A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 30 July 2018

Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix)

Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) - Procedure-regarding

RBE No. 102/2018

No. E(NG)II/2008/RR-I/33 (3010339)
RBE No. 102/2018
New Delhi, dated 18.07.2018
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
(As per standard mailing list).

Sub: Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) - Procedure-regarding.

The non-materialization of full panel despite all out efforts made by the Railway recruiting agencies has been engaging the attention of the Board. Accordingly, the procedure for recruitment from open market in Level-1 was reviewed and following decisions taken with respect to different instructions issued from time to time:-

i) Para I (ii) of instructions contained under RBE No. 138/2014 dated 10.12.2014 lays down that "the number of candidates called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) should be 02 (two) times the number vacancies".

In modification of above, the number of candidates to be called for PET should now be 03 (three) times the number notified vacancies.

ii) Para 3 of instructions contained in RBE No. 73/2008 dated 17.06.2008 lays down that "the number of candidates called for Document Verification (DV) shall be 20% over & above the number of vacancies".
In modification of above, henceforth, the number of candidates to be called for DV shall be twice the number of notified vacancies.

iii) Para 2 of instructions contained in RBE No. 06/2014 dated 10.01.2014 stipulates that "no replacement panels are to be given against non-joining of selected candidates".

In modification of the above, it has been decided that the panel will now be formed to the extent of the notified vacancies with a standby panel of 50% of the notified vacancies. In case the main panel plus stand-by is also exhausted and still there is a shortfall vis-a-vis notified vacancies, the recruiting agency may further go down in the list of candidates which meet the requirement of minimum qualifying marks in their respective community for conducting PET(If needed) and DV/ME to the extent of shortfall community-wise. This may be done till the demand from the concerned Railway administration w.r.t indent placed and vacancies notified is fully met. These provisions shall be subject to currency of the panel.

2. The above guidelines will also be applicable to recruitment notification published under centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018, issued by Railway Recruitment Boards.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Dir. Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board
Source: AIRF

LEVEL 1 TO 5 (GRADE PAY 1800 TO 2800)
PB-1 (5200-20200)
Grade Pay 1800 1900 2000 2400 2800
Level 1 2 3 4 5
1 18000 19900 21700 25500 29200
2 18500 20500 22400 26300 30100
3 19100 21100 23100 27100 31000
4 19700 21700 23800 27900 31900
5 20300 22400 24500 28700 32900
6 20900 23100 25200 29600 33900
7 21500 23800 26000 30500 34900
8 22100 24500 26800 31400 35900
9 22800 25200 27600 32300 37000
10 23500 26000 28400 33300 38100
11 24200 26800 29300 34300 39200
12 24900 27600 30200 35300 40400
13 25600 28400 31100 36400 41600
14 26400 29300 32000 37500 42800
15 27200 30200 33000 38600 44100
16 28000 31100 34000 39800 45400
17 28800 32000 35000 41000 46800
18 29700 33000 36100 42200 48200
19 30600 34000 37200 43500 49600
20 31500 35000 38300 44800 51100
21 32400 36100 39400 46100 52600
22 33400 37200 40600 47500 54200
23 34400 38300 41800 48900 55800
24 35400 39400 43100 50400 57500
25 36500 40600 44400 51900 59200
26 37600 41800 45700 53500 61000
27 38700 43100 47100 55100 62800
28 39900 44400 48500 56800 64700
29 41100 45700 50000 58500 66600
30 42300 47100 51500 60300 68600
31 43600 48500 53000 62100 70700
32 44900 50000 54600 64000 72800
33 46200 51500 56200 65900 75000
34 47600 53000 57900 67900 77300
35 49000 54600 59600 69900 79600
36 50500 56200 61400 72000 82000
37 52000 57900 63200 74200 84500
38 53600 59600 65100 76400 87000
39 55200 61400 67100 78700 89600
40 56900 63200 69100 81100 92300

Revision of Advance Reservation Period for Running of Suvidha Trains and Special Trains on Special Charges

Revision of Advance Reservation Period for Running of Suvidha Trains and Special Trains on Special Charges
Commercial Circular No.37 of 2018
No.TC-II/2910/2013/Dynamic pricing/C
New Delhi, dated: 12.07.2018
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers
All Zonal Railways
The Managing Director,
CRIS, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi.

The Chairman & Managing Director,
Indian Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation.,
11th floor, B-148, Statesman House,
Barakhamba Road, N.Delhi-110001

Sub: Revision of advance reservation period for running of Suvidha trains and special trains on special charges.

REF: 1. Commercial circular no. 30 of 2015 dated 21.05.2015.
2. Commercial circular no. 33 of 2015 dated 02.06.2015.
3. Commercial circular no. 40 of 2015 dated 01.07.2015
4. Commercial circular no. 03 of 2018 dated 12.01.2015

In continuation of above instructions, Ministry of Railways have decided that the currency of above instructions regarding revision of Advance Reservation Period for running of all Suvidha Trains and Special Trains on Special Charges to 120 Days and applicability of normal refund rule even in Suvidha Trains shall be extended for another period of one year i.e. from 15.7.2018 to 14.07.2019.

2. Zonal Railways may review the scheme on held yearly basis to assess the effectiveness of the scheme.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Shelly Srivastava)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in

Other IRCTC Latest updates…

Link of CircularSubject
CC-38Discounted fare in Shatabdi trains from Ahmedabad to Vadodara
CC-37Revision of advance reservation period for running of Suvidha trains and special trains on special charges
CC-36Booking of FTR trains/coaches online through single window booking system by IRCTC
CC-35Earmarking of accomodation in pantry car of Rajdhani Express trains for different category of staff.
CC-34Earmarking of dedicated berth/seat for IRCTC Manager in trains.
CC-33Acceptance of digital Aadhaar and Driving Licence from Digital Locker as proof of identity of passengers for undertaking journey by train.
CC-32Revalidation of Photo identity cards of Accredited Press Correspondents.

Stepping up of Pay of Loco Inspectors - NFIR

Stepping up of Pay of Loco Inspectors - NFIR
Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors, inducted prior to 01/01/2006 on six and half zones

Dated: 23/07/2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of negotiated settlement reached with the Federations - stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors, inducted prior to 01/01/2006 on six and half zones-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR's DC/JCM Item No. 10/2012.
(ii) NFIR's letter No. II/95/Part X dated 05/10/2017.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/RS-37 dated 16/11/2017.
(iv) NFIR's letter No. II/95/Part X dated 25/11/2017.

NFIR desires to remind the CRB that the Railway Board has unfortunately failed to implement quite a few number of agreements reached with the Federations. One such agreement is “stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors inducted prior to 01/01/2006” on 6 ½ Zonal Railways.

In this connection, NFIR desires to reiterate that in a full Board meeting held with both the Federations on 07/02/2014, the Railway Board Chairman had given written assurance for implementation of stepping up of pay to the Sr.Loco Inspectors inducted prior to 01/01/2006 (on the remaining 6 ½ Zones), similar to 10 Zones where stepping up of pay to Sr.Loco Inspector had already been granted. The issue thereafter has been discussed very many times by the undersigned with the CRB-latest on 06/06/2018 wherein assurance was again given for quick finalization. On 13th July, 2018, the GS/NFIR has also mentioned to CRB while handing over list of important items pending since long.

Federation also conveys that the Railway Board have lost about a dozen SLPs in the Apex Court as the same, have been dismissed. Similarly, the SLP No. 14746/2018, operative portion of the order is reproduced below:-

"We grant a period of eight weeks to the petitioners to implement the orders. We make it clear that in case the orders are not implemented within eight weeks from today, the arrears will carry interest at the rate of 18% and the officer(s) responsible for the same shall be personally liable for the same.
Pending interlocutory application(s) is/are disposed of".

Apart from above, Federation also brings to the notice of the CRB that there are about 23 Court cases pending in various Courts on the same subject at Jabalpur, Jaipur, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ernakulam (17 in cases CAT and 6 cases in High Court) where these Courts cannot take a different view than that of orders passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The litigation pursued by the Railway Administration needs to be halted in the interest of Railways and its employees.

Incidentally, it is mentioned that the Federation vide its letter No. II/95/Part X dated 05/10/2017 had apprised the estimated financial implications as a result of allowing stepping up of pay of Chief Loco Inspectors (on remaining 6 ½ Zones). NFIR has also given constructive and workable suggestion during the meeting in the chamber of Addl. Member (Staff) with regard to modification of extant policy for filling the posts of Loco Inspectors so as to avoid further grievances. AM (Elec), AM (Budget) etc., were present in the meeting. If the issue is settled as proposed by the Federation, the above type of problem will not arise in future and there may not be Court cases.

NFIR, therefore, once again requests the CRB to kindly see that immediate action is taken for granting stepping up of pay to the Loco Inspectors (inducted prior to 01/01/2006 on the remaining 6 ½ Zones) as agreed to already. Federation also requests to see that the Railway Board send reply indicating the progress made for implementation of agreement.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Comprehensive transfer policy - Exemption from 5 years service condition - NFIR

Comprehensive transfer policy - Exemption from 5 years service condition - NFIR


Dated: 23/07/2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,

Sub: Comprehensive transfer policy - exemption from 5 years service condition - reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR's PNM Item No. 18/2016 and ATS given to Federation on 10th May 2018 during NFIR’s PNM meeting with the Railway Board.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG)I-2005/TR/20 dated 10/02/2017.
(iii) NFIR’s letter No. II/14/Part VII dated 21st Feb, 2017, 23/02/2017 and 12/04/2017.
(iv) NFIR’s letter No. II/14/Part VIII dated 15/05/2017 & 04/12/2017.
(v) Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2015/TR/20 dated 17/01/2017.
(vi) NFIR’s letter No. II/14/Part VIII dated 30/01/2018.

Federation is disappointed to note that despite justification given by the NFIR time and again to the Railway Board at the highest level (Hon’ble MR & CRB), instructions for relaxation from the minimum service condition in the case of re-employed former Defence Forces Personnel to facilitate them to reach their places on inter railway transfer have not been issued. Federation feels sad to mention that through the Action Taken Statement provided during NFIR’s PNM meeting conveys as follows.

"Necessary instructions have been issued vide Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2015/TR/20 dated 10/02/2017 exempting certain categories of transfer from the minimum 5 years service condition. As decided in the meeting, the case for ex-servicemen was put up to competent authority who has not agreed to the proposal".

2. In this connection, Federation invites kind attention of the Board (CRB) to the discussion held by GS/NFIR on 06/06/2018 and again on 13/07/2018 wherein the Federation had again sought intervention of CRB on the subject matter, who in fact agreed and advised officials to process the case for granting relaxation to the former Defence Personnel re-employed in Railways who seek inter railway transfer. But, there has been no progress on the subject.

NFIR, therefore, once again requests the Board (CRB) to kindly see that relaxation to 5 years service condition is granted in the cade of inter railway transfer requests of former Defence personnel re-employed in Railways as a special case.
Yours fatihfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Pay Matrix Level 8 to JE

Pay Matrix Level 8 to JE


Pay Matrix Level 8 to JE/CMA/DMS/JE(IT) in Railways

No. IV/NFIR/ 7 CPC (Imp)/2017/R.B. Part II
Dated: 23/07/2018
Shri Piyush Goyal,
Hon'ble Minister of Railways,
Rail Mantralaya,
New Delhi.

Dear Shri Goyal Sahib,

Sub: Grave injustice done by successive Pay Commission to the category of Junior Engineers and Senior Engineers in Railways-growing dissatisfaction, discontentment and frustration among Technical Supervisors - kind intervention requested.

Ref: (i) Hon'ble MR's D.O. letter No. PC-VII/2015/R-U/9 dated 20/04/2017 to Hon'ble Finance Minister.
(ii) NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC (Imp) /2017/R.B.- Part II dated 19/02/2018 to CRB and copy endorsed to MS. MF, FC, DG(P) etc.
(iii) NFIR's PNM File No. 03/2018 and 10/2018.

NFIR has been pursuing the case of Graduate Engineers/Diploma Engineers and Supervisory Officials working in different Departments since several years at the level of Railway Ministry for rectifying the imbalances in their pay structure to ensure justice to these Supervisory Officials who have been let down not only by the previous Pay Commissions but also by the Railway Board.

Pursuant to NFIR's follow up action through PNM fora (Agenda Item No. 03/2018 & 10/2018), the Railway Board through Action Taken Statement dated 10th May, 2018 has conveyed that the proposal regarding upgradation of 75% of Senior Supervisors from Level 7 (erstwhile GP 4600) to Level-8 (erstwhile GP 4800), to bring parity has already been sent to the Ministry of Finance and Hon’ble MR has also sent D.O. letter dated 20th April, 2017 to the Hon'ble Finance Minister seeking approval. The Railway Board has also informed the Federation that a meeting also been held with the Officials of Finance Ministry on 21st February, 2018 and action on hand for obtaining clearance.

NFIR brings to the kind notice of the Hon'ble MR that despite D.O letter of Hon'ble MR vide letter dated 20th April, 2017and discussions held by the Railway Ministry with Ministry of Finance on 21/02/2018, approval of Ministry of Finance has not yet been received. Hon'ble MR may kindly appreciate that in this case the Railway Ministry conceded that grave injustice has been meted out to Graduate Engineers, Diploma Engineers and Supervisory Officials in the Railway resultantly approached the Ministry of Finance to approve for upgradation of 75% posts of erstwhile GP 4600/Level-7 to erstwhile GP 4800/Pay Level-8.

Hon'ble MR may kindly appreciate that on this issue, there was an agreement between the full Board and the Federations for total replacement of GP 4600 (6th CPC)/Pay Level-7 of 7th CPC with GP 4800 (6th CPC)/Pay Level-8 of 7th CPC but sadly, the agreement has not been implemented till date.

NFIR, therefore seeks your kind intervention for the purpose of obtaining approval of the Ministry of Finance for upgradation of posts to GP 4800/- (Pay Level-8) without further delay.
With regards,

Yours sincerely,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

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