A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 8 February 2019

Redressal of Public Grievances

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension

Redressal of Public Grievances

07 FEB 2019
Disposal of grievances is done by Ministry/Department as per Allocation of Business Rules, 1961, which is then reflected on the CPGRAMS portal against the corresponding registration number of the grievance. Regular review meetings are held to monitor both disposed and pending grievances in the respective Departments and also in Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Government of India.

The number of grievances received during the last three years, disposed of and pending are as follows:-


Government has taken several steps to make the Grievance Redressal Mechanism effective for quick disposal of public grievances which are as under:
  1. Review of Grievances of identified Ministry/Department is undertaken every month during meetings conducted on PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation) platform.
  2. For effective monitoring of grievances at Secretary level, an electronic Dashboard has been created showing the consolidated status of grievances disposed and pending, on CPGRAMS.  Weekly reminders through SMS are also being sent for pending grievances.
  3. A Grievance Analysis Study in respect of top 40 grievance receiving Ministries/Departments/Organizations listed on CPGRAMS for identifying grievance prone areas, their root cause analysis and suggested systemic reforms for reducing such grievances, has been carried out by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. Several suggested systemic reforms have been implemented by the concerned Ministries/Departments.  Some of these Reforms are: automatic refunds on cancellation of Railways Tickets, Single Window Pension through disbursing Banks, intensive mechanized cleaning of coaches, e-verification of Income Tax Returns, expeditious Income Tax Returns upto Rs.50,000/-, etc.
  4. A Public Grievances Call Centre has been set up for reminding the concerned officials of top 40 Ministries/Departments/Organizations for expeditious disposal of grievances pending for more than 2 months.
  5. An Award Scheme has been launched for recognizing outstanding performance with respect to disposal of grievances on CPGRAMS on a quarterly basis through issue of Certificate of Appreciation.
  6. Training on CPGRAMS is conducted on a regular basis.
  7. A new Mobile App which is more user-friendly for lodging of public grievances has been developed. The Grievance Action Status can also be viewed on the mobile itself.  This has been integrated with Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance (UMANG).  This initiative also facilitates lodging of grievance anywhere anytime.
This information was provided by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.


Revision of Limit of Transactions in Shares and Securities for Central Government Employees and Officers - DoPT

Revision of Limit of Transactions in Shares and Securities for Central Government Employees and Officers - DoPT
Limit of Transactions in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme for CG Employees and Officers

"Sub-rule (1) of the Rule 16 provides that no Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment.”

CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Revision in limit for intimation in respect of transactions in sale and purchase of shares, securities, debentures etc.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-Ill Desk
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Date: 07.02.2019

Subject: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Revision in limit for intimation in respect of transactions in sale and purchase of shares, securities, debentures etc.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. No.11013/ 6/91-Et.(A) dated 08.04.1992 prescribing the following limit of transactions in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme, etc for intimation to Government in a prescribed format:

(i) Group 'A' and 'B' Officers - If the total transaction in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 50,000/- during the calendar year.
(ii) Group 'C' and 'D' Officers - If the total transaction in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 25,000/- during calendar year.

2. Sub-rule (1) of the Rule 16 provides that no Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment. It has also been explained that frequent purchase or sale or both, of share, securities or others investments shall be deemed to be speculation within the meaning of this sub rule. But, the occasional investments made through stock brokers or other persons duly authorized and licensed or who have obtained a certificate of registration under the relevant laws is allowed in this rule. With a view to enable the administrative authorities to keep a watch over such transaction, it has been decided that an intimation may be sent in the enclosed proforma to the prescribed authority in respect of all Government servants, if the total transactions in shares, securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme, etc. exceeds six months' basic pay of Government servant during the calendar year (to be submitted by 31st January of subsequent calendar year).

3. It is also clarified that since shares, securities, debentures, etc. are treated as movable property for the purpose of Rule 18(3) of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, if an individual transaction exceeds the amount prescribed in Rule 18(3), the intimation to the prescribed authority would still be necessary.
The intimation prescribed in para 2 above will be in addition to this, where cumulative transaction(s) i.e. sale, purchase or both in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds, etc. in a year exceed the limits indicated in para 2 above.

4. This Office Memorandum issues in supersession of this Department's O.M. No. 11013/ 6/91-Ests.(A) dated 08.04. 1992.

5. In so far as the personnel serving in Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these instructions are being issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

6. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned authorities under their control.

7. Hindi version will follow.
(Satish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

DoPT: Immovable Property Returns by IAS Officers for the year 2018

DoPT: Immovable Property Returns by IAS Officers for the year 2018.


DO No. 6(1)I20l8-EO(PR)

Dated, the 07 February, 2019

Kindly refer to Secretary, DoPT's letter of even no. dated 04.12.2018 and my DO reminder dated 07.01.2019 regarding online filing of IPR by AS officers in SPARROW platform for the year 2018 (as on 01.01 .2019).

2. As per Rule 16(2) of AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, all the members of the lAS were required to submit their lPRs for the year 2018 latest by 31st January, 2019. Though the last date for filling of lPR i.e. 31st January is already over, as per the data available on the SPARROW platform, some officers of your cadre are indicated to have not filed their lPRs for 2018. A list of such officers is enclosed for ready reference. It may be noted that in addition to online filing of IPR in SPARROW, option to physically upload the IPR in the platform was also made available for the officers in case of non-availability of DSC/eSign. Therefore, technically there should not have been any problems/issues which may have hindered the officers in filing their lPRs online.

3. In the aforementioned letters, it was clearly brought out that the officers may be advised that vigilance clearance to AS officers for their inclusion in the offer list, empanelment, any deputation for which Central Government clearance is necessary including deputation under Rule 6(1) and Rule 6(2)(ii) of the AIS (Cadre) Rules, appointment to sensitive posts, assignment to training programmes (except mandatory training), premature repatriation to the Cadre etc. is denied in case of non-submission of IPR.

4. request you to impress upon the officers that failure on the part of the members of the service to comply with the requirements of the aforesaid rules constitutes good and sufficient reason for institution of disciplinary proceedings against them in terms of DoP&T OM No. 11017/74/93-AIS(l!I) dated 04.01.1994.

Yours sincerely,

Copy to:
(i) Additional Secretary, UT, MHA, North Block, New Delhi - for taking similar action in respect of the AGMUT cadre officers, please
(ii) NIC, DoPT for uploading the letter in the Department's website.

Source: DoPT

Bunching of stages of pay in the pre-7th CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC­

7th CPC Pay Fixation on Bunching - Clarification Orders issued by Finmin
Bunching of stages of pay in the pre-7th CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC
Govt. of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 07th February, 2019

Subject: Bunching of stages of pay in the pre-7th CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC­ Regarding

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Departments OM No. 1-6/2016-IC dated 3rd August, 2017, explaining in detail the methodology for applying the principle of “bunching” consequent upon pay fixation in the revised pay scales (applicable Levels of the Pay Matrix) effective from 1.1.2016 based on implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission.

2. Notwithstanding the fact that the said OM dated 3.8.2017 has elaborately explained the issue of bunching in the context of the revised pay scales based on 7th Central Pay Commission, references are being received in this Ministry seeking clarification as to the methodology to carry out the principle of bunching. It is seen that some of the clarifications received seem to arise out of the position on bunching as obtaining during the pay structure in vogue based on 6th Pay Commission before 1.1.2016 vis-a-vis the position explained in terms of this Ministry’s aforesaid OM dt. 3.8.2017 in the context of pay structure currently in vogue from 1.1.2016 based on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission.

3. Therefore, the matter has been considered keeping in view the clarifications sought and the issue is clarified heretofore. At the very outset, bunching as a sequel to pay fixation based on the formula for such pay fixation on the date of effect of revised pay scales based on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, is to be considered strictly as per the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, as illustrated in para 5.1.37 of its report. The principle of bunching as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission, as accepted by the Government in terms of the erstwhile Implementation Cell’s OM dt. 7.9.2016 and 3.8.2017, is different from the principle recommended by the 6th Pay Commission and as accepted by the Government based thereon. Therefore,the principle of bunching in the revised pay structure based on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission is independent of the principle followed earlier and has no link thereto.

4. The 6th Central Pay Commission in para 2.2.21 of its Report recommended - “To alleviate the problem of bunching in these cases,the Commission has allowed the benefit of one extro increment wherever two or stages in any of the pre-revised pay scales were getting bunched together at one level in the revised pay bands…. The Commission has prepared a detailed fixation chart which gives the fitment in the revised running pay bands in every stage”. However . in the fitment charts prepared by the 6th Pay Commission, the Commission illustrated the bunching meant by it. The examples from the fitment tables prepared by the 6th Pay Commission are given in Annexure I 

5. The same principle of bunching was adopted in terms of the fitment table prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, as per the OM No.1-1/2008-IC dated 30.8.2008. The examples of which are given in Annexure II.

6. The 7th Pay Commission has dealt with the issue of bunching in paras 5.1.36 and 5.1.37, which are reproduced below.

“5.1.36 Although the rationalisation has been done with utmost care to ensure minimum bunching at most levels, however if situation does arise whenever more than two stages are bunched together ,one additional increment equal to 3 percent may be given for every two stages bunched, and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.

5.1.37 For instance , if two persons drawing pay of Rs. 53 ,000 and Rs. 54,590 in the GP 10000 are to be fitted in the new pay matrix , the person drawing pay of Rs. 53.000 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs. 1,36,210 and the person drawing pay of Rs. 54,590 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs. 1,40 .296 . Revised pay of both should ideally be fixed in the first cell of level 15 in the pay of Rs.1.44,200 but to avoid bunching the person drawing pay of Rs. 54.590 will get fixed in second cell of level 15 in the pay of Rs.1.48,500.”

7. Accordingly, the essence of the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission is contained in the above illustration given by the 7th Pay Commission. As per this illustration, the pay of Rs. 53,000 and Rs. 54,590 were the pay applicable in PB-4 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 10.000 as applicable prior to 1.1.2016, which corresponds to Level-14 of the Pay Matrix applicable from 1.1.2016. The pay of Rs. 54,590 was 3% more than the pay of Rs. 53,000. That is, these two Pays were separated by a difference of 3% of Rs. 53 ,000. Thus, the pay of Rs. 54,590 was the stage next to the pay of Rs. 53 ,000. Considering that the 7th Pay Commission allowed the benefit of bunching at the level of the pay of Rs. 54,590 itself , it materially departed from the principle followed at the time of 6th Pay Commission because in the 6th Pay Commission regime the benefit was allowed at the 3rd consecutive stage and not at the 2nd stage itself (next stage) for the purpose of bunching. 

8. Furthermore. in the illustration given in para 5.1.37 of its report, the 7th Pay Commission has not mentioned about the pay in respect of pre-revised pay of Rs. 56,230 , which is 3% more than the pay of Rs. 54,590. The revised pay fixed in the Level 14 with reference to the pre-revised pay of Rs. 56 ,230 will be Rs. 1.48,500. This will be the same as the pay to be given with reference to the pre-revised pay of Rs. 54,590 after allowing bunching. However , the 7th Pay Commission did not recommend any additional benefit in such cases, as it did not include in its illustration for any benefit in case of the further stages of pre-revised pay, consequent upon bunching at the lower stage.

9. In view of the above, the benefit of bunching consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 1.1.2016 based on the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission is to be considered in the light of the above and the clarifications already issued in terms of the aforesaid letter dated 3.8.2017. Accordingly: 

(i) Where consequent upon fixation of pay in terms of Rule 7 (1) (A)(i) of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, two different pay drawn in the pay structure obtaining immediately before 1.1.2016, which were separated by one another by 3% of the previous stage, are fixed at the same cell of the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix effective from 1.1.2016, then the benefit of bunching by way of one additional increment as on 1.1.2016 shall be admissible in respect of the pay which is more than 3% of the previous pay, as per the illustration given by the 7th Pay Commission in para 5.1.37, as mentioned above. This is further illustrated as below: 

6th CPC Pay scale : PB-4 (37.400-67,000) + Grade Pay Rs.8,700/- 7th CPC Pay Scale – Level-13 (1,23,100-2,15,900)
6th CPC Pay Structure (PB-4 and GP of Rs. 8,700) Pay fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix (Level – 13)
Pay Consolidation based on 2.57 multiple Pay fixed as on 1.1.2016 Pay after bunching
46 ,100 Rs.1,18,477 Rs.1,23,100/- Rs.1,23 ,100/-
(46 ,100+3%)
Rs.1,22,049 Rs.1,23,100/- Rs.1,26,800/-
(ii) In view of the position explained in para 8 above and the specific recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission as per its illustration given in para 5.1.37 of its report, no further action is to be taken after the benefit of bunching as a result of application of Rule 7(1)(A)(i), as indicated above. This is as illustrated below:
6th CPC Pay Structure (PB-4 and GP of Rs. 8,700) Pay fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix (Level – 13)
Pay Consolidation based on 2.57 multiple Pay fixed as on 1.1.2016 Pay after bunching Remarks
46 ,100 Rs.1,18,477 Rs.1,23,100/- Rs.1,23,100/-
(46 ,100+3%)
Rs.1,22,049 Rs.1,23,100/- Rs.1,26,800/- Pay raised because of bunching
Rs. 1,25,724 Rs.1,26,800 Rs.1,26,800 No change

10. In the light of the above, the points of clarification as referred to this Ministry are explained in the Annexure III.

11. These orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in their application to the employees belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.

12. Hindi version of these orders is attached.

(Amar Nath Singh)

7th CPC Grant Of Extra Work Allowance - Abolition of existing Caretaking Allowance, Extra Duty Allowance, Flag Station Allowance, Special Appointment Allowance

7th CPC Grant Of Extra Work Allowance - Abolition of existing Caretaking Allowance, Extra Duty Allowance, Flag Station Allowance, Special Appointment Allowance

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 4th February, 2019
Office Memorandum

Subject: Grant Of Extra Work Allowance - Abolition of existing Caretaking Allowance, Extra Duty Allowance, Flag Station Allowance, Flight Charge Certificate Allowance, Library Allowance, Rajbhasha Allowance and Special Appointment Allowance) - decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay (7th CPC).

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's OM No.12-3/2016-E-III(A) dated 20.7.2017 on the subject mentioned above and to State that one of the conditions laid down in 3(b) for grant of Extra Work Allowance is that "an employee shall receive this allowance for a maximum period of one year, and there should be minimum of one year before the same employee is deployed for similar duties again".

2. It has been brought to the of this Ministry that no suitable employee is available for doing caretaking work despite wide circulation of the vacancy and In view of stoppage of the allowance after one year to employee doing caretaking work, caretaking job of the buildings is likely to be affected.

3. The matter has been considered and the President is pleased to decide that so far as the task of caretaking of office building is concerned, wherever any employee has drawn Extra Work Allowance in terms of this Ministry's 0M dated 20.7.2017 for a period of one year and if no suitable employees are available for caretakiry function, then the same employee may continue to perform caretaking function and shall also be paid extra work allowance at the prescribed rates therein for a period till a suitable employee is located. This dispensation is applicable only in case of caretakirg functions and not in respect of other functions for which Separate allowances were admissible prior to 1.7.2017 as mentioned in 2 of this Ministry’s aforesaid OM dated 20.7.2017.

4. These orders shall take immediate effect from the date of issue.

5. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Account's Department concerned, these orders issues after consultation with the Comptroller Auditor General of India.
(Amar Nath Singh)

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