A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 6 April 2018

Government's decision on recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission - Transport Allowance to the Railway employees - Deprival of higher rate to those working in pay Level 1 & 2



No.IV/NFIR/7CPC(Imp)/Allowance/2016/Part I
Dated: 05/04/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Government's decision on recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission - Transport Allowance to the Railway employees - Deprival of higher rate to those working in pay Level 1 & 2- reg.

(i) Railway Board's letter No.PC/V/2017/A/TA/1 dated 17/08/2017 (RBE No.9612017).
(ii) NFIR's letter No.IV/NFIR/7CPC/Allowance/2016/Part I dated 28/08/2017.
(iii) Railway Board's letter No.PC- V/2015/PNM/NFIR/4 dated 17/20-1l-2017.

Federation does not agree with the view taken by the Railway Ministry in this case as conveyed to NFIR vide Board's letter dated 17/20- 11-2017. Federation wants that the Railway Ministry should prepare proper case based on the facts and contentions of NFIR as explained in our letter dated 28/08/2017 tobe placed before DoP&T/MoF.
  1. Federation reiterates that as a result of issuance of instructions dated 17/08/2017, a situation has arisen wherein the Railway employees in Pay Level 3, drawing pay Rs. 21,700/- and above upto Level 8 hitherto entitled for Transport Allowance @ Rs. 3600 + DA thereon (in A1/A class cities and in other cities @ Rs.1800 + DA thereon) have been deprived of the said rate due to the new norm for entitlement only when their pay reaches Rs.24,2001/-.
III. Further it is relevant to take note that pursuant to acceptance of the recommendations of 5th CPC and 6th CPC, the rates revised as follows:-

(a) Recommendations of 5th CPC - Transport Allowance RBE No. 179/1997 (rates w.e.f. 01/08/1997)

S.No.Pay Scale of the EmployeesA1/ A class cityOther Places
1Rs.8000-13500 or above800400
2Rs.6500-10500 or above but below Rs.8000-13500400200
3Below Rs.6500- 1050010075
Above position reveals that all the employees working in pay scale below Rs. 6500-10500 i.e. upto Rs. 6000-9800 (S1 to S10A) were allowed Transport Allowance at the uniform rate of Rs. 100/- p.m. in A1/A class cities irrespective of their pay.

(b) The Railway Board vide circular (RBE No.111/2008 - effective from 01/09/2008 and RBE No.95/2015) had prescribed following rates for payment of Transport Allowance to the  Railway employees.
Employees drawing Grade Pay of Rate ofTransport Allowance for A1/ A class cities
GP 5400 & above3200 + DA
GP 4200 - 4800, GP below 4200 and pay in pay band: Rs.74401600 + DA
GP below 4200 and Pay below Rs.7440600 + DA
  1. From the comparison of two tables mentioned above, it could be seen that the Railway employees were allowed higher rate of Transport Allowance on drawing pay Rs. 7440/- irrespective of Grade Pay/Pay Band. The modified Board's instructions issued vide letter dated 03/08/2017 and I7/08/2017, have deprived the Transport Allowance @ Rs. 3600+DA thereon to those in Pay Level 1 and 2 (7th CPC) due to imposition of restriction i.e. reaching the pay Rs.24700/- ignoring the fact that the staff were already drawing pay @ Rs.7440 in 6th CPC Pay Band/Grade Pay.
Federation, therefore requests the Railway Ministry to kindly arrange to make out case in the light of NFIR's contentions for rendering justice to those staff of Pay Level 1 & 2 for granting Transport Allowance at rate i.e. 3600/- + DA thereon when they reach the corresponding pay @ Rs.21700/- and not 24200/- to meet the ends of justice and refer to MoF.

A copy of the reference made to the MoF may be endorsed to the Federation for taking follow up action.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Schemes for welfare of Women and Children

Schemes for welfare of Women and Children

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Women and Child Development

Schemes for welfare of Women and Children
05 APR 2018

Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) implements several schemes supporting for the welfare of the women and children including SC/ST and minority of different age groups.

SwadharGreh Scheme
MWCD implements SwadharGreh Scheme which targets the women victims of unfortunate circumstances who are in need of institutional support for rehabilitation so that they could lead their life with dignity. The Scheme envisages providing shelter, food, clothing and health as well as economic and social security for the women victims of difficult circumstances which includes widows, destitute women and aged women. The total women benefitted under SwadharGreh scheme during 2016-17 is 16,530 and during 2017-18 is 17,291.

Ujjawala Scheme
Ujjawala Scheme is being implemented for Prevention of trafficking and for Rescue, Rehabilitation, Re-integration and Repatriation of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. The number of beneficiaries under the scheme in the year 2017-18 and 2016-17 each is 6,175.

'Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) Scheme'
The Ministry is administering 'Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) Scheme' to provide skills that give employability to women and to provide competencies and skill that enable women to become self-employed/entrepreneurs. The Scheme is intended to benefit women who are in the age group of 16 years and above across the country.

National Nutrition Mission (NNM)
Government of India has approved for setting up of National Nutrition Mission (NNM) on 30.11.2017, which aims to achieve improvement in nutritional status of Children, pregnant women and lactating mothers and reduce anemia among children and women. It strives to reduce the level of stunting, under-nutrition, anemia and low birth weight babies. It will create synergy, ensure better monitoring, issue alerts for timely action, and encourage States/UTs to perform, guide and supervise the line Ministries and the States/ UTs to achieve the targeted goals.
Scheme for Adolescent Girls
The Government on 16.11.2017 approved continuation of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls for out of school adolescent girls of age 11-14 years for a period of one year i.e. up to 30.11.2018. The scheme aims at providing supplementary nutrition containing 600 calories, 18-20 grams of protein and micronutrients per beneficiary per day for 300 days in a year, motivating out of school girls to go back to formal schooling or skill training under non-nutrition component of the scheme. The cost norms for nutrition have also been revised from existing rates of Rs.5.00 per beneficiary per day to Rs.9.5 per beneficiary per day. Government has also approved phased expansion and universalisation of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls i.e. in additional 303 districts in 2017-18 and the remaining districts in 2018-19 with the simultaneous phasing out of Kishori Shakti Yojana. The scheme has been extended to all the districts of the country w.e.f. 01.04.2018.

Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
Further, under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), 1,82,68,917 pregnant women and lactating mothers got benefit during the year 2016-17 and 1,63,10,379 during the year 2017-18 (as on 31.12.2017). Also, the number of Children (6 Months-6 years of age) including girl child who got benefit under ICDS Scheme during the year 2017-18 (as on 31.12.2017) is 6,81,38,809.

One Stop Centre (OSC)
One Stop Centre (OSC) scheme is being implemented by the Ministry to support women affected by violence w.e.f. 1st April, 2015, which aims to facilitate access to an integrated range of services including medical aid, police assistance, legal aid/case management, psychosocial counseling and temporary support services. At present, 170 OSCs are functional in various districts in 32 States. 97,961 cases have been registered as on 07.02.2018.

Universalisation of Women Helpline
The Ministry also implements the scheme of Universalisation of Women Helpline through States/UTs Government since 1st April, 2015 to provide 24-hour emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence. Women Helplines are functional in 28 States. As on date, a total of 12,14,763 complaints have been addressed from the Women Helplines.

This information was given by Union Minister for Women and Child Development, SmtManeka Sanjay Gandhi in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

Source : PIB

Representation of OBCs in the Central Government Services

Representation of OBCs in the Central Government Services

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Strength of Employees

As per information received from 77 Ministries/Departments including their attached/subordinate offices, the representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in the posts and services under the Central Government as on 01.01.2016 is 17.49%, 8.47% and 21.57% respectively.

Representation of OBCs in the Central Government services is less as compared to the percentage of reservation for them because reservation of OBC started in September, 1993.

As per available information, representation of OBCs as on 01.01.2012 was 16.55% which has now increased to 21.57% as on 01.01.2016. Therefore, there is an increasing trend in the representation of OBCs in the posts and services of Central Government.
Department of Personnel & Training has issued instructions to all Ministries/Departments to constitute an in-house Committee to identify backlog reserved vacancies, study of the root cause of backlog reserved vacancies, initiation of measures to remove such factors and to fill up such vacancies through Special Recruitment Drive.

This information was provided by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

New Income Tax Forms for AY 2018-19 - CBDT Notification

New Income Tax Forms for AY 2018-19 - CBDT Notification

Ministry of Finance
CBDT notifies Income Tax Return Forms for Assessment Year 2018-19

The Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT) has notified Income Tax Return Forms (ITR Forms) for the Assessment Year 2018-19. For Assessment Year 2017-18, a one page simplified ITR Form-1(Sahaj) was notified. This initiative benefited around 3 crore taxpayers, who have filed their return in this simplified Form. For Assessment Year 2018-19 also, a one page simplified ITR Form-1(Sahaj) has been notified. This ITR Form-1 (Sahaj) can be filed by an individual who is resident other than not ordinarily resident, having income upto Rs.50 lakh and who is receiving income from salary, one house property / other income (interest etc.). Further, the parts relating to salary and house property have been rationalised and furnishing of basic details of salary (as available in Form 16) and income from house property have been mandated.

ITR Form-2 has also been rationalised by providing that Individuals and HUFs having income under any head other than business or profession shall be eligible to file ITR Form-2. The Individuals and HUFs having income under the head business or profession shall file either ITR Form-3 or ITR Form-4 (in presumptive income cases).

In case of non-residents, the requirement of furnishing details of any one foreign Bank Account has been provided for the purpose of credit of refund. Further, the requirement of furnishing details of cash deposit made during a specified period as provided in ITR Form for the Assessment Year 2017-18 has been done away with from Assessment Year 2018-19.

There is no change in the manner of filing of ITR Forms as compared to last year. All these ITR Forms are to be filed electronically. However, where return is furnished in ITR Form-1 (Sahaj) or ITR-4 (Sugam), the following persons have an option to file return in paper form:-
(i) an Individual of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous year; or
(ii) an Individual or HUF whose income does not exceed five lakh rupees and who has not claimed any refund in the Return of Income.
The notified ITR Forms are available on the official website of the Department www.incometaxindia.gov.in.

Source: PIB

DoPT: Recognition of Central Secretariat MTS Association

DoPT: Recognition of Central Secretariat MTS Association

No.17/1/2017-R&R and DC
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, NewDelhi-110003
Office Memorandum

Subject: Recognition of Central Secretariat MTS Association - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to OM of even number dated 29.06.2017, 06.09.2017 and CSMTSA's letter No. CS MTS/Recog/US/2018 dated 12/03/2018 on the subject mentioned above and to say that on the basis of information furnished by the DDOs of Ministries/ Department, it has been found that the Central Secretariat MTS Association has sufficient members for its recognition.

2. As such, it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority to accord recognition to the Central Secretariat MTS Association under CCS (Recognition of Service Associations) Rules, 1993.

3. The recognition of the aforesaid Association will be valid upto 5 years or further directions issued in this regards, whichever is earlier.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: DoPT
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Economy in Use of Paper in Government Offices

Economy in Use of Paper in Government Offices

The e-Office is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance Programme of the Government of India. The e-Office product has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) for implementation in all central Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. e-Office suit comprises of various applications including routine daily works like Leave Management System, File Management System, Knowledge Management System, Tour Management System, Stationery Requests etc. to ensure economy in use of paper.

As on 21.03.2018, 78 central government Ministries/Departments are implementing e-Office.
This was stated by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh, in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

Source: PIB.

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