A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

7th Pay Commission latest news – Confederation calls for Strike as it perceives low wage hike and no revision in fitment formula

7th Pay Commission latest news – Confederation calls for Strike as it perceives low wage hike and no revision in fitment formula – Confederation negates media reports on 7th CPC fitment foruma of 3.0 as false one

The Staff side had demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71. Against this the 7th CPC had recommended minimum wage of Rs 18000/- & fitment formula of 2.57. The 7th CPC recommendations has provided only at 14% wage hike at Group “C” level it is only ranging from Rs 2240/- to  Rs  3500/- increase per month, and at Group “B” level ranging from Rs 4000/- to   Rs 6500/- increase per month. This increase is lowest by any pay commission, hence vast changes are required as the prices of essential commodities have gone up and also the inflation rate has gone up.

There are various reports on 7th Central Pay commission on the media reports on minimum wage of Rs 21000/- & fitment formula of 3.00, (which is at 34% wage hike against the 14% wage hike recommended by the 7thCPC).  These reports are totally wrong and not true, these reports divert the Central Government Employees from the struggle path. Now it’s clear from the meeting of the staff side leaders with the Cabinet Secretary that there will likely hood of the slight increase in minimum wage, but not be any  changes in the fitment formula.This is against the Staff side demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71.

Secondly there is no change in allowances expect HRA that too its rates are reduced by the 7th CPC and also many allowances have been withdrawn. This is saving for the Government.

Comrades it is the time to struggle, we should educate the members and prepare for struggle, so that we should get at least 50% wage hike without allowances, as allowances are not taken into pension benefit.

Only struggle will get us benefit. Please don’t believe on rumours. Now it is now or never.  Serve strike notice on 9th June 2016.

Source: Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, Karnataka Branch

Clarification about Educational Qualification of Ex-Servicemen Candidates

Clarification about Educational Qualification of Ex-Servicemen Candidates

Railway Board clarification about the Educational Qualification of Ex-servicemen for post of Senior Section Engineer – Diploma with endorsement in the same as equivalent to Engineering degree is not a valid Certificate

Ministry of Railways has issued a Circular regarding educational qualifications of Ex-servicemen for post of Senior Section Engineer

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

RBE No.56/2016

No. E(NG)II/2014/RR-l/3.

New Delhi, Dated 27/05/2016

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units

Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards.

Sub: Clarification about educational qualification of Ex-servicemen candidates – reg.

References have been received from various Railway establishments seeking clarification regarding acceptance or otherwise of certificates pertaining to qualification submitted by Ex-servicemen for post of Senior Section Engineer which contained following endorsement:-

“Diploma in Engineering in appropriate discipline plus total 10 years of technical experience in the appropriate field is recognized as equivalent to Degree in Engineering. It is considered valid for the purpose of selection to Gazetted posts and services under the Central or State Government.”

2. This endorsement in Diploma certificates of Ex-servicemen candidates have been made on the basis of certain notification of Ministry of Education and Social Welfare (Department of Education Technical) contained in letter No. F-18-19/75/T-2 dated 26/5/1977.

3. The matter has been examined in consultation with Air Headquarter/New Delhi, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Human Resource Development. It has now been informed by M/o HRD that notification dated 26/5/1977 has been declared fictitious by Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Chandigarh in OA No. 343/PB/2013 in their order dated 15/12/2015 in the matter of Shri Om Prakash Kangotra and others Vs Union of India & others.

4. In above light, it has been decided that aforesaid certificates need not be accepted, wherein, Degree in Engineering has been notified as prescribed qualification for recruitment on the Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Hindi version will follow)

{This disposes of North Western Railway’s letters No. 742-E/R&T/Mech./Gr.C/Vol.lV dated 11/1/2016 and 16/2/2016, RRB/Bhopal’s letter No.RRB/BPL/Panel/139 dated 16/4/2013 and
RRB/Ahmedabad’s letter No. RRB/ADl/E/R&T/01/2012/SEs dated 24/6/2013}.

(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board

Download Railway Board circular RBE No.56/2016 No. E(NG)II/2014/RR-l/3, dated 27.05.2016

Cadre Review before implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations

Cadre Review before implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations

All India Civil Accounts Employees Association demands cadre review for Gr B and C employees before implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations

General secretaries of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association and All India Civil Accounts Employees Association category-II demands cadre review before implementation of 7th CPC.

   All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
    All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category -II
    Zonal Accounts Office, CBDT,
    Sanjuan Towers, Old Railway Station Road Cochin- 682018
    Phone No. 011-23345070, Mob. No. 9868520926 e-mail:- v.aicaea@gmail.com

 Central Office: –
    16-A, Akbar Road Hutments,
    17/2 – C, P & T Quarters,
    New Delhi: – 110011

Address for Communication:-
Kali Bari Marg,
New Delhi-110001 

No: AICAEA/HQ/A-2/2016/ 517-558
Dated: 27th May, 2016
    Shri M.J.Joseph,
    Controller General of Accounts,
    Ministry of Finance,
    Department of Expenditure,
    Loknayak Bhawan,
    Khan Market,
    New Delhi – 110003

Subject: – Settlement of the long pending issues and appropriate recommendations on 7th CPC related matters- regarding


We have been directed to refer our letter No: AICAEA/HQ/A-2/2016/417 dated 17th April, 2016 on the subject mentioned above and state that the employees are totally aggrieved for non-settlement of their grievances for more than one and a half years.

Moreover, large numbers of the issues that were discussed in the meeting held between the official side of CGA office and the National Executive of All India Civil Accounts employees Association under your Chairpersonship on 6th November 2015 are yet to be settled. Further, it was stated in the said meeting that the

“Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure has returned the Cadre Review proposal of Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ cadres of CCAS with the remarks that proposal may be re-examined in terms of instructions contained in their O.M. NO. 5(3)/E.III/97 dated 07.01.1999 and No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014 dated 29.10.2014. DoE has also informed that the revision of pay in respect of Civil Accounts Employees will not be done in isolation and the same may be viewed and examined in the larger context of Organized Accounts Service as a whole. Therefore, the matter will be examined by DoE, MoF, in a holistic manner keeping in view the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission as well. The Association was therefore asked to wait for the 7th Pay Commission recommendation and the decision of the Government.”

But, we would like to bring the following facts to your kind information –

1. Pending implementation of 7CPC recommendations, the Ministry of Finance has accorded approval to the Cadre Review proposals of the Department of Posts.

2. The C&AG has made his recommendations to the Government for cadre review/ cadre restructuring/ amendments in the Recruitment Rules.

Hence, in view of these facts and as per the DOPT instructions, cadre review of the Gr. B & C employees of Civil Accounts Employees, which should have been done much earlier and before the cadre review of the Gr “A” cadres of Civil Accounts organization was done in 2012-13, needs to be initiated immediately in consultation with the Associations.

Apart from the above, the employees and officers of Civil Accounts organization are yet to learn about the recommendations given by the Controller General of Accounts to the Empowered Committee constituted by the Government for implementing the recommendations of 7CPC.

Therefore, for the purpose of review of the status of the issues discussed on 6th November 20159 (including the issue of Cadre Review) and to be appraised about the recommendations given by the Controller General of Accounts to the Empowered Committee constituted, our National Executive Members wish to meet you on 10th June 2016. We shall be thankful if you kindly accept our proposal and make it convenient to meet us on the proposed date. Time of the meeting may kindly be intimated to us at an early date please.

It may kindly be noted that the issues for discussion in the meeting will be the items forwarded by us through our letter dated 17th April, 2016.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
Secretary General
All India Civil Accounts Employees
Association Category II

Secretary General
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association


    We have been directed to refer our letter No: AICAEA/HQ/A-2/2016/417 dated 17th April, 2016 on the subject mentioned above and state that the employees are totally aggrieved for non-settlement of their grievances for more than one and a half years.

    Moreover, large numbers of the issues that were discussed in the meeting held between the official side of CGA office and the National Executive of All India Civil Accounts employees Association under your Chairpersonship on 6th November 2015 are yet to be settled. Further, it was stated in the said meeting that the

    “Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure has returned the Cadre Review proposal of Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ cadres of CCAS with the remarks that proposal may be re-examined in terms of instructions contained in their O.M. NO. 5(3)/E.III/97 dated 07.01.1999 and No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014 dated 29.10.2014. DoE has also informed that the revision of pay in respect of Civil Accounts Employees will not be done in isolation and the same may be viewed and examined in the larger context of Organized Accounts Service as a whole. Therefore, the matter will be examined by DoE, MoF, in a holistic manner keeping in view the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission as well. The Association was therefore asked to wait for the 7th Pay Commission recommendation and the decision of the Government.”

    But, we would like to bring the following facts to your kind information –

    1. Pending implementation of 7CPC recommendations, the Ministry of Finance has accorded approval to the Cadre Review proposals of the Department of Posts.

    2. The C&AG has made his recommendations to the Government for cadre review/ cadre restructuring/ amendments in the Recruitment Rules.

    Hence, in view of these facts and as per the DOPT instructions, cadre review of the Gr. B & C employees of Civil Accounts Employees, which should have been done much earlier and before the cadre review of the Gr “A” cadres of Civil Accounts organization was done in 2012-13, needs to be initiated immediately in consultation with the Associations.

    Apart from the above, the employees and officers of Civil Accounts organization are yet to learn about the recommendations given by the Controller General of Accounts to the Empowered Committee constituted by the Government for implementing the recommendations of 7CPC.

    Therefore, for the purpose of review of the status of the issues discussed on 6th November 20159 (including the issue of Cadre Review) and to be appraised about the recommendations given by the Controller General of Accounts to the Empowered Committee constituted, our National Executive Members wish to meet you on 10th June 2016. We shall be thankful if you kindly accept our proposal and make it convenient to meet us on the proposed date. Time of the meeting may kindly be intimated to us at an early date please.

    It may kindly be noted that the issues for discussion in the meeting will be the items forwarded by us through our letter dated 17th April, 2016.

    Thanking you,

    Yours faithfully

    Secretary General
    All India Civil Accounts Employees
    Association Category II
    Secretary General
    All India Civil Accounts Employees Association

Source : nfcaahqnd  

7th Pay Commission News – No indication on revision of Fitment Formula, pay matrix

7th Pay Commission News – No indication on revision of Fitment Formula, pay matrix – NJCA reports on 7th CPC Empowered Committee’s possible proposal for slight increase in minimum pay but no consequential increase in Fitment Formula and entire pay matrix

7th Pay Commission News – NJCA has issued a communication to all its constituent member organisations indicating the expected recommendations of Empowered Committee on 7th Pay Commission report. NJCA has observed as follows

1. Slight Increase in Minimum Pay more than what was recommended by 7th Pay Commission

2. However, increase in minimum pay is not going to result in consequential upward revision in fitment formula and pay matrix.

3. 7th Pay Commission has proposed for reduction in the HRA rate from the present of 30%, 20% and 10% to 24%, 16% and 8% respectively. There is no indication as such from Empowered Committee for restoring these HRA rates to the present level.

4. 7th Pay Commission has recommended for abolishing more than fifty allowances. However, staff side is for restoring those allowances. The Empowered Committee may propose for forming a Committee by Government for getting its opinion on necessity of granting various allowances

5. As far as NPS scheme is concerned all Central Trade Unions an Federations are demanding for replacing the same with Old Pension Scheme (Defined Pension). It is expected that this matter may be referred by the Govt to a Committee formed for this purpose.

6. 7th Pay Commission has recommended for proving two options in respect of revision of present pension on implementation of its recommendations. As per first option (option 1), revision pension will be determined on the basis of number of increments earned by the pensioner in the pay scale from this he / she retired. Option 2 provides for arriving at the revised pension by multiplying the present pension with multiplication of factor of 2.57. A pensioner can choose any one of the options that is beneficial to him / her.

However, NJCA has now indicated that Department of Pension and Defence Ministry are against the option 1, as they are not possession of necessary records for revising the pension as per Option 1. As most of the pensioners would be benefited only if their pension is revised on the basis of increments earned by them, this will be great loss for them if Govt ignores 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations for revision of pension on the basis of increments earned by pensioners.

The extract of communication dated 27.05.2016, by NJCA is given below.

National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055
Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167

Dated May 27, 2016

All Constituent Organisations,
National Council(JCM)

Dear Comrades,

As there had been no response from the Government to our communication dated 2nd May, 2016, we decided to seek an appointment with the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly a delegation consisting of the following members of the NJCA met Cabinet Secretary, Shri P.K. Sinha on 26. May 2016.

Com. Shiva Gopal Misra Com.
Guman Singh
Corn. K.K.N. Rutty

From the discussions, it appears that, the Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction. On Advances and Allowances, abolished, the Government might be advised to setup a committee to go into the matter and make suggestions. In the matter of the New Contributory Pension Scheme also, the Government might refer the demand to a committee.

On the question of pension benefit to the retired personnel, who are covered by the defined benefit pension scheme, the Cabinet secretary indicated that, both the Department of Pension and Defence Ministry were of the firm view that the first option recommended by the 7th CPC to bring about the parity with the past pensioners being infeasible and impracticable (due to the non-availability of the requisite records) might not be accepted and acted upon.

    Surprised over this development, the delegation requested for an official formal meeting of the Standing Committee so that the considered views of the Staff Side could be presented. The delegation informed to the Cabinet Secretary that, non-acceptance of the recommendation of the 7th CPC in the case of pensioners will be extremely disappointing for them and will give rise to avoidable discontent. The Cabinet Secretary suggested to the Staff Side to reach out to the Department of Pension and Ministry of Defence in’ the matter. So far he is concerned; he is an open minded on this subject, provided it is workable.

    The National JCA will meet on 3rd June 2016 at New Delhi to consider these developments and take appropriate decision.

Source: Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers

Procedure to be followed for suspension of All India Service officers (Rules, 1969)

Procedure to be followed for suspension of All India Service officers (Rules, 1969)

F. No. 11018/01/2013-AIS-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi dated the 25th May, 2016

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Procedure to be followed for suspension of All India Service officers posted in ministries/Departments/State Governments under AIS(D&A) Rules, 1969 — regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department vide Notification (GSR No. 814) dated 23.12.2015 amended provisions of Rule 3, Rule 18 and Rule 25 of the AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969 (Annexure – I). In the light of the amendments carried out and existing provisions under AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969 a procedure has been framed and copy of the same is enclosed (Annexure – II) . The said procedure is required to be followed by Ministries/Departments/State Governments for suspension of All India Service.

2. All Ministries/Departments/State Governments are requested to follow the above mentioned procedure in letter and spirit.

3. This issues with the approval of the “Competent Authority”.

(Rajesh Kumar Yadav)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 23094714 


Media reports on 7th CPC are totally wrong and not true – Karnataka COC

Media reports on 7th CPC are totally wrong and not true – Karnataka COC

Prepare for struggle on 7th CPC issues.


The Staff side had demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71. Against this the 7th CPC had recommended minimum wage of Rs 18000/- & fitment formula of 2.57. The 7th CPC recommendations has provided only at 14% wage hike at Group “C” level it is only ranging from Rs 2240/- to Rs 3500/- increase per month, and at Group “B” level ranging from Rs 4000/- to Rs 6500/- increase per month. This increase is lowest by any pay commission, hence vast changes are required as the prices of essential commodities have gone up and also the inflation rate has gone up.

There are various reports on 7th Central Pay commission on the media reports on minimum wage of Rs 21000/- & fitment formula of 3.00, (which is at 34% wage hike against the 14% wage hike recommended by the 7th CPC). These reports are totally wrong and not true, these reports divert the Central Government Employees from the struggle path. Now it’s clear from the meeting of the staff side leaders with the Cabinet Secretary that there will likely hood of the slight increase in minimum wage, but not be any changes in the fitment formula. This is against the Staff side demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71.

Secondly there is no change in allowances expect HRA that too its rates are reduced by the 7th CPC and also many allowances have been withdrawn. This is saving for the Government.
Comrades it is the time to struggle, we should educate the members and prepare for struggle, so that we should get at least 50 % wage hike without allowances, as allowances are not taken into pension benefit.

Only struggle will get us benefit. Please don’t believe on rumours. Now it is now or never. Serve strike notice on 9th June 2016.

Comradely yours
General Secretary

Source: http://karnatakacoc.blogspot.in/2016/05/prepare-for-struggle-on-7th-cpc-issues.html

Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations

Latest Development on 7th CPC recommendations

National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055
Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167
Dated May 27, 2016
All Constituent Organisations,
National Council (JCM)

Dear Comrades,
As there had been no response from the Government to our communication dated 2nd May, 2016, we decided to seek an appointment with the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly a delegation consisting of the following members of the NJCA met Cabinet Secretary, Shrl P.K. Sinha on 26. May 2016.

Com. Shiva Gopal Misra Com.
Guman Singh
Corn. K.K.N. Rutty

From the discussions, it appears that, the Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction. On Advances and Allowances, abolished, the Government might be advised to setup a committee to go into the matter and make suggestions. In the matter of the New Contributory Pension Scheme also, the Government might refer the demand to a committee.

On the question of pension benefit to the retired personnel, who are covered by the defined benefit pension scheme, the Cabinet secretary indicated that, both the Department of Pension and Defence Ministry were of the firm view that the first option recommended by the 7th CPC to bring about the parity with the past pensioners being infeasible and impracticable (due to the non-availability of the requisite records) might not be accepted and acted upon.

Surprised over this development, the delegation requested for an official formal meeting of the Standing Committee so that the considered views of the Staff Side could be presented. The delegation informed to the Cabinet Secretary that, non-acceptance of the recommendation of the 7th CPC in the case of pensioners will be extremely disappointing for them and will give rise to avoidable discontent. The Cabinet Secretary suggested to the Staff Side to reach out to the Department of Pension and Ministry of Defence in’ the matter. So far he is concerned; he is an open minded on this subject, provided it is workable.

The National JCA will meet on 3rd June 2016 at New Delhi to consider these developments and take appropriate decision.

NJCA Circular


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