A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 10 August 2015

ECHS to issue temporary slips in lieu of Smart Card

ECHS to issue temporary slips valid for a year till Smart Card is made available and will be uploaded by issuing authorities to digilocker.gov.in, which is an initiative of Govt to keep important documents in safe custody in digital form

ECHS has issued a communication to al the Regional Centres of the ECHS regarding issue of temporary slips till the availability of Smart Card as per the formats enclosed.

Central Organisation,
ECHS Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt – 110 010
Tele: 011-25684645
Telefax: 011-25682392
Email: diritechs-mod@nic.in
B/49711-SC/ AG/ECHS

07 Aug 2015
All Regional Centres ECHS


1. Further to this Organisation letter No. B/49711-SC/ AG/ECHS dated 27 Jul 2015.

2. The format of the Temporary Slip to be given to the beneficiaries till such time the Smart Cards operations resume is enclosed. The same is also available on the ECHS website i.e.www.echs.gov.in and should replace Page No 7 (revised receipt enclosed) of the existing Application Form. The following aspects will be ensured while giving the Temporary Slip:-

(a) A unique Registration would be allocated to each slip. The format of which is enclosed as Appendix A.
(b) The validity of the slip will be of one year from the date of issue. The same should be unambiguously endorsed on the Temporary Slip.
(c) Photographs along with Name and Date of Birth wrt each beneficiary should be endorsed on Slip.
(d) PPO No., Aadhar No., and Mobile No. must be mentioned on the Slip.
(e) Veterans must be encouraged to register for Jeeavan Praman Scheme.
(f) They must be advised to get the slip laminated and keep in safe custody.

3. To ensure integrity of the data on the slip following measure will be taken:-
(a) All issuing authority will ensure that the slip is scanned and a record is kept with them in the PDF format.
(b) The Temporary Slip will be activated only after it has been signed by’ the OIC, Parent Polyclinic and details to be entered into the register maintained for the same at Polyclinics. Format for the same is enclosed (Appx B) All future referrals will be linked to the Unique No recorded at Parent Polyclinics.
(c) All issuing authority will open a Digilocker – Account at http://digilocker.gov.in (procedure for the same is enclosed (Appx C)) and e-sign all uploaded temporary slips. The account will be opened with the Aadhar No. of issuing officer and he shall be responsible for uploading the scanned slips and e-signing it.
(d) In case of loss of the temporary slip the e-signed temporary slip available in the digital locker of the issuing authority will be demanded by the nearest-Stn HQ/Regional centre ECHS after interaction with the issuing authority over email and a printout shall be given to the beneficiary after verifying the credentials and satisfying that the slip has genuinely been lost

4. Reports and Returns wrt Temporary Slip as sought vide our letter referred above must be sent the every month.

5. Forwarded for further action please.
Dir (Stats & Automation)

Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS for Select List Year 2014

Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS for Select List Year 2014 

DOPT OM on fixation of range of seniority (zone of consideration) for making addition to the Select List of PS Grade (Seniority Quota) of CSSS for the Select List Year 2014

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training 

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,New Delhi-110003.
Dated: the 07th August, 2015.

Subject:- Fixation of range of seniority for promotion from PA to PS Grade of CSSS for Select List Year 2014 – reg. 

The, undersigned is directed to say that it has been decided to fix the range of, seniority(zone of consideration) for making addition to the Select List of PS Grade(Seniority Quota) of CSSS for the Select List Year 2014 as follows:-

UR All the unabsorbed and eligible PAs of previous zones and PAs from CSL No.1818 (SLY 2008) to CSL No. 2072 (Select List Year 2009) of Common Seniority List of PAs issued by this Department’s vide OM No. 4/7 /2011-CS.II(A) dated 13.07.2012 and who have completed 5 years of approved service as on 01.07.2014
For SC & ST category All unabsorbed PAs of previous zones and PAs who have completed 5 years of ‘Approved service’ as on 0l.07.2014

2. The tentative vacancies proposed to be filled up under Seniority Quota mode for SLY 2014 are as under:-
Remarks UR SC ST Total
Total Vacancies 166 130 91 387

3. All the Cadre Units of CSSS are requested to place the cases of the eligible PAs of CSSS who are covered within the ‘zone’ prescribed and who have not yet been included in the Select List of PS Grade of CSSS, before the Departmental Promotion Committee, to assess their fitness or otherwise for promotion to the PS Grade of CSSS. The recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee, along with vigilance clearance in respect of the eligible officer(s) concerned who are working in their cadres, including those who have been transferred from other cadres to their cadre, on their ad-hoc promotion to PS Grade of CSSS1 be furnished by the Cadre Units to this Department in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-1, II & III).

4. Cadre Units are also requested to furnish a list of officers, if any, figuring in the ‘zone’ who have already been promoted/debarred through earlier Select List(s), as in Annexure-I to Annexure -IV.

5. It may be ensured that data in respect of the officers are duly filled/ updated In the Web based Cadre Management. System of this Department before sending the DPC recommendation to this Department.

6. This Department vide OM No. 25/28/2014-CS.lf(A) dated 22.07.2015 have issued revised Rotational Transfer Policy in respect of CSSS officers. The revised policy stipulates the following parameters for transfer on promotion:-

(i) Ministries/Departments are categorized into category A and category B for posting/transfer (Annexure-Vll & VIII).

(ii) In Group ‘A’, certain Ministries/Departments qualify for a reduced tenure by one year (Annexure-lX.)

(iii) An officer on transfer shall ordinarily be posted from Group ‘A’ -> Group ‘B’ and Group
‘B’ -> Group ‘A’, if they have completed the prescribed tenure. However, the officers presently posted in Group ‘A’ Ministries/ Departments may opt for posting in the same Group. In that case on posting to Ministry/ Department in Group ‘A’ the tenure will be counted afresh. However, this option will not be available to officers currently posted in Group ‘B’ to remain in Group ‘B.

(iv) An officer who is to be transferred out from the current Ministry/ Department on completion of prescribed tenure may also be allowed option for posting in a Ministry/ Department where he earlier served subject to the condition that there is a gap of period which is equal to tenure prescribed for the post.

(v) Certain Ministries qualify for concession in tenure for posting by one year;

(vi) The policy provides a tenure of Eight years for PS grade in a particular Ministry/Department, including continuous tenure rendered in any other designation in the same Ministry/ Department;

(vii) On promotion, an officer at any level shall be posted out of the Ministry/Department if
he/she has served in the same Ministry/Department in any capacity for a period exceeding the prescribed tenure for the promotion post;

(viii) Officers who are due for superannuation within two years will be retained in the same Ministry/Department against an existing vacancy of the promotional post. In case of there being no vacancy of the promotional post then the officer will be transferred to another Ministry/Department;

(ix) Officers who are due for superannuation within six months will not be transferred as in
such a short period one cannot be expected to continue usefully in another Ministry/Department. Further, such a transfer may result in delay of finalizing pension papers. Such as officer will be retained in the same Ministry/Department against an available vacancy of the promotional post. In the absence of a vacancy, the post held by him/her will be upgraded on personal basis by keeping one post in another Ministry/Department vacant so as not to exceed the cadre strength. On retirement the post will be revert to its original level;

(x) The Placement Committee will decide posting of officers on the basis of vacancy, seniority, preference, past postings etc.
7. Officials are requested to submit their option in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-Vl). Cadre wise updated vacancy position will be uploaded shortly,

8. The above information be furnished to this Department in the prescribed proforma latest by 31.08.2015.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax .No. 24623157


Jeevan Pramaan Registration Camp for Defence Pensioners

Jeevan Pramaan Registration Camp for Defence Pensioners

In pursuance of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s launch of Jeevan Pramaan-Digital Life Certificate, an Aadhar based biometric verification system which will enable Defence Pensioners to give their annual life certificate without having to physically go to pension disbursing bank / agency, camps are being conducted nationwide in areas with high density of ex-servicemen for data capturing.

A Camp is scheduled to be conducted at ENC Command Regimental System Office (CRSO), near ENC Placement Cell, inside INCS Complex, Visakhapatnam from 10th to 21st August 2015.

All ex-servicemen and those drawing family pension are required to register themselves at the Camp with their Aadhar Card, PPO copy, Bank Pension Account numbers and Mobile numbers.

The Camp will function daily from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm daily from 10th to 21st August 2015. For any queries, personnel may contact CRSO/ HQENC at telephone number 08912812748.

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