A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

7CPC: 7th Pay Commission Collects Various Data of Central Government Employees

7CPC: 7th Pay Commission Collects Various Data of Central Government Employees

7th Pay Commission recently called for information from all the Ministries and issued a format which requires various data about the central government employees working in Ministries / Departments. All the Ministries directed their respective departments to submit the information as required by Seventh central Pay Commission immediately. Many departments told that they have submitted the desired data/information in the prescribed format to seventh pay commission. The central government departments were asked to submit the fallowing information about central government employees.

1. Data on Personnel
Group wise Sanctioned Strength and Number in position of all Group Employees as on Pre 01-01-2014 and post 01-01-2014 also required to be submitted

2. Age Profile of employees
The total number of personnel in position as on 01/01/2014
Those less than 20 years of age
20 or more but less than 30 years of age
30 or more but less than 40 years of age
40 or more but less than 50 years of age
50 or more but less than 60 years of age
60 or more years of age
3. Autonomous bodies under the Ministry/department(As on 01/01/2014)
Number of Central Autonomous bodies :
No of personnel in Central Autonomous Bodies:

4. The fallowing Data on Expenditure on salaries & Allowance for Three financial years from 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13
1.Total Plan expenditure
2.Plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
3. Total non plan expenditure
4. Non plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
5. Total expenditure (1+3)
6. Total expenditure on salaries& Allowances (2+4)
7. Expenditure on Grants in aid Salaries
5. Data on Contractual Employees
Ministry/Departments have in the recent past, outsourced various services through personnel engaged on contractual basis. In this regard the following data is sought:
Man months of deployment at various remuneration levels i.e in four categories
a) 10000 and less per month
b) From 10001 to 20000 per month
c) From 20001 to 50000 per month
d) Over 50000 per Month
Expenditure incurred on contract employees

6. Data on Training of Employees.
The prescribed Format which requires all the above information has been sent to all the Departments by 7th pay commission and directed to submit the information with in the stipulated date

Source: http://www.gservants.com/2014/07/20/7th-pay-commission-collects-various-data-central-government-employees/

Revised Rules for Declaration of Assets by Public Servants Under Provisions of the Lokpal Act

Revised Rules for Declaration of Assets by Public Servants Under Provisions of the Lokpal Act

The Central Government has notified fresh rules for the public servants to furnish information and annual return containing declaration of assets and liabilities. Under the Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014 every public servant shall made a declaration of his/her assets and liabilities in the specified formats as on the 31st day of March every year to the competent authority on or before of 31st day of July of that year.
Making an exception for the current year the notification stipulates that public servants who have filed declarations, information and annual return of property under the prevailing rules shall file the revised declaration, information or annual returns as on August 1, 2014 on or before September 15, 2014.

However, employees may be exempted by the competent authority for reasons recorded in writing from declaring assets if its value does not exceed 4 months basic pay or rupees two lakhs, whichever is higher.

Detailed notification dated July 14, 2014 and formats are available on the website of the Department of Personnel & Training with the link: – http://persmin.nic.in/Lokpal_HomePage_New.asp
Source: PIB

Increase in the existing rates of Patient Care Allowance w.e.f. 01/01/2014 after 100% DA: Railway Board Order

Increase in the existing rates of Patient Care Allowance w.e.f. 01/01/2014 after 100% DA: Railway Board Order

Increase in the existing rates of Hospital Patient Care Allowance and Patient Care Allowance to eligible Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (Non-Ministerial) Railway Employees working the Railway Hospitals and Health Units/Clinics, w.e.f. 01/01/2014.
RBE No. 74
No. E(P&A)-II/2013/AL-3.
New Delhi, 14.07.2014
The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways and Production Units,

Sub.:- Increase in the existing rates of Hospital Patient Care Allowance and Patient Care Allowance to eligible Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (Non-Ministerial) Railway Employees working the Railway Hospitals and Health Units/Clinics, w.e.f. 01/01/2014.

Attention is drawn to Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2013/AL-3 dated 20.2.2013 vide which the rates of Hospital Patient Care Allowance(HPCA) and Patient Care Allowance (PCA) to eligible Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ (Non-Ministerial) Railway Employees working in Railway Hospitals and Health Units/Clinics were revised w.e.f. 01/09/2008.

2. In order to dispel any doubts that may arise regarding increase of the rates after increase in the rate of Dearness Allowance by 50% and 100%, the following clarifications are being given:
(i) The rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) had crossed 50% w.e.f. 01/01/2011, therefore the rates of HPCA/PCA had increased by 25% ( on the rates effective on 01/09/2008) with effect from 01/01/2011.
(ii) The rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) has now been enhanced to 100% w.e.f. 01/01/2014. Therefore, the rates of HPCA/PCA shall again be increased by 25% (on the rates effective on 01/09/2008) with effect from 01/01/2014.
3. The other terms and conditions regarding admissibility of HPCA/PCA as contained in Board’s letter E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 dated 09/01/2008 and E(P&A)II-2013/AL-3 dated 20/02/2013 shall remain the same.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Please acknowledge the receipt.

(K. Shankar)
Director, E(P&A),
Railway Board.

Incentives to Food Processing Units

Incentives to Food Processing Units

The Ministry has launched a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) in 12th Plan (2012-17) through State/UT Governments. The mission has, interalia, one of the schemes namely scheme of Technology Upgradation/ Establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing Industries. Under the above scheme of the mission, all the eligible Small and Medium entrepreneurs interested to set up food processing units are provided financial assistance @25 per cent of the cost of Plant & Machinery and Technical Civil Works, subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakh in general areas; 33.33 per cent of the cost of Plant & Machinery and Technical Civil Works, subject to a maximum of Rs. 75 lakh in difficult areas (i.e. Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) and Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP) areas; and 50 per cent of the cost of Plant & Machinery and Technical Civil Works, subject to a maximum of Rs.100 lakh for North-Eastern States including Sikkim.
The applications for the above scheme of the mission are received, sanctioned and funds are released by the respective State/UT Governments, for setting up of Food Processing Units in the country.

In addition, Government of India provides various tax incentives to the Food Processing Industries set up by Small and Medium entrepreneurs and their units in the country including Uttar Pradesh.

1. Income Tax:

1.1. Deduction of expenditure: These incentives are allowed for the following businesses for the investment made in the previous year and prior to commencement of its operations:

1.1.1. Businesses allowed 100% deduction:
(a) Setting up and operating a cold chain facility.
(b) Setting up and operating warehousing facility for storage of agricultural produce.
1.1.2. Businesses allowed 150% deduction (provided the taxpayer has commenced its business on or after 01.04.2012):
(a) Bee-keeping and production of honey and bees wax.
(b) Setting up and operating a warehousing facility for storage of sugar.

1.2. Deduction of Tax from profit: This tax incentive is available at the rate of 100% tax exemption for the first 5 years of operations. After 5 years, it is at the rate of 25% of the profits. However, in case of a company, rate of tax is 30% of profits, after 5 years of operations. This benefit is available only for ten years provided that such business had commenced with effect from 01.04.2001. This incentive is provided for new units in the business of processing, preservation & packaging of fruits or vegetables, meat & meat Products, poultry, marine or dairy products. However, in case of business relating to meat, meat products, poultry, marine products or dairy products, the above incentive is available to only those units who have started their production after 01.04.2009.
2. Service Tax:

2.1. Negative list: Service tax is not leviable on items contained in the negative list. These are services including processes carried out at an agricultural farm including tending, pruning, cutting, harvesting, drying, cleaning, trimming, sun drying, fumigating, curing, sorting, grading, cooling or bulk packaging and such operations which do not alter the essential characteristics of agricultural produce but make it only marketable for the primary market.

2.2. Exempted category: Exemption from Service Tax is allowed for following services:
(i) Construction, Erection, Commissioning or installation of original works pertaining to post-harvest storage infrastructure for agricultural produce including Cold storages for such purposes.
(ii) Mechanized Food grain handling system, machinery or equipment for units processing agricultural produce as food stuff excluding alcoholic beverages; and
(iii) Services provided by a goods transport agency by way of transportation of fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, food grains or pulses in a goods carriage.
(iv) Services of Loading, unloading, packing, storage or warehousing of agricultural produce.
3. Customs Duty:
3.1. Government has provided following Project Import benefits:

(i) Projects for the installation of mechanized food grain handling systems and pallet racking systems in ‘Mandis’ and Warehouses for food grains and sugar;

(ii) Cold storage, cold room (including for farm level pre-cooling) or industrial projects for preservation, storage or processing of agricultural, apiary, horticultural, dairy, poultry, aquatic and marine produce and meat.

Consequently, all goods related to Food Processing, imported as part of the project, irrespective of their tariff classification, would be entitled to uniform assessment at concessional customs duty of 5% plus CVD as applicable.

3.2. Customs duty on Hazelnuts has been reduced from 30% to 10%.

3.3. Customs Duty on De-hulled Oat grains has been reduced from 30% to 15%.

4. Central Excise Duty:
In order to promote food processing industry, the Government has given following concessions in Central Excise Duty from time to time:

4.1. Food Products:
(i) Nil excise duty in milk, milk products (Chapter 4), vegetables (Chapter 7), nuts & fruits, fresh & dried (Chapter 8).

(ii) As against standard excise duty of 12%, Processed Fruits & Vegetables (Chapter 20) carries a merit rate of 2% without CENVAT or 6% with CENVAT.

(iii) Soya Milk Drinks, Flavoured Milk of Animal origin also carry a duty of 2% without CENVAT or 6% with CENVAT.

(iv) Excise duty on “Tapioca Starch manufactured and captively consumed within the factory of their production, in the manufacture of Tapioca Sago (Sabudana)” and excise duty on Tapioca Sago (Sabudana) has been reduced to nil in the Budget 2013-14.

4.2. Food Processing Machineries:
(i) All Refrigeration Machineries and parts used for installation of Cold storage, Cold room or Refrigerated Vehicle, for the preservation, storage , transport or processing of agricultural, apiary, horticultural, dairy, poultry, aquatic and marine produce and meat are exempted from Excise Duty.

(ii) Pasteurising, drying, evaporating, etc. machinery used in Dairy sector is exempted from Excise Duty.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Food Processing Industries Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.

Source: PIB

Upgradation of the posts of Helper (Signal) & Helper (Telecom) to GP Rs. 1900/- facilitating promotion of qualified staff of GP Rs. 1800/-

Upgradation of the posts of Helper (Signal) & Helper (Telecom) to GP Rs. 1900/- facilitating promotion of qualified staff of GP Rs. 1800/-

No. PC-VI/2014/RU/NFIR/11
New Delhi Dated: 07.07.2014
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110055

Sub: Upgradation of the posts of Helper (Signal) & Helper (Telecom) to GP Rs. 1900/- facilitating promotion of qualified staff of GP Rs. 1800/-

Dear Sir,
Undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letter no. NFIR/VIth CPC/Main/10/ Pt. IX dated 11.06.2013 on the subject mentioned above. In this regard, it stated that existing pay structure/ allowances/ promotional avenues etc of various categories of Railway employees are based on the recommendations of 6th CPC as accepted by the Govt. of India. Ministry of Railways cannot make any unilateral change therein. Govt. of India has already set up a new Pay Commission viz. 7th CPC and the 7th CPC has already called for views/ suggestions/ memoranda etc from various stakeholders. The 7th Central Pay Commission would re-examine the pay scales of various categories of Railway employees afresh. As such, it would not be feasible to accept the demands at this juncture.

Yours faithfully,
For Secretary Railway Board.

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