A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

ICAR - Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations for pensioners/ Family pensioners and drawal of dearness relief as per 6th CPC

ICAR - Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations for pensioners/ Family pensioners and drawal of dearness relief as per 6th CPC

ICAR-7th CPC recommendations


F.No.: FIN/10/02/2017 - Pension
Dated 15th March, 2017

Sub: Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations for pensioners/ Family pensioners and drawal of dearness relief as per 6th CPC-regarding.

Large numbers of representation/Letters have been received from the pensioners/family pensioners/retired employees have been received from various sources. The Government of India-Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide OM No. 1/1/2016-E-111-(A) have already extended the benefits of 7th CPC to the Autonomous Bodies for serving employees. The GOI has issued instructions vide letter NO. 38/37/2016- P&PW(A) dated 4.8.2016, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensioners, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, New Delhi for Central Government Retired Pensioners only.
Since, the instructions has yet not been issued to Autonomous Bodies for extend the implementations of 7th CPC to retired Pensioners/Family Pensioners, the Council has written ID note vide DARE/ICAR U.O.No.FIN/10/02/2017-Pension dated 02.03.2017 to seek the clarifications on the subject cited above. The reply is awaited in this regard.
Sr. Finance & Accounts Officer
Click to see the Order

Women Personnel of the Armed Forces

Women Personnel of the Armed Forces
The number of women officer's (excluding medical and dental branch) in all the three wings of defence forces is as under:

(as on 1.1.2017)
(as on 16.3.2017)
Air Force
(as on 1.3.2017)

The details of women officers (excluding medical and dental branch) recruited during the last four years and the current year, Service-wise, are as under:-

Air Force
(till March)
In 2011, the Government  approved consideration of women Short Service Commission Officers (SSCOs) for grant of permanent commission along with men SSCOs in specific branches in the three services viz. Judge Advocate General (JAG), and Army Education Corps (AEC) of the Army and their corresponding branches in Navy and Air Force, Naval Constructor in Navy and Accounts Branch in Air Force.

In March 2016, approval has been accorded for induction of women Short Service Commission (SSC) officers as Pilots in Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) stream and in the Naval Armament Inspectorate (NAI) cadre.  The inductions are planned commencing from mid-2017.

The IAF has revised Short Service Commission (SSC) scheme to induct women into the fighter stream on an experimental basis for a period of five years.  The first batch of three women officers were commissioned into the fighter stream on June 18, 2016.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr. Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Shri Tiruchi Siva in Rajya Sabha today.


Grant of TA/DA to retired Railway servants, re-engaged after retirement

Grant of TA/DA to retired Railway servants, re-engaged after retirement


Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Railways/Rail Mantralaya
Railway Board

RBE No.24/17
New Delhi, dated 16.03.2017.
General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc,
(As per Standard Mailing List)

Sub: Grant of TA/DA to retired Railway servants, re-engaged after retirement.
Ref: CORE, Allahabad’s letter No. CORE/E/1/19/ENGAGEMENT/PART-1 dated 09.10.2015.

A clarification had been sought by CORE, Allahabad regarding admissibility of Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance to retired Railway servants re-engaged after retirement when they are sent on duty outside the station/headquarter for project / field works.

2. The matter has been considered by Board and it has been decided that the retired Railway servants, re-engaged after retirement; when they are sent on duty outside the station/headquarter, may be paid, in addition to their usual daily wages/remuneration, daily allowance at the rate of 60% of the applicable Daily Allowance rate (as indicated in Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14, dated 01/12/2008, as modified from time to time) corresponding to the pay drawn/post held by the retired Railway servant immediately prior to their retirement to meet out of pocket expenses. Such daily allowance will require the approval of SAG level officer.

3. Further, this will be subject to the other terms & condition as mentioned in chapter 16 of IREC Vol. II and will be regulated by the general/specific orders issued in this regard from time to time.

4. These orders shall take effect from 03/03/2017.

5. This orders will be subject to the other terms & condition as mentioned in chapter 16 of IREC Vol.II and will be regulated by the general/ specific orders issued in this regard from time to time

6. Hindi version is enclosed

7. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Sonali Chaturvedi)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board,
Source: NFIR

No ACP/MACP Promotional Scheme for KV Employees

No ACP/MACP Promotional Scheme for KV Employees

The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government civilian employees has been introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19th May, 2009 as amended from time to time. The extension of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) to the employees is subject to the conditions that:
i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented / adopted by the said Autonomous / Statutory Body.

ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.

iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.

iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme has been taken into account by the Organisation / Body and the additional financial implication can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.

As the teaching staff of KVS, including Principals had not accepted the earlier ACP Scheme introduced in the year 1999, they would not be entitled for the benefits of MACP scheme.

Reimbursement of full fare under Dynamic System of Railways - LTC fares

Reimbursement of full fare under Dynamic System of Railways - Clarification

Reimbursement of LTC fares

After introduction of dynamic fare scheme by Indian Railways with effect from September, 2016, the matter is under active examination in consultation with Department of Expenditure to extend suitable dispensation to Central Government employees on LTC.

The above information given by the Minister in Parliament on 23.3.2017.

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