A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Construction of residential houses of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)

Construction of residential houses of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)

Construction of Houses and barracks at various establishments of CISF, CRPF and ITBP

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, today has given its approval for construction of 13072 houses and 113 barracks of various types at 68 locations of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) during 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017). This will be at an estimated cost of Rs.3090.98 crore. The main components include construction of 13072 residential houses (Type-ll, III, IV, V & VI) and 113 barracks (Type- Men Barrack-120, 150,180, 240, 252, 264, 360) at 68 locations of CISF, CRPF and ITBP.

The existing housing satisfaction level in the CISF, CRPF and ITBP is about 12.06 percent, and after the completion of the proposed project, the satisfaction level will reach to 15.13 percent. This project will meet the urgent need to improve the efficiency of the Forces with increasing housing satisfaction level. The improved housing satisfaction level will boost the morale of CAPF, improving the efficiency to deal with law and order, Counter Insurgency (Operation), Anti-Naxal Operations and guarding India’s international border.

CGDA Orders 2015 : Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to retired Defence Civilians

CGDA Orders 2015 : Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to retired Defence Civilians

Office Order No.406
Dated 14.10.2015
Subject: Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to retired Defence Civilians.

The competent authority has nominated Shri.T.K.Jajoria, IDAS, Sr.Dy.CGDA (AN) as the nodal officer to countersign the application form received from the IDAS Officers/DAD Employees who have retired from MoD (Fin.) / CGDA Office.

The other IDAS Officers retired from Delhi or settled in Delhi, post retirement, may also get their application form countersigned from Shri.T.K.Jajoria, IDAS, Sr.Dy.CGDA(AN) or any other Nodal Officer appointed by the respective PCsDA/CsDA.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
Authority: www.cgda.nic.in

Grant of another installment of Dearness Relief to the Freedom Fighters w.e.f. 01.08.2015

Grant of another installment of DR to the FF and their eligible dependents under the SSSP Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 01.08.2015
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya
Freedom Fighter & Rehabilitation Division

2nd Floor, NDCC-II building,
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110 001
Dated, the 12th August, 2015
The Chief Controller of Accounts,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
North Block,
New Delhi-110 001.
Sub:- Grant of another installment of Dearness Relief to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependents under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 01.08.2015.
I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.08/08/97-FF(P) dated 16/20th August 1997 wherein it was decided that pension be linked with the price index in an appropriate manner.

2. Subsequently, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance,Department of Expenditure and after taking into consideration the All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI) for Industry Workers(IW) in June 1997 as the base, Dearness Relief @7% of the pension or dependent family pension was sanctioned w.e.f. 1st August 1998 vide Ministry of Home Affairs letter no.08/08/97-FF(P) dated 14th October 1998.
3 With reference to Central Samman Pension, the dearness relief is revised annually in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, With effect from 01.08.2015 the has been enhanced by 20%. The Dearness Relief revised/enhanced from time to time indicated as below:-
(i) @20% w.e.f. 01.08.1999.
(ii) @24% w.e.f. 01.08.2000.
(iii) @28% w.e.f. 01.08.2001.
(iv) @34% w.e.f. 01.08.2002.
(v) @39% w.e.f. 01.08.2003.
(vi) @44% w.e.f. 01.08.2004.
(vii) @50% w.e.f. 15.08.2005.
(viii) @58% w.e.f. 01.08.2006.
(ix) @68% w.e.f. 01.08.2007.
(x) @79% w.e.f. 01.08.2008.
(xi) @96% w.e.f. 01.08.2009.
(xii) @123% w.e.f. 01.08.2010.
(xiii) @143% w.e.f. 01.08.2011.
(xiv) @165% w.e.f. 01.08.2012.
(xv) @193% w.e.f. 01.08.2013.
(xvi) @218% w.e.f. 01.08.2014.
(xvii) @238% w.e.f. 01.08.2015.

4. Dearness Relief payable with effect from 01.08.2015, in terms of these orders, to various categories of the freedom fighters and their eligible dependent under the Swatantrata Saihik Samman Pension (SSSP) Scheme, would be as under:-

Sl.NoCategoryPresent rate of basic monthly pension (w.e.f. 02.10.2006)
(in Rs.)
Dearness Relief @ 238% of the basic monthly pension payable with effect from 01.08.2015
(in Rs.)
Total Pension
(in Rs.)
1(a)Ex-Andaman Political prisoners7,330/-17,445/-24,775/-
(b)Freedom fighters who suffered outside British India (other than INA)6,830/-16,255/-23,085/-
2.Other Freedom fighters6,330/-15,065/-21,395/-
3.Widow/Widower of above categories of freedom fightersEntitlement same as of the respective deceased freedom fighter
4.Unmarried/unemployed daughters (Subject to a maximum of three such daughters at a time)1,500/- each to all the three daughters3,570/- each to all the three daughters5,070/-
5.Mother and Father1,000/- each2,380/- each/-3,380/-

5. You are therefore requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to modify the existing pension payments Orders (PPO) of the freedom fighter pensioners and their eligible dependents in each case so as to effect commencement of payment of Dearness Relief to the extent indicated above. It is to be ensured that revised Dearness Relief is to be paid along with pension for the month of August, 2015, and no arrears payment on account of enhanced Dearness Relief is to be paid subsequently.

6. This issues with the approval of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure E.V. Branch given vide their ID No.1(7)/E-V/2004 dated 12.08.2015 and concurrence of Integrated Finance Division of Ministry of Home Affairs given vide their C.F.3305704/AS&FA(H) dated 12.08.2015.

7. Hindi version will follow.

Yours faithfully,
(Meenu Batra)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Source:  http://cpao.nic.in/pdf/No_80_01_2015-FF.pdf

Brief Note on JCM National Council Standing Committee Meeting held on 9th October 2015 at New Delhi.

Brief Note on JCM National Council Standing Committee Meeting held on 9th October 2015 at New Delhi.

Dear Comrades,

The Standing Committee of the JCM National Council met on 9th October, 2015. As you are aware, earlier, the National JCA had decided to defer the strike action and organize a massive Dharna programme at Jantar Mantar on 19th November, 2015 to register its strongest protest over the Government’s engineered delay in the submission of the 7th CPC Report. Later, the Finance Ministry has issued a statement asking the 7th CPC to factor into its report the fiscal concern of the Government, which was an unwarranted interference in the independent functioning of the Commission and to pressurise the Commission not to recommend wage rise on the basis of a sound and scientific formulation.

The Staff side on receipt of the invitation to have the meeting on 9th October, decided to respond and convey to the Government their strong resentment over the virtual dilution of the negotiating forum as also the above concerns. In the meeting the Staff side was informed that the Secretary Personnel would be meeting the Standing Committee soon and the meeting on 9thwas in fact only a prelude to understand each other’s points of views. It was in the background the meeting was held on 9th October, 2015.

The leader and Secretary, Staff Side conveyed the unanimous decision of the National JCA as under to the Government.
(a) The Standing Committee, as per procedure evolved, must be chaired by the Secretary Personnel.

(b) The JCM Machinery’s functioning should not be diluted.

(c) The promised meeting of the National Council has not taken place so far.

(d) The minutes of the last two meetings of the National Anomaly Committee have not been formally issued.

(e) ‘The Official side Secretary must convene a meeting of the Staff Side to iron out any difference in the draft minutes.’

(f) Normally meetings are held after circulation of the ATS. This has not been done.

(g) The Official Side must convey the anguish of the employees over the delay in the submission of the report by the 7th CPC which they justifyly feel has been engineered by the Government. They also pointed out that they are constrained to believe that the Govt. was unnecessarily interfering in the functioning of the Pay Commission.
We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions held on the agenda items.

After the initial remarks made by the Staff Side all issues in the charter of demands were discussed. There had been however, no final settlement on any issue as the meeting itself was not convened for that purpose. The Staff Side stated that even the promises held out in the last meeting that the Departmental Council meeting would be held soon was not honoured.

On the question of Pay revision related issues, viz. Interim relief, DA merger, inclusion of GDS etc . elaborate discussions were held. It has come out clearly that on all these issues, the Finance Ministry has taken an nugatory Stand, even though the arguments put forth were extremely untenable. It was pointed out by the Staff Side that the Interim relief and DA merger was denied on the specious plea of submission of the report in the stipulated time. Having extended the time, the Govt. ought to have considered the grant of these two demands. There had been a very elaborate discussion on the question of inclusion of the GDS within the purview of the 7th CPC. The Postal Department’s representatives narrated the efforts made by them to the Government for conceding this demands. The Finance Ministry has stood firm and objected to the demand being agreed to. The Staff Side has, in the given situation of the 7th CPC having finalised its report, requested the Government to refer the matter to a Judicial Committee headed by the present Chairman, 7th CPC as he has now been fully apprised of the functioning of various ministries and Departments of the Government through the interaction with the Staff and official sides. No commitment was however made by the Government to the above suggestion.

On the question of induction of FDI in Railways, Corporatisation of Postal Department and Defence organisations, the representative of the Railway Ministry stated that they are constantly discussing the issues with the Railway Federations and was exploring the possibility of reaching an agreement. In the case of corporatisation of the Postal Department, it was stated that the recommendations made by the Committee was discussed with the Federations and it has been agreed that except induction of certain professionals at the managerial level to fine tune the functioning of the Department in the changed scenario, the Federations have been assured that no structural changes would be made without consulting them. However, in the case of Defence, no discussions with the Federations have been held so far.

PFRDA. The Staff Side pointed out the present scenario in the Government offices, where the number of employees and officers who are outside the ambit of the statutory pension scheme has grown and have reached in certain organisations to the extent of 25 to 30%. These employees are extremely concerned of the new scheme and their anguish have been expressed in many forms. The Unions would be compelled to take drastic action if the Government refuses to heed to their plea to effect a relook or revisit on the matter. The representatives of the Railways pointed out that the Honourable Minister for Railways was convinced of the situation and that was the reason why he had written to the Finance Ministry that in the given situation of the Railway functioning, the new scheme would not only jeopardise the interest of the Railwaymen but also of the Railway Industry itself.

On the specific question raised by the Staff side in the last meeting in respect of resolving the issues of Medical Store Deport and the Printing and Stationery department, the Staff Side stated that only the meeting of the Medical Store Depot was held and the issues have been resolved to some extent. The Printing and Stationery Department has now sent a communication to the Staff Side fixing the meeting on 15th October ‘15. The general issues emanating from the policy of outsourcing and contractorisation was also discussed at length.

JCM functioning had been the central point of discussions. The Staff Side has pointed out that unless the Government makes up its mind that the machinery should be put on operation, no industrial peace would come in the functioning of the various departments of the Govt. of India. The Staff side asked the Department of personnel to collect the information of the number of cases litigated in the courts by the Government employees in 1991 and 2015 and make a comparison to know the seriousness of the problem.

On compassionate ground appointments question, it was stated by the Staff Side that despite advancing no cogent argument by the official side for retaining the 5% ceiling, the Department of personnel does not want to make a relook into the matter. The Staff Side pointed out that large number of applications were pending in various Departments, and the concerned department would not be able to clear them even after 20 years for want of the requisite vacancies. They also pointed out that the decision of the Government to impose the 5% ceiling was amounting to a cruelty imposed on the family members of the Government servants who dies in harness.

The Labour Ministry representative was present at the meeting. The meeting did not discuss the merits and demerits of the labour reforms as the Trade Unions in the country has justifyly concluded that it has been conceived to favour the corporate houses and to take away the existing privileges of the workers. The point at issue, however, at the meeting was as to why the Labour Ministry did not cause a consultation with the Industrial Federations in the Government of India, for whom the Industrial Disputes Act is applicable. The Labour Ministry has assured to convene a meeting of the representatives of such organisations soon.

The Labour Ministry representative also stated that the government has agreed to raise the bonus ceiling but it would not be appropriate for him to make a mention of the quantum as the Cabinet is yet to give its clearance. The Government would be able to take a decision in the matter only after the Bihar elections are over.

The Staff Side explained the background of the demand for five promotions. The reaction of the official side was that the matter must be appropriately discussed only after the 7th CPC report is made available.

Source: Confederation News

11 lakh accounts opened under Sukanya Samriddhi scheme in Tamil Nadu

11 lakh accounts opened under Sukanya Samriddhi scheme in Tamil Nadu

CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Postal Circle has announced that 11 lakh accounts have been opened under the ‘Sukanya Samridhi’ or ‘Selvamagal Semippu’ scheme.

Introduced in January this year, this is a saving scheme exclusively for girl children. Parents or legal guardians can open an account under this scheme in the name of a girl child.

It is open to girl children up to the age of 10 years, but the government has permitted a grace period of two years more than the normal eligibility. Girls born from 03-12-2003 to 01-12-2005 are eligible to open accounts until December 1.

According to an official release, the interest rate of 9.2% per annum is one of the highest rates offered under the Post Office Savings Banks schemes.

Customers can open accounts under this scheme at all post offices, including branch post offices, where special counters will be opened.


7th Pay Commission faces pay gap problem

7th Pay Commission faces pay gap problem

New Delhi: 7th Pay Commission faces serious challenge in submitting its recommendation to government till December for hiking salaries and allowances for central government employees as the employees’ unions test its account of controversial pay gap between top and bottom level government officials.

The previous pay commission showed a wide gap in pay between the top bureaucrats and the government employees at the bottom.

The first pay commission was recommended pay of the top bureaucrats 41 times higher than the government employees at the bottom. The top bureaucrats were given salary Rs 2,263 while the lowest earning employees got Rs 55.

Subsequent pay commissions reduced the ratio of pay between lowest earning employees and top bureaucrats from 1:41 in 1947 to about 1:12 in 2006. The minimum basic salary of central government employees is now Rs 7730 while maximum salary at the level of Secretary is Rs 80,000.

Accordingly, the 7th Pay Commission will have to consider reduction in the disparity of pay ratio between its highest and lowest paid employees because it determines the socialism view of the government and the higher number of central government employees are in the minimum pay slabs.

The pay gap increases employee’s turnover and work-related illness, with all the associated economic consequences.

The bureaucrats with high pay are generally happier, healthier and a better place to live for almost everyone in them compare to the lower earning employees.

A pay gap is calculated as the ratio of the pay of the highest paid employee of an organisation to the pay of the average or lowest paid employee in that organisation.

7th Pay Commission can make recommendations on promoting pay fairness in the central government employees’ fraternity by tackling disparities between the lowest and the highest paid central government servants.

The 7th Pay Commission, headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur was appointed in February 2014 and its recommendations are scheduled to take effect from January 1, 2016.

As part of the exercise, the 7th Pay Commission holds discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, and groups representing civil employees as well as defence services.

The Commission is ready with its recommendations on revising emoluments for nearly 50 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners, and will submit report to the Finance Minister till December 31.


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