A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Fixation of Pay of re-employed pensioners - treatment of Military Service Pay (MSP)

Fixation of Pay of re-employed pensioners - treatment of Military Service Pay (MSP) - reg.

No.E(G) 2013/EM 1-5
New Delhi, dated 06, March 2017
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen.
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi.


Sub: Fixation of Pay of re-employed pensioners - treatment of Military Service Pay (MSP) - reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter No.II/35/Part XIII dated 10.01.2017 on the above subject and to state that the illustration given in your letter regarding treatment of Military Service Pay (MSP) while fixing the pay of ex-servicemen re-employed in the Railways has been examined in consultation with the Finance Directorate is not as per the instructions contained in DoP&T’s OM No.3/19/2009 Estt. Pay II dated 08.11.2010 which was circulated to the Railways vide Board’s letter No.E(G) 2013/EM 1-4 dated 24.07.2013 and reiterated vide Board's letter of even number dated 15.12.2016. The DoP&T’s OM only provides that the MSP part of pension will not be deducted from the pay fixed on re-employment. It does not provide for including MSP in the pay fixed on re-employment.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

NFIR: Meeting of the Committee constituted to suggest implementation of the National Pension System Employees

NFIR: Meeting of the Committee constituted to suggest implementation of the National Pension System Employees

Dated: 18/03/2017
The General Secretaries
of Affiliated Unions of NFIR.


Sub: Meeting of the Committee constituted to suggest implementation of the National Pension System Employees - reg.

A meeting of the Committee with JCM (Staff Side) under the chairmanship of Secretary (Pension), Department of pension & Pensioners' Welfare was held at Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi on 17th March 2017 at 15.00 hrs. Brief on the discussions is given below:
(i) At the outset, Secretary (Pension) stated that the Committee will try to consider and propose for safeguarding the interests of pensioners appointed on or after 01/01/2004. He said that the purpose of meeting was to elicit views from JCM (Staff Side) and make out report with an attempt to accommodate the views by and large.

(ii) Thereafter, the Additional Secretary (Pension) made a brief presentation highlighting the attempts of the Committee for formulating Rules, Regulations and Procedures to be considered by the Government.

(iii) Initiating discussions, the JCM (Staff Side) leaders have reiterated their consistent stand that the Liberalized Pension Scheme needs to be made applicable to those who joined the Government service from 01/01/2004.

2. The JCM (Staff Side) leader Dr.M.Raghavaiah and Standing Committee Member, Shri Guman Singh have participated in the meeting and pointed out as follows:
(a) The Committee should consider for recommending 50% of Last Pay drawn as minimum pension to the retiring NPS subscribers irrespective of their total service.

(b) The Pension Rules of 1972 be incorporated in the proposed draft Rules in an appropriate manner, thereby pension is guaranteed to the families of retired/deceased employees and their dependents.

(c) While 60% of Pension wealth will be paid to the retiring NPS subscriber, the remaining 40% is invested by PFRDA on which retiring employee has no control. What is needed to be ensured is "Guarantee for payment of 50% of Last Pat drawn as Pension". Remaining 40% Pension wealth may be invested or used by PFRDA on which,retiring employee may have no claim.

(d) In the Railways, the employer deducts l0% of wages from employee's salary towards subscription and contributes equal amount. No Railway employee knows what their actual amount is, as no written statement is furnished by the employer. The JCM (Staff Side) is not concerned about the role of PFRDA - NSDL- etc., as every Railway employee wants to know what is his/her amount (subscription plus contribution). It should be ensured that Railways should give atleast annually, the statement of accumulated amount to the employee so that on the date of his retirement, he/she will know whether entire money was credited to PFRDA and equally he/she will know what would be 60% of the total pension wealth. The present defective system needs to be streamlined.
The above is for information of affiliates.
Yours fraternity
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

16th March 2017 Strike - Participation of Employees All Time High

16th March 2017 Strike - Participation of Employees All Time High

Dated - 18.03.2017
1) All National Secretariat Members (CHQ Office Bearers)
2) Chief Executives of all Affiliated organisations
3) General Secretaries of all COCs

Dear Comrades,


Reports received from Affiliated organisations and COCs and also many field level units shows that the participation of employees in the 16th March 2017 strike was all time high. The reason is obvious that the employees are angry and upset due the totally adamant and negative attitude of the NDA government towards the genuine issues of Central Govt. employees and pensioners and their discontentment was ventilated through the strike as an outburst of their pent up feelings. The response to the strike call was overwhelming and majority of employees suo- moto participated in the strike without any compulsion. This was also quite visible during the 15th December 2016 Parliament March and other agitational programmes including dharna and observance of 6th March 2017 Black Day. (For other details please see the press statement dated 16.03.2017 published in the Confederation website). Confederation National Secretariat congratulates and salutes all the leaders and employees who organized and participated in the strike and made it one of the best organized and best participated historic strike of Central Government Employees. Once again it is proved that it is Confederation alone, which is the true representative of entire Central Government employees.


National Secretariat of the Confederation will meet at Delhi on 13.04.2017, as already notified. Secretariat will conduct a detailed review of the strike and decide future course of action. All National Secretariat members are requested to attend the meeting without fail.


As already notified, the All India Trade Union Education Camp of Confederation will be conducted at EMS Academy, Thiruvananthapuram on 6th & 7th May 2017. All affiliated organisations and COCs are one again requested to ensure participation of allotted number of delegates WITHOUT FAIL. Please ensure that travel tickets are booked immediately, if not already booked. (Notice was issued in January itself to facilitate booking of confirmed train tickets, as train reservation starts four months in advance).

Quota allotted to each organisation and COC and other informations relating to the camp are is furnished in the circular attached.

While selecting delegates to the camp, younger generation and ladies may be given maximum representation.

Please intimate the number of delegates attending the camp by email to confederationhq@gmail.com OR mkrishnan6854@gmail.com and also to the Reception Committee.

Needless to say that for smooth and efficient functioning of an organisation, especially for a vibrant organisation like Confederation, funds is an essential requirement. Unfortunately, many affiliates and COCs are continuously failing in their responsibility to support the Confederation CHQ financially. Available fund has been utilized for Parliament March and strike campaign. Now the financial position is almost NIL. Unless all the affiliates and COCs clear their quota immediately, it will adversely effect the CHQ functioning. All affiliates and COCs are one again requested to clear the quota (Re.1/- per member per year) before 31.03.2017. Please treat it as most important. The amount may be remitted to:

Com. Vrigu Bhattacharya,
Financial Secretary
Confederation of C. G. Employees & Workers (CHQ)
17/C, P & T Quarters, Kalibari Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
Mob: 09868520926
Email: v.aicaea@gmail.com

Bank Account details
Bank - Indian oversees Bank
Branch - Gole Market, New Delhi
Account No. 084001000015586
IFS Code - IOBA0000840


Discussion are in progress for organizing nationwide campaign and agitational programmes against the NPS and outsourcing of Government functions, jointly with All India State Government Employees Federation (AISGEF) and other like-minded organisations. Final decision in this regard will be taken in the National Secretariat meeting to be held on 13th April 2017.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob&WhatsApp: 09447068125
Email: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/

16th March 2017 Strike Report - Karnataka COC

16th March 2017 Strike Report - Karnataka COC

16th March 2017 strike report
I thank one and all the Central Government Employees of the Karnataka State who are affiliated to the Confederation of CG employees for making the 16th March 2017 strike a grand success , the leaders of the affiliates were working for making this strike a success . The Central leaders Com KKK Kuttyji President Confederation of CG employees had been to the state of Karnataka many times , his valuable guidance has inspired us very much . I also thank Com Krishnanji Secretary General Confederation of CG employees for his valuable guidance in making 16th March 2017 strike a grand success.

The participation of employees in 16th March 2017 strike was very good in Karnataka state , apart from Bangalore CG employees in all districts of the state of Karnataka had participated in the strike , this time there was huge success , this is due to the success campaign by all leaders , it was a joint effort .

The strike in Postal was historic, many of the Post offices were locked and the strike participation was nearly 90%.

The participation in ITEF, AICGWBEA, RMS was near to 100%, In Survey of India, AG's Census it was nearly 70%, Civil Accounts for the first time participated with 95% strike.

The media have given good coverage of the strike, the article and photos of the strike were taken and published in many newspapers in many parts of the state.

Com Tapen Senji Hon’ble Member of Rajya Sabha has raised our justified demands in the floor of the Rajya Sabha. On behalf of COC Karnataka I express my gratitude to Com Tapen Senji for taking up the issues.

I hope our demands gets attention of the Government, the promises made to our leaders by the Group of Ministers is kept up and your issues get resolved at the earliest. I once again thank all the employees and leaders for making this strike of 16th March 2017 a success.

Comradely yours

General Secretary

Expected DA: 4% of 7th CPC Basic Pay as DA from Jan 2017

Expected DA: 4% of 7th CPC Basic Pay as DA from Jan 2017


"The central cabinet has given its approval for issuing additional Dearness Allowance of 2% from July 1, 2017 onwards."

Including the additional 2% DA announced earler by the Central Government, DA will be 4% of the 7th CPC basic pay from Jan 2017 for Central Government Employees.

With the Confederation of Central Government employees announced a nationwide day-long strike on 16th March 2017, the go
vernment announced an additional Dearness Allowance of 2 percent a day before on 15th March 2017.
The employees believe that the announcement was made much earlier. Even last year, the cabinet issued its approval for the second installment of July only on October 27. The Ministry of Finance issued the Government Order on November 4. But this time, in an unexpected and surprising move, the Dearness Allowance is announced much before its due time. The payment of Dearness Allowance will be issued to all categories of Central Government employees only after the Ministry of Finance issues an Office Memorandum.

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