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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Applicability of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 to persons re-employed in Government Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates

Applicability of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 to persons re-employed in Government Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates

Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules

No. 3/3/2016-Estt. (Pay II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 1 .05.2017

Subject: Applicability of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 to persons re-employed in Government Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates

The pay fixation of re-employed pensioners on re-employment in Central Government, including that of Defence Forces personnel/officers, is being done in accordance with Central Civil Services (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986, issued vide this Department's O.M. No. 3/1/85-Estt. (Pay II) dated 31st July, 1986 (as revised from time to time). Persons re-employed in Government service after retirement have been excluded from the purview of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 vide Rule 2 (2)(vii) thereof. The question of extension of the benefit of the revised pay rules to these persons and the procedure to be followed for fixing their pay in the revised pay structure has been considered by the Government. The President is pleased to decide that, in partial modification of the Rule 2 (2)(vii) of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, the provisions of these rules shall apply to such persons also who were in / came into re-employment on or after 1st January, 2016, subject to the orders hereinafter contained. This decision will cover all Government servants re-employed in Central Civil Departments other than those employed on contract except where the contract provides otherwise, whether they have retired with or without a pension and/or gratuity or any other retirement benefits, e.g. contributory fund etc. from a civil post or from the Armed Forces.

2. Re-employed persons who become eligible to elect revised pay structure in accordance with these orders should exercise their option in the manner laid down in Rule 5 and 6 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, within three months of the date of issue of these orders or in cases where the existing scales of pay of the posts held by them are revised subsequent to the issue of these orders, within three months of the date of such order.

Fixation / drawal of pay of Personnel / Officers re-employed prior to 01.01.2016 and who were in re-employment as on 01.01.2016:

3 (a) The initial pay of a re-employed Government servant who elects or is deemed to have elected to be governed by the revised pay structure from the 1 st day of January, 2016 shall be fixed according to the provisions of Rule 7 of the C.C.S. (R.P.) Rules, 2016, if he/she is-
(i) a Government servant who retired without receiving a pension, gratuity or any other retirement benefit and
(ii) a retired Government servant who received pension or any other retirement benefits but which were ignored while fixing pay on re-employment.
3(b) The initial pay of a re-employed Government servant who retired with a pension or any other retirement benefit and whose pay on re-employment was fixed with reference to these benefits or ignoring a part thereof, and who elects or is deemed to have elected to be governed by the revised structure from the 1 st day of January, 2016 shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 7 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Pension (excluding the ignorable portion of pension, if any), as defined in para 3(1) of CCS (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986 admissible on relevant date, i.e. date of coming over to the revised pay structure, effective from 1.1.2016 or later, shall be deducted from his / her pay in accordance with the general policy of the Government on fixation and subsequent drawal of pay of re- employed pensioners.

3(c) In addition to the pay so fixed, the re-employed Government servant would continue to draw the retirement benefits he / she was permitted to draw in the prerevised scales, as modified based on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission, orders in respect of which have been issued separately by the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare.

3(d) Where a re-employed Government servant elects to draw his / her pay in the existing pay structure and is brought over to revised pay structure from a date later than the 1st day of January, 2016, his /her pay from the later date in the revised scale shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

4. Further, the existing ceiling of Rs. 80,000/- for drawal of pay plus gross pension on re-employment is enhanced to Rs.2,25,000/-, the maximum basic pay prescribed for Secretary to the Government of India under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Ignorable part of Pension

5. The President is also pleased to enhance the ignorable part of pension from Rs. 4000/- to Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) in the case of Commissioned Service Officers and Civil Officers holding Group 'A' posts who retire before attaining the age of 55 years. The existing limits of civil and military pensions to be ignored in fixing the pay of re-employed pensioners will, therefore, cease to be applicable to cases of such pensioners as are re-employed on or after 1.1.2016.

6. In the case of persons who were already on re-employment as on 01.01.2016, the pay may be fixed on the basis of these orders, with effect from the date of coming over to the new pay structure, i.e. 01.01.2016 or later, as per the option exercised by them in terms of para 2 above. In such case, their terms would be determined afresh as if they have been re-employed for the first time from such date of coming over to the
new pay structure.

Fixation / drawal of pay of employees appointed on re- employment basis on or after 1stday of January, 2016

7. Pursuant to the introduction of the system of Pay Matrix vide the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, the President is further pleased to amend the relevant provisions of CCS (Fixation of Pay of re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986 in the manner indicated below:

Existing provision (1986 Orders read with OM dated 5th April 2010)Revised provision
Para 4(a): Re- employed pensioners shall be allowed to draw pay only in the prescribed pay scale/pay structure of the post in which they are re- employed. No protection of the scales of pay/pay structure of the post held by them prior to retirement shall be given.Note: Under the provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, revised pay structure comprises the grade pay attached to the post and the applicable pay band.Order 4(a): Re-employed pensioners shall be allowed to draw pay only in the Level in the revised pay structure applicable to the post in which they are re-employed. No protection of the scales of pay/pay structure of the post held by them prior to retirement shall be given.Note: Revised pay structure in relation to a post will be as defined in Rule 3(ix) of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Para 4(b)(i): In all cases where the pension is fully ignored, the initial pay on re-employment shall be fixed as per entry pay in the revised pay structure of the re-employed post applicable in the case of direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006 as notified vide Section II, Part A of First Schedule to CCS (RP) Rules, 2008.Order 4(b)(i): In all cases where the pension is fully ignored, the initial pay on re-employment shall be fixed as per Rule 8 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.Note 1: The case where pension is fully ignored is given in Order 4 (d) below.
Note 2: Pension is fully ignored means that pension is not deducted from pay.
Para 4(b)(ii): In cases where the entire pension and pensionary benefits are not ignored for pay fixation, the initial basic pay on re- employment shall be fixed at the same stage as the last basic pay drawn before retirement. However, he shall be granted the grade pay of the reemployed post. The maximum basic pay cannot exceed the grade pay of the reemployed post plus pay in the pay band of Rs.67000 i.e. the maximum of the pay band PB-4. In all these cases, the nonignorable part of the pension shall be reduced from the pay so fixed.Illustration
A Colonel who retired with basic pay of Rs.61700 (grade pay Rs.8700; pay in the pay band Rs.53000) is re-employed as a Deputy Secretary in an organization with grade pay of Rs.7600. In this case, on reemployment, his basic pay will continue to be Rs.61700. However, his grade pay on re-employment will be Rs.7600 and the pay in the pay band Rs.54100. Thereafter, the non-ignorable part of the pension will be reduced from the pay so fixed.
Note: In the revised pay structure, basic pay is pay in the pay band plus the grade pay attached to the post.
Order 4(b) (ii): In cases where the entire pension and pensionary benefits are not ignored for pay fixation, the initial basic pay on re- employment shall be fixed at the same stage as the last basic pay drawn before retirement. If there is no such stage in the re-employed post, the pay shall be fixed at the stage next above that pay. If the maximum pay in the Level applicable to the post in which a pensioner is reemployed is less than the last basic pay drawn by him before retirement, his initial basic pay shall be fixed at such maximum pay of the re- employed post. Similarly, if the minimum pay in the Level applicable to the post in which a pensioner is reemployed is more than the last basic pay drawn by him before retirement, his initial basic pay shall be fixed at such minimum pay of the re-employed post. However, in all these cases, the non-ignorable part of the pension shall be reduced from the pay so fixed.Note 1: Revised pay structure in relation to a post will be as defined in Rule 3(ix) of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Note 2: "Basic Pay" in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix.
Note 3: Last pay drawn shall be as per definition of pre-retirement pay in terms of Order 3 of the CCS (Fixation of Pay of reemployed Pensioners) Orders, 1986, read with DoPT OM No. 3/19/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 8th November 2010.
Para 4(c): The re-employed pensioner Order 4(c): No change will, in addition to pay as fixed under Para (b) above shall be permitted to draw separately any pension sanctioned to him and to retain any other form of retirement benefits.Order 4(c): No change
Para 4(d): In the case of persons retiring before attaining the age of 55 years and who are re-employed, pension (including PEG and other forms of retirement benefits) shall be ignored for initial pay fixation in the following extent:-(i) In the case of ex-servicemen who held posts below Commissioned Officer rank in the Defence Forces and in the case of civilians who held posts below Group 'A' posts at the time of their retirement, the entire pension and pension equivalent of retirement benefits shall be ignored.
(ii) In the case of Commissioned Service officers belonging to the Defence Forces and Civilian pensioners who held Group 'A' posts at the time of their retirement, the first Rs.4000/- of the pension and pension equivalent retirement benefits shall be ignored.
Order 4(d): In the case of persons retiring before attaining the age of 55 years and who are re-employed, pension (including PEG and other forms of retirement benefits) shall be ignored for pay fixation to the following extent:-(i) No change
(ii) In the case of Commissioned service officers belonging to the Defence Forces and Civilian pensioners who held Group 'A' posts at the time of their retirement, the first Rs. 15,000/- of the pension and pension equivalent retirement benefits shall be ignored.

8. Apart from the above, it is also clarified as under:
(i) Drawal of increments: Once the initial pay of the re- employed pensioner has been fixed in the manner indicated above, he will be allowed to draw normal increments as per the provisions of Rule 9 and 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 read with Order 5 of the CCS (Fixation of Pay of re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986.

(ii) Treatment of Military Service Pay (MSP): MSP is granted to Defence Forces officers/personnel while they are serving in the Defence Forces. Accordingly, on their re-employment in civilian organizations, including secret organizations under the Cabinet Secretariat umbrella, the question of grant of MSP to such officers/personnel does not arise. However, the benefit of MSP in the pension should not be withdrawn. Accordingly, while the pension of such re-employed pensioners will include the element of MSP, they will not be granted MSP as part of pay while working in civilian organizations. Also, in respect of all those Defence Officers / personnel, whose pension contains an element of MSP and whose pay on reemployment is subject to deduction of pension (excluding the  ignorable portion, if any), the element of MSP as contained in the pension shall be ignored while deducting the pension at the time of pay fixation. In other words, the MSP portion of the pension need not be deducted from the pay fixed on re-employment.

(iii) Fixation / drawal of pay of re-employed persons who retired prior to 1.1.2016 and who have been re-employed after 1.1.2016, and whose entire pension and pensionary benefits are not ignored for pay fixation: The pay on re-employment will be fixed in terms of Order 4(b)(ii) of the CCS (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986, as amended above, after notionally arriving at their revised basic pay at the time of retirement as if they had retired under the revised pay structure, in terms of Rule 7 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. In all these cases, the nonignorable part of the pension shall be reduced from the pay so fixed. Regulation of MSP, however, shall be as per clarification in para 8(ii) above.
(iv) Fixation / drawal of pay in all other cases: Pay fixation in cases not covered in Order 4(d) will be as per the general principle of 'pay minus pension', i.e. while the last pay drawn shall be reckoned for pay fixation, the entire pension shall be deducted from the pay so fixed. Regulation of MSP, however, shall be as per clarification in para 8(ii) above.
9. An undertaking may be obtained from re-employed pensioners who opt / are deemed to have opted for the revised pay structure to the effect that, they understand and agree that the special dispensation provided through this O.M. is subject to the condition of deduction of pension as admissible to them from time to time, wherever required as per extant instructions.

10. These instructions shall apply in respect of those re-employed pensioners who are re-employed against civil posts carrying pay upto Level 17 of the Pay Matrix of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016.

11. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are being issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

12. These orders shall take effect from 1.1.2016.
(Pushpender Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Source: DoPT  Orders 2017

CGHS doctors to be trained on administrative matters

CGHS doctors to be trained on administrative matters

New Delhi: The government today launched the first ever induction training programme for medical officers recruited under the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) to make them aware about service rules and regulations and to train them on administrative and managerial aspects.

The objective is also to educate them about proper utilisation of resources and inform them about various ethical and legal issues.

Health Minister J P Nadda urged the doctors to attend the nine-week programme with an open mind, stating the training would help them in carrying out their duties more efficiently in the long run.

"It is not only about treating patients. You will also have to look after some administrative issues and deal with files. That is when you will face problem and this training will come handy," Nadda said.

The course, Nadda said, also aims at ensuring soft skills among these doctors so that they deal and communicate with the relatives of the patients in a calm and composed manner.

Around 231 doctors will undergo the training programme, which has been designed by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare.


7th Pay Commission: Will PM Narendra Modi give green signal for arrears on allowances?

7th Pay Commission: Will PM Narendra Modi give green signal for arrears on allowances?
After the submission of the report on the higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission, the ball is now Prime Minister Narendra Modi's court.

Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa led Committee on Allowances has submitted its report on higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission and the government is most likely to accept it. Besides higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission, the issue of arrears is also making central government employees worried. After the submission of the report on the higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission, the ball is now Prime Minister Narendra Modi's court. The National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) chief Shiv Gopal Mishra will meet Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha today and discuss the arrears on allowances for the central government employees.

The report on hiked allowances under the 7th Pay Commission was submitted last week by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa. The report is being examined by the Department of Expenditure, and will be subsequently placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS). After the clearance, it will be sent to Union cabinet for approval. The Ashok Lavasa led panel held as many as 15 minutes with the representatives of National Council (Staff Side), Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) and representatives of defence personnel in last 10 months.

The NJCA chief Shiv Gopal Mishra was hopeful about arrears for central government employees. "Arrears would mostly be provided to the employees. I will meet Cabinet Secretary tomorrow in this regard. He is heading the Empowered Committee of Secretaries which is scrutinising the report submitted by the Lavasa committee," Mishra told India.com. "No insights from the report is available so far. We (NJCA) would study the recommendations of the report tomorrow after meeting the Empowered Committee of Secretaries," he added.

"Modifications have been suggested in some allowances which are applicable universally to all Central government employees as well as certain other allowances which apply to specific employee categories," the Finance Ministry said in a statement on April 28. The 7th Pay Commission had suggested the abolition of 52 out of the 196 existing allowances, apart from subsuming 36 smaller allowances. The 7CPC panel led by Justice (retd) A K Mathur had also reduced the house rent allowance (HRA) from existing 10, 20 and 30 per cent to 8, 24 and 16 respectively.

The basic pay of the central government employees was hiked from January 1, 2016 as per the 7th Pay Commission recommendations, but for last 10 months, the central government employees have been waiting for the higher allowances. While the government has provided arrears since January 1, 2016, the scheduled date of 7th Pay Commission's implementation, NJCA has demanded a similar release of arrears on allowances as well. All eyes will be on PM Narendra Modi who may bring 'achhe din' for the central government employees announcing arrears on allowances.

Source: India.com

Finance Ministry Press Note : Committee on 7th CPC Allowances

Finance Ministry Press Note : Committee on 7th CPC Allowances

Press Information  Bureau
Ministry of Finance

28-April, 2017 16:38 IST

The Committee on Allowances headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday; The Report will be now placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet.

The Committee on Allowances, constituted by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India to examine the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances, submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday. The Committee was headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure),M/o Finance, Government of India and had Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel & Training, Post and Chairman, Railway Board as its Members and Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) as its Member Secretary.

The Committee was set-up in pursuance of the Union Cabinet decision on 29.06.2016 when approving the 7th CPC recommendations on pay, pensions and related issues were approved. The decision to set-up the Committee was taken in view of significant changes recommended by the 7th CPC in the allowances structure and a large number of representations received in this regard from various Staff Associations as well as the apprehensions conveyed by various Ministries / Departments. The 7th CPC had recommended that of a total of 196 Allowances, 52 be abolished altogether and 36 be abolished as separate identities by subsuming them in another allowance.

The Committee took note of all the representations received from various stakeholders on the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances. Representations and demands for modifications were received in respect of 79 allowances which have been examined in detail by the Committee. In doing so, the Committee interacted with all the members of the Standing Committee of National Council (Staff Side), Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) as well the representatives of various Staff Associations of Railways, Postal employees, Doctors, Nurses, and Department of Atomic Energy. It also interacted with the representatives of the Defence Forces, DGs of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) namely CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, and Assam Rifles as also senior officers from IB and SPG to understand the viewpoint of their personnel.  As mentioned in the Report, the Committee held a total of 15 meetings and was assisted by a Group of Officers headed by Additional Secretary (D/o Expenditure) in examining the representations.

Based on such extensive stakeholder consultations and detailed examination, the Committee has suggested certain modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations so as to address the concerns of the stakeholders in the context of the rationale behind the recommendations of the 7th CPC as well as other administrative exigencies. Modifications have been suggested in some allowances which are applicable universally to all employees as well as certain other allowances which apply to specific employee categories such as Railway men, Postal employees, Scientists, Defence Forces personnel, Doctors and Nurses etc.

The Report, now being examined in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, will be placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) set-up to screen the 7th CPC recommendations and to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet. It may be recalled that while recommendations of the 7th CPC on pay and pension were implemented with the approval of Cabinet, allowances continue to be paid at old rates. After consideration by the E-CoS, the proposal for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances after incorporating the modifications suggested by the Committee on Allowances in its Report shall be placed before the Cabinet for approval.

Source : PIB

Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)

Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)

Dated: 01/05/2017
No. I/2/Part IV
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a) - clarification regarding.

Ref: DoP&T's OM No. 12/1/2016-Estt (Pay I) dated 31st March, 2017.

Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to DoP&T's OM dated 31st March, 2017 (quoted under reference) on the subject pertaining to fixation of pay in the case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a), copy enclosed.

According to the DoP&T OM dated 21st October 2009, 05th November 2012 & 31st March 2017, the method of pay fixation in respect of Government employee transferred to a lower post on his/her request shall be as under:-

"The pay of the Government employee holding a post on regular basis will be fixed in the revised pay structure at the stage equal to the pay drawn by him/her in the higher level of post held regularly. If no such stage is available, the pay will be fixed at the stage next below in the lower level with respect to the pay drawn by him/her in the higher level of posts held regularly and the difference in the pay may be granted as personal pay to be absorbed in future increments."

From the OMs issued by the DoP&T pursuant to the implementation of the 6th CPC pay structure as well 7th CPC pay matrices w.e.f. 01/01/2006 and 01/01/2016 respectively, the pay fixation on joining lower post shall be with reference to pay drawn in higher level of post.

On Zonal Railways etc., pay fixation to those who joined in lower Grade Pay/Pay Matrix at their request is not being allowed inspite of DoP&T's OMs cited above, (i.e. ensuring pay protection),It is also noticed that Railway Board have not issued corresponding instructions on the basis of DoP&T OM dated 31st March 2017 till now.

NFIR, therefore, urges upon the Railway Board to kindly consider the above facts and issue clarification on the lines of the OMs of DoP&T for granting pay fixation in those cases of employees who joined on transfer to a lower post at their request.

DA/As above
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

NFIR: Measures to improve Safety on Indian Railways

NFIR: Measures to improve Safety on Indian Railways

No. IV/1/Part III
Dated: 29/04/2017
The General Secretaries of
Zonal Unions of NFIR


Sub: Measures to improve Safety on Indian Railways- reg.

Ref: Railway Board's letter No. 2017/E(LR)/Ref/RB/1 dated 30/01/2017.

Please furnish  the following information to the Federation immediately i.e. latest by 1st May 2017:-

  • Total sanctioned strength of Supervisors in Safety categories in GP 4200 & 4600 in the Zone - figures may be given Grade Pay wise.
  • Office Bearers of NFIR Unions who are in Safety/Supervisory posts (GP 4200 & 4600).
  • Percentage of Office Bearers in Safety/Supervisory posts with reference to total sanctioned
  • Percentage of Office Bearers in Safety Supervisory posts with reference to on roll strength
    (separately Grade Pay wise may be given).
Important to note that no names should be furnished as only figures are required for taking further action.
Yours fraternally,
(Dr. M. Ragavaiah )
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

The Government is Committed for Job Security, Wage Security and Social Security of the Workers

The Government is Committed for Job Security, Wage Security and Social Security of the Workers

Shri BandaruDattatreya Launches "One IP- Two Dispensaries" and "Aadhaar Based Online Claim Submission" Schemes on International Labour Day

The Government is Committed for Job Security, Wage Security and Social Security of the Workers: Shri BandaruDattatreya

Minister of State (I/C) for Labour and Employment, Shri BandaruDattatreya launched two schemes "One IP- Two Dispensaries" and "Aadhaar based Online Claim Submission" on the occasion of International Labour Day today.

Under One IP- Two Dispensaries scheme ESIC has given an option to an Insured Person (IP) to choose two dispensaries, one for self and another for family through an employer. This will benefit all IPs, especially migrant workers who are working in other than home State, while their families are living in their native States. Because of non-availability of option of second dispensary, the dependent members of family are often deprived of medical benefits. By introducing the concept of 'One IP- Two Dispensaries', IP as well as their family members would now be able to get treatment from either of the dispensaries and in case of emergency from any ESI Institution.As of now, around 3 crores IPs are covered under ESIC and total number of beneficiaries i.e. IPs and their family members is over 12 crores.

Under Aadhaar based Online Claim Submission scheme all EPF Members who have activated their UAN and seeded their KYC (Aadhaar) with EPFO will be able to apply for PF final settlement (form19), Pension withdrawal benefit (Form10-C) and PF part withdrawal (Form31) from the their UAN Interface directly. The three forms collectively form more than 80% of EPFO's claim workload.Members can complete the whole process online and they neither need to interact with the employer nor with the EPFO field office to submit online claim.They are not required to give any supporting document while preferring online PF part withdrawal case. Member's applying online will be taken as his self- declaration for preferring the advance claim.

Launching the schemes Shri BandaruDattatreya said that the Government has recognised the importance of labour and the contribution of workers and is dedicated to their welfare. It is ensuring job security, wage security and social security to them.The Minister of State (I/C) for Labour and Employment said that the Government is trying to provide social security to the workers of unorganised sector also. He said that in the recently launched scheme 'SPREE' by ESIC the new accounts of 77 lakh individuals and 66 thousand establishments have been opened and EPFO has also added around 50 lakhs new accounts in its recently launch scheme. 34 million registrations have already been done on National Career Service (NCS) Portal.

Earlier, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy, Secretary, Labour and Employment said that the ministry has undertaken many steps for the welfare of workers. The Ministry is also rationalising the labour laws for the ease of business. She said that upgradation of skill is necessary for the job opportunity.


FINMIN ORDER: Committee to examine and evaluate the demands/requests - Ministry of Railways

FINMIN ORDER: Committee to examine and evaluate the demands/requests - Ministry of Railways

Committee to examine and evaluate the demands/requests received from various Public Representatives/Organisations for the creation of new Zones and Divisions - Ministry of Railways (FINMIN ORDER)
New Delhi, dated 17,04.2017
Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to constitute a Committee to examine and evaluate the demands/requests received from various Public Representatives/Organisations for the creation of new Zones and Divisions. The Committee will consist of the following:-
  • Executive Director(E&R), Railway Board Convenor
  • Executive Director/Finance(X)-I, Railway Board Member
  • Executive Director(Planning), Railway Board Member
  • Executive Director/TT(F), Railway Board Member
  • Executive Director(L&A)-I, Railway Board Member
  • Executive Director/E(N), Railway Board .Member
  1. The Terms of reference of the Committee will be as under:
(i) To Analyze the requests/demands received from various public representatives/organisations, since 2014, for the creation of. new zones and divisions on Indian Railways, from the following angles:
  • Operational feasibility
  • Financial implications
  • Administrative issues
  • Staff matters & Industrial Relation issues
  • Infrastructure availability & other requirements
(ii) On the basis of above analysis, examine the feasibility of creation of the proposed zones/divisions and accordingly reorganization of existing zones /divisions.
(iii) The Committee may consult Zonal Railways in this regard.
(iv) The views of Federations/Unions may also be obtained for proposals which are found to be feasible.

3. The Committee should submit its Interim Report by 28.4.2017 and a detailed Report within a period of three months from the date of constitution of the

4. The Headquarters of the Committee will be at New Delhi.

5. E&R Branch of Railway Board will be the Nodal Branch for functioning of the committee. Therefore, all related works/issues including Para1. Questions, RTI cases, their execution and other formalities with regard to the Committee, should be dealt with by E&R Branch.

6. The Convenor and Members of the committee will draw TA/DA as per extant Rules.
Deputy Secretary (Estt.)
Railway Board

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