Cabinet approves Productivity Linked Bonus for Railway Employees Payment before Dussehra/Puja Festival season Incentive to Improve Productivity and Efficiency of Railways

The payment of PLB would serve as an incentive, and result in motivating a large number of Railway employees, particularly those involved in execution and operations of railways, to improve their productivity and ensure safety, speed and service for Railway customers. Indian Railways operates on the principle of maximum public welfare, and in this context, this bonus payment will help in improving accountability and efficiency in railways operations.
The financial implication of payment of 78 days' PLB to railway employees has been estimated to be Rs. 2,245.45 crores. The wage calculation ceiling prescribed for payment of PLB is Rs. 7,000/- p.m. The maximum amount payable per eligible railway employee is Rs. 17,951 for 78 days.