A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 29 January 2018

Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number

Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number

Government India
Ministry of Health and Family
Department of Health Family
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 18th January 2018

Subject: Integration of AADHAR Number With CGHS beneficiary number

With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state that CGHS is capturing the AADHAR number of new CGHS beneficiaries. while issuing the CGHS Cards, serving employees are already using the Aadhar based Bio-metric attendance system and a large number of primary card holders have linked their Aadhar number to CGHS Ben ID Number, However, some of the existing CGHS beneficiaries particularly the pensioner beneficiaries are yet to link their Aadhar. The matter has been reviewed and it is now decided that linking of Aadhar Number to Ben ID No has been made compulsory and the CGHS beneficiaries are advised to link their Aadhar Number before 31st March 2018.

2.The procedure for doing so is as follows:
(I) Through CMO -In Charge’s Module- Beneficiary can visit CMO-In Charge Of his her CGHS Wellness Centre with AADHAR Card to get his her and family members AADHAR Number linked to CGHS Beneficiary Number.

(II) Registration of AADHAR Number by beneficiary himself/herself - the following steps are to be followed

a. Log on to cghs.nic.in
b. Click ‘Beneficiary Login’
c. Sign in with Ben ID and password if you are already registered.
d. If registered Click Generate Pass word and follow instructions to obtain OTP on your registered Mobile Number
e. After signing in with Ben ID and Pass word. click AADHAR NO
f. AADHAR for all family numbers and save
3. The co-operation of the CGHS beneficiaries is solicited.

(Dharminder Singh)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Authority: www.dopt.gov.in

Seventh Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules. - DoPT Order 2018

Seventh Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules. - DoPT Order 2018

F.No. AB-14017/13/2016-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt.-RR Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 29th January, 2018

Sub: Seventh Central Pay Commission's recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated 9th August, 2016 on the subject mentioned above wherein it was requested that as per the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 issued by Department of Expenditure vide  Notification  dated 25th July, 2016, consequential amendment in the existing Service Rules/Recruitment Rules shall be made by the Ministries/Departments by substituting the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay by the new pay structure i.e. "LEVEL in the PAY MATRIX" straightaway without making a reference to the Department of Personnel and Training (DOP&T)/Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

2. Subsequently, this Department has held meetings in October/November, 2016 with the administrative Ministries/Departments to review the progress in the  implementation of the OM. An important suggestion made in the meetings was with respect to facilitating the process of consultation with the Legislative Department for drafting notification for amendment of RRs in accordance with OM dated 9thAugust, 2016 and its Hindi translation so as to expedite the issue of notification. In this regard, this Department in consultation with Legislative Department prepared a model notification in English and Hindi for use of the Administrative Ministries/Departments. The same was issued for the use of Ministries/Departments vide this Department's OM dated 18.01.2017.

3. Further, DoP&T vide OM of even number dated 16.02.2017 sought information with regard to implementation of OM dated 09.08.2016. However, no significant inputs on the issue were received from the Ministries/Departments despite repeated requests.

4. In View of the above, a meeting under the Chairmanship of JS (E) with all Ministries/Departments was held on 04.01.2018. The Ministries/Departments were requested to furnish the details on the issue urgently so as to enable this Department to furnish a status report for information of PMO. The detail of the data received from various Ministries/Departments as on 24.01.2018 has been compiled and annexed. All Ministries/Departments are requested to scrutinize the data pertaining to them as per the annexure. In case some additions/corrections are required, the same may be communicated to this Division before 09.02.2018. In case no inputs are received, the data as indicated in the annexure shall be treated as final.

Encl.: As above

(Shukdeo Sha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
All Cadre controlling Ministries/Departments




Revision of Minimum Wages payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers

Revision of Minimum Wages payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers
Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19
Dated - 25.01.2018
Shri Ajay Mittal
Department of Personnel & Training
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pension
Government of India
North Block, New Delhi - 110001

Sub:  Revision of Minimum Wages payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers - reg.
Ref: Your office letter No. 49014/1/2017-Estt (C) dated 16th August 2017.

Please refer to your office letter cited above copy of which is enclosed herewith for ready reference. It was informed that the matter of revision of wages payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers is under consideration.

We regret to inform you that the orders of revising the wages of Temporary status Casual Labourers with effect from 01.01.2016 is yet to be issued, eventhough the orders revising the pay of Central Government employees was issued on 25.07.2016.

It is once again requested to take necessary action in this regard, so that issuing of orders will be expedited.

Encls: as above
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Member, Standing Committee
National Council JCM &
Secretary General,
Confederation of Central Govt.Employees & Workers
Mob: 09447068125
Email: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com

Source : Confederationhq

Railways: Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone

Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. 2017/TG-I/23/P/YTSK
Date: 07.12.2017
Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular no. 81 of 2017)

Sub: Clarification on booking of YTSK tickets through telephone.

With a view to expanding the facilities for issuing of tickets (both reserved and unreserved) and allowing public private partnership in establishment and operation of computerized PRS-cum-UTS terminals at centres called Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendra (YTSK), the YTSK scheme was launched vide Commercial Circular no. 33 of 2014. Thereafter, on the basis of feedback received, amendments have been made in the scheme from time to time.

2.A reference has been received from Northern Railway forwarding therewith a request received from YTSK Association, Delhi’s to permit YTSKs to book tickets on telephone. In this connection, the Association has referred to the feature of booking reserved ticket telephonically which finds mention in both RTSA Rules, 1985 as well as RTSA Rules, 2014 (under which RTSAs started functioning as e-ticketing agents)

3.The matter has been examined in this office and keeping in view the fact that the provision for booking reserved ticket telephonically figures in RTSA Rules, 1985 as well as RTSA Rules, 2014 and also in Computerised Ticket Service Provider Licencee (CTSPL) scheme which was introduced in the year 2000 allowing provision of PRS terminals to RTSAs, it has been decided that YTSKs may be allowed to book tickets on telephone. However, Zonal Railways are requested to ensure that in case the YTSK licensee acts on a telephone call, a written request shall be obtained by the Licensee from the client before delivering the railway ticket to him.

4.Necessary instructions may be issue to all concerned accordingly.
(Harvinder Singh)
Jt. Director Traffic Commercial (G)
Railway Board

7CPC: Revision of Disability/ War Injury pension for pre-1.1.2016 Defence Forces pensioners

Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) - Revision of Disability/ War Injury pension for pre-1.1.2016 Defence Forces pensioners

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi-110011,
Dated 23rd January, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) - Revision of Disability/ War Injury pension for pre-1.1.2016 Defence Forces pensioners reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. 17(01)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 29th October 2016 modified vide letter No 17(01)/2017(01)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated 4th September, 2017 for revision of pension of pre-2016 Defence Forces pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of the Government decisions on the recommendations of the 7th CPC. As per the same, disability element/ liberalized disability element/ war injury element of Defence Forces pensioners have been revised by the pension disbursing agencies by multiplying the existing rate of disability element as on 31.12.2015, by factor of 2.57 to arrive at revised rate of disability element as on 1.1.2016. The Ministry vide letter No 17(01)/2017 (02)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 5th September, 2017 have also issued orders for revision of pension including disability element by issue of corrigendum PPO based on notional pay fixed as on 1.1.2016 in the 7th CPC pay matrix corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/ pay band 86 grade pay in which the pensioner had retired. The later order of 5th September, 2017 allows the benefit of broad banding of disability in cases of retirement/ discharge voluntary or otherwise with disability/war injury and additional pension on disability/war injury element to be authorized by issue of corrigendum PPO

  1. In partial modification of Ministry's said order dated 29th October, 2016 as modified, the President is now pleased to decide that in cases where Armed Forces pensioners who were retired/discharged voluntary or otherwise with disability and were in receipt of disability/war injury element as on 31.12.2015, their extent of disability shall be re-computed in the following manner before applying the multiplication factor of 2.57 on existing disability/war injury element to arrive at the revised disability element/war injury element as on 1.1.2016.
Accepted percentage of disabilityPercentage to be reckoned for computation of Disability Element
20% or more but less than 50%50%
Between 50% to 75%75%
Between 76% to 100%100%

  1. Rates for calculation of disability where composite assessment has been made due to existence of disability as well as war injury, shall be determined in terms of provision contained in Para 3(b) of Ministry’s letter No.16(02)/2015-D(Pen/Pol) dated 8th August 2016. The amount of revised disability element finally arrived shall be rounded off to next higher rupee.

  1. The president is also pleased to decide that quantum of additional pension available to old age pensioners after attaining the age of 80 years and above, shall also be admissible on revised disability/war injury element. The Note below para 12 of this Ministry’s above mentioned letter dated 29th October,2016 stands deleted.

  1. The provisions of this Ministry's above -mentioned letter dated 29th October 2016 as modified vide letter dated 4th September,2017 and dated 5th September,2017 which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, shall remain unchanged.

  1. PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad shall issue necessary implementation instructions for implementation of provisions of these orders directly by the pension disbursing agencies.

  1. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 1.1.2016.

  1. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No.Part file (i) to 30(01)/2016/Fin/Pen dated 15.12.2017.

  1. Hindi Version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
 Authority: www.desw.gov.in

Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR

Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR

No. 2012/TG.III/631/2
New Delhi Dated 01.12.2017
The General Managers
All Indian Railways

New Delhi

Navi Mumbai

(Commercial Circular No. 79 of 2017)

Sub: Applicability of Goods and Service tax (GST) on Static Catering Services on IR.

Ref: (i) Commercial Circular No. 78 of 2012 dated 21.12.2012
(ii) Commercial Circular No. 44 of 2017 dated 29.06.2017
(iii) Commercial Circular No. 48 of 2017 dated 30.06.2017
(iv) Board's letter No. 2016/AC-II/01/Misc./GST (RBS No. 164/20117) dtd 20.11.2017
(v) Board's letter no. 2017/TG-III/631/6 dated 18/09/2017.

Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) vide notification No. 11/2017 - Central Tax(Rate) dated 28.06.2017 had issued GST Rate for supply of food and beverage services. Further, vide Notification no. 46/2017-Centrl Tax (Rate) dated 14.11.2017, the aforesaid notification has been amended. The issue of implementation of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Catering Services on Indian Railway has been examined in consultaion of Finance Commercial Dte. of Railway Board and accordingly, following are advised:-
1. The chargeable GST on catering services in state in catering units / parliament canteen is @ 5% with no Input Tax Credit (ITC).

2. The above GST on catering charges through Static units is applicable w.e.f. 15.11.2017.

3. The rates notified vide Commercial Circular No. 78 of 2012 will remain unchanged after applicability of GST but are now inclusive of GST @ 5% for static catering units.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Dte. of Railway Board.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
(Smita Rawat)
Executive Director (T&C)
Railway Board
Authority: www.indianrailways.gov.in

Railways: Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations

Railways: Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations
No. 2015/TG-IV/14/P/Lockers
New Delhi, Dt.21.12.2017
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular No. 83/2017)

Sub: Revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges at Railway Stations.

Please refer to Board’s letter no: 91/TG-I/10/P/Cloak Room Charges dated 23.01.2013 (CC No. 09/2013) wherein the last revision of Cloak Room and Locker charges were notified.

It has, now, been decided that DRMs shall have full powers for upward revision of the Cloak Room and Locker tariff at stations based on their local conditions after obtaining concurrence of their Associate Finance.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Harvinder Singh)
Jt. Director Traffic Comml.(G)
Railway Board
Authority: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/

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