Allotment of qualification based pay matrix – ECG Technicians in Railways.
No.II/1/2019/ Pt.I
Dated: 31/07/2020
The Secretary (E)
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Sub: Allotment of qualification based pay matrix – ECG Technicians in Railways.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s reply to GS/ NFIR vide letter
No.PC-VII/2018/R-U/8 dated IR’s letter No.II/1/2019 dated 30th March,
2019 and 18th April, 2019 to the Railway Board.
(iii) NFIR’s PNM agenda item No.25 (sent to Railway Board on 29th May, 2019).
Dear Sir,
Kind attention is invited to the references cited above, on the above
subject relating to allotment of qualification based pay matrix to the
ECG Technicians in railways.
Federation once again furnishes below, the important facts relating to the demand for granting higher entry grade pay to the ECG
Technician category with appropriate cadre structure for their growth.
The ECG Technicians appointed in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital,
New Delhi (under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) have never been
in possession of the standard qualification relating to the job
expected from an ECG Technician, while in Railways, the ECG Technicians
possess “Diploma in ECG Lab Technology”.
ECG Technicians in
Railways have never been treated atleast equal to those working in the
Central Government Hospitals and have rather been treated inferior. This
negative situation has been prevailing since the period of 3rd CPC.
DR qualification prescribed for the post of Sr. ECG Technician pay
scale Rs.1400-2600 (IV CPC)/5000-8000) V CPC)/ PB-2 GP 4200 (VI CPC)/
Pay Level-6 in 7th CPC
in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital is Bachelor’s Degree in Science with
Physics with one year experience in handling cardiological equipment or 3
years Diploma Course in Electronics/ Electrical communication
Engineering. Whereas in Railways, though the qualification for the post
of ECG Technician got revised during 6th CPC regime to Degree in Science
plus Diploma in ECG Lab Technology/ Cardiology/ Cardiology Technician/
Cardiology Techniques of reputed institution [refer Railway Board’s
letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR/45 Pt. A dated 29/09/2015], this category has
not been treated at par with those ECG Technicians of Dr. Ram Manohar
Lohia Hospital.
NFIR therefore requests the Railway Board to take action for revising
the pay structure of ECG Technicians of railways for the purpose of
providing entry grade pay 4200/Level 6 of pay matrix with further avenue
of promotion to pay level 7, similar to the pay structure of ECG
Technicians of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi.
Subject: Protection of pay to the Central Government Servant
consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in
Central Government, through direct recruitment where either higher
duties and responsibilities are involved or not, as the case may be,
under FR 22-B(1), in the 7th CPC Scenario – Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that consequent to various references received
from Ministries/ Departments on protection of pay under FR 22-B(1), a
need has been felt to issue guidelines on the manner of fixation of pay
in respect of the Central Government Servant who after technical
resignation, is appointed to new post in the different service or cadre
in Central Government through direct recruitment where either higher
responsibilities are involved or not, as the case may be, in 7th Central
Pay Commission scenario.
2. Provisions of FR 22-B(1) inter-alia provide as under :
“P.R. 22-B.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the following provisions shall govern the pay of a Government
servant who is appointed as a probationer in another service or cadre, and subsequently confirmed in that service or cadre –
(a) during the period of probation, he shall draw pay at the
minimum of the time scale or at the probationary stages of the time
scale of the service or post, as the case may be:
Provided that if the presumptive pay of the permanent post on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended, should
at any time be greater than the pay fixed under the clause, he shall draw the presumptive pay of the permanent;
(b) on confirmation in the sen/ice or post after the expiry of
the period of probation, the pay of the Government servant shall be
fixed in the time-scale of the service or post in accordance with the
provisions of Rule 22 or Rule 22-C, as the case may be…”
3. Consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC Report and CCS (RP) Rules,
2016, the President is pleased to allow protection of pay in the light
of the provisions laid down under FR 22-B(1) to Central Government
employee who is appointed as probationer in another service or cadre
either carrying higher responsibilities or not, as the case may be and
subsequently confirmed in that service or cadre, in the manner as
illustrated below:
A Central Government Employee on his appointment to a post in lower Level
in different service or cadre in Central Government which does not
carry duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those
attached to the post held earlier by him on regular basis before such
appointment and having a provision of probation period in new post, may
during probation draw the presumptive pay of the post held earlier by
him on regular basis, if it is higher than the minimum of the Time Scale
of the new post. He would also draw annual increments on such
presumptive pay. However, it is to be ensured that during probation,
presumptive pay should always be greater than the pay of the new post
after drawl of increment(s). Subsequently, on successful completion of
his probation, his pay will be fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(2).
Protection of Pay in the above manner should not, at any of these stages, exceed the maximum of the Level of the new post in Pay Matrix.
Illustration An officer was drawing pay of Rs.78,500 in Cell 6 in Level 11
(with DNI 01.07.2018) before his appointment to a post in Level 10 on
01.04.2018 which does not carry duties and responsibilities of greater
importance than those attached to the post held earlier by him before
such appointment. There is a provision of 2 years probation period in
new post.
Since the first Cell Value in Level 10 (Rs.56,100) is less than the Last Basic Pay i.e. Rs. 78,500/- in Level 11. Hence during probation, he
will draw the presumptive pay i.e. Rs.78,500/- in Level 11 and would also draw annual increments according to the pay drawn in his previous post
in Level II.
On 01 .04.2018- Rs. 78,500 (Level 11) On 01 .07.2018- Rs. 80,900 (Level 11) On 01.07.2019- Rs. 83,300 (Level 11)
On successful completion of his probation period and on confirmation
w.e.f. 01.04.2020, the pay of the officer would be fixed under FR
22(l)(a)(2). Since no such Cell of Rs. 83,300/- is available in Level
10, his pay would be fixed at next higher cell i.e. Cell 15 in Level 10
at Rs. 84,900 with next date of increment 01.01.2021.
A Central Government Employee on his appointment to a post in higher
level in different service or cadre in Central Government carrying
duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to
the post held earlier by him on regular basis before such appointment
and ha ing a provision of probation period in new post, may during
probation draw the presumptive pay of the post held earlier by him on
regular basis if it is higher than the minimum of the Time Scale of the
new post. He would also draw annual increments on such presumptive pay.
However, it is to be ensured that during probation presumptive pay
should always be greater than the pay of the new post after drawl of
increment(s). Subsequently, on successful completion of his probation,
his pay will be fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(1).
Protection of Pay in the above manner should not, at any of these stages, exceed the maximum of the Level of the new post in Pay Matrix.
An officer was drawing pay of Rs.58,600 in Cell 10 of Level 7 before his appointment on 01.04.2018 in Level 10 (with DNI 01.07.2018) which
carries duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the post held earlier by him on regular basis before such
appointment. There is a provision of 2 years probation period in new post.
Since the first Cell Value of Level 10 (Rs. 56,100) is less than the Last Basic Pay
drawn in Cell 10 of Level 7 i.e. Rs. 58,600/-, hence during probation,
he will draw the presumptive pay of the post held earlier by him on
regular basis and would also draw annual increments in the Level 7 of
his previous post as shown below:-
On 01.04.2018- Rs. 58,600 (Level 7) On 01.07.2018- Rs. 60,400 (Level 7) On 01.07.2019- Rs. 62,200 (Level 7)
On successful completion of his probation period and on confirmation w.e.f.
.04.2020, the pay of the officer would be fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(1)
read with Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. Accordingly, an increment
will be added in his pay in Level 7 and his pay will reach at Rs.
64,100/-. Since, there is no cell value equal to Rs. 64,100 available in
Level 10, his pay will be fixed in Level 10 in Cell 6 at Rs. 65,000/-
with next date of increment 01.01.2021.
A Central Government Employee on his appointment to a post in
Equivalent Level in different service or cadre in Central Government
through direct recruitment where higher duties and responsibilities are
not involved and having a provision of probation period in new post,
may during probation draw the presumptive pay of the post held earlier
by him on regular basis. He would also get his increments on such
presumptive pay. On successful completion of his probation, his pay will
be fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(2). However, Protection of Pay in the above
manner should not, at any of these stages, exceed the maximum of the
Level of the new post in Pay Matrix.
Illustration An officer was drawing pay of Rs. 58,600 in Cell 10 of Level 7 before his
appointment on 01.04.2018 in the same Level 7 (with DNI 01.07.2018).
There is a provision of 2 years probation period in new post.
Since the first Cell Value of Level 7 (Rs. 44,900) is less than the Last Basic Pay i.e. Rs. 58,600/- in Level 7 drawn by Government Servant,
hence during probation, he will draw the presumptive pay and also get his increments in the same Level of his previous post as shown below:-
On 01.04.2018- Rs. 58,600 (Level 7) On 01.07.2018- Rs. 60,400 (Level 7) On 01.07.2019- Rs. 62,200 (Level 7)
On successful completion of his probation period and on confirmation w.e.f. 01.04.2020, the pay of the officer would be fixed under FR 22(I)(a)
no increment would be admissible under FR 22(l)(a)(2), there will be no
change in his pay on the date of confirmation i.e. 01.04.2020.
Accordingly, his pay in Level 7 on 01 .04.2020 would be Rs. 62,200
(Level 7) with next date of increment on 01.07.2020, as Level remains
The above mentioned pay protection under FR 22-B(1) available to the Government servant if he holds a lien on his
previous permanent post.
No stepping up of pay of senior
Government servant shall be allowed on the basis of the pay protection
granted under FR 22-B(1) to junior Government servants of that
particular service/ cadre.
This order takes effect from 01 .01 .2016.
In their application to the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department,
these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller &
Auditor General of India, as mandated under Article 148(5) of the
Hindi version will follow.
(Rajeev Bahree)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Janmashtami (Krishna Jayanti) Central Government holiday on 12 August 2020
Krishna Janmashtami, occurs on 12th August 2020 as a national holiday. [Dopt order holiday 2020]
This is Janmashtami (Krishna Jayanti), one of the most important Hindu
festivals. Janmashtami will be observed this year on 11 August 2020; it
will also be observed by others on 12 August.
Janmashtami History
Janmashtami (VAISHNAVI) is Lord Krishna ‘s Birthday.
Across other parts of India, Krishna Janmashtami is also recognised as
Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti and Sree
Jayanthi, and a Gazetted holiday. This holiday in Tamil Nadu is known
as Sri Krishna Jayanti Ceremonies and prayers will be offered in temples devoted to Krishna
in India. The day before that consist of fasting and prayer until
midnight, the time that Krishna was born was said to be.
Janmashtami Special
Devotees also practice ceremonial puja at midnight and all seventeen
steps that are part of Shodashopachara Puja Vidhi are included in this.
The statues in his image are cleaned, dressed and put in a cradle after
the hour of Krishna’s midnight birth passes. Women would draw tiny footprints outside the doors and kitchen of their house,
representing Krishna walking into their homes.
Why is Janmashtami held for 2 days?
After Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrating the link between
brothers and sisters, his birthday is celebrated eight days after It
falls in Sravana’s Hindu month which usually matches August or
September. Celebrations are distributed over two days and are intense
and colorful.