A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 17 August 2018

Request for issue of clarification in respect of Rule (vii) of Schedule-II (Pass on Privilege Account) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition - 1993)

Request for issue of clarification in respect of Rule (vii) of Schedule-II (Pass on Privilege Account) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition - 1993)


Government of India
Ministry of Railway
(Railway Board)
General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road
New Delhi - 110055.
Dated 07.08.2018

Sub:- Request for issue of clarification in respect of Rule vii) of Schedule-II (Pass on Privilege Account) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition- 1993).

Ref :- (i) NFIR's letter No.1/15/Part-111 dated 30.07.2018.
(ii) Board’s letter of even number dated 26.03.2018.
(iii) Board’s letter of even number dated 27.03.2018.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above cited letter on the subject issue, it is stated that in response to your earlier references dated 13.10.2017 & 16.05.2017, instructions already stand issued vide Board's letter under Ref.(ii), interalia, stating that Rules 3(vii)(a), 3(vii)(b), 3(vii)(c) are independent provisions which is explicit by the use of the word "or" between them. A copy of the same also stands provided to you vide Board’s letter under Ref.(iii) (copy enclosed).
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs

Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs


No. PC-VII/20151R-U19 (Part.)
New Delhi, dated: 06/08/2018
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road,  New Delhi - 55.

Sub: Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs.

Ref: NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC(Imp)2017/R.B - Part. II dated 23.07.2018.

Please refer to NFIR's representation dated 23.07.2018 addressed to Hon'ble MR requesting intervention of Hon'ble for obtaining approval of Ministry of Finance (MoF) for upgradation GP-4600 to GP-4800.

2. With respect to above, it is stated that Railway Board have been making persistent efforts with various levels for obtaining approval of proposal sent MoF vide Board's OM dated 08.02.2017 proposing revision of pay structure of Sr.Supervisors in Group 'C' of all departments (other than Account Department) to upgrade 75% of such Supervisor posts from Level-7 (erstwhile GP-4600) to Level-8 (erstwhile GP - 4800) and to bring parity in the pay scales of Group 13 Officers Accounts/Non-Accounts department.

3. It has already been intimated to NFIR through ATS on PNM-NFIR Item Nos. 3 & 10/2018 that a D.O. letter dated 20.04.2017 was sent from Hon'ble MR to Hon'ble FM for expediting approval on above proposal. Thereafter, a reminder dated 15.05.2018 from EDPC-­II to JS(Pers)/MoF was also sent in this connection. Recently, a D.O. letter dated 13.07.2018 (Annex-I) from Board (CRB) to Finance Secretary has also been sent requesting them to expedite approval on Board's proposal dated 08.02.2017.
For Secretary,
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

General Departmental Competitive Examination - Consolidated instructions

General Departmental Competitive Examination - Consolidated instructions
RBE No./12,/2018
No.E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/23
New Delhi, dated August 2, 2018
The General Managers All Zonal Railways & Production Units
(as per standard list)

Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination - Consolidated instructions - reg.

The scheme of GDCE for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment quota vacancies in certain Group 'C' categories which have Direct Recruitment quota of 25% or more (except the categories of Law Assistants, Catering Supervisors and the Accounts Department) was introduced vide Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/92/PM 2/16 dated 20.08.1993 (RBE No.129/93), initially for a period” of one year. The currency of the scheme has since been extended from tirr- time and was last extended up to 31.03.2020. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/ 201 1/2 dated 10.04.2018] (RBE No.57/2018). A number of instructions on tp,81' u have been issued from time to time, which have been consolidated ,i)and summarized as under:
  1. General Instructions:
Powers have been delegated to GMs to increase percentage of GDCE from 25% to 50% of Direct Recruitment quota vac individual cases as per needs. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)17 2001/PM 212 dated 21.01.2002] (RBE No.09/2002).

2.5 All regular employees possessing prescribed educational qualification for Direct Recruitment working in gad owe than the grades/pay scale for which GDCE is being conducted Arele to appear in GDCE selection for all categories. [Boards letter N0(NG /2008/PM 1/6 Pt. dated 24.07.2017] (RBE No.72/2017) and [Boards letterNo. E(NG)I/ 1992/PM 2/16 dt 20.08.1993] (RBE No 12993).

2.6 All regular employees possessing prescribed educational qualification for Direct Recruitment working in same grade/pay scale for which GDCE is being conducted are eigible to appear in selection for GDCE from Non-Safety to Safety category posts as well as Safety to Safety category posts. [Boards' letter No E(NG)1/2008 /PM 1/6 Pt dated 24072017] (RBE No.72/2 and [Boards' letter No E(NG)1/ 1992/PM 2/16 dt 20.08.1993] (RBE NQ 1 9/95).

2.7 Reservation Quotas prescribed for SC/ST will be applicable for GDCE.
[Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/ 1992/PM 2/ 16 dt 20.08,1993] (RBE No.129/93).
2.8 Maximum age limit for General, candidates is 40 years and for SC/ST it is 45 years. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/ 1992/PM 2/16 dt 20.08.1993] (RBE No.129/93).

2.5 Regular Group 'C' and Group 'D' staff of the Production Units who fulfill the stipulated eligibility conditions are also permitted to appear in GDCE whenever conducted by the Zonal Railways for filling up the vacancies in different Group 'C' categories. The Zonal Railways should therefore, ensure that copies of notifications of selection under GDCE whenever issued by them are invariably endorsed to all the Production Units, so as to enable the employees of the Production Units also to apply for such selections, through proper channel, along with eligible employees of the Zonal Railway concerned. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/2001/PM 2/12 dated 21.01.2002] (RBE No.09/2002).
  1. Examination Process:
Examination for all posts is to be conducted in single stage only in view of small number of Railway employees appearing against the same. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/2008/PM 1/6 dated 10.06.2015] (RBE No.60/2015). GDCE will comprise of a written test followed by viva-voce* and the panels will be formed strictly in the order of merit.
(* Viva-voce stands deleted vide Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/2000/PM 1/41 dated 07.08.2003).

3.1 The standard of examination shall be like that of Direct Recruitment to avoid any dilution of the cadre. If suitable candidates do not become available in adequate number as a result of GDCE, the shortfall will be made good by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board.

3.2 The GDC Examination is to be conducted by the RRCs.

3.3 The date for GDCE is to be fixed by Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs) of the Railway in consultation with CPOs and Chairman of respective RRBs.

3.4 Question Papers for GDCE is to be provided by respective RRBs, but evaluation shall be done by RRCs on the basis of answer keys provided by the former. However, instead of 3 sets of Question Papers, only one set of the same will be provided by RRBs to RRCs for GDCE. All other recruitment related activities will be performed by Chairman of respective RRCs. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I/2008/PM 1/6 dated 20.10.2014] (RBE No.113/2014).

3.5 Zone of consideration for GDCE will encompass staff belonging to all the Departments! Branches in a Division/ Workshop/ Headquarter-Office/ Extra Divisional Office/ Production Unit as the case may be subject to their applying through proper channel in response to the notification for GDCE. [Boards' letter No. E(NG)I!1992/PM 2/16 dated 20.08.1993] (RBE No.129/1993).
  1. Wherever, the vacancies remain unfilled in Promotion Quota, the same may be carried forward to LDCE/GDCE, if any, and unfilled vacancies of LDCE/GDCE may be carried forward to direct recruitment quota for the next year/next selection. In case there is no LDCE/GDCE for that post, the unfilled vacancies may be diverted to direct recruitment quota of the upcoming year. [Boards' letter No. E(NOI/ 2010 / PM 1/ 16 dated 10.09.2014] (RBE No.97/2014).
  2. The channel of GDCE and LDCE can be availed by the young, talented and qualified staff working in lower grades for fast track progression to higher grades.
  3. It has been noticed that a large number of vacancies in the Railways remain unfilled and the Railways are not making timely use of the scheme of GDCE and LDCE for filling up vacancies, which is adversely affecting the motivation of the employees.
  4. It is reiterated that Railways should ensure making use of these schemes liberally to fill up the vacancies timely by chalking out suitable action plan for the same.
Hindi version will follow.
( P.M. Meena )
Dy. Director -11/Estt.(NG)I
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

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