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Friday, 25 August 2017

Central Government Pensioners: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

Central Government Pensioners: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

7th CPC  :  Appeal for restoration of option 1  for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

No. RSCWS/ HO / 7th CPC/2017-16
Dated: 23rd August, 2017
Shri Narindera Modi, Hon. Prime Minister India, 152, South Block, New Delhi-110001
Shri Arun Jaitley, Hon. Minister of Finance, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi- 110001
Shri Jitendra Singh, Hon. MOS Personnel, PG & Pension, GOI, North Block, New Delhi-110001

Dear Sir,
Subject: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners - For Parity of Pension between Pre & Post-2016 Central Government Pensioners

Reference: i) DOP&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12th May, 2017 & 6th July, 2017 ii) Para 10.1.67 of 7th CPC Report for grant of Parity of Pension of Pre & Post Seventh CPC Pensioners

1. We draw your kind attention to the sad plight of large majority of Central Government Pensioners – especially the Pre-2006 Pensioners and more so the Pre-1996 Pensioners, who will suffer a major financial loss in fixation of their Revised Pension on account of an unjust decision on implementation of 7th CPC Report vide DOP&PW OM dated 12 -5-2017 cited above.

2. The Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) in Para 10.1.67 & 10.1.68 of its Report had for the first time conceded the long pending demand of the Central Government Pensioners for Parity of Pension between the Pre and Post CPC Pensioners and had recommended the following pension formulation for civil employees including CAPF personnel who had retired before 01.01.2016:
i) All the Civilian personnel including CAPF who retired prior to 01.01.2016 (expected date of implementation of the Seventh CPC recommendations) shall first be fixed in the Pay Matrix being recommended by this Commission, on the basis of the Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired, at the minimum of the corresponding level in the matrix. This amount shall be raised, to arrive at the notional pay of the retiree, by adding the number of increments he/she had earned in that level while in service, at the rate of three percent. Fifty percent of the total amount so arrived at shall be the revised pension.

ii) The second calculation to be carried out is as follows. The pension, as had been fixed at the time of implementation of the VI CPC recommendations, shall be multiplied by 2.57 to arrive at an alternate value for the revised pension.

iii) Pensioners be given option of choosing whichever formulation is beneficial to them.
3. Option 1, cited above, was very much feasible to implement as recommended by 7th CPC for revision of Pension of old Pension since according to the survey conducted by the DOP&PW, it was accepted that the Service Records of over 80% of old Pensioners were available, while those of the others could be re-built as per procedure prescribed in the Rules and as was done after 5th & 6th CPC and as per orders of the Courts in numerous cases.

4. Regrettably, the Committee formed by the Government, to consider the feasibility of implementation of Option 1 recommended by the Seventh CPC, while finding it non-feasible, did not care for the interest of the more than 80% of the Pensioners merely to save the Administration from the botheration of Re-building the Service Records of the rest less than 20% Pensioners. This was a great injustice since the 80% of the Pensioners who’s Records are available, shall suffer a loss of Pension just because of missing records of the rest 20%.

5. Instead, the Government accepted the following formula vide OM Dated 12-5-2017, as recommended by the Committee on Feasibility of Option 1:

"the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in respect of all Central civil pensioners/family pensioners, including CAPF's, who retired/died prior to 01.01.2016, may be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay at which they retired/died. This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay Commission based on the Formula for revision of pay. While fixing pay on notional basis the pay fixation formulae approved by the Government and other relevant instructions on the subject in force at the relevant time shall be strictly followed. 50% of the notional pay as on 01.01.2016 shall be the revised pension and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first Permutation."

6. The above said formula will very seriously and adversely affect the Revised pension of a large majority of the Pre-2016 Pensioners on account of following reasons:
a) "Parity of Pension" between Pre and Post-2016 Pensioners - recommended by the Seventh CPC - would be denied to the Pre-2016 Pensioners.

b) In the process of notional pay fixation in successive Pay Commissions, there is a lot of dilution particularly for pensioners who retired in 4th CPC period resulting in big financial loss.

c) Irrespective of the date of retirement, Option 1 would have given the same pension to pre-2016 pensioners depending upon the number of increments earned in the last Level. By denying option 1 there will be sub-groups even within the homogenous group of pre-2016 pensioners.

d) None of the above losses would occur to the Pre-2016 Pensioners if the Option 1 recommended by the 7th CPC is implemented and if the new formula is allowed as a 3rd Option in addition to Option 1 & 2 Recommended by the 7th CPC in the interest of natural justice to all Pre- 2016 Pensioners.
2. It is, therefore, requested that the Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners be fixed at the highest of the 3 Options - including first two Options as recommended by 7th CPC and 3rd Option as accepted by the Government and Notified vide DOP&PW OM Dated 12-5-2017.

Hoping for a favourable consideration & thanking you in anticipation. With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Harchandan Singh)
Source : RSCWS

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman: CGDA's clarification on bunching benefit

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman: CGDA's clarification on bunching benefit

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
No. Pay/ Tech-II/04/Vol.-LXXIV
Date:- 17/08/2017
AO, OF Nalanda.

Sub: Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman

In continuation to this office earlier circular of even No. dated 04.12.2013, it is intimated that the clarification as to whether the grant of additional increment should be considered or otherwise for granting bunching benefit to MCM in Ordnance Factories, has been received vide our HQrs. Office letter No. AT/II/2458 (PC) 6/06-IV dated 24/07/2017. A copy of the same is enclosed for your kind information.

It is also intimated that this office earlier circular of even No. dated 04.12.2013 may be treated as cancelled and necessary action may be taken at your end for revision of affected cases.

All Br. AOs under your jurisdiction may please be intimated accordingly.

Enclo: As above
Assistant Controller of Accounts (Fys.)

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

No. AT/II/2458 (PC) 6/06-IV
Dated: 24 July 2017
The PCA (Fys)

Subject: Clarification on bunching benefit to be extended in Ordnance Factories.

Reference: Your office letter No Pay/Tech-II/04/Vol- LXIII dated 31-05-2017.

In para 4 of your office above cited letter MOF No F. No 1/1/2008-IC dated 12-05-2013 has been referred to, which clarifies that ‘In cases where the stages of fixation of pay in the revised pay band as per fitment table contained in the OM dated 30-08-2008 provides for the same revised stage in the pay band with reference to two consecutive stages of pre-revised pay in the corresponding pre-revised scales, then in such cases due to application of MOF OM dated 19-03-2012, there will be no change in the revised pay as on 01-01-2006, if the revised stage with reference to the pre-revised pay after accounting for one increment in the pre-revised scale-does not undergo any change as per fitment table.

2. However, in the pay fixation case in respect of Shri C. V Mane as put forth in para 3 of your letter, his revised pay is not the same as per the Fitment Table after accounting for one increment in the pre-revised scale. In view, the provisions of MoF OM dated 22-05-2013 does not appear to be applicable in the case of Shri C. V. Mane for not taking into account the additional increment granted in terms of MOF OM dated 19 -03-2012 for providing bunching benefit.

Jt CGDA (P&W) has seen.
(V K Purohit)

Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by NPS

Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by NPS

"It is once again reiterated that the aforesaid instructions may be followed scrupulously and to review all the cases for ensuring the payment of family pension, disability pension and extra-ordinary pension to the NPS subscribers in case of death/disability"

New Delhi, Dated: 23/08/2017
The GMs/FA & CAOs,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units.

Subject: Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by New Pension System - clarification regarding.

Please refer to the instructions issued vide Board’s letters No. 2008/AC-II/21/19, dated 29/05/2009, No.2010/AC-II/21/18 dated 02/07/2013 and 13/07/2010, letters of even number dated 08/09/2014 and 13/01/2016 on the above mentioned subject.

2. Now, one of the recognized Federations (NFIR) have again raised the issue of non- compliance of the above instructions by Zonal Railways and reluctance on the part of Railways in providing additional relief to the widows of NPS subscribers/ NPS subscribers who have been declared invalidated. The Federation have also stated that Zonal administrations are not taking initiatives to ensure additional relief in terms DOP&PW’s D.M. dated 05/05/2009 and that they are reluctant in providing additional relief on death and disability of NPS subscribers.

3. It is once again reiterated that the aforesaid instructions may be followed scrupulously and to review all the cases for ensuring the payment of family pension, disability pension and extra-ordinary pension to the NPS subscribers in case of death/disability. Further, Zonal Railways are also advised to sensitize the administration at lower level towards the problems faced by the employees and their families.
(G.Priya Sudarsani)
Joint Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.

7th CPC benefits extended to each and every officers/staffs: PCA(Fys) Orders

Implementation of the 7th CPC benefits extended to each and every officers/staffs

"to ensure that benefits have been extended to each and every officers/staffs.  PCA(Fys) Orders

No.1431/AN-PAY/V/7th CPC
Dated 23.08.2017
All CFAs(Fys)
Branch Accounts Offices

Subject: Implementation of the 7th CPC

It has now been for a year that Govt. has declared the 7th CPC recommendations and accordingly this office has undertaken necessary initiative for extending the benefits of 7th CPC to the eligible officers and staffs. As per our official records almost every single cases has been attended to in this regard. There are few cases where the same could not be done for want of certain documents/ options etc. Service Books are also being monitored to ensure that benefits have been extended to each and every officers/staffs.

2. However, this office is seeking confirmation in this regard from your end that there are no left over cases in this regard.

3. it is, therefore,enjoined upon all concerned to look into the matter and details of pending cases, if any, may be forwarded forthwith with necessary options etc so as to complete the work of extending the financial benefits based on the recommendation of the 7th CPC.
4. This may be given a wide publicity to all concerned.

5. A NIL Report in this regard may please be sent to this office for our record please.

6. The receipt of the circular may please be acknowledged
AC of A)Fys)
Authority: http://pcafys.nic.in/

Meaning of an Ex-Servicemen - Revised Definition

Meaning of an Ex-Servicemen - Revised Definition



Those who were released between 01 Jul 66 and 30 Jun 68 (both days inclusive) - Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union, has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency
(Authority : Min of Home Affairs Notification No F.14/26/64-Estt(D) dated 11 Oct 1966)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 68 and 30 Jun 71 (both days inclusive) - Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six months and released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency

(Authority : Min of Home Affairs Notification No 14/11/68-Estt(D)/Estt -C) dated 13 Feb 69)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 71 and 30 Jun 74 (both days inclusive) Any person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency
(Authority : Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel Notification No 13/3/71-Ests(C) dated 14 Oct 71)

Those who were released between 01 Jul 74 and 30 Jun 79 (both days inclusive)  ESM means a person who has served in any rank(whether as a combatant or non -combatant) in the Armed forces of the Union, for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released there from otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(Authority : Cabinet Secretariat, Department . of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No 13/24/73-Estt(C) dated 26 Oct 74)

Those who were releasedbetween 01 Jul 79 and 30 Jun 87 (both days inclusive) Any person who has served in any rank(whether as combatant or not)in the armed forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation if discharged for reasons other than at their own request or by way or dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and not less than five years service if discharged at own request.

(Authority : Department . of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No 39016/10/79-Estt(C) dated 15 Dec 79)

Those who were released on or after 01 Jul 87 – Any person who has served in any rank (whether as combatant or not) in the armed forces of the Union and was released/retired with any kind of pension from Defence Budget or released on completion of specific terms of engagement with gratuity otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(Authority : DOP&T OM No 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 14 Apr 87)

Personnel of Territorial Army  Who are pension holders ;for continuous embodied service, persons with disability attributable to military service and gallantry award winners retired on or after 15 Nov 86.
(Authority : DOP&T OM No 36034/5/85-Estt(SCT) dated 14 Apr 87)

Personnel of Army Postal Service  Personnel of Army Postal Service , who are a part of regular Army and retire from such service (that is directly from APS without reversion to P&T Department) with a pension or who have been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension shall come within the definition of ex-servicemen

(Authority : Min of Defence OM No 9(52)/88/D)(Res) dated 19 Jul 89)
Note : As per Govt. of India, Min of Def/Department of ESW OM No 1(9)/2010/D(Res-I) dated 20/21 Jul 2011, personnel who were on deputation in APS for more than six months prior to 14 Apr 87 would also be considered as ex-servicemen with all consequential benefits.

Recruits  Who are boarded out/released on medical grounds and granted medical/disability pension. However, the operation of the OM has been kept in abeyance for issuance of notification by DOP&T.
(Authority : Min of Def/Department of ESW OM No 12/1/2005/D(Res) dated 01 Feb 2006)

Those who were released on or after 10 Oct 2012

An ex-servicemen means a person-
(i) Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union and
(a) Who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension; or
(b) Who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(c) Who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
(ii) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and has been given gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely, pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service; or
(iii) personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstances beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(iv) Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14th April,1987; or
(v) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension irrespective of the date of boarding out/release.

Authority: DOP&T office Memo No.36034/1/2006-Estt(Res) dated 04 Oct 2012 and this order came into force from the date it is published in the Gazette of India vide G.S.R 757(E) dated 10th Oct 2012.)

Authority - Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare D(Res I) OM dated 07th July 2014 ex-recruits have been granted ESM Status irrespective of the date of boarding out/release.

Note : The eligibility of the person to the status of ex-servicemen will be governed by the definition in vogue at the time of his discharge and will not be affected by the changes in the definition subsequent to the discharge.

Authority: http://media.dgrindia.com/

7th CPC : Constant Attendant Allowance

7th CPC : Constant Attendant Allowance

PC-VII No.: 44/2017
RBE No. 101/2017
No. F(E)III/2009/PN1/6
New Delhi, Dated : 22.08.2017
The GMs/FA'&;CAOs,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Subject: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 - Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance.

A copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare (DOP&;PW)'s O.M. No. 1/4/2017-P&;PW(F) dated 2nd August, 2017  on the above cited subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on Railways also. CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 mentioned in DOP&;PW's O.M., corresponds to Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993.
(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Joint Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.
D.A.: As above.

7th Pay Commission -  Constant Attendant Allowance under CCS

 No.1/4/2017-P&;PW (F)
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated the 2nd August, 2017.

Subject:Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the VIIth Pay Commission on CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 - Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance.

The undersigned is directed to say that at present Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA) is Granted to pensioners who retired on disability pension under the CCS(Extraordinary Pension) Rules 1939, with 100% disability (where the individual is completely dependent on somebody else for day-to-day function). The Constant Attendant Allowance is paid in addition to the disability pension. The present rate of Constant Attendant Allowance admissible is Rs.4500/- per month.

2.Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the 7th
Central Pay Commission on Allowances, Government has accepted the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission to increase the Constant Attendant Allowance by a factor 1.5, ie. to Rs.6750/- per month. Accordingly, sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for enhancement of the amount of Constant Attendant Allowance from the existing Rs.4500/- to Rs.6750/- per month.

3. These orders will take effect from 01.07.2017.

4. In so far as persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller &; Auditor General of India.

5. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide, their OM No.11-1/2016-IC dated 11.07.2017.

6. Hindi version will follow.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Tel: 24635979
All Ministry/Department of the Government of India as per standard distribution list.

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