation in two financial years. While the recommendations on pay and pension were implemented with effect from 01.01.2016, the recommendations in respect of allowances have been implemented with effect from 01.07.2017 after an examination by a Committee. This has moderated the financial impact of the recommendations. Moreover, unlike the previous 6th Pay Commission, which entailed substantial impact on account of arrears, the impact in the year 2016-17 on account of element of arrears of revised pay and pension on the present occasion of the 7th Central Pay Commission pertained to only 2 months of the previous financial year of 2015-16.

Whether the last Pay Commission has suggested productivity linked pay hike to the deserving employees to eliminate below average or mediocre performance and if so, the details thereof; ?
The Seventh Central Pay Commission in Para 5.1.46 of its Report proposed withholding of annual increment in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) or regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service.

Whether such periodic hikes in wages resulting from Pay Commission recommendations trigger similar demands from the State Government/public utility employees, imposing burden on already strained State finances and if so, the details thereof; and?
The service conditions of employees of State Governments fall within the exclusive domain of the respective State Governments who are federally independent of the Central Government. Therefore, the concerned State Governments have to independently take a view in the matter.

Whether the Government is considering an alternative for increasing the salaries and allowances of Central Government employees and pensioners in future instead of forming Pay Commission and if so, the details thereof?
No such proposal is under consideration of the Government.

Source: Lok Sabha

Deputation/Foreign Service of Officers of CSS - DoPT

Deputation/Foreign Service of Officers of CSS - DoPT

Government of India
Ministry at Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
CS-I (A) Section
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 13th April, 2018
Subject: Deputation/Foreign service of officers of CSS - Revised instructions regarding

Reference is invited to this 0.M. No.2/2/2010-CS-I() dated 18.08.2010 on the subject noted above.
2. In respect of deputation by a CSS officer, para 2.2 of this Department's 0.M. dated 18.08.2010 states as under:

"A CSS officer shall eligible for Deputation/Foreign service to any post in Central or State Government, Central/State Government organizations/Government of UTs/Government of UTs organizations/Autonomous bodies/Trusts, Societies, PSUs etc., only after he/she has completed 9 years of Service and is clear from the vigilance angle. The 9 years of service clause, however, will not apply to posting in the personal staff of Ministries.

3. It is reiterated that above clause is still in force and all the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to take note of the above clause while forwarding the application of CSS officers for deputation posts.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: http://dopt.gov.in/

7th CPC Disability Pension

7th CPC Disability Pension
Disability Pension
The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) recommended the following on disability pension:- The Commission is of the considered view that the regime implemented post 6th CPC needs to be discontinued, and recommended a return to the slab based system. The slab rates for disability element for
100 percent disability would be as follows:-
Ranks Levels Rate per month (INR)
Service Officers 10 and above 27000
Honorary Commissioned Officers
Subedar Majors / Equivalents 6 to 9 17000
Subedar / Equivalents
Naib Subedar / Equivalents
Havildar / Equivalents 5 and below 12000
Naik / Equivalents
Sepoy / Equivalents
The above recommendation was accepted and Resolution dated 30.09.2016 issued accordingly.
The 6th CPC dispensation of the calculation of disability element on percentage basis, however, continued for civil side which resulted in an anomalous situation. The issue was accordingly referred to the Anomaly Committee. The Anomaly Committee recommended that parity with civilians for grant of disability element which was granted to the Defence Forces Personnel under 6th CPC may be maintained which was approved by the Cabinet. Government order in this regard has been issued on 4th September, 2017.

Source: Lok Sabha

Scrapping of New Pension Scheme

Scrapping of New Pension Scheme
Representations have been received regarding the implementation of National Pension System (NPS) which, inter alia, include demand that NPS may be scrapped and the Government may re-introduce old defined benefit pension system.

Government has made a conscious move to shift from the defined benefit pay-as-you-go pension scheme to defined contribution pension scheme, now called as National Pension System (NPS), after considering the rising and unsustainable pension bill. The transition also has the added benefit of freeing the limited resources of the Government for more productive and socio-economic sectoral development.

There is no proposal to replace the NPS with old pension scheme in respect of Central Government employees recruited on or after 01.01.2004.

(e): National Pension System (NPS) had been designed giving utmost importance to the welfare of the subscribers. There are a number of benefits available to the employees under NPS. Some of the benefits are enlisted below:
  • NPS is a well designed pension system managed through an unbundled architecture involving intermediaries appointed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) viz. pension funds, custodian, central record keeping and accounting agency, National Pension System Trust, trustee bank, points of presence and Annuity service providers. It is prudently regulated by PFRDA which is a statutory regulatory body established to promote old age income security and to protect the interest of subscribers of NPS.
  •  Dual benefits of Low Cost and Power of Compounding- The pension wealth which accumulates over a period of time till retirement grows with a compounding effect. The all-in-costs of the institutional architecture of NPS are among the lowest in the world.
  •  Tax Benefits- Contribution made to the NPS Tier-I account is eligible for tax deduction under the Income Tax Act, 1961. An additional tax rebate of Rs.50000 is also allowed for contributions made to NPS Tier-I under Section 80CCD (IB) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  •  Transparency and Portability is ensured through online access of the pension account by the NPS subscribers, across all geographical locations and portability of employments.
  • Partial withdrawal- Subscribers can withdraw up to 25% of their own contributions before attaining age of superannuation, subject to certain conditions.
The amount of monthly annuity payable to a Government servant on exit from NPS depends upon various factors such as accumulated pension wealth of the Government servant, portion of accumulated pension wealth utilized for the purchase of annuity and the type of annuity purchased.
Under the defined benefit pension system applicable to Government servants appointed before 01.01.2004, pension is calculated based on qualifying service and the last pay drawn by the Government servant.

Source: Lok Sabha

Pension Rates under CPF

Pension Rates under CPF
The Central Government employees who are covered by CPF Rules (India) 1962 and who retired on or after 01.01.1986 are not entitled to any monthly pension/ex-gratia amount. However, the Government employees under CPF who retired between 18.11.1960 and 31.12.1985 are entitled to monthly ex- gratia amount of the following rates:

S.NoGroup of Service to which CPF retirees belonged at the time of retirementEnhanced amount of basic monthly ex- gratia
1Group A ServiceRs. 3,000
2Group B Service Rs. 1,000
3Group C Service Rs. 750
4Group D Service Rs. 650
5Widows and dependent children of the deceased CPF beneficiary Rs. 645

Dearness ex-gratia equal to 50% of the amount of ex-gratia and Dearness Relief, as notified from time to time as per 5th Central Pay Commission series, on the sums of amount of ex-gratia and dearness ex- gratia is being paid to them. There is no proposal to increase the aforesaid rates.

Source: Lok Sabha



The 7th Central Pay Commission had recommended two formulations for revision of pension of employees who retired before 01.01.2016 and the employees were given option to choose whichever
formulation was beneficial. As per the first formulation, the Commission recommended for revision of pension based on notional pay arrived at by adding the number of increments an employee had earned in the appropriate level while in service.

This formulation was later on examined by a Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare. The Committee recommended that instead of counting of increments earned in the retiring scale and applying directly to the 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, a more scientific and rational method would be to refix pay in each successive Pay Commission as per the formula for revision of pay right up to the 7th Pay Commission.

This method of fixing notional pay and pension would benefit a larger number of pensioners as compared to the increment method which benefits only a select segment of pensioners who served for a longer period in the retiring scale without being promoted to a higher grade. This has been accepted by the Government and appropriate orders have been issued.

Source: Lok Sabha

Payment of OT Calculation in the Revise Pay - PCA (Fys) Instruction

Payment of OT Calculation in the Revise Pay - PCA (Fys) Instruction

Payment of Over Time Allowances (OTA) in the revise pay to the employees Of Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act. 1948

No. Pay/Tech-11/73
Date: 12/04/2018
1) All Controller of Finance & Accounts (FYS)
2) All Br.AOs

Sub: Payment of Over Time Allowances (OTA) in the revise pay to the employees Of Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act. 1948

MoD No dated 2602.2018, received under OFB. Kolkata letter bearing No. 525/Genl/Per/Policy(Vl) dated 19.03.2018 regarding payment of Overtime Allowance to the employees of the Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act, 1948 on the basis of revised wages with effect from the date the wages have been revised i.e. 01.01.2016 subject to the conditions mentioned therein, is forwarded herewith for further necessary action at your end.

Further in case of the OT element Of Piece Workers in respect of Overtime up to 9 hours a day or 48 hours in a week is to be worked out on the basis of Piece Work Correlation on 6th CPC pay scale till finalisation Of the Same on revised pay structure.
Addl.Controller of Accounts (Fys)

Source: http://pcafys.nic.in/

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