A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 21 July 2014

7CPC: 7th Pay Commission Collects Various Data of Central Government Employees

7CPC: 7th Pay Commission Collects Various Data of Central Government Employees

 7th Pay Commission recently called for information from all the Ministries and issued a format which requires various data about the central government employees working in Ministries / Departments. All the Ministries directed their respective departments to submit the information as required by Seventh central Pay Commission immediately. Many departments told that they have submitted the desired data/information in the prescribed format to seventh pay commission. The central government departments were asked to submit the fallowing information about central government employees.

1. Data on Personnel

Group wise Sanctioned Strength and Number in position of all Group Employees as on Pre 01-01-2014 and post 01-01-2014 also required to be submitted

2. Age Profile of employees

The total number of personnel in position as on 01/01/2014
Those less than 20 years of age
20 or more but less than 30 years of age
30 or more but less than 40 years of age
40 or more but less than 50 years of age
50 or more but less than 60 years of age
60 or more years of age

3. Autonomous bodies under the Ministry/department(As on 01/01/2014)
Number of Central Autonomous bodies :
No of personnel in Central Autonomous Bodies:

4. The fallowing Data on Expenditure on salaries & Allowance for Three financial years from 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13
1.Total Plan expenditure
2.Plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
3. Total non plan expenditure
4. Non plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
5. Total expenditure (1+3)
6. Total expenditure on salaries& Allowances (2+4)
7. Expenditure on Grants in aid Salaries

5. Data on Contractual Employees

           Ministry/Departments have in the recent past, outsourced various services through personnel engaged on contractual basis. In this regard the following data is sought:

Man months of deployment at various remuneration levels i.e in four categories
a) 10000 and less per month
b) From 10001 to 20000 per month
c) From 20001 to 50000 per month
d) Over 50000 per Month
Expenditure incurred on contract employees

6. Data on Training of Employees.

            The prescribed Format which requires all the above information has been sent to all the Departments by 7th pay commission and directed to submit the information with in the stipulated date

Source: http://www.gservants.com/2014/07/20/7th-pay-commission-collects-various-data-central-government-employees/

Merger of DA & Interim Relief: Strong Argument before 7th CPC by Karnataka CG Pensioners Association

Merger of DA & Interim Relief: Strong Argument before 7th CPC by Karnataka CG Pensioners Association

The Karnataka Central Government Pensioners’ Association writes to 7th CPC on Merger of DA, Interim Relief, Re-employment as Consultant, Pensioner Grievances, Court cases pertaining to Pensionary benefits etc.:-

( Estd: 1974; Regn. S.No.143/1983-84 d/ 9th August 1983 ) “Swarna”, 120/1,
2nd Main, Gayatri Devi Park Extension, Vyalikaval, Bangalore 56000
(Affliated to BPS New Delhi, AIFPA Chennai & KCCCGPAs Bangalore)
Email ID: cgpakarn@gmail.com Tel: 23468438

RNI Regn No: KRENG/2008/27233 Postal Regn No: KRNA/BGE/200/2012-14
President S SRamanatha Rao
Tel: 2661 9394
Vice-President S SKargudri
Secretary Ashok S Kololgi
Treasurer K S Menon
Tel: 9743771933
Respected Chairman and Members of the 7th CPC –
At the outset, I wish the Commission easy going in its work and hope the Commission comes out with useful recommendations. Presumably, the recommendations apply to the members or some of the members of the Commission too.
Wherever we go and whenever we approach officers for certain help or concessions, as pensioners’ associations; in majority of the cases, the reply has been that they (the presently serving officers) too retire at some time, and that they would like to help out. But help does remain afar. The Ministry of Personnel & Pensions has been doing a great deal to liberalise the situation; but they have their handicaps, as the duty-departments remain lethargic. Not much can be done in this domain, perhaps.
The Point
Several pensioners’ associations/pensioners have written to the Commission on the pensioners’ interests and requirements – I refrain from calling them as ‘demands’ as this is the lot of the beggars. The two imminent issues for favourable consideration by the Commission, nay, the Government are: the Grant of Interim Relief, and the Merger of 50% of DA/DR with pay/pension, both retrospectively.

Both these requirements in principle have been acceded to in the past by the past Pay Commissions as well as the Government; and hence there should be no qualms at all in recommending/granting the two Requirements, in the interest of social justice, whether the Government has specifically made provision for this or not in the Terms of Reference.

(To recall, the Terms of Reference to the Commission by the Government stated clearly “(Item) (h) To recommend the date of effect of its recommendations on all the above. The Commission will make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution. It may consider, if necessary, sending interim reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalised. The decision will result in the benefit of improved pay and allowances as well as rationalization of the pay structure in case of Central Government employees and other employees included in the scope of the 7th Central Pay Commission.”

About a year back, the Tamil Nadu Government, while constituting its Pay Commission, granted two months’ pay as Interim Relief. One of the Central Pay Commissions in the past announced two instalments of Interim Relief. This explains the need for Interim Relief. As such, the two Appeals should be sanctioned without much time being wasted, as there are many pensioners in advanced age-rangewho desire to have this benefit.

The other point
I write this from experience. Over the last 50 (fifty) years,there has been a high and steady rise in the number of posts created in several departments of the Government, particularly so in the Class I senior-cadre, who belong to the All-India Services, in contrast to the number of creation of posts in the junior cadres. There is rise in the volume of work admittedly; but not as much as to have a high number of senior officers. Earlier, the Departments functioned with Section Officer (who managed office), Deputy Secretary (who initiated notings), Joint Secretary(who gave opinions) and Secretary (who took decisions), in the higher rank; and they did well in dealing with papers and in deciding the issues. The file-notings used to be clear, committed, fast and final.

In the past few decades, the ranks of Additional Secretary, Special Secretary and Consultants have crept into the Govt service, with more number of Joint Secretaries. It is my contention that these posts are superfluous and their salary/allowance bills are a dent on the Exchequer. More routine tasks are done after consultations over phone. Too many officers and too much time in dealing with disposal of papers – has been the practice in the Government. I therefore strongly opine that the number of such Class I officers in all the Departments of the Government, including the Ministries, must be drastically brought down. The work will be faster, and the responsibility for decisions is fixed on limited number of officers. The Hon’ble Prime Minister has shown the way. He has cut down on the number of Ministries.

There is a whisper that thirty percent of the retired officers are re-employed in their respective departments/offices after retirement, as Consultants or other-wise, continuing to do the same job! This is something difficult to be gulped. Perhaps, this should be examined and checked. The Dept of Personnel & Training in the Ministry of Personnel may help to know the facts. The Commission may kindly take a decision.

The third
Heading the Karnataka Central Government Pensioners’Association, Bangalore, during the last 12-15 years, the Assn has recently projected many Grievances of the pensioners/members with us; and none of them has been conclusively solved. Various Ministries have come up with Grievances cells; and these have become show-cases or postoffices, with just forwarding the complaints to some nodal officers, who remain unhelpful. The Ministry of Personnel and Pensions contemplated on time-frame for redressal of such grievances; but this has been a far cry. The mechanism to get Redressal to the home of the aggrieved pensioners must therefore be fast and satisfactory. It must be remembered that the pensioners are aged, and they need results quick. A good debate on this is required within the Government, and a result-orientation infused into these Grievances cells/portals.
The fourth point
In the last few years, it is experienced that the pensioners have been forced to go to different Courts in respect of their dues and needs. These mainly refer to fixation of pension, fixation of cut-off dates and implementation of Court verdicts by the Governments. This is a situation that the pensioners cannot happily face. A good lot of time and money is wasted. The Government must rationalise and liberalise its attitude, when the learned Judges of the Court have given their verdicts after due hearings from both the parties involved. Can the Commission say something on this point, please?

Grateful Regards to a Great Commission.
n S SRamanathaRao,
n President,
n Karnataka CGPA.
D/ July 18, 2014.

Source: http://scm-bps.blogspot.in/2014/07/presiden-karnataka-central-government.html

Acceptance of certificates/ qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment on the railways

Acceptance of certificates/ qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment on the railways

RBE No. 75/2014.
No. E (NG)-H/2007/RR-1/38. -
New Delhi, dated: /5/07/2014
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways / Production Units
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Acceptance of certificates/ qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment on the railways.

Ref: Letter No. E(NG)II/89/RR-1/17 dated 25/2/1991 (RBE No. 38/1991), E(NG)1′I/2001/RR-1/48 dated 23/5/2002 (RBE No. 71/2002), E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/52 dated 21/6/2002 (RBE No. 89/2002), E(NG)II/2003/RR-1/36 dated 03/12/2003 (RBE No. 205/2003) & 09/9/2010 (RBE No. 128/2010), E(NG)II/2008/RR-1/35 dated 30/4/2009 (RBE No.76/2009), 10/6/2009 (RBE No.102/2009) & 04/11/2013 (RBE No.118/2013), E(NG)II/2008/RR-1/40 dated 14/5/2009 (RBE No. 81/2009), E(NG)II/2004/RR-1/14 dated 04/4/2013 (RBE No. 31/2013), E(NG)II/2005/RR-1/6 dated 30/4/2013 (RBE No. 40/2013) and No. E(NG)II/2005/RR-1/14 dated 08/10/2013 (RBE No.104/2013),
References from various field units as well as federations seeking clarification regarding acceptance or otherwise of certificates/ qualifications obtained from various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment in railways have been under consideration of this Ministry.

Clarification has been received from nodal Ministry/Department of Government of India, viz, Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) and M/o Human Resource Development (MHRD) stating that COBSE (Council of Board of School Education in India), an Association of National State School Boards, is responsible for verifying genuineness/ recognition of School Education Boards in India. It grants membership to Boards/ Institutes that are set up by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature or an executive order of the Central/ State Governments and follow National Curriculum Framework. The certificates issued by its member Boards are equivalent to any other board across the country. Accordingly, the matter has been examined and it has been decided by the Board that zonal railways need not approach this Ministry seeking such clarification regarding acceptance or otherwise of certificates/ qualification obtained from various Boards of School Education in India and instead, refer to official website of COBSE i.e. www.cgbse.org which contain list of Boards of School Education which are Member Boards of COBSE. Thus certificates/ qualification obtained from all such institutions borne on the aforesaid list will be acceptable for the purpose of employment on the railways, from the date on which the said institution has been accorded membership by COBSE, if they were not recognized earlier by any competent authority. This date of acceptability of certificate may be obtained by approaching COBSE directly and a copy of clarification thus obtained may also be endorsed to this Ministry for information & record.

Instructions contained in letters under reference will continue to be valid.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow)
(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board
Source: AIRF [http://www.airfindia.com/Orders%202014/RBE_No_75_2014.pdf]

Will Air Travel Concession for Central Government Employees be Extended?

Will Air Travel Concession for Central Government Employees be Extended?

Will Air Travel Concession for all categories of Central Government Employees (not entitiled to travel by Air on LTC) be Extended for further two years..?

Will the air travel concession given to Central Government employees to travel to tourism spots in Jammu and NER areas be extended?

Will the concession, which was being granted upto April 30(for NER) and June 16, 2014(J&K), be extended by another two years?

Will the new BJP Government continue to implement the concession which was offered by the previous Congress Government?

Will this scheme be available at least for those employees who didn’t avail of this concession before?

Will this air travel concession be given to travel to either Jammu or NER region?

Will this concession, being given in order to develop areas that have been identified as most backward, continue?

Questions like these continue to buzz in the midst of Central Government employees. As of now there are no indications that the concession would be extended. There are also no reports of any ministerial debates or discussions over this issue.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that the scheme, which offered air travel concession to all the Central Government employees, with exception to higher officials, gave social status to many.

Irrespective of these, the families of employees who had availed of this facility are bound to thank the Government for this opportunity!

[A Jammu-based newspaper reported that on June 18, the Union Ministry of Tourism extended the concession for further two years. It is totally unconfirmed till now. As and when orders regarding the extension are published by Dopt, the orders will be published in our website immediately.]

Source: CGEN.in

CS(MA) Rules 1944 are not applicable to pensioners – Health Ministry

CS(MA) Rules 1944 are not applicable to pensioners – Health Ministry
Medical Facilities to Government employees
Central Government Health Scheme provides medical care to its beneficiaries which include serving as well as retired Central Government employees. The CGHS provides its services through a network of CGHS Wellness Centers which are in operation presently in 25 major cities of the country. Expenditure on medical reimbursement in respect of pensioners is borne by CGHS and in respect of serving employees it is borne by concerned Ministry/ department/office. The pensioner beneficiaries are eligible for credit facility for treatment in CGHS empanelled hospitals.

Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 are applicable to serving Central Government employees only who are residing in non-CGHS covered areas. Medical attendance is provided by the Authorized Medical Attendant appointed by concerned department. The CS(MA) Rules 1944 are not applicable to pensioners. As per these Rules, there is no provision for issue of medicines and medical reimbursement claims are to be settled by the concerned department/ Ministry.

The Health Minister stated this in a written reply in the LokSabha here today.

Source: PIB

Recruitment of 1572 Chargeman (Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’) Vacancies in Ordnance Factories

Recruitment of 1572 Chargeman (Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’) Vacancies in Ordnance Factories

Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Indian Ordnance Factories invites applications for recruitment of the 1572 Chargeman (Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’) Vacancies.

Online Applications through are invited from eligible candidates. Candidates are advised to go through Full Notice, available in the on-line application site before submitting application. Number of call centre: 07104-220075, 220095, 220061, 220070 from 0900 hrs to 1730 Hrs during weekdays (Saturday and Sunday are Holidays)
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Application: 19-07-2014.
Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 09-08-2014.
Last Date for Submission of Hard copy of Application: 16-08-2014.
Last Date for Submission of Hard copy of Application for candidates in remote areas: 23-08-2014.
Indian Ordnance Factory Vacancy Details: Total No of Posts: 1572
Names of Posts: Chargeman ( Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’)
1. Mechanical: 875 Posts
2. Information Technology: 23 Posts
3. Electrical: 133 Posts
4. Chemical: 296 Posts
5. Civil: 39 Posts
6. Metallurgy: 46 Posts
7. Clothing Technology: 32 Posts
8. Leather Technology: 04 Posts
9. Non Technical (Stores): 41 Posts
10. Non Technical (OTS): 60 Posts
11. Automobile: 03 Posts
12. Electronics: 20 Posts
Pay Scale :
1. Pay Band : PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800)
2. Grade Pay: Rs.4200
Age Limit: Candidate age should be up to 27 years for UR, 27 years + 3 years for OBC, 27 years + 5 years for ST/ SC candidates as on 09-08-2014. Age Relaxation is applicable for PH/ Departmental candidates, etc.

Educational Qualification: Candidate should possess 3 years Diploma or Equivalent in the relevant Discipline duly approved by AICTE for Sl no 1, 3, 5, 11, 12 Posts, 3 years Diploma or Equivalent in the relevant Discipline duly approved by AICTE or BSc degree with General Chemistry as one of the major subject for Sl no 4, 6, 7, 8 Posts, should pass “A” level competency certificate course or equivalent qualification in Computer Science duly recognised by The Govt. of India for Sl no 2 Post, Graduate Degree in Engineering/ Technical/ Humanities/ Science/ Commerce/ Law from a recognised University for Sl no 9 & 10 Posts.

Selection Process: Candidates are selected based on written exam, interview/ personality test.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs.50/- for SC/ ST/ Women/ PH candidates and Rs.100/- for remaining through bank Remittance in favour of, PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR, RECRUITMENT FUND OFRB, AMBAJHARI- NAGPUR.

How to Apply:Eligible candidates can apply online from the website www.i-register.org/ioforeg/index.php from 19-07-2014 to 09-08-2014 and send hard copy of application by signing at appropriate place along with original copy of Payment Challan to Postal address given in the print out of application form on or before 16-08-2014 and 23-08-2014 for candidates in remote areas.

Instructions to Apply Online:

1. Log on to the websit www.i-register.org/ioforeg/index.php.
2. Click on Apply Online.
3. Select the Post you want to apply and Click on I Agree button.
4. Fill all the details like name, DOB, etc and Click on Submit button.
5. Take Print out of application and send to relevant address.

For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process…
Click here to Apply Online

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