A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 1 December 2014

Need to convert Central Pay Commission into National Pay Commission

Need to convert Central Pay Commission into National Pay Commission

Dear Editor

The Central government has setup 7th Central Pay Commission for the reviewal & revision of Pay & Perks of its employees afresh. It has been observed that after 4th C.P.C the employees of most of the States demanded implementation of its recommendations in their favour. In J&K State, too, its recommendations were implemented in two phases in 1987 and 1992 though not fully. Similarly, 5th and 6th C.P.C’s recommendations too were implemented in a way that suited the then rulers in J&K State. Besides, the recommendations of CPCs do not accommodate the view point of employees organizations of States as such there has been a demand for implementation of CPCs recommendations as per Central pattern.

All J&K Low Paid Employees Federation headed by a veteran trade union leader Com. Abdul Majid Khan held the view the Pay structure should be based upon “Need based minimum wage” accepted in the 15th Indian Labour Conference held in 1957 chaired by the then Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru and treating D.A as a deferred wage. This view has not been reflected in the recommendations of successive pay Commissions so far. With a view to restructure Pay & Perks on uniform basis there is thus justifiable need to convert 7th CPC into National Pay Commission so that state employees organizations too have an opportunity to represent their respective view point before it before the Pay commission formulate its recommendations.
—Krishan Singh,
A Pensioner of J&K State
Source: Kashmir Times

MACP Scheme, CPF to GPF Compensation & CGHS Facility for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Employee & Teaching Staff

MACP Scheme, CPF to GPF Compensation & CGHS Facility for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Employee & Teaching Staff: Lok Sabha Q&A

ANSWERED ON 26.11.2014

685 . Raj Dr. Udit
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme is not being implemented for the teaching Staff, Vice Principals and Principals of KVS while the non-teaching staff and Group-A officials are getting this benefit and if so, the reasons therefor;
(b) whether CGHS facility is not provided to teaching staff in KVS while the officers deputed in KVS HQ and Regional offices and other staff are availing this facility and if so, the details thereof, if not, the reasons therefor; and
(c) whether the benefits of conversion from CPF to GPF compensation Scheme is not provided to KVS employees and if so, the reasons therefor?


(a) The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government civilian employees has been introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.35034/3/ 2008-Estt.(D) dated 19th May, 2009 as amended from time to time. The extension of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) to the employees is subject to the conditions that:-

i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented/adopted by the said Autonomous/Statutory Body.
ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.
iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.
iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme has been taken into account by the Organisation / Body and the additional financial implication can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.

As the teaching staff of KVS, including Principals had not accepted the earlier ACP Scheme introduced in the year 1999, they would not be entitled for the benefits of MACP scheme.

(b) Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has extended the CGHS facility to the employees of KVS(HQ) and non-teaching staff of KVS Regional Office, Delhi. Besides this, CGHS facilities have also been extended by the DGHS to the teaching staff as well as non-teaching staff of Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore.

The matter was taken up with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in October, 2012 to extend the CGHS facility to the employees serving in Kendriya Vidyalayas/KVS in all other stations across the country and to its pensioners wherever CGHS facilities are available. However, DGHS in December, 2012 had conveyed that CGHS is already facing acute shortage of human resources and it would not be possible to extend CGHS coverage to new cities as well as new establishments.

(c) After the implementation of the Fourth Pay Commission Report, the Govt. of India vide O.M. dated 01.05.1987 provided an opportunity to the government employees to switch over from CPF to GPF-cum-Pension Scheme. For the KVS employees this option was available till 31.01.1989.

Foreign tours/travels as part of Training Programmes – approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCOS).

Foreign tours/travels as part of Training Programmes – approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCOS).

No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
25th November 2014

Subject: Foreign tours/travels as part of Training Programmes – approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCOS).

               Instructions have been issued by this Department from time to time on the need to curtail expenditure on foreign travel. In recent months it has been observed that Ministries/Departments have been proposing Foreign Study Tours (FSTs) of large delegations of officers as a part of training programmes. In keeping with the Government’s drive on economy and rationalization of expenditure and to have an objective assessment of such FSTs, it has been decided, that prior approval of the Screening Committee of Secretaries would be required for all FSTs of delegations exceeding 5 members (irrespective of level/rank of officers), where Government of India is funding such tours and which are part of career training programme(s) or stand alone tours or otherwise.
2. This has the approval of Cabinet Secretary.
(N. Radhakrishnan)


What are Government’s Plan about New Pension System

What are Government’s Plan about New Pension System

 Latest on New Pension System

Q- Of late, there have been lot of changes in the NPS. Are more changes coming?

A- The PFRDA Act was notified in February this year. Now the regulations have to be framed under the Act. As many as 12 regulations have already been framed. They have been put on the PFRDA website for stakeholders’ views. We have received good suggestions. These would be placed before the Pension Advisory Committee. Based on the PAC’s suggestions and views, it will come back to PFRDA Board for finalisation and the entire process will be completed by December 15 this year.

Q- What is the rationale behind such a low fund-management charge (0.01%)?

A- The mandate of the Act is to ensure minimum cost. The new fee is decided based on a transparent bidding process. So, we expect all the pension fund managers (PFMs), who are part of this system to be able manage funds at the cost which they agreed on. As we go along, there would be some learning as to how this is motivating stakeholders and how it is affecting subscribers’ interest. We would see if the fund managers are able to do their business sustainably and profitably.

Q- So, there is a scope of upward revision of PFMs fee…

A- No, I cannot say that; certainly, not in the current scheme of things. But we will assess the impact of different fees on the viability and profitability of the PFMs business.

The monthly accretion in NPS today is about Rs 2,500 crore. That’s the incremental flow every month but we certainly need to increase it. We are expanding the scope of PFMs to increase the return by deploying the money in newer instruments. We do not want fund managers to involve in marketing of the scheme. We want them to focus on maximising returns.

Q- Who will market the NPS then?

A- PFRDA itself is engaged in marketing and selling the scheme. We have our own strategy and it involves publicity, reaching out to corporate, state governments and the unorganised sector. We are doing so through PoPs and aggregators and also reaching out to the corporates. We have tied up with FICCI and CII for marketing of the scheme to their members. Though the present taxation rule, which is EET (exempt, exempt, tax), is proving to be an issue with corporate sector. Most employees there are tax payers, and as per present rule the gain at times of redemption is taxable at the hand of the beneficiaries.

Q- Earlier, it was proposed that with the implementation Direct Tax Code (DTC), NPS would become an EEE instrument. What is the status now?

A- The government wants to promote the scheme as this is a defined contribution scheme (wherein an individual contributes himself towards his pension saving) and it saves a lot of money for the government. The defined benefit (where the employer would bear all the cost of employee’s pension) scheme earlier would result in a lot of expense for the government. To that extent, government would not mind losing some money on the fiscal side by making NPS an EEE scheme.

Q- You said PFRDA is expanding the scope of PFMs to increase the yield by deploying the money in newer instruments. What are these new instruments?

A- It’s an ongoing process. We recently allowed PFMs to invest in additional tier 1 bonds issued by banks. We are on the process of allowing them to invest in asset-backed securities and covered bonds. We are also planning to allow them to invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) as and when we get more clarity on it.

Money Today’s Dipak Mondal caught up with R V Verma, member, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), to know the rationale behind recent changes in the National Pension System (NPS).



New Central Govt. under the leadership of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has completed six months in office. As far as the common people and working class of this country is concerned, no positive action has been taken by the Govt. to mitigate their woes and grievances. Instead much negative steps are taken during this six months period.

Government has withdrawn the guidelines which controls the pricing of essential medicines through National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority. As a result, the prices of essential medicines for treatment of cancer, blood pressure, colestorol, diabetics, heart-deceases etc will shoot up in the market. Prices of medicines for treatment of cancer itself which now costs Rs.8500 may go upto Rs.1,08,000/-. Pharmaceutical corporate companies are the beneficiaries.

Government has made its intention clear that the number of gas cylinders (LPG) per year will be reduced from existing 12 to 9 and also to link it to Aadhar and subsidies through direct cash transfer to Bank accounts. Earlier UPA Govt. has reduced the gas cylinders from 12 to 9 but subsequently it has been withdrawn the order due to widespread protests.

Govt. has deregularised the pricing of diesel. Earlier UPA Govt. has deregulated petrol prices and now the NDA Govt. has deregularised diesel price. Petroleum companies will now be free to decide the prices of petrol and diesel. Even-now the prices of petrol and diesel in India are 40% higher than the prices in the international market.

Govt. has decided to allow 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Defence Production. Earlier this move of the UPA Govt. was opposed by NDA saying that it is against the national interest and security of the country. Defence production will now be completely privatised.

Govt. has decided to allow 100% FDI in Railways and also public-private-partnership (PPP). During his speech delivered in Australia Prime Minister has called upon the Industrialists of that country to country to invest in Indian Railways. Doors for privatisation of Railways is opened.

Govt. has decided to allow 49% FDI in Insurance sector. The bill for amending the Insurance Act for this purpose is pending in the Parliament and Govt. spokes person has hoped that the bill will be passed in this winter session of Parliament.

Govt. has decided to disinvest the share of all public sector nationalised banks upto 48%. Road map for privatisation of banking sector is drawn.

Govt. has made it clear that 100% FDI will be allowed in Pension Funds. The future of those who are under the New Pension Scheme will be uncertain due to Pension Fund Privatisation.

Govt has decided to sell the shares of profit making public sector undertakings such as ONGC, BHEL, coal India Ltd. etc to the tune of 25%.

Govt. has made it clear that Indian Post Office Act 1898 will be amended to facilitate grant of licences to multi-national courier services. This will pave way for privatisation of postal sector.

While extending red-carpet welcome to the corporates and multinational companies, the Govt. has declared that all the labour laws which put hurdles before them will be amended. Govt. has already moved in Parliament Labour Law amendments to remove all the protections and justifys now enjoyed by the working class including justify to strike and justify to form unions.

Government has declared that all the loss-making public sector undertakings will be closed or privatised. Air India, BSNL etc. are all in the hit-list.

Government has made it clear that its slogan is “minimum government and maximum governance”. It has imposed a total ban on creation of new posts and for filling up of posts which are lying vacant for more than one year.

Regarding Central Government Employees, none of their legitimate demands are conceded by the Government. DA merger, Interim Relief, Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) under 7th CPC, Date of effect of 7th CPC as 1-1-2014, Removal of 5% condition for compassionate appointment – everything stands rejected.

Regarding Postal employees none of the 39 demands raised by Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) is settled. Three lakhs GDS are still not included in the 7th CPC and their future is uncertain, Revision of wages of Casual, Part-time, contingent employees with effect from 01-01-2006 is pending before the Government from 2008 onwards. Cadre Restructuring, issues of Postmaster Cadre, Accountants, System Administrators, MMS etc. all pending or rejected.

It is in the above background the Central Trade Unions, JCM National Council staff-side, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers and Postal JCA has decided to organise following agitational programmes.

1. As a part of nation-wide agitation by all Central Trade Unions including BMS, INTUC, HMS, AITUC, CITU etc. has decided to organise Parliament March on 5th December, 2014 to protest against the anti-people, anti-labour policies of the NDA Government. In the march they will declare future struggle programmes.

2. All the organisations in the JCM National Council (Staff side) including Railways, Defence and Confederation has decided to organise a National Convention on 11th December, 2014 to decide future course of action for realisation of the legitimate demands of the Central Government employees.

3. Postal JCA comprising NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and NUGDS has decided to organise a massive Parliament March of 20000 Postal& RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-Time, Contingent employees on 4th December, 2014 demanding settlement of 39 point charter of demands. PJCA has decided to go for indefinite strike.

NFPE calls upon the entirety of five lakhs Postal employees to participate in all the above programmes and make it a grand success. Let us pledge that we shall continue our struggle till success.

Source : http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/2014/12/editorial-postal-crusader-december-2014.html

Expected DA from Jan 2015 – Almost confirmed 6% increase

Expected Dearness Allowance from January 2015 for Central Govt Employees and Pensioners, almost confirmed 6% increase…
Expected DA from Jan 2015 is on fourth step, no change in the index of CPI(IW) for the month of October 2014, stands at 253 only.

Increase in Dearness allowance for Central Govt employees and Pensioners from Jan 2015 is likely to be 6% and the total Dearness allowance will go up to 113%.

When comparing with previous instalments of additional DA, this is some what low. In July 2013 and Jan 2014, both the installments was in double digit.

After this DA, there will be only another instalment in July 2015 which is the last instalment of additional DA in Sixth Pay Commission. And the first installment for the year 2016, the DA calculation may be change with the recommendations of 7th CPC.

The below table describes the position of AICPIN with DA Calculation…


AICPIN for the Month of October 2014 – Labour Bureau Press Release

Press Release has been published by Labour Bureau today regarding the statistics of Consumer Price Index, particularly for the calculation of Dearness allowance issued to the employees working under Central Government…
No. 5/1/2014- CPI
DATED: the 28th November, 2014
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – October, 2014

The All-India CPI-1W for October, 2014 remained stationary at 253 (twohundred and fifty three). On 1-month percentage change. it remained static between September, 2014 and October, 2014 when compared with the rise of 1.26 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

The largest upward pressure to the change in current index came from Miscellaneous group contributing (+) 0.28 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Wheat, Wheat Atta, Arhar Dal, Potato. Green Coriander Leaves, Lemon, Guava, Tea (Readymade). Snack Saltish, Cigarette. Firewood, Primary & Secondary School Fee, Private Tuition Fee, Toilet Soap, Tailoring Charges. etc. are responsible
for the increase in index. However, this increase was restricted to some extent by Coconut Oil, Onion. Apple. Banana. Cauliflower, Gowar Phali, Tomato. Sugar, Medicine (Allopathie). Petrol. etc.. putting downward pressure on the index.

The year-on-year inflation measured by monthly CPI-1W stood at 4.98 per cent for October, 2014 as compared to 6.30 per cent for the previous month and 11.06 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly the Food inflation stood at 4.48 per cent against 6.46 per cent of the previous month and 15.02 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level, Munger Jamalpur reported an increase of 12 points followed by Goa (11 points), Srinagar (7 points), Giridih and Sholapur (5 points each) and Coonoor (4 points). Among others, 3 points rise was observed in 10 centres, 2 points in 9 centres and 1 point in 5 centres. On the contrary, Chhindwara recorded a decrease of 5 points. Among others, 3 points fall was registered in 5 centres, 2 points in 5 centres and 1 point in 16 centres. Rest of the 21 centres’ indices remained stationary.

The indices of 37 centres are above and other 41 centres’ indices are below national average.
The next index of CPI-IW for the month of November, 2014 will be released on Wednesday, 31 December, 2014. The same will also be available on the office website www .Iabourbureau.gov. in.

Restriction on third party ATM withdrawal

Restriction on third party ATM withdrawal

While answering to a question in Parliament on 25th Nov 2014 regarding the reduction of number of free withdrawals from other banks ATMs. The Minister of State for Finance Shri Jayant Sinha said, the decision was taken by Reserve Bank of India in view of the Indian Banks’ Association’s plea for removal of free transactions at other banks ATMs at metro centres.

“Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued directives to Banks under Section 10(2) read with Section 18 of Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007), that the number of mandatory free transactions for savings bank account customers at other banks’ ATMs is reduced from the present five to three transactions per month (inclusive of both financial and non-financial transactions) for transactions done at the ATMs located in the six metro centres, viz. Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The banks can offer more than three free transactions at other bank ATMs to their account-holders.

The decision was taken by Reserve Bank of India in view of the Indian Banks’ Association’s plea for removal of free transactions at other banks ATMs at metro centres and other large townships in the country in view of the growing cost of ATM deployment and maintenance incurred by banks on the one hand as well as the rising interchange out-go due to these free transactions”.

Ceiling limit for purchasing goods in CSD canteens

Ceiling limit for purchasing goods in CSD canteens

Yes, there is ceiling for purchasing grocery items in CSD Canteens for all categories card holders.
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) Canteens, which is familiar to known as Military Canteens, every card holder can only purchase within the limit and minimum of Rs.3500 per month. This topic discussed in Parliament today, Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar said in a written reply to a question regarding this subject as follows…

“Ceiling for purchasing goods in military canteens has been prescribed taking into account the budgetary allocation to the Canteen Stores Department (CSD) by the Government, actual need / requirement of the individual and their purchasing power. For ceiling purpose the officials have been divided into 5 categories as mentioned under :-

Rank Category – Grocery Limit – Firm Limit – Liquor Limit

(i) Lt Gen & above & equivalent 7,500 – 95,000 – 14
(ii) Brig to Maj Gen & equivalent 7,500 – 95,000 – 12
(iii) Lt to Col & equivalent 7,500 – 95,000 – 10
(iv) JCOs & equivalent 5,000 – 65,000 – 07
(v) Sep to Hav & equivalent 3,500 – 40,000 – 05

The ceiling was revised on 21st August 2006 and again on 27th October 2008 to be effective from 1st January 2009. At present no change in the ceiling limit is proposed.

No CSD Canteen Facility for Para Military(CAPF) personnel

Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facility is applicable to serving and retired personnel of Defence Forces and not to Para-Military

Hon’ble Member Shri Bashistha Narain Singh asked in Parliament yesterday about the eligibility of CSD Canteen facility for retired Para Military (CAPF) Personnel in Rohru and he also questioned that any proposal to open CSD Canteens in Rohru, Shimla(HP) .

The Minister of State for Home Affairs Shri Kiren Rijiju replied in written form in Parliament as follows…
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facility is applicable to serving and retired personnel of Defence Forces and not to Para-Military [now Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs)] personnel.
However, on the lines of CSD, the government has launched a Central Police Canteen (CPC) System on 18/09/2006 for the serving/retired CAPF personnel and their families.

As on date, in Himachal Pradesh, 02 Master Canteens (MCs) and 17 Subsidiary Canteens (SCs) are functioning. Out of these, 01 Master Canteen and 08 Subsidiary Canteens are functioning in the Shimla District. All serving/retired CAPF personnel and their families can avail CPC facilities from any CPC”.

Biometric Attendance System – Are the Central Government Employees Supporting or Opposing It?

BIOMETRIC ATTENDANCE SYSTEM is the procedure of registering the attendance by placing the thumb imprint on a machine which captures the imprint and records the time of entry or exit from the office. In the moderate scheme, the employee has to manually enter his/her 6-digit Aadhaar number and then confirm his/her identity by fingerprint and iris-scan.

Biometric Attendance System – Are the Central Government Employees Supporting or Opposing It?

On the 21st of last month, the DOPT issued an order announcing its decision to implement the new biometric attendance system linking the employee’s Aadhaar number with his/her attendance. This system, according to the order, was to soon be implemented in offices of all the Central Government departments and their various agencies.

It is well known that the system has already been implemented in all the Government-run offices in New Delhi. The order says that the system will be implemented completely before the end of this year. And, before January 26, 2015, the scheme will be expanded to other regions of the country.

BIOMETRIC ATTENDANCE SYSTEM is the procedure of registering the attendance by placing the thumb imprint on a machine which captures the imprint and records the time of entry or exit from the office. In the moderate scheme, the employee has to manually enter his/her 6-digit Aadhaar number and then confirm his/her identity by fingerprint and iris-scan.

How do the Central Government employees feel about this new system that has become the talk of the town?

As far as we could see, about 95% of the employees are not greatly affected or troubled by this new system.
Once in a while, employees tend to be late to work due to unavoidable reasons like unexpected traffic hurdles or they might have to go out for their personal work during office hours. There is no denying these facts. But the system is a major irritation for those who are habitually late to work and go out on personal business during office hours. The change of system has hardly produced any reaction from those who are regular and on time at work.

But, there are no answers to the questions raised by employees who are forced to stay back to complete their work.

Source: www.employeesnews.in

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