A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Dearness Allowance announcement before Diwali ?

Dearness Allowance announcement before Diwali ?

Usually Government approves the dearness allowance during the 1st week of September and release the government order in 3rd or 4th week of September, but this year government not yet approved dearness allowance from 1.7.2016. After 7th Pay Commission Implementation the dearness allowance computation formula & the base year must be changed, the computation formula & base year changed in the earlier pay commission also
Pay Commission Base Year
3rd Pay Commission 1960 =100
4th Pay Commission 1982=100
5th Pay Commission 1982=100
6th Pay Commission 2001=100
7th Pay Commission 2011=100  (expected)

During September 1st week JCM Staff side Secretary writes letter to Ministry of Finance with the subject “Future computation of Dearness Allowance and adoption base index figure to Revised Minimum Wage”, in this letter Union demands to grant of 3% dearness allowance with effect from 1.7.2016, even though there is no official announcement from the government. Even all the state government employees are waiting for the announcement from the Central government.
And again last week Union writes letter to the Secretary, Ministry of Finance to grant the dearness allowance at the earliest.
Dearness allowance from 1.7.2016 should be 3%
Dearness Allowance (DA) Formula after 7th Pay Commission (assumption)
=((12 Months Average of AICPIN)-261.4)*100/261.4)
All the government employees are eagerly waiting for the announcement from the government. As per the source the dearness allowance announcement will be released before Diwali festival. Hope this announcement will be a Diwali gift for Central government employees.

Source : babusnews.com


Pension for Principals of KVS who retired before 01.01.2006 - MHRD Orders

Pension for Principals of KVS who retired before 01.01.2006 - MHRD Orders

NEW DELHI-110016
Email ID:-kvsjcfin@gmail.com
Dated: 21/10/2016
The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.
Sub: Revision of pension of Pre 2006 Pensioners vide OM.No.F.38/37/08 P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 - Reg.

With reference to the captioned subject, I am to inform you that the Department of School Education & Literacy, UT-2 Section vide their letter no.F.3- 44/2016-UT-2 dated 18th October 2016(copy enclosed) has clarified that in respect of Principals of KVS who retired before 01.01.2006, their pension and family pension would have to be fixed with respect to the amount in column 9 & 10 of Annexure to Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare dated 28.01.2013 corresponding to the scale of pay applicable prior to 01.01.2006 i.e. Rs.12600/- and Rs.7560/- respectively. Same criteria would hold good in respect of other category of employees also.

2. Accordingly, necessary action may be taken for the revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. In case the revisions of of pension cases of the pre-2006 pensioners are already completed, the cases may be reexamined with reference to the above clarification.

3. The status report of the revision of the pension of pre-2006 pensioners may be submitted to this office by 30.11.2016.

4. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully
(M. Arumugam)
Joint Commissioner (Fin)
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy
UT-2 Section
The Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
18, Institutional Area,
Shaheed Jit Singh Marg,
New Delhi- 110016
New Delhi, dated 18th October, 2016

Subject:- Revision of pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners vide 0M No.F.38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 28.01.2013-reg.

I am directed to refer to KVS’s letter No.1-1/2015/KVS/JC(Fin) dated 26.05.2016 on the subject mentioned above and to clarify that in respect of the Principals of KVS who retired before 01.01.2006, their pension arid family pension would have to be fixed with respect to the amounts indicated in Column 9 and 10 of the Annexure to D/o P&PW 0M dated 28.01.9013 corresponding to the scale of pay applicable prior to 01.01.2006 i.e. Rs.12600/- and Rs.7560/- respectively. Same criteria would hold good in respect of other category of employees also.
Yours faithfully,
(D.K.D. Rao)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Click to view the order
Authority: http://kvsangathan.nic.in/

Second Meeting of Group of Senior Officers to discuss the grievances arising out of recommendations related to 7th Central Pay Commission

Second Meeting of Group of Senior Officers to discuss the grievances arising out of recommendations related to 7th Central Pay Commission


All Standing Committee Members
of the National Council (Staff Side) JCM

I am directed to enclosed herewith a letter No. 30-4/2016-IC dated 21.10.2016 from Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell) for your kind information please

And your kind attention is invited to this office mail dated 11.10.2016 now it has been decided to hold Internal Meeting of the Standing Committee members of the National Council (Staff Side) JCM at 11.30 AM in place of 3.30 PM on 24th October 2016 in JCM Office.

You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting on the date and time mentioned above.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(Shiv Gopal Mishra)
Department of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell)
Room No.215, Hotel Ashok,
Chankyapuri, New Delhi,
Dated: 21.10.2016
Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra,
National Council (Staff Side), JCM
13C, Feroz Shah Road,
New Delhi

Subject: Second Meeting of Group of Senior Officers to discuss the grievances arising out of recommendations related to 7th Central Pay Commission - regarding.

I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even number dated 17th October 2016 and to inform that the meeting under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Expenditure), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, which was scheduled for 24th October 02.00 PM will now be held at 04.00 PM on the same i.e. 24th October 2016 in Room No.72, North Block, New Delhi to discuss the grievances arising out of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission and their implementation.

2. All other contents of the letter remain the same.
3. You are also requested to send the names of the members of Standing Committee of National Conucl (Staff Side), JCM who will be attending the aforesaid meeting by todays evening.
Yours sincerely,
(Abhay N.Sahay)
Under Secretary (IC)
Source: Confederation

Order Issued on Revised Pension for ex-servicemen

Order Issued on Revised Pension for ex-servicemen

The government has issued instructions for implementing the revised pensions for ex-servicemen under the 7th Pay Commission (SPC).

However, the issue of disability pension which had created considerable disappointment in the Services is not covered under this as it has been referred to the anomalies committee.

The government gazette notification on pensions was issued on October 18, defence sources told. This is a follow up action to the resolution dated September 30 issued by the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare.

The resolution had caused resentment from the veteran community as it had drastically lowered the disability pension for military personnel by converting the percentage based system to a fixed slab system.
Pending the conversion back to the percentage system it means that those retiring after January 1, 2016 would face a slash in their disability pension.

Source: The Hindu

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