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Thursday, 23 January 2020

Proposal for implementation of various training programmes under the Training For All Scheme – Latest DoPT Orders 2020

Proposal for implementation of various training programmes under the Training For All 
Scheme – Latest DoPT Orders 2020

Latest DoPT Orders 2020

F.No.T-16011/1/2020-TFA (CN 3150940)
Government of India
M/o Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi.
Dated the 20th January, 2020

The Heads of State / UT ATIs
(As per Standard List)

Sub: Proposal for implementation of various training programmes under the Training For All Scheme -reg.

Sir/ Madam,

Under Training For All (TFA) Scheme, this Department supports State / UT Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs) for conducting inter-alia the following training programmes:-

    (i) Intensive Training Programme (ITP): to provide saturation training of frontline personnel manning the public service delivery chain, in sectors identified by States, in specific geographical area of a State/UT. This Programme aims to impact upon functional knowledge, skills and attitudinal orientation of the frontline functionaries through appropriately designed training interventions to make public service delivery effective.

    (ii) 12-Day Induction Training Programme: to develop generic and domain specific competencies in newly recruited Group-B (non-gazetted) & Group-C cutting edge level State/UT Government functionaries for strengthening their capabilities to improve the public service delivery mechanism.

    (iii) Comprehensive Online Modified Module on Induction Training (COMMIT): for newly recruited frontline State/UT government functionaries to develop in them Generic & Doman specific competencies

2. In addition to the above, this Department also provides financial assistance under Augmentation of Capacity of Training Institutes (ACTI) for augmenting infrastructure in the form of hardware, software and courseware, networking of training institutions and consolidating the training ware. Under this Scheme, the training Institutes are also supported and encouraged for developing case studies, e-learning packages, training films, organizing workshops, special programmes, seminars etc (approved list of admissible items and item-wise rates are enclosed) Further, this Department is also implementing Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) to broaden and hone the knowledge and skill base of the Master Trainers (MTs) / Recognized Trainers (RTs), developed by this Department and faculty members working in Central Training Institutes (CTls)/ State/UT ATIs. Under this, this Department sponsors the MTs/ RTs/ faculty members of CTIs/ATIs for undergoing domestic short-term/ correspondence courses conducted by various institutes of repute. The details of the programmes/ training exposures sponsored by this Department, the institutes recognized in this regard and eligibility conditions may be perused in this Department’s letter dated 28-04-2014 .

Also check: Retirement guide for a central government employees

Accordingly, proposals are invited from the State/UT ATIs under the above-mentioned components for the financial year 2020-21. It may kindly be noted that the proposals of such State/UT ATIs, which have not furnished the Utilization Certificates in the prescribe format (in original) in respect of the funds already released by this Department, if any, and the ATIs which
have not yet started filing the expenditure details in EAT Module of PFMS, will not be considered.

Encl. As above.

Yours faithfully
(D. Ramesh Babu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Proposal for implementation of various training programmes under the Training For All Scheme – Latest DoPT Orders 2020


GDS – Limited Transfer Facility for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (DoP)

GDS – Limited Transfer Facility for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (DoP)

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated- 22.01.2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Limited Transfer Facility for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).

The undersigned is directed to convey approval of Competent Authority on the following guidelines to regulate the Limited Transfer facility of Gramin Dak Sevaks GDS in supersession of all previous orders:-

Conditions of Transfer

(i) The maximum number of chances to be provided for male GDSs is ONE only and TWO for female GDSs.

(ii) The transfer will be at his/her own request and own cost to a vacant post at his/her place of choice to his/he r/ spouse home village or home division or a place recommended for medical treatment.

(iv) A minimum engagement period of ONE year from the date of regular engagement on GDS post will be mandatory for female GDS.

(iii) A minimum engagement period of TWO years from the date of regular engagement on GDS Post will be mandatory for male GD , before transfer request can be entertained.

(v) For PwD GD and GDS having PwD dependents/ Mentally retarded dependents, a minimum engagement period of ONE year from the date of regular engagement on GDS Post will be mandatory.

(vi) Transfer request of GDS who are under put off duty or against whom any disciplinary action, Police case or Court case is pending will not be entertained.

(vii) Past engagement period will be counted for assessing the eligibility for appearing in departmental examination as well as for annual increment. GDS will not have any claim to go back to the previous engagement /recruitment Unit/Division in any circumstances.

(viii) When a GDS is transferred at histher own request and the transfer is approved by the competent authority, she/he will rank junior in the seniority list of the new unit, to all the GDS of that unit who exist in the seniority list on the date on which the transfer is ordered, except in case of transfer within the same engagement/recruitment Sub Division/ Unit /Division.

(ix) Mutual Exchange facility can be provided to all GDS on completion of ONE year (for Female GDS) and TWO years (for Male GDS) engagement period as the case may be.

Also Check: Gramin Dak Sevak Latest News

(x) The GDS can be transferred on herthis request in following circumstances:-

    "(a) BPM Level 2 to BPM Level-2 in TRCA slab 3

    (b) BPM Level-1 to BPM Level-1 in TRCA slab-2.

    (c) ABPM/Dak Sevaks Level-2 to ABPM/Dak Sevaks in TRCA slab-2 – Level-2

    (d) ABPM/Dak Sevaks Level-1 to ABPM/Dak Sevaks Level-1 in TRCA slab-1.

    (e) BPM Level-1 to ABPM/Dak Sevak Level-2(Postal/RMS) m same TRCA slab.

    (f) ABPM/Dak Sevak Level-2 (Postal) to BPM Level-1 in the same TRCA slab provided that, the GDS has to make accommodation arrangement for managing BO as per standard prescribed for BO and fulfilling the condition of educational qualification , Compu ter certificate etc. prescribed by the Department from time to time. Before joining as BPM Level-1, he/she has to undergo prescribed training for BPM.

    (g) Request transfer of ABPM/Dak Sevak from Postal to RMS in the same TRCA slab.

    (h) Transfer from RMS to Postal i.e. from Dak Sevak to ABPM/Dak Sevak in the same TRCA level. However, Dak Sevak from RMS should not be transferred to Postal Dn as BPM.

    (xi) There will not be any drop in TRCA slab on account of a request transfer and numbers of increments earned by GDS will be retained.

    (xii) All request transfers are to be considered subject to condition that verification formalities viz (Caste, Education and Police verification report etc.) should have been completed.

2. Competent Authority

The transfer of GDS will be approved by Regional PMG, if the transfer is within the Region and by the Head of the Circle, if the transfer is within the Circle. The approval of two concerned Head of Circle will be required, if the transfer is between two Circles.

3. Process of Transfer

    (i) Application for transfer should be called for during April -June of every year.

    (ii) An application will be submitted to the Divisional Head on a prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-I. The application will be submitted through head of the recruitment/ engagement Unit/ Division duly recommended.

    (iii) Divisional Head will submit all the applications to approving authority through proper channel with factual report and recommendations .

    (iv) A separate register in prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-II is to be maintained at Circle Office/Regional Office/Division al Office for recording transfer requests of all categories of GDS.

    (v) All the applications received will be arranged in order of seniority from the date of engagement of GDS and the orders for transfer may be issued during July.

4. The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issue of this O.M.

5. Hindi version will follow.

Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)


  1. Name of the GDS
  2. Post held by GDS with name of Sub Dn/Division/Circle
  3. Date of engagement as regular GDS
  4. Educational qualification
  5. Whether Single or married
  6. Existing TRCA Level with Slab
  7. GDS Post for which transfer is sought for along with name of BO/SO/HO/ RO
  8. Name of Sub Dn/Division/Circl e to which tra nsfer is sought:
  9. Reasons for which transfer is sought for :
  10. Documentary evidence for the place of choice being his /her /spouse /Home village /Home Division/ place recommended for medical Treatment. Please attach any of the following documents:-
  1. Aadhar Card
  2. PAN Card
  3. Voter ID Card
  4. Driving licences
  5. Passport/ Electricity Bill/ Water Bill/ Gas Bill
11. I, Shri/ Smt/ Miss _ _ _ _ declare that above information furnished by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am agreeable to accept all the terms and conditions as per para 2 of the Dept. of Posts 0 M No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 20.01.2020 amended from time to time.

Signature of the GDS
with post held by GDS


The above application of Shri/Smt./Ms. _ _ _ _ seeking transfer on own cost and request has been scrutinised by me and certified that the information furnished by the official in the application is correct. This is also to certify that :-

    The GDS is involved/ not involved in any loss, fraud, criminal cases
    No disciplinary case is pending against the GDS

12. The transfer is recommended I not recommended

Signature & Designation of the
Head of the Division Station



(i) I hereby declare that in the event of my limited transfer from _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ I will rank junior in the gradation list of new unit to to all the GDS of that unit on the date of joining that unit.

(ii) I will not claim any TA or Transit. I will not have any claim to go back to my old post in any circumstances. I will also abide by these conditions as amended from time to time.

Signature of the GDS
Post held by the GDS


Date :

GDS – Limited Transfer Facility for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (DoP)

Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department – Latest DoPT Orders 2020

Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department

Latest DoPT Orders 2020

F No. 43014/03/2019- Estt(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated 21st January, 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department – reg.

Attention is drawn towards this Department’s OM No. 39020/18/2016- Estt.(B) dated 19th December, 2016 regarding timely and advance action in filling up the Direct Recruitment (DR) vacancies. It was, inter-alia, requested therein that advance action may be taken by the Ministries/ Departments and their Attached and Subordinate Offices for reporting vacancy position with respect to Direct Recruitment (DR) posts to the concerned recruitment agency i.e. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Staff Selection Commission (SSC) etc, for filling up of such Direct Recruitment vacancies in a timely manner.

The Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth in the meeting held on 23.12.2019, has directed to take time bound action to fill the existing vacancies in various Ministries / Departments.

Accordingly, all the Ministries/ Departments are requested to fill up the existing vacancies in the concerned Ministries/ Departments, their Attached and Subordinate Offices, in a time bound manner. It is also requested that a report with regard to action taken to fill up the existing vacancies, may be sent to this Department, as per format given overleaf, by 5th day of every month. The first such report should reach this Department latest by 5th February, 2020.

(Rajbir Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department – Latest DoPT Orders 2020

Source: DoPT

Cabinet approves Extension of Article 340 to examine the issue of sub-categorization within Other Backward Classes in the Central List

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Cabinet approves Extension, of tenure of the Commission constituted under Article 340 of the constitution to examine the issue of sub-categorization within Other Backward Classes in the Central List

Cabinet approves Extension of Article 340 to examine the issue of sub-categorization within Other Backward Classes in the Central List

22 JAN 2020

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the extension of the term of the Commission to examine the issue of Sub-categorization of Other Backward Classes, by six months that is up to 31.7.2020.

The Cabinet has also approved addition of following Term of Reference to the existing Terms of Reference of the “Commission” –

“iv. to study the various Entries in the “Central List of OBCs and recommend correction of any repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies and errors of spelling or transcription.”


The Communities in the existing list of OBCs which have not been able to get any major benefit of the scheme of reservation for OBCs for appointment in Central Government posts & for admission in Central Government Educational Institutions are expected to be benefitted upon implementation of the recommendations of the Commission. The Commission is likely to make recommendations for benefit of such marginalized communities in the Central List of OBCs.

Financial Implications:

The expenditure involved are related to the establishment and administration costs of the Commission, which would continue to be borne by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment.


All persons belonging to the castes/communities which are included in the Central List of SEBCs but which have not been able to get any major benefit of the existing scheme of reservation for OBCs in Central Government posts & for admission in Central Government Educational Institutions would be benefitted.

Implementation strategy and targets:

Orders for extension of the term of the Commission and addition in its Terms of Reference will be notified in the Gazette ‘in the form of an Order made by the President, after receipt of the approval of the Hon’ble President to the same.


The Commission was constituted under article 340 of the Constitution with the approval of President on 2nd October, 2017. The Commission, headed by Justice (Retd.) Smt. G. Rohini commenced functioning on 11th October, 2017 and has since interacted with all the Stats /UTs which have subcategorized OBCs, and the State Backward Classes Commissions. The Commission has come to the view that it would require some more time to submit, its report since the repetitions, ambiguities, inconsistencies and errors of spelling or transcription etc appearing in the existing Central List of OBCs need to be cleared. Hence the Commission has sought extension of its term by six, that is upto 31st July 2020 and also addition in its existing Terms of Reference.


Accident Free Service Award as per 7th CPC pay structure to retired railway employee after 01.01.2016.

Accident Free Service Award as per 7th CPC pay structure to retired railway employee after 01.01.2016.

"Accident Free Service Award to retired employees after 01.01.2016 shall be paid in accordance with the 7th CPC salary structure and no arrears shall be admissible for which the award has already been disbursed."

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No.2018/ Safety (DM)/18/2

New Delhi, dtd. 13.01.2020

General Managers
All Zonal Railways and

Sub: Accident Free service award to the employee retired after 01.01.2016.

Ref: Board’s letter of even no. dated 28.11.2018

Vide Board’s letter referred above, it was clarified that the Accident Free Service Award to the staff retired after 01.01.2016 shall be paid as per the salary structure of 7th CPC and no arrears shall be admissible to whom the award is already disbursed.

Various Railways have brought out that some of the staff that had retired between 01.01.2016 & 28.11.2018 have been paid Accident Free Service Award as per 6th CPC pay structure while some of them have still not been paid the award due to various reasons and would therefore, be eligible for award as per 7th CPC pay structure. This would lead to different treatment meted out to two sets of staff retired during the same period.

In this respect, Board has examined the matter and it has been decided that the Accident Free Service Award will be paid as per 7th CPC pay structure w.e.f. 01.07.2017, the date on which revised rate of allowances as per the 7th CPC came into effect. Therefore, the staff who have retired between 01.07.2017 & 28.11.2018 and have been paid as per 6th CPC pay structure will be eligible for payment of arrears of the Accident Free Service Award as per 7th CPC pay structure.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(Anupam Verma)
Dy.Director/ Safety(I)
Accident Free Service Award as per 7th CPC pay structure to retired railway employee after 01.01.2016.


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