A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Dispensing with the requirement of submission of physical application form in case of NPS account being opened on Aadhaar verification followed by e-Signature

B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan Qutab Institutional Area,
Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016
Phone : 011-26517503
Fax: 011-26517507
Website : www.pfrda.org.in

Dispensing with the requirement of submission of physical application form in case of NPS account being opened on Aadhaar verification followed by e-Signature

15 December 2016
All Stakeholders in the National Pension System

Subject: Dispensing with the requirement of submission of physical application form in case of NPS account being opened on Aadhaar verification followed by e-Signature

1. PFRDA vide circular no. PFRDA/2013/18/PDEX/11 dated 24th October 2013 has allowed acceptance of e-KYC as a valid process for KYC verification in addition to the other allowed valid documents of Identity and address for KYC verification.

2. The Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015 has been notified on 27th January 2015. As per the rule the Electronic Signatures facilitated through eSign -Online Electronic Signature Service is legally valid provided the eSign signature framework is operated under the provisions of Second Schedule of the Information Technology Act and Guidelines issued by the Controller of Certifying Authorities. E-authentication technique using Aadhhar e-KYC services is legally valid authentication.

3. It has now been decided by PFRDA that in case the POPs integrate the eSign-online electronic signature service, within their applications for online account opening for NPS, the requirement of sending the physical application form to the Central Record keeping Agency by the subscribers/Points-of Presence shall be dispensed with.

4. The Points-of-Presence shall be allowed to charge a maximum of Rs.5/- plus service tax and cess thereon per application for the e-Signature service being provided to the subscribers.

5. In case of account opened through eKYC, the Points of presence will send the soft copy of the application form (along with the supporting documents, if any) to the Central Record keeping Agency.

6. The Points-of-Presence shall adhere to the requirement of submission of KYC details of the subscribers to CERSAI.

7. With the application of the eSign facility, a large number of the subscribers having Aadhaar number will be able to open NPS account without any physical document requirement.
This is being issued in the interest of the subscribers under National Pension System.

Yours faithfully,
(Akhilesk Kumar)
Deputy General Manager
Download PFRDA Circular PFRDA/2016/25/PD/1 dated 15.12.2016

Fixation of pay of re-employed Pensioners-Treatment of Military Service Pay

Fixation of pay of re-employed Pensioners-Treatment of Military Service Pay
RBE No.153/2016
Government of India
Ministry Of Railways
Railway Board
No.E(G)2013/EM 1-5
New Delhi, Dated 15-12-2016
The General Managers
All Zonal Railways and PUs etc.
(as per Standard list)

Subject: Fixation of pay of re-employed Pensioners-Treatment of Military Service Pay

Attention is invited to instructions contained in DOP&T’s OM No.3/19/2009-Estt: Pay-II dated 8/11/2010 on the above subject which was circulated to the Railways for implementaion vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)/2013/EM 1/4 dated 24/7/2013.

However, Federation (NFIR) has pointed out that aforesaid instructions are not being complied with by the Zonal Railways/PUs etc.

Therefore, Board desire that the aforesaid instructions should be complied with strictly while fixing the pay of ex-servicemen who are re-employed ont he Zonal Railways/PUs etc.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Source: NFIR

Discontinuance of Festival Advance on the recommendation of 7th CPC

Discontinuance of Festival Advance on the recommendation of 7th CPC

RBE No. 147/2016
No. 2016/E {LL}/FA/1
New Delhi,dated: 14·12.2016
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE, Metro Railway,
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow
The Director General, National Academy of Indian Railway, Vadodara.
The Director; IRICEN/ Pune. IRIEE/Nasik Road, IRIMEE/Jamalpur,
IRISET, Secunderabad,IRITM, Lucknow.

The Chairman, RRBs, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Patna, Muzaffarpur, Malda, Secunderabad, Ranchi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Gorakhpur, Bhopal, Chennai.
The Pay, Accounts Officer, Railway Board.

Sub: Discontinuance of Festival Advance on the recommendation of 7th CPC.

Seventh Central Pay Commission has recommended that all interest free advances including Festival Advance being granted to the Central Government employees should be abolished.

2. The above recommendation has been considered and accepted in consultation with Pay Commission and Finance Directorates of Railway Board, Hence, it has been decided not to grant Festival Advance to Railway employees with immediate effect.

3. This issues with the concurrence. of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Necessary correction of Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-1 shall follow.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(D.V. Rao)
Director Estt. (LL)
Source : http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/

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