A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 – 2 Points increased and stood at 244

Press Release of AICPIN for May 2014 – 2 Points increased and stood at 244
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014
No. 5/1/2014- CPI
DATED: the 30th June, 2014
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – May, 2014

The All-India CPI-IW for May, 2014 increased by 2 points and pegged at 244 (two hundred and forty four). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.83 per cent between April, 2014 and May, 2014 when compared with the rise of 0.88 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

The largest upward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing 1.65 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Coconut Oil, Fish Fresh, Poultry, Milk, Onion, Vegetables & Fruits, Sugar, Cigarette, Electricity Charges, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was restricted to some extent by Petrol putting downward pressure on the index.
The year-on-year inflation measured by monthly CPI-IW stood at 7.02 per cent for May, 2014 as compared to 7.08 per cent for the previous month and 10.68 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 7.66 per cent against 7.76 per cent of the previous month and 13.24 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level, Coimbatore recorded the maximum increase of 9 points followed by Bhavnagar (7 points) and Amritsar, Mercara and Tiruchirapally (6 points each). Among others, 5 points rise was registered in 7 centres, 4 points in 11 centres, 3 points in 13 centres, 2 points in 11 centres and 1 point in 10 centres. On the contrary, a decline of 5 points was reported in Giridih, 4 points in Chhindwara, 3 points in 2 centres, 2 points in 1 centre and I point in 7 centres. Indices of remaining 9 centres observed no change.

The indices of 35 centres are above and other 41 centres are below national average. The index of Vishakhapathnam and Chandigarh is at par with all-India index.

The next index of CPI-1W for the month of June, 2014 will be released on Thursday, 31 July, 2014. The same will also be available on the office website www.labourbureau.gov. in.
Source: www.labourbureau.nic.in



Labour Bureau published the index of CPI-IW for May 2014 has increased by two points from the existing level and pegged at 244.

Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on Base 2001=100
CPI(IW) Base 2001=100 Monthly Index Letter – MAY 2014
JANUARY 2014 –  237
FEBRUARY 2014 –  238
MARCH 2014  – 239
APRIL 2014  -  242
MAY 2014  – 244
According the press release of AICPIN for the month of May 2014, the expected da from July 2014 is slightly go up to 106 (106.17).

Child Care Leave for removal of limit of 3 spell in a calendar year – reg.

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
Website : www.confederationhq.blogspot.com
Ref: Confd./GENL/2014
Dated – 30.06.2014
The Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel & Training
Ministry of Personnel Public Greivances
North Block, New Delhi – 110001

Sub: – Child Care Leave for removal of limit of 3 spell in a calendar year – reg.
Ref: – DOPT OM No. 13018/6/2013-Estt (L) dated 05.06.2014

A kind reference is invited on the above cited OM. While we welcome the removal of earlier stipulation of child care leave for minimum period of 15 days at a time, it is requested now to dispense the limitation of three spells in a calendar year.

The condition spelled in the DOPT OM No. 13018/1/2010-Estt (Leave) dated 07.09.2010 limiting the grant of three spells in a calendar year now become a constraint to the less leave takers and needs a revision. It is quite beneficial both to the administration and staff to enhance the three spells limit to more or without limit. This will encourage the beneficiaries to utilize their CCL to the extent of optimal level.

Hence, it is requested to-remove the condition of limiting three spells in a calendar for availing child care leave in the backdrop of removal of 15 days condition for each spell.

Early response in this regard is highly solicited.
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
Source : www.confederationhq.blogspot.in

AICPIN for the month of May

AICPIN for the month of May

AICPIN(I-W) for the month of May 2014, the data on price rise and inflation, is going to be released today. The twice-a-year Dearness Allowance given to Central Government employees is calculated on the basis of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers based on 2001=100.

At the end of each month, the Labour Bureau, a Central Government agency, releases the AICPIN number for the previous month, based on the month’s price fluctuations. The Bureau is expected to release the APCIN number today. If one goes by the other statistics released for the month of May (Agricultural Labourers 771 to 777; Rural Labourers 773 to 780), the AICPIN number is expected to be on the ascent.
The hike in railway passenger and freight transportation fares is very likely to impact June’s AICPIN number. The AICPIN number for the month of May is expected to increase by a point or two.

Since the first Dearness Allowance of the year is based on the AICPIN points of from the months of December until June, the AICPIN points of May and June assume special significance. An increase of even one point in the next two months from the current levels will raise the additional Dearness Allowance by 7% in July. In other words, from 100%, the total Dearness Allowance could increase to 107..!

The Dearness Allowance given to Central Government employees is expected to rise to 107% in July.

Additional Demands proposed by IRTSA for inclusion in the Memorandum to 7th CPC by JCM Staff Side

Additional Demands proposed by IRTSA for inclusion in the Memorandum to 7th CPC by JCM Staff Side
1. Improved Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) – with a financial upgrading after every 8 years of service – with consequential benefits of higher Grades – to provide adequate motivation and to ensure optimum efficiency.
2. MACP on promotional hierarchy instead of Grade Pay hierarchy as per judgment of various Courts.
3. Treatment of Dearness Allowance as Pay whenever the Cost of Living Index exceeds 50% over the Base Index at which the Pay Scales are prescribed and may please be counted for all purposes – including for calculation of all Allowances and Retirement Benefits etc.
4. Periodical revision of H.R.A. to compensate for rise of Rents.
5. Counting of D.A. for grant of H.R.A or D.A. be treated as D.P. after (every) rise of 50% of Price Index to compensate for escalation of Rents.
6. Reduction in Rate of Interest on House Building Advance (HBA) – to 4% to 5% as in the Financial Institutions and Public Undertakings like Banks and LIC etc.
7. Increase of Amount of HBA periodically to keep pace with rise of cost of land and construction.
8. Reduction in Rents for Government accommodation – which have been substantially increased over the years, putting the employees in great hardship. Raising Rent for Railway Quarters should be stopped specially for the over 30 years old houses for which the Government had already recovered the cost many times over.
9. Increase in Housing satisfaction level to atleast 50% in case of Non-Technical Staff and 100% in case of Technical Staff and Engineers – keeping in view exigencies of their service.
10. Rural Area and Sub-Mountainous Area Compensatory Allowance be paid as available in some of the States to the Employees posted in such areas respectively to compensate for higher cost of living in these areas on account of inadequate transportation and infrastructural facilities and increased dependency on urbanized areas due to change of Socio-Economic conditions.
11. Disturbed Area Allowance: Disturbed Area Compensatory Allowance be paid to Employees posted in areas which are disturbed due to unstable Law and Order situation, terrorist activities or intense Army / Police action to maintain the Law and Order etc.
12. Special / Additional Insurance Cover for the Employees posted in Disturbed / Border areas.
13. Over Time Allowance for actual number of extra hours put in due to exigency of work, be allowed, irrespective of the category or pay range – both under the Factories Act and the Hours of Employment Regulations etc.
14. Removal of limits of admissibility for National Holiday Allowance, All the employees be allowed the N.H.A as and when they are essentially required to attend to the work on National Holidays, due to exigencies of work and to keep the trains and systems running.
15. Rates of TA / DA and Mileage / Conveyance Allowance be adequately enhanced and the same be linked with Price Index and Dearness Allowance should be counted for determining the rates of TA / DA admissible to the Employees on tour – Periodic revision of TA/DA.
16. Grant of adequate FMA (Fixed Medical Allowance) to at least Rs.2500 PM as per average expences per patient per month on OPD Treatment under CGHS and periodical revision thereof for day-to-day Medical Treatment to employees & Pensioners posted & residing in far flung areas – away from CGHS Dispansories & Railway Hospitals.
17. Free Treatment of Central Government Employees, including Railways Employees & Pensioners in Specialised Government Hospitals like AIIMS / NIMS / NIMHANS / JIPMER / CMC / PGI – especially, since these Hospitals are run by the Union Government.
18. Empanelment / recognition of more Specialised Private Hospitals for Treatment of Central Government & Railway employees & Pensioners – on Cashless Billing system in Emergency and on Reference by CGHS / Railway Doctors.
19. Revision of Incentive for acquiring higher Profesional qualifications (not revised after Sixth Pay Commission.
20. Removal of unfair & unjust wage ceiling limit of Rs.3500 for payment of Productivity linked Bonus
21. Weightage for Night Duty Allowance ( NDA ) be given for hours of Duty between Sunset to Sunrise ( i.e from 6 PM to 6 AM instead of from 10 PM to 6 PM – at present).
22. Abolition of limit on maximum accumulation of leave as had been done in case of many of the State Government Employees OR Limit of accumulation of Leave may be raised to 15 months (450 days), to improve Attendance in the Offices and Industrial Establishments.
23. Encashment of Leave be allowed during service – without restriction.
24. Half a Day’s L.A.P / Earned Leave be allowed to attend to the exigencies to avoid wastage of full day’s leave when not required – particularly if there is no Casual Leave to the credit of an Employee.
25. Commutation of Half Pay Leave may be allowed without Medical Certificate, in case of emergency.
26. Restoration of 12 days of Casual Leave – unjustly curtailed after 5th CPC..
27. Prefix or Suffix Casual Leave with other type of Leave
28. Accumulation of Casual Leave may be allowed and the un-availed Casual Leave in a calendar year be credited to the Earned Leave Account, as permitted in some States and some Public Undertakings (like L.I.C. etc.).
29. Exclusion of Sundays and holidays during counting of no. of days in case of leave availed as LAP.
30. Adequate quantum of advances as per market rates and periodic revision thereof – irrespective of Pay or Scale of Pay – including House Building Advance, Vehicle Advance, Festival Advance, Computer Advance, Furniture & Household effects Advance etc.
31. Advance for suitable type of cloth and stitching charges, to get the Uniforms stitched properly. The previous Pay Commissions had also recommended the grant of this facility, but it had not been properly implemented
32. Vehicle Advance: Limit for Vehicle Advance should be increased to Rs. 80000/- for Motor Cycle & Scooter; Rs. 6 Lakhs for Motor Car, and Rs. 8000/- for purchase of a Bicycle. This limit should be revised from time to time according to the rates of the vehicles in the market.
33. Amount of Group Insurance cover should be enhanced to at least Rs.15 lakhs in view of heavy inflation as per New Scales of Pay proposed by the Pay Commission.
34. Incentive Increment for Family Planning for promoting Small Family Norms should be paid as per New Scales of Pay both to those who had adopted Family Planning Norms prior to the Pay Commission as well as to those who adopt them later on and the same should be counted for all purposes as done earlier.
35. Exemption of all allowances from Income Tax (including DA, HRA & Transport Allowance etc.) – as recommended by Fifth Pay Commission.
36. Raising of Exemption Limit for Income Tax to Rs. 5 Lakhs for Salaried Class, Rs. 7 Lakhs for Senior Citizens and Rs. 10 Lakhs for those above 80 years;
37. Linking of Exemption Limit of Income Tax with inflation and annual revision thereof accordingly.
38. Demands of Pensioners proposed to be added, are attached herewith please .
1. Full Parity of Pension to Pre & Post 2006 Pensioners with Post 7th CPC Pensioners – retiring from the same post.
2. Full Pension after 20 years of Service to Pre 2006 Pensioners – at par with Post 2006 Pensioners.
3. Proportionate Pension for less than 20 years of service for Pre 2006 as for Post 2006 Pensioners
4. Full Pension @ 65% of pay plus D.A. last drawn or average of last 10 months pay – whichever is higher -– after 20 years service. Restoration of commuted value of Pension in 12 years – as recommended by Fifth Pay Commission and as the amount gets recovered in less than 12 years – with interest thereon, on reducing balance.
5. Pay last drawn or average of last 10 months (whichever is higher) plus full D.A. last drawn for grant of Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity / Special Contribution to Provident Fund.
6. Rates of Family Pension may be revised as under :-
Proposed Family Pension Per Month
On death in Harness On death between 60 to 67 years of age. After limits indicated in columns 2 and 3
80% of last pay drawn as Family Pension for 10 years (if the Employee had survived) Full Pension as Family Pension for 10 years (if the Employee had survived) 80% of Normal Pension if Employee had survived (with minimum FP being Minimum Wage less 20%)
 7. NPS: New Pension Scheme should be withdrawn for Post 2004 appointee Central Government / Railway employees and they should be covered under the existing Pension Scheme.
8. Gratuity: One month’s pay plus D.A. last drawn or average of last 10 months – whichever is higher as Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity / Special Contribution to Provident Fund, instead of half month’s pay for each year of qualifying service as at present.
9. Ex-gratia Pension of at least Minimum Pension/ Minimum Wages to the surviving PF Optees.
10. Option to PF Optees: One time Option to all PF Optees to join Pension Scheme by refunding Contributed Provident Fund with interest thereon.
11. Additional Pension / Family Pension: 10% Additional Pension should be granted every 5 years from the age of 65 to 75 years; 20% every 5 years from 80 years onwards and 100% after 90 years of age – to meet with additional expanses on Medicines, health care and other exigencies of old age. (Recommendation of Sixth Pay Commission for grant of 100% additional Pension after 100 years of age was illusionary and unjust in view of far lesser prevailing life expectancy).
10% additional Pension/Family Pension after 65 years of age,
20% Additional Pension/Family Pension after 70 years of age 30 % additional Pension/Family Pension after 75 years of age, 50% additional Pension/Family Pension after 80 years of age,
70% additional Pension/Family Pension after 85 years of age and 100% additional Pension/Family Pension after 90 years of age
12. House Rent Allowance to Pensioners: Pensioners should be granted the House Rent Allowance as granted to serving employees – since most Pensioners are unable to build a House due to exorbitant rise of land & property.
13. Re-employment in appropriate fields to utilize valuable experience and expertise of suitable and talented Technical, Professional and Specialised Personnel against Supernumerary posts – through a suitable mechanism of selection – as required – without any favour or bias.
14. Grant of adequate FMA (Fixed Medical Allowance) and periodical revision thereof for day-to-day Medical Treatment to employees & Pensioners posted & residing in far flung areas – away from CGHS Dispensaries & Railway Hospitals.
15. Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to Pensioners and Family Pensioners be increased to at least Rs.2500 PM (with periodic revision thereof) for outdoor treatment – where no such facility is available nearby.
16. Waiver or at least adequate reduction of Contributions by the Pensioners / Retiring Employees for CGHS & RELHS (Railway Employees Liberated Health Scheme) – with balance contribution by the Government / Railways – keeping in view the true spirit of Social Responsibility towards the Pensioners – as defined by the Apex Court in Nakra’s Case.
17. Free Treatment of Central Govt Employees, including Railways Employees & Pensioners in Specialised Government Hospitals like AIIMS / NIMS / NIMHANS / JIPMER / CMC / PGI – especially, since these Hospitals are run by the Union Government.
18. Empanelment of more specialised Private Hospitals for Treatment of Central Govt. & Railway Pensioners – on Cashless Billing system in Emergency and on Reference by CGHS / Railway Doctors.
19. Exemption of all allowances – including DA/DP – from Income Tax – as recommended by Fifth CPC.
20. Raising of Exemption Limit for Income Tax to Rs. 5 Lakhs for salaried Class.
21. 50% tax rebate to the Senior Citizen between 60 years and 65 years, 75% tax rebate for senior citizens above 65 years and 100% after 80 years of age.
22. Exemption of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) from Income Tax – as it is a reimbursement of expenses for day-to-day Medical Treatment.
23. Grant of Interim Relief of at least 40% of the Pay/Pension + D.A to all Central Government Employees & Pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2014 – pending finalization & implementation of of recommendations of the Pay Commission, to mitigate the sufferings of the employees and Pensioners – to compensate them, at least partially, for the large-scale erosion of their Pay / Pensions due to heavy inflation and long gap between two successive Pay Commissions.
24. Merger of 100% DA/DR with Pay & Pension w.e.f. 1-1-2014.
25. Continual Revision of Wages at least every 5 years (like all PSUs) OR whenever the Dearness Allowance rises above 50 per cent.
Harchandan Singh
Source: www.irtsa.net

Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc.

Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc.

No.12035/4/ 2012-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 17.5.2012

Office Memorandum

Subject: – Guidelines for retention for Government accommodation by the allottee who are not regular Govt. Servant Viz Consultant etc.

The undersigned is directed to say that the matter of retention of Govt. accommodation in case of death by the allottees, who are not regular Govt. Servants viz consultant / Contractual appointee coterminous staff etc. has been considered by the competent authority and it has been decided that in case of death of the consultants / contractual appointees, co-terminus appointees in the personal staff of Ministers/other dignitaries etc. who are not regular government servants, six months retention will be allowed for the existing accommodation by the family of deceased allottee on payment of normal licence fee.

(R.N. Yadav)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Source: www.estates.nic.in

AIRF highlighted genuine demands of Railway Employees for Railway Budget 2014-15

AIRF highlighted genuine demands of Railway Employees for Railway Budget 2014-15

Railway Budget 2014-15 – Suggestions of AIRF
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Dated: June 28, 2014
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Ministry of Railways,
(Government of India),
New Delhi

Respected Sir,
Sub: Rail Budget 2014-15 – AIRF’s suggestions

All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), the largest federation of the Ministry of Railways, would like to place following general and genuine demands of the Railwaymen and their dependents for inclusion in the forthcoming Rail Budget 2014-15.

1. The former Hon’ble Minister for Railways had made a number of announcements in regard to various Welfare Schemes while presenting successive Rail Budgets, that include opening of Medical Colleges, Nursing Colleges, Central Schools, Technical Institutions etc. was made. In addition. In addition, “Own Your House Scheme” and provision of Mobile Medical Van for treatment of Railway Staff and their families posted on roadside station, was also announced by them for the Railwaymen. It is unfortunate that the above schemes have yet not been seen the light of the day due to one reason or the other and no proper budget allocation is made for implementation of the same.

Ref.: (i) Para 32 of Hon’be MR’s Rail Budget Speech for the year 2009-10 in respect of setting up of Nursing College and Medical Colleges.
Ref.: (ii) Para 50 of Hon’be MR’s Rail Budget Speech for the year 2010-11 – Setting up of hospitals and educational institutions on surplus railway land.
Ref.: (iii) Para 61 of Hon’be MR’s Rail Budget Speech for the year 2011-12 in respect of setting up of Polytechnics
With a view to secure trust and believe of more than 13 lakh Railwaymen in the Railway Ministry, it would be quite appropriate that necessary budgetary provision is ensured in the forthcoming Rail Budget for the year 2014-15, so that there is some visible progress in this regard.

2. Extension of LARSGESS
The “Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment of Safety Staff” (LARSGESS) was introduced in the year 2010, modifying the “Safety Related Voluntary Retirement Scheme” in vogue, that came into effect in the year 2005.
This LARSGESS Scheme has been working quite successfully and satisfactorily in maintaining safety standards on the Indian Railways and has equally been found economically viable also, as such the scope of this scheme needs to be extended to cover all Safety Categories Staff working in GP up Rs.4600.

3. Improvement in the condition of Railway Colonies, roads and Running/Rest Rooms
A large number of Railway quarters are over-aged and their maintenance/repair is not practicable due to abnormally high cost. Due to paucity of sufficient funds, neither proper maintenance/repair of the Railway quarters is being managed nor new quarters built in replacement of the old-aged ones. The roads and drainage system in the Railway Colonies is also in very depleted condition. Similar is the condition of most of the Drivers/Guard’s Running Rooms, TTEs Rest Rooms, Subordinate Rest Houses and Rest Rooms for other Railways staff, as a result of which, these staff are not able to take proper rest therein.
Adequate funds needs to be allocated for improvement in the condition of Railway Colonies, Running Rooms, Rest Houses, Rest Rooms etc. as also for provision of separate Ladies Running Rooms/Rest Rooms, Toilets and Change Room for Women Railway Employees.

4. Improvement in medical facilities
Railway Health Services are getting deteriorated day-by-day due to non-availability of adequate number of Railway doctors, paramedical staff and infrastructure. Even life saving medicines are at times not being provided to Railway beneficiaries on account of paucity of resources. Proper allocation of funds for overall improvement in Railway Health Services is, therefore, required to be made so as to engage Specialist Doctors, paramedical staff and availability of proper quality of medicines, particularly life saving medicines from reputed firms. Sufficient number of specialized private or semi-government hospitals are also required to be recognized for treatment of Railway beneficiaries at all important stations.
The already announced “Smart Card” facility for getting cashless treatment in recognized hospitals has not yet been implemented despite lapse of sufficient time, as such this facility be introduced immediately for all existing and retired Railway employees so that they are able to get hassle-free treatment in emergency.
In the wake of present Central Government’s scheme to open Medical Colleges in all the district hospitals, all the Divisional Hospitals in the Railways should also be considered for opening of Associated Medical Colleges, wherein facilities available in this hospitals, like doctors, paramedical staff and other medical facilities can be made use of, because the Divisional Hospitals mostly cover more than one district.
There should be no age bar for getting treatment from the Railway Hospitals/Referral Hospitals for the wards of the Railwaymen, and the same should continue till marriage of the daughter or employment of the son without any age limit.

5. Filling up of Safety Category Posts
It is seen that despite several assurances by the Ministry of Railways, around 1.5 lakh Safety Category Posts always remain unfilled, which is a potential danger to the safety of rail operation. Some new mechanism, therefore, needs to be developed to fill up at least vacancies in the Safety Categories in a time bound manner, wherein priority needs to be given to the wards of the Railwaymen. This procedure was in vogue in the early 1990s

6. Extension of facilities of Privilege/Complimentary Passes
It may be recalled that, one of the former Hon’ble Ministers for Railways had announced to extend the benefit of Privilege/Complimentary Pass to both the parents of the Railwaymen and the officers, but the same is yet to be implemented. In case of Defence employees and other enterprises, both the parents are entitled to avail the facility of free travel, but not in the Railways, which is the largest transport system in our country. This needs to be implemented forthwith.
The facility of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes is being denied to all those Railway employees who could not complete 20 years of Qualifying Service due to their late entry in the Railways, either appointed on compassionate ground or absorption of Coolies, employment of Ex. Servicemen in Railways. Since all these appointments are made under special circumstances, the condition of minimum Qualifying Service of 20 years needs to be relaxed for such employees.
The age limit for entitlement of Passes also needs to be enhanced for dependent son in the present social scenario until they get employment, without any age bar.

7. Revision of New Pension Scheme
During the course of negotiations held with the Railway Board on 07.02.2014 on the 36-point Charter of Demands of the AIRF for Railway Strike, it was unanimously agreed that New Pension Scheme will be replaced with “Old/Guaranteed Pension Scheme” for those employed on or after 01.01.2004 on Indian Railways on the pattern of Defence personnel. The former Hon’ble MR had, therefore, taken up this issue with the Ministry of Finance also. Suitable measures be announced to meet the agreement arrived at between the Staff Side and the Railway Board.

8. Absorption of Quasi-Administrative Staff in the Railways
The Quasi-Administrative Staff employed on the Indian Railways be regularized and Railway Board may be instructed to restore the scheme for Quasi-Administrative Offices as being allowed in case of Railway Officers for engaging TADK/Bungalow Peon.

9. Provision of proper infrastructure and manpower while introducing new trains
New trains are being introduced as a regular measure without providing proper infrastructure and adequate manpower, resulting in increasing workload has become a safety hazard, owing to shortage of staff and improper infrastructure. Therefore, no new trains be introduced until proper infrastructure and adequate manpower is made available for running the same.
With kind regards!

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source : AIRF

Railway Board Order: Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis

Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis – Railway Board Order
RBE No. 66/2014
New Delhi, dated 25.6.2014
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Pus
RE/Allahahad & Metro Railway, Kolkata.

Sub: Revision of remuneration rates in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis

Ref: E(NG)II/2004/RC4/SC/2 dated 01.02.2010
The issue of revision of monthly remuneration rates for filling up posts in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis, have been engaging the attention of the Board. It has now been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the following monthly remuneration (consolidated) will be effective from 1.7.2014.
(i) For the post in Grade Rs. 2550-3200/5200-20200 + GP(l800) = Rs. 10670 per month.
(ii) For the post in Grade Rs. 3050-4590/520040200 + GP(1900) = Rs. 10320 per month.
(iii) For the post in Grade Rs.3250-4900/5200-20200 + GP (2000) = Rs. 10970 per month.
(iv) For the post in Grade. Rs. 4000-6000/5200-20200 + GF’(2400) = Rs. 11590 per month.
(v) For the post in Grade Rs.4500-7000/5200-20200 + GP(2800) = Rs. 12190 per month.
(vi) For the post in Grade Rs. 5000-8000/9300-34800 + GP(4200) = Rs. 20570 per month.
(vii) For the post in Grade Rs. 7450-1500/9300-34300+ GP(4600) = Rs. 21190 per month.
2. Other terms and conditions as stipulated vide Board‘s letter dated 19.07. 2005 would continue to be the same.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways

Director Estt. (N)II
Railway Board.
Source: AIRF

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