A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 27 August 2018

Grant of benefit of pay fixation at time of promotion to Inspector posts

Grant of benefit of pay fixation at time of promotion to Inspector posts

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated 20th August, 2018
All Head of Circles
All Head of Regions

Subject: Grant of benefit of pay fixation at time of promotion to Inspector posts.

I am directed to say that references from various Circles are being received in Directorate seeking clarification on fixation of pay of the Postal Assistants, who have already been granted benefit of financial upgradation under MACP scheme, on their promotion as Inspector posts on the basis of LDCE. Further, consequent upon upgradation of grade pay of Inspector posts to Rs. 4600/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006, disparity in fixation of pay by different Circles has also been noticed by the Directorate while re-fixing pay of Inspector Posts posted in Directorate to the extent that in similar case some Circles have granted promotional increment to the officials who have been granted financial upgradation under MACPs, while others have not allowed, presumably invoking para 4 of Annexure I to MACP guidelines

2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Establishment Division of Directorate and it has been decided to convey that Inspector Posts is not in a regular promotional hierarchy of Postal Assistant and they can become Inspector Posts only on attaining merit in Competitive Examination. As such, 3% fitment benefit should be allowed to officials at the time of fixation of pay on promotion to the post of Inspector (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) even after availing financial upgradation under MACP.

3. This may be brought to notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
Director (SPN)
Source: http://utilities.cept.gov.in

Grant of special increment in the form of personal pay to Central Government Servants - MoD Orders dt. 24.8.2018

Grant of special increment in the form of personal pay to Central Government Servants - MoD Orders dt. 24.8.2018

Grant of special increment in the form of personal pay to Central Government Servants for participation in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance, in the 7th CPC Scenario-reg
Government of India
Ministry of Posts
New Delhi, the 24th August, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff

Subject: Grant of Special increment in the form of personal pay to Defence Service Personnel

Sir, I am directed to refer to Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Office Memorandum No.6/1.2017-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 11th June, 2018 on the above subject. The provisions of the said O.M. will mutatis-mutandis be applicable to Defence Service Personnel.

2. This issued with the concurrence of Defence (Finance) vide their Dy. No.319/AG/PD dated 23 August, 2018.
Yours faithfully,
(T.D.Prashanth Rao)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India)
Source: https://mod.gov.in

GDS Meeting on 31.07.2018 - No Discussions on TRCA and Allowances

GDS Meeting on 31.07.2018 - No Discussions on TRCA and Allowances

TRCA and allowances cannot be discussed with unions as these have been implemented after consultation with several departments and authorities. This statement virtually closes the door for discussions. If pay and allowances cannot be discussed, then what is the use of discussions or such meetings.


Minutes of the meeting held on 31.07.2018 at 11:30 A.M. at Dak Bhawan

No.GDS JCA/CHQ/6-1/2018
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 001

Sub.:- Minutes of the meeting held on 31.07.2018 at 11:30 A.M. at Dak Bhawan.
Ref.:- Your office letter no. 08-05/2016-SR dated 2nd August 2018.

We have gone through the minutes and have noticed that the minutes don’t represent the actual proceeding. The minutes mention what the officers of the department said. There is nothing much except a small stanza about what the union representatives said. As per the minutes an attempt has been made show as if the moon duly arranged on a platter has been handed over to GDS employees. We take up the minutes stanza by stanza here under:

Para 2. It is said that TRCA and allowances cannot be discussed with unions as these have been implemented after consultation with several departments and authorities. This statement virtually closes the door for discussions. If pay and allowances cannot be discussed, then what is the use of discussions or such meetings. The pay (TRCA) and allowances are the subjects which the G.D.S. employees are greatly concerned with. The unions don’t give threat of strike but they are compelled by such attitude of not discussing vital issues to resort to agitation. It is an open secret that the committee that examined the recommendations suggested many severe cuts. The department cannot take refuse behind other departments/authorities. Yes, the recommendations of the one man committee are by and large good but have been distorted by committee of officers which are preposterous and are detrimental to the interests of the Gramin Dak Sevaks.

Para 3. Gives a short description of what Sri S.S.Mahadevaiah, General Secretary AIGDSU said. No mention is made about the issues raised by the General Secretaries of AIPEU – GDS and NUGDS.
Pata 4. An attempt has been made to defend the indefensible. Even a layman knows that the code of conduct did not stretch over a period of 19 months. The fact of delay is that the committee of officers formed to study the recommendations of the one man committee was working overtime to distort the recommendations in order to deny benefits to the Gramin Dak Sevaks.

Pare 5. We don’t understand the logic behind such excuses of delay and cuts in the amount of arrears. Of course the committee suggested implementation of TRCA matrix from a prospective date. But never said or meant that the same should be after 19 months i.e., 01.07.2018. It certainly meant that the recommendation should be effective from 01.01.2017, when it gave illustrations for calculation of arrears which was for one year i.e., for 2016.

As regards the statement that the payment of arrear was of kind of ex­gratia nature and could be manipulated at the will of the establishment, no such announcement was made by the Hon’ble Minister of state for communication in the press conference. His announcement was clear and categorical that the arrears would paid from 01.01.2016 which meant that the arrears would be paid on the basis of the recommendations and illustrations given by the pay committee. We need not give a table showing the amount of loss suffered by the GDS employees between the amount due as per illustrations suggested by the committee and what has been paid according to Directorate orders. If desired, we shall produce such table which is ready with us.

As regards the arrears termed as "ex-gratia", it is rather unfortunate. The recommendations were due to be implemented from 01.01.2016 and the amount of arrears is a due right of the Gramin Dak Sevaks and we are determined to have our due.

Para 6. The issues are decided earlier the better.

Para 7. We don’t understand the logic of rejecting the given recommendations, which are clamouring for being implemented.

Para 8. The GDS employees love the service they render to the public. The decisions of struggle are very painful to us and we take such decisions when the department refuses to discuss vital issues as indicated in the minutes and we are pushed to the wall.

We request you kindly to arrange a fruitful meeting with us to discuss all issues without any precondition. We shall be forwarding our agenda of issues which are agitating the Gramin Dak Sevaks, in another letter.

With regards,
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
General Secretary
General Secretary
Source: http://nugdsap.blogspot.com/

Calling of options from the candidates of LDCE 2018

Options from the Candidates of LDCE 2018 - Department of Posts

No. 3-37 / 201 6/PACE/AAO-Part-II/1835
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
PA Wing Dak Bhawan
Sansad Marg New Delhi 110 001
Dated : 24th August, 2018

Subject: Calling of options from the candidates of LDCE 2018.

The options form calling the options for choice of initial posting from the candidates of AAO LDCE' 2018 (Containing 4 pages) is enclosed herewith for uploading the same on the department's website.
Encl : As above
Yours faithfully
(S.S. Bisht)
ACAO (PA-Admn.)
Source: http://utilities.cept.gov.in

Delegation of Financial Powers to Chief General Manager (CGM), Parcel Directorate equal to Head of Circle (HoC)

Delegation of Financial Powers to Chief General Manager (CGM), Parcel Directorate equal to Head of Circle (HoC)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Establishment Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001.
Dated: 23rd August, 2018
Subject: Delegation of Financial Powers to Chief General Manager (CGM), Parcel Directorate equal to Head of Circle (HoC)

In continuation of this office OM No. 38-1/2018-PE-II dated 19.04.2018 and 28-112018-PE-II dated 24.07.2018, approval of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for delegation of financial powers of Head of Circle (HoC) as contained in Schedule-II of Schedule of Financial powers revised from time to time, to Chief General Manager (CGM), Parcel Directorate, New Delhi subject to the rules, orders, authority, restrictions or scales to which the expenditure shall be incurred thereon.

2. In addition to above, the Competent Authority has also delegated the enhanced financial powers to CGM, Parcel Directorate as detailed below: –

3. The financial powers so delegated shall be exercised in consultation with IFA. The IFA to BD&M Directorate in addition to his existing duties and responsibilities assist CGM, Parcel Directorate in exercise of delegation of financial powers of HoD. The IFA, BD&M Directorate will also look after the budget and accounts work of Parcel Directorate. One Section Officer/Accounts Officer to be posted in Parcel Directorate to assist IFA in the discharge of his duties w.r.t. the Parcel Directorate.

4. The provisions contained in General Financial Rules-2017, Postal Financial Handbook, Delegation of Financial Power Rules and also Schedule-ll of Schedule of Financial Powers are to be strictly followed while sanctioning the expenditure.

5. This order will take immediate effect.

6. This issues in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing diary number 65/FA/2O18/CS dated 23.08.2018
Assistant Director General ( Estt.)
Source: http://utilities.cept.gov.in

Filling up of vacancies on the Railways

Filling up of vacancies on the Railways.


RBE No. 119/2018
No. E(NG)II / 2018/RR-1/22
New Delhi, dated 20.08.2018
The General Manager (p),
All Zonal Railways/ Production Units,
(As per standard mailing list).

Sub: Filling up of vacancies on the Railways.

Attention is invited to instructions contained in Board's letter no. E(NG)II/2007/RR-1/10/Pt.(110865) dated 25.06.2014 specifying the carious factors which must be taken into account while computing vacancies for placing indents. It was inter alia mentioned therin that staff likely to go on transfer to other Railways/Divisions in a particular calendar year must also be accounted for in the pool of vacancies while placing indents with the Recruiting Agencies.

It has been observed that large number of applications for Inter Railway transfers are pending on Railways. Such transferd have a direct bearing on railway working, especially in terms of manspower because of huge gap between outflow and inflow of staff.

It is, therefore, reiterated that while placing indents for fresh recruitment notifications in future the computation done duly of vacancies must be done duly taking.into account all the pending requests of Inter-Railway transfers. For this purpose, requests forwarded to the recipient Railway/Division as on the cut off date of assessment of vacancies should be regarded as pending requests. Action may be taken accordingly henceforth.

Please acknowledge receipt.
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Suicide committed by Shri Bablu Kumar, Trackman, Sholapur (Central Railway)

Suicide committed by Shri Bablu Kumar, Trackman, Sholapur (Central Railway)


Dated: August 17, 2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Suicide committed by Shri Bablu Kumar, Trackman, Sholapur (Central Railway)
Reference our earlier letter of even number dated 13th August, 2018.

As we had discussed about various problems faced by the staff at the grassroots level, particularly some important and vulnerable cadres, like Trackmen, again one Trackmen, Shri Bablu Kumar, has committed suicide just because he could not be granted leave though he had run from pillar to post, so that, his leave can be sanctioned.

Indifferent attitude of some of the officers is forcing the employees to commit suicide. All the incidents, where employees have committed suicide, need a thorough investigation. It also needs that, the people responsible for forcing employees, where they are committing suicide, should be dealt with firmly.

AIRF is of opinion that, criminal cases under IPC Section 306 should be registered against these officers, only then we can expect some improvement in their behavior. It is quite unfortunate that, nowadays, when Trackmen Cadre is highly educated, they are being treated as slaves. AIRF and its affiliates have always fought against the atrocities against the Trackmen Cadre in the past and will continue to fight for our Trackmen brother and sisters.

I would further request you that some serious efforts should be made so that, frustration developing amongst the Trackmen Cadre could be resolved quickly. AIRF has observed that, main problem being faced by the Trackmen Cadre is their Career Progression, for that we have suggested that Direct Recruitment Quota should be reduced and posts should be filled through LDCE/GDCE to give them proper promotional prospects. We have also suggested that the entire recruitment should be made in the cadre of Trackmen, and after 2/3 years time they should be given option to go to their department of choice. Working conditions of the Trackmen Cadre also need immediate review. Working hours of all the Gatemen, Keymen, Mate and Trackmen need urgent review. Looking the weather conditions, there is urgent need of Higher Dressing Allowance to them.

Trackmen at the gates want that, there should be proper lighting, water and washroom facilities. There is also urgent need to provide them free transit facility in the township where their families stay and their children could get proper education. There are thousands of Trackmen those who have been recruited in the Indian Railways from all over the country, but they mainly belong to Bihar, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and some other states. They have only one dream, when they can be sent back to their states.

As we have also advised that, it should be made mandatory that, whenever next panel will be available, these people should be transferred from their present place of posting to the place where they request for their transfer. There can be many more problems also, I hope, if Ministry of Railways address these problems quickly, it will be able to satisfy our Trackmen brothers and sister working over the Indian Railways.

Since as I know that, you have a deep sympathy with the Trackmen Cadre, I hope, something concrete will be done, so that, another Bablu Kumar should not suicide.

With Regards,

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF

Filling up of posts of Multi-Tasking Staff (erstwhile Group 'D' post) in Railway Board by absorption basis in Level-I of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised: Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) and Grade Pay Rs.1800) from the employees of Zonal Railways/Production Unions

Filling up of posts of Multi-Tasking Staff (erstwhile Group 'D' post) in Railway Board by absorption basis in Level-I of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised: Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) and Grade Pay Rs.1800) from the employees of Zonal Railways/Production Unions


Dated: 21/08/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Filling up of posts of Multi-Tasking Staff (erstwhile Group 'D' post) in Railway Board by absorption basis in Level-I of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised: Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) and Grade Pay Rs.1800) from the employees of Zonal Railways/Production Unions.

Ref: Railway Board's letter No.20l8/ERB-515 (4)l0l dated 08/0812018 addressed to
Zonal Railways and Production Units etc.,

With reference to Railway Board's letter dated 08/08/2018 inviting applications from the staff working in Zonal Railways etc., for filling the vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff in Rail Bhavan, New Delhi, it is informed that on some Zonal Railways the applications of staff are not entertained on the plea that no replacement is available and on a few Zones, the Board's circular is not being circulated resulting the staff not able to submit their applications. Staff are disappointed over the negative approach of Zonal Railways and they also fear that the only opportunity now provided for them to join Rail Bhavan, New Delhi will be lost.

NFIR therefore requests the Railway Board to kindly issue clear instructions to the GMs etc., to circulate widely Board's letter and forward the applications of staff promptly.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

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