A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Reimbursement of Taxes/GST on the prescribed entitlement of Hotel accommodation/Guest House to Central Govt. employees

Reimbursement of Taxes/GST on the prescribed entitlement of Hotel accommodation/Guest House to Central Govt. employees
No. 19030/2/2017.E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 29th June,2018
Office Memorandum

Sub: Reimbursement of Taxes/GST on the prescribed entitlement of Hotel accommodation/Guest House to Central Govt. employees - reg.

Various references have been received in this Department seeking clarification regarding admissibility of Taxes/GST on the prescribed entitlement of Hotel accommodation/Guest House as mentioned in Para 2E(i) of the annexure to this Department's OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017.

2. The matter has been considered in this Department and it is clarified that the entitlement prescribed in r/o Hotel accommodation/Guest House as mentioned in Para 2E(i) of above mentioned 0M, is exclusive of all Taxes/GST and these Taxes/GST shall be reimbursed to the Govt. employee over and above the prescribed entitlement. Further, reimbursement of GST shall be calculated on the actual charges paid by the Central Govt. employee within his/her prescribed entitlement,

3. This is issued with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Source: DoE

Extension of validity period of empanelment of already empanelled Health care Organizations under CGHS

Extension of validity period of empanelment of already empanelled Health care Organizations under CGHS

F.No:S-11045/36/2016-CGHS (HEC)
Government Of India
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 28th June,2018

Sub: Extension of validity period of empanelment of already empanelled Health care Organizations under CGHS.

With reference to above mentioned subject attention is drawn to office order dated 01.04.2018 whereby empanelment of all existing empanelled health care organizations under CGHS was extended till 30.06.2018

In this regards it has been now decided to extend empanelment of all Health Care Organizations already empanelled under CGHS for a further period of three months w.e.f 01.07.2018 till 30.09.2018 or till next empanelment whichever is earlier on same terms conditions and rates on which they are presently empanelled.
Director (CGHS)
Tel: 011-23062800

Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes

Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
(Budget Division)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 02.07.2018
Office Memorandum

Subject: Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes

On the basis of the decision of the Government, interest rates for small savings schemes are notified on quarterly basis since April, 2016. Accordingly, the rates of interest on various small savings schemes for the second quarter of financial year 2018-19 staring 1st July, 2018 and ending on 30th September, 2018 shall remain unchanged from those notified for the first quarter of financial year 2018- 19.

2. This has the approval of Finance Minister.
(Sakshi Kumar)
Deputy Director
Tel : 01123095764

Sanction of Dearness Allowance: Karnataka State Government Employees DA Orders

Sanction of Dearness Allowance: Karnataka State Government Employees DA Orders

Karnataka State Govt Employees DA Orders w.e.f. 1.1.2018
"State Government of Karnataka has issued orders for Dearness Allowance for existing employees and pensioners with effect from 1.1.2018"

Karnataka - Sanction of Dearness Allowance

Sub :- Sanction of Dearness Allowance - reg.

1. Notification No. FD 6 SRP 2018 dated: 19-04-2018.
2. G.O. No. FD 6 SRP 2018 dated: 19-04-2018.
3. GOI O.M. No.1/1/2018-E-II(B) dated: 15-03-2018.
4. Representation dated: 16-03-2018 of the President,Karnataka State Government Employees Association.


As per the recommendations of the 6th State Pay Commission, in G.O.dated:19-04-2018 read at (2) above orders were issued revising the pay and allowances of State Government Employees w.e.f. 01-07-2017 and consequential monetary benefits w.e.f 01-04-2018

As the Dearness Allowance up to the Index Level of 276.9 of the All India Consumer Price Index admissible as on 01.07-2017 is included in the revised pay scales, the Dearness Allowance to be sanctioned after 01-07-2017 as recommended by the Pay Commission is to be calculated with a multiplication factor of 0.944 for every 1% of Dearness Allowance to be sanctioned by the Government of India.

Presently, in O.M.dated: 15-03-2018 read at (3) above, the Government of India has sanctioned 2% of DA to its employees w.e.f 01-01-2018.

The formula (multiplication factor of 0.944) recommended by the 6th State Pay Commission is examined. Accordingly, the Government have decided to adopt the multiplication factor of 0.944 to calculate the future instalments of Dearness Allowance to be sanctioned to State Government Employees in the 2018 Revised Pay Scales for every 1% of DA sanctioned by the Central Government to its employees.

Accordingly, the following order is issued.

Government are pleased to sanction Dearness Allowance to state Government Employees at the rate of 1.75% of Basic Pay in the 2018 Revised Pay Scales w.e.f. 01-01-2018.

2.These orders will apply to the full time Government Employees, Employees of Zilla Panchayats, work charged employees on regular time scales of pay, full time employees of aided educational Institutions and Universities who are on regular time scales of pay.

3. For the purpose of this order, the term ‘Basic Pay’ means, pay drawn by a Government Employee in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him and includes:
a. Stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay.
b. Personal Pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 read with Rule 3(c) of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2018.
c. Additional increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay.
4. Basic Pay shall not include any emoluments other than those specified above.

5. Government are also pleased to sanction Dearness Allowance at the rate of 1.75% of Revised Basic Pension/Family Pension w.e.f 01-01-2018 to State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners as well as to pensioners/Family Pensioners of Aided Educational Institutions whose Pension/Family Pension is paid out of the consolidate fund of the state.

6. The payment of Dearness Allowance admissible under this order is payable in cash until further orders.

7. Separate orders will be issued in respect of employees on UGC/AICTE/ICAR/NJPC Scales of pay and also in respect of Pensioners in the said pay scales.

8. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above shall be rounded off to the next rupee and fractions less than 50 paise shall be ignored.

9. The Dearness Allowance will be shown as a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay for any purpose.


Deputy Secretary to Government.
Finance Department (services-2)

Jammu and Kashmir : Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees

Jammu and Kashmir : Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees

Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Civil Secretariat Finance Department

Subject: Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees.

Government Order No: 288-F of 2018 Dated; 22-06-2018

In order to ensure punctuality in the Government Offices/ Establishments, it has been decided to immediately implement Biometric Attendance System with immediate effect. Accordingly, the following directions are issued for strict compliance by all concerned:

2. For all Government employees/ persons drawing salary, wages, honorarium etc.
a) No salary or wages would be drawn in favour of the Government employees of any category for the month of June 2018 onwards unless they have enrolled themselves in Biometric System (Aadhar not mandatory).

b) The above applies also to all the PSU employees, Contractual/ consolidated/ casual workers or any other type of persons drawing wages in any form from the public exchequer.

c) It will be the duty of the concerned DDOs to ensure enrolment before 30th June, 2018 and furnish a certificate for the same along the Salary / Wage Bill presented in the Treasury, without which the Treasury Officers are directed not to entertain any Salary( Wage bill.

d) From 22nd June, 2018 onwards, the marking of attendance in the system would be compulsory for all categories of employees and wage earners. Only after the scrutiny of monthly attendance, the DDOs would prepare Salary/Wage bill and certificate would accordingly be furnished alonwith the bill to the Treasuries concerned.

e) The Administrative Secretaries/ HoDs/DDOs of various Departments/Corporations shall ensure installations of desktop based (low cost) Biomatric Attendance System/
Machines in their respective offices at an earliest by purchasing the same at DGS&D rates or through GeM Portal out of OE/ ‘Machinery and Equipment’ Head.

f) Information Technology Department and NIC Centres in each district are directed to provide necessary guidance and support for its implementation.
3. All officers/ employees are also directed not to leave their place of posting either on tour or for personal reasons without written permission from their respective Heads of offices. Any violation thereof will automatically attract disciplinary proceedings.

4. All Administrative Secretaries and HoDs within their Departments and Deputy Commissioners in their respective jurisdictions shall be responsible for full compliance of the above instructions.

By Order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
(Navin K. Choudhary), IAS
Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department.

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