A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

No GST is applicable on free food supplied in anna kshetras run by religious institutions

No GST is applicable on free food supplied in anna kshetras run by religious institutions

Prasadam supplied by religious places like temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, dargahs, etc. attracts Nil CGST and SGST or IGST, as the case may be.

There are media reports suggesting that GST applies on free food supplied in anna kshetras run by religious institutions. This is completely untrue. No GST is applicable on such food supplied free.
Further, prasadam supplied by religious places like temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, dargahs, etc. attracts Nil CGST and SGST or IGST, as the case may be.

However, some of the inputs and input services required for making prasadam would be subject to GST. These include sugar, vegetable edible oils, ghee, butter, service for transportation of these goods etc. Most of these inputs or input services have multiple uses. Under GST regime, it is difficult to prescribe a separate rate of tax for sugar, etc. when supplied for a particular purpose.

Further, GST being a multi-stage tax, end use based exemptions or concessions are difficult to administer. Therefore, GST does not envisage end use based exemptions. It would, therefore, not be desirable to provide end use based exemption for inputs or input services for making prasadam or food for free distribution by religious institutions.


DA from July, 2017 @ 269.7% for CPSE Board level posts and below Board level post including Non-unionised supervisors in IDA 01.01.1997 scales

DA from July, 2017 @ 269.7% for CPSE Board level posts and below Board level post including Non-unionised supervisors in IDA 01.01.1997 scales

F. No. W-02/0004/2014-DPE (WC)-GL-XII/17
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries 62 Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14, CGO Complex.
Lodi Road. New Delhi-110003
Dated: 4th July, 2017

Subject: Board level posts and below Board level posts including Non- unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.1997 - Payment of IDA at revised rates regarding.

In modification of this Department's O.M. of even No. dated 05.04.2017, the rate of DA payable to the executives of CPSEs (1997 pay revision) is as follows:

a) Date from which payable: 01.07.2017
b) Average AICPI (1960=100) for the quarter March '2017 - May' 2017

March, 2017 6276
April, 2017 6325
May, 2017 6345
Average of the quarter 6315
c) Link Point : 1708 (as on 01.01.1997)
d) Increase over link point: 4607 (6315-1708)
e) Revised DA Rate w.e.f. 01.07.2017: 269.7% [(4607+1708) x 100]

2. These rates are applicable in the case of IDA employees, whose pay have been revised with effect from 01.01.1997 as per DPE O.M. dated 25.06.1999.

3. All Administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary
Source: http://dpe.gov.in/

Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis

Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis. 

DA from July, 2017 to CPSE Board level/below board level executives and non-unionized supervisors in IDA Scales on 1987 and 1992 basis

F. No.W-02/0003/2014-DPE (WC) - GL-XI/17
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14. CGO Complex,
Lodi Road. New Delhi-110003
Dated: 4th July. 2017

Subject;- Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non- unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis.

The undersigned is directed to refer to para No. 3 of this Department's OM. No. 2(50)786-DPF. (WC) dated 19.07.1995 wherein the rates of DA payable to the executives holding Board level post have been indicated. In accordance with the DA scheme spelt out in Annexure-II of the said OM. the installments of DA become payable from 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, 1st October, every year based on the price increase above quarterly Index average of 1099 (1960= 100).

2. In continuation of this Department's O.M. of even No. dated 05.04.2017, the rates of DA payable to the executives of CPSEs holding Board level post, below Board level post and Non-Unionized Supervisors following IDA pattern of 1992 pay scales may be modified as follows:-

(a) Date from which payable: 01.07.2017
(b) AICPI (Linked to 1960=100) for the quarter March 2017 - May 2017
March, 2017 - 6276
April, 2017 - 6325
May, 20! 7 - 6345

Average of the quarter 6315
(c) Increase over link point : 5216 (6315-1099)
(d) % increase over link point: 474.6% (5216/1099*100)
DA Rates for various Pay Ranges

Basic Pay per Month DA Rates
Upto Rs.3500474.6% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 10432/-
Above Rs 3500 and Upto Rs. 6500355.9% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 16611/-
Above Rs 6500 and Upto Rs. 9500284.8% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 23134/-
Above Rs 9500237.3% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 27056/-

3. The payment on account of dearness allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the Fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored.

4. The quantum of IDA payable from 01.07.2017 at the old system of neutralization @ Rs. 2.00 per point shift for increase of 52 points, may be Rs. 104/- and at AICPI 6315 DA payable may be Rs. 11219.75 to the executives holding Board level post. below Board level post and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pattern in the CPSES of 1987 pay scales.

5. All administrative Ministries/Department of Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control For necessary action at their end.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary
Source: dpe.gov.in

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 30th June, 2017 (as on 6th July, 2017)

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 30th June, 2017 (as on 6th July, 2017)

A. Approved by Cabinet

S.No.Name of the ServiceCRC* MeetingCabinet Approval
1CPWD Central Engineering Service, Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service and Central Architecture Service27/06/201103/01/2012
2Military Engineering Services (Indian Defence Service of Engineers, Architect Cadre and Surveyor Cadre)22/0912011 and 23/01/201218/04/2013
3Indian Revenue Service19/02/2013 and GoM** on 29/04/201323/05/2013
4Indian Radio Regulatory Service19/02/201303/07/2013
5Central Labour Service19/02/201317/07/2013
6Indian Customs & Central Excise27/08/201305/12/2013
7Indian Cost Accounts Service29/10/201302/01/2014
8Central Power Engineering Service11/12/201313/05/2014
9Indian Ordnance Factory Service19/03/201429/10/2014
10Indian Civil Accounts Service17/07/201316/01/2015
11Border Road Engineering Service26/02/201507/04/2015
12Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service08/01/201506/05/2015
13Indian Trade Service06/05/201401/07/2015
14Indian Statistical Service24/06/201429/07/2015
15Indian Skill Development Service10/04/201507/10/2015
16,Indian Postal Service28/12/201525/05/2016
17Central Reserve Police Force15/12/201529/06/2016
18Indian Information Service05/05/201624/08/2016
19Border Security Force29/06/201612/09/2016
20Indian P & T Accounts and Finance Service17/09/201527/10/2016
21Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME)Indian Enterprise Development Service (IEDS)28/12/201521/12/2016
22Indian Telecom Service06/10/201621/12/2016
23Central Engineering Service (Roads)25/04/201606/03/2017
24Indian Naval Material Management Service24/10/201322/06/2017
* CRC - Cadre Review Committee **GoM - Group of Ministers
B. Pending Proposals
Sl. No.Name of the ServiceStatus
1. With Concerned Ministry- CRC meeting held and Cabinet approval pending (4)
1.Indian Defence Accounts ServiceCRC Meeting held on 09/09/2016 Approval of MoS.(PP) and FM have been obtained. MoD has to take the approval of Cabinet. Comments of DoPT on draft Cabinet Note have been sent on07.02.2017.
2.Indian Petroleum and Explosive Safety Service (IPESS)CRC meeting held on 09/01/2017. Approval of MoS (PP) and FM have been obtained. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Deptt of Industrial Policy & Promotion has to take the approval of Cabinet.
3.Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)Approval of MoS(PP) and FM have been obtained on the recommendations of CRC MHA has to take the approval of Cabinet.
4.Railway Protection ForceMoR has been requested on 0507.2017 to place the earlier recommendations of CRC before the Cabinet.
2. With Cabinet Secretariat (9)
5.Indian Railways Personnel ServiceNote for CRC has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat on 04.07.2017.
6.Indian Railways Traffic Service-do-
7.Indian Railways Stores Service-do-
8.Indian Railways Accounts Service-do-
9.Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers-do-
10.Indian Railways Service of Electrical Engineers-do-
11.Indian Railways Service of Engineers-do-
12.Indian Railways Service of Signal Engineers-do-
13.Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) (Group 'A' Combatised)Note for CRC has been sent to Cabinet Secretariat on 14.06.2017
3. With Department of Personnel & Training (2)
14.Indian P&T Building WorksClarifications from P&TBW have been received and the proposal is under examination.
15.Indian Economic ServiceThe proposal is under examination.
4. With Department of Expenditure (0)
5. With Ministry concerned for clarifications (0)

Note: The concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities of Central Group 'A' Services have been requested vide this Division's DO letter No.I-11019/16/2016-CRD dated 20.12.2016 to take action in a time-bound manner and forward the cadre review proposals/furnish the requisite information/clarifications/ move Note for Cabinet etc whatsoever required. The above DO letter may be accessed at www.persmin.nic.in DoPT-> Notifications -> OMs & Orders Cadre Review Division -> General Circulars.

Under Secretary
Deptt of Personnel & Trg.

7th CPC: Defence Officers Revised Pay Matrix for Army, Air-force & Navy Officers

7th CPC: Defence Officers Revised Pay Matrix for Army, Air-force & Navy Officers

7th CPC: Defence Officers Revised Pay Matrix for Army, Air-force & Navy Officers attached with amendment notification dated 06.07.2017

7th CPC: Defence Officers Pay Matrix Level 10 to 18 for Army, Air-force & Navy Officers - Navy Officers Pay Regulation, 2017 attached with Notification dated 03.05.2017
(Department of Defence)
New Delhi, the 3rd May, 2017
[See regulations 3(g) and 4]
Pay Matrix
- 39100
- 67000

7th Pay Commission: Pay, allowances raise new hopes for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: Pay, allowances raise new hopes for central government employees

New Delhi: After long wait, the 7th Pay Commission award has been fully implemented including allowances, which has been implemented from July 1, it has increased new hopes among the central government employees that their allowances has been hiked.

The Union Cabinet cleared the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission in respect of the hike in basic pay and pension on June 29 and government notified higher allowances on July 7, 2017 for its 4.8 million employees and 5.2 million pensioners, in a bid to ease the inflationary pressure.

"Allowances contribute 63 percent in the pay hike recommendation. The allowances which the commission proposed is very substantial. So, the central government employees now not only get 14.28 per cent hike in pay but also to get new allowances, which providing for full compensation to the central government employees," a top Finance Ministry's official told.

Government jobs in India have been less rewarding in terms of pay and allowances. Apart from a sense of job security and perceived power, most of the employees have to struggle to make ends meet with the cost of living going up every year.

The central government employees are seeing inflation catch up with their pay rises as the cost of living rises faster despite of government figure.

With the current basic pay hike and steep inflation, it is not possible for central government employees to make ends meet. It is also impossible to sustain with their current basic pay without hike in allowances. Inflation has climbed steadily over the past few years, which the new allowances will help to compensate.

Accordingly, the new allowances will hopefully attract central government employees to live with dignity and the quality of service delivery in central government offices is expected to improve which will in turn contribute to higher productivity and growth for the nation.

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