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Saturday, 23 December 2017

CL of staff to be deducted on reaching office late

CL of staff to be deducted on reaching office late

New Delhi:) Cracking the whip on lax babus, the Women and Child Development Department of the Delhi government would now deduct one casual leave for every three times an official reaches office after 9.45 am, besides seeking a written explanation from them.

The move comes after it was observed by the department that some officials posted at WCD Headquarters were not reaching office even till 9.45 am.

The department has issued a memorandum, stating that all officers and officials will ensure punctuality in reaching their respective office.

“As per order, one day CL will be deducted for every three late comings after 9.45 am and the officer and officials will also submit the explanation,” Deputy Director (admin) S K Srivastava said in the memorandum.

In case of non availability of CL in the leave account of officials concerned, EL (earned leave) will be deducted, the memorandum said.

“Further, all the branch in-charges of WCD (HQ) are hereby directed to obtain the CL applications from the officers/official and directed to ensure punctuality of officers and officials working under their control,” it stated.


Join work within 24-hours or face termination: Govt to Nurses

Join work within 24-hours or face termination: Govt to Nurses

Bhubaneswar: Odisha government today asked the agitating contractual nurses to join work within 24 hours or face termination. The ultimatum was served by Mission Director of National Health Mission (NHM), Odisha, Shalini Pandit. “I request and direct the agitating contractual nurses to join duty in 24 hours or we will be compelled to terminate them,” Pandit told reporters.

Stating that the Health Minister has already assured the agitating nurses to redress their grievances soon, Pandit said “However, some staff nurses refused to call off their stir affecting the health services in the state. Hence, we asked them to join duty within 24 hours.”

Healthcare in all government hospitals across the state was severely affected as over thousands of nurses staged cease work protest from December 18. The agitating nurses recruited under NRHM are demanding regularisation of their jobs, up gradation of pay structure and equal pay for equal work with their counterparts working at the state government.


7th Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of Pay Scales - Meeting regarding Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules

7th Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of Pay Scales - Meeting regarding Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules


Government of India
Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances and pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt.-RR Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 22nd December, 2017

Sub: Seventh Central pay Commission's recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment or Service Rules/Recruitment Rules.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM or even number dated 9th August. 2016 the subject mentioned above wherein it was requested that as per the CCS (Revised pay) Rules, 2016 issued by Department or Expenditure vide Notification dated 25th July, 2016, consequential amendment in the existing Service Rules.'Recruitment Rules shall be made by the Ministries/Departments by substituting the existing pay Band and Grade pay by the new pay "LEVEL in the PAY MATRIX" straightaway without making a reference 10 the Department of Personnel and Training Public Service Commission (UPSC).

2. Further, DoP&T vide of even number dated 16.02.2017 sought information with regard to implementation of OM dated 09.08,2016. The issue is being monitored by higher authorities; however, so far this Department has not received any information from Ministries/Departments even a lapse of over a year. It has been decided to hold a meeting, under the Championship or JS (E), with all Ministries/Departments on 04.01.2018 in Room No.190, North Block, New Delhi.

3. All Ministries/Departments are requested to furnish a status report regarding amendment Of Recruitment Rules in pursuance of DoP&T OM dated 09/08/2016 in the annexure-II enclosed herewith. The schedule or the meeting is as per Annexure-I.

Encl. as above:
(Shukdeo Sah)
Under Secretary (RR-II)
All Cadre controlling Ministries/Departments
Annexure- I
Schedule of the meeting to be taken by Joint Secretary (Establishment) (Venue Room No.190, North Bloack New Delhi)
S.No.Ministies starting with alphabetsDate and Time
1.A-I04th January, 2018 at 03.00PM
2.J-Z04th January, 2018 at 03.30PM

Annexure- II
Status regarding amendment of Recruitment Rules in pursuance of OM dated 09.08.2016
Sl.NoPost / DesignationWhether notification issued for amendment of RRs as per DoPT OM dated 09.08.2016. (Yes/No)If answer is no, current status to be indicated. (pending in the Ministry / legislative Department / Any other Reason)

Authority: www.dopt.gov.in

Doctors in Government Hospitals

Doctors in Government Hospitals
Health being a State subject, the responsibility for improving the functioning of the State Government hospitals is under the jurisdiction of respective State Governments. The information in respect of State Government hospitals is not maintained centrally.

So far as Central Government hospitals under the administrative control of this Ministry is concerned, based on the requisitions received from various Government Hospitals/Institutes/Units, posts are encadred as per norms in Central Health Service (CHS) thereby increasing the number of sanctioned posts of doctors.

Insofar as the three Central Government Hospitals in Delhi viz. Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. RML Hospital and Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospitals are concerned, performance of these hospitals regarding patient health care services is regularly monitored by the Hospitals/Government. The day to day activities in these hospitals, like sanitation, patient flow, hospital infection control practices, attendance of staff, etc. are supervised by the Medical Superintendents/Additional Medical Superintendents as well as by the Supervisory staff to maintain hygiene and sanitation.

Status of functional and non-functional equipments is regularly monitored. In order to provide state-of-the-art facilities and basic amenities to the patients, latest high-end Test machines/equipments are procured by these hospitals as per the need arising from time to time.

Besides the above, several steps have been taken by the Government to improve the overall satisfaction of the doctors working in Government Hospitals:
(i) Enhancement of retirement age in all four sub-cadres of Central Health Service (CHS) to 65 years w.e.f 31.05.2016 to retain the talent.

(ii) Introduction of time-bound promotions for doctors under Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) Scheme, upto Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) level.

(iii) The duration of study leave to pursue higher studies/research work has been increased to 36 months for CHS officers instead of 24 months in other cases.

(iv) The benefit of Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) has been granted to CHS doctors.

(v) The Ministry has started Foundation Training Programme (FTP) for newly recruited CHS Officers.

(vi) Electronic submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) on Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) software has been introduced for CHS.

(vii) Counseling pattern has been introduced for recruitment in GDMO sub-cadre.

(viii) Annual Preventive Health Check-Up introduced for doctors over 40 Years of age.
The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Sh Jagat Prakash Nadda stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.


Shortage of Doctors in Central Government Hospitals

Shortage of Doctors in Central Government Hospitals 

As far as three Central Government Hospitals in Delhi viz. Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. RML Hospital and Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals, are concerned, the details are given below:

Name of the postSafdarjung HospitalLHMC & Associated HospitalsDr. RML Hospital
Resident Doctors46656123
Other employees168113437

Total vacancies filled during the last three years

Name of the postSafdarjung HospitalLHMC & Associated HospitalsDr. RML Hospital
Resident Doctors10965441516
Non-medical employee1061858

In case of doctors, every year, on the basis of vacancies projected by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Combined Medical Services Examination for recruitment of Medical officers of GDMO sub-cadre of Central Health Services. For filling up of vacant posts belonging to Specialists sub-cadres of Central Health Service, requisitions are also sent to UPSC. Based on the recommendations received from UPSC, candidates are given offer of appointment. Pending recommendations from UPSC, concerned units are permitted to make contractual appointments against the vacant posts, as a stop-gap arrangement, in public interest, till the time regular incumbent joins the post.

The rest of the vacant posts other than the doctors are filled as per the requirement of the respective Hospitals in terms of Recruitment Rules on regular basis, through contractual appointment as a stop-gap arrangement and on outsource basis on the basis of approval received from the Ministry.
The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.


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