Reservation for OBCs in Civil posts and Services under the Government of India
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT),
dated the 8th September, 1993, to all Ministries/Departments, etc.
dated the 8th September, 1993, to all Ministries/Departments, etc.
Subject: Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Pats and Services under the Government of India - Regarding.
The undersigned Is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No. 15012/31/90-Estt. (SCI), dated the 13th August, 1990 and 25th September, 1991 regarding reservation for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under the Government of India and to say that following the Supreme Court judgement in the Indira Sewhney and other and others Vs. Union of India and others case (Write Petition (Civil) No. 930 of 1990) the Government of India appointed an Expert Committee to recommend the criteria for exclusion of the ;oddly advanced persons/section from the benefits of reservations for Other Backward Classes in civil poser and services under the Government of India.
2. Consequent to the consideration of the Expert Committee's recommendations this Department's Office Memorandum No. 36012/31190-Ests (SCT), dated 131.90 referred to in pan (1) above is hereby modified to provide as follows:
(a) 27% (twenty seven percent) of the amoeba in civil posts and services under the Government of India, to be filled through direst recruitment, shall be reserved for the Other Backward Classes. Detailed instruction relating to the procedure to be followed for enforcing reservation wit be issued separately.
(b) Candidates belonging to OBCs recruited on the basis of merit in an open competition on the same standards prescribed for the general candidates shall not be adjusted against the reservation quota of 27%.
(c) (i) The aforesaid reservation shall not apply to persons/sections mentioned in column
3 of the Schedule to this office memorandum.
(ii) The rule of minion win not apply to persons working as artisans or engaged in hereditary occupations, callings. A list of such occupations, callings will be issued separately by the Ministry of Welfare.
The OBCs for the purpose of the aforesaid reservation would contain, in the first phase, the castes and communities which are common to both the lists in the report of the Mandal Commission and the State Governments' Lists. A list of such canes and communities is being issued separately by the Ministry of Welfare.3. Similar instructions in respect of public sector undertakings and financial institution including public sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public Enterprises and by the Ministry of Finance respectively effective from the date of ibis Office Memorandum.
(e) The aforesaid reservation shall take immediate effect. However, this will not apply to vacancies where the recruitment process boa already been initiated prior to the issue of this order,
(Smt. Smite Prasad)
Joist Secretary to the Government of India.
Click here to see the SCHEDULE(Smt. Smite Prasad)
Joist Secretary to the Government of India.