A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 4 August 2014

Expected DA July 2014 – Finally it concludes at 7%

Expected DA July 2014 – Finally it concludes at 7%
As anticipated by all, the expected DA from July 2014 concluded at 7%.
With the announcement of the AICPI(IW) points for the month of June, the calculation of the additional dearness allowance for central government employees and pensioners from July onwards have ended. The percentage of Dearness allowance and Dearness relief to be paid from July 2014 will be increased by 7%.
Based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission, in order to meet the rising expenses of essential commodities and inflation, dearness allowance is given twice every year to the central government employees – from January to June and from July to December – calculated on the basis of the All India Consumer Price Index of Industrial Workers Base Year 2001=100.

The most recently released AICPIN points for the month of June have increased by two and now stands at 246. Since the AICPIN points have increased by two, the dearness allowance percentage arrived at 107.25, is to be calculated, after ignoring the decimal points, as 7%. This will be officially announced by the Central Government after approval of Unionn Cabinet committee in the month of September.

The last two installments, 10% dearness allowance was being paid to the employees. Many wonder why it has come down to 7% this time. There are two main reasons for this, one is AICPIN points, and another is the method of calculating DA. One has to also keep in mind the fact that dearness allowance of 10% was also given based on the same calculations.

The fact is, the next two additional dearness allowances (Expected DA from January 2015, and expected DA from July 2015) are not likely to cross 5%.

The method of calculating dearness allowance is given in detail in the table below:


Source: CGEN.in

Estimated sanctioned and actual strength of Civilian Employees (Group-wise) in the Central Government

Estimated sanctioned and actual strength of Civilian Employees (Group-wise) in the Central Government
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
01-August-2014 17:05 IST

Sanctioned and Acutal Strength of Employees in Central Government; 30,84,530 Civilian Employees in Position

As per the information available, the estimated sanctioned and actual strength of Civilian Employees (Group-wise) in the Central Government is:

Group-wise number of sanctioned posts Number in position
A(G) 100869 87960
B(G) 86840 76724
B (N.G) 144454 113477
C (N.G) 3352380 2806396
Total 3684543 3084530

In view of the prevailing economic scenario and in order to promote fiscal discipline, Government of India has issued Economy instructions which, inter alia, impose a ban on creation of new posts. However, proposals for creation of posts are examined/concurred to in the Ministry on case to case basis if supported by adequate functional justification. All Ministries/Departments are required to review their vacancies vis-a-vis the work load regularly to take necessary steps for filing up vacancies as per their requirements subject to extant guidelines and rules on the matter. This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

Merger of the Posts of Assistant and Officer Superintendent in NSSO (FOD)-Regarding.

Merger of the Posts of Assistant and Officer Superintendent in NSSO (FOD)-Regarding.

No. A-11011/7/2013-Ad.III
Government of India
Ministry of Statistics & P I

Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated 31/7/2014

Subject: Merger of the Posts of Assistant and Officer Superintendent in NSSO (FOD)-Regarding.

The Undersigned is directed to refer to FOD’s Note No. A-12034/22/2009-E.III dated 9.9.2013 and Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure’s U.O No. 41(1)/E.III B/2014 dated 15/07/2014(copy enclosed for ready reference) and as per provisions laid down in Part B of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 on the subject mentioned above and to convey the approval of the Competent Authority for merging the posts of Assistant (Group B Non- Gazetted) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5000-150-8000/ and Office Superintendent (Group B Gazetted) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000/ and re-designate them as  Assistant in the Pay Band i.e. Rs. 9300-34800/ with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in FOD.

2. As regards the supernumerary posts is concerned FOD may send a separate proposal for creation of supernumerary posts in a self contained note with full justification alongwith all supporting documents and in accordance with the provisions of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. F/8(4)-E.G.I/     61 dated 15th March, 1961.
(S.K. Roy)
Under Secretary to the Government of India,
Tele 23363008

The Additional Director General, National Sample Survey Office, (Field Operations Division) East Block No. 6, Level 4&7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi

Copy to:

Source: http://aiamshq.blogspot.in/

 No. A-11011/7/2013-Ad.III
Government of India
Ministry of Statistics & P I
Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated 31/7/2014


Subject: Merger of the Posts of Assistant and Officer Superintendent in NSSO (FOD)-Regarding.

The Undersigned is directed to refer to FOD’s Note No. A-12034/22/2009-E.III dated 9.9.2013 and Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure’s U.O No. 41(1)/E.III B/2014 dated 15/07/2014(copy enclosed for ready reference) and as per provisions laid down in Part B of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 on the subject mentioned above and to convey the approval of the Competent Authority for merging the posts of Assistant (Group B Non- Gazetted) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5000-150-8000/ and Office Superintendent (Group B Gazetted) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000/ and re-designate them as  Assistant in the Pay Band i.e. Rs. 9300-34800/ with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in FOD.

2. As regards the supernumerary posts is concerned FOD may send a separate proposal for creation of supernumerary posts in a self contained note with full justification alongwith all supporting documents and in accordance with the provisions of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. F/8(4)-E.G.I/     61 dated 15th March, 1961.

(S.K. Roy)
Under Secretary to the Government of India,
Tele 23363008

The Additional Director General, National Sample Survey Office, (Field Operations Division) East Block No. 6, Level 4&7, R.K. Puram, New Delhi

Copy to:
Source: http://aiamshq.blogspot.in/

Biometric Attendance to be implemented soon

Biometric Attendance to be implemented soon

Soon all ministries and central departments will get biometric attendance system, which will be linked with Adhaar number of each employees.

Sources said that the entire project across all departments will be implemented by National Informatics Centre (NIC) and an order will be issued soon. Though at present, quite a few central offices have installed biometric attendance, the need to link it to Adhaar is being done to ensure that the employees cannot do any fraud to mark their attendance.

“This additional provision will ensure that the genuine employee is recording attendance while coming to office and when he clocks out,”said a government source.

Following recent surprise checks by two central ministers – Venkaiah Naidu and Prakash Javedekar – when they detected huge number of late comers, they had directed installation of biometric system so that there is proper record of when the employees reached office and when they left for the day.

Biometric attendance system is a foolproof technology to ensure the accuracy of attendance and is useful to big organizations and government entities. What makes a biometric time clock one of the best time and attendance systems is that it has a biometric fingerprint scanner built in that is much more accurate in time keeping that a time card or time sheets because employees can’t clock in other employees.

Source: Times of India

Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations emganelled under CGHS

Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations emganelled under CGHS

No: S.11045/36/2012/CGHS (HEC) (Pt.)
Government of India
Directorate General Of Central Govt. Health Scheme

 Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110108, dated the 31st July, 2014

O F F I C E   O R D E R
Subject: Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations emganelled under CGHS.

Attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum issued earlier extending validity of empanelment of all health care organizations under CGHS till 31st July, 2014.

2. It has now been decided to extend the validity of empanelment of all health care organizations already empanelled under CGHS, for a further period of, one month i.e. till 31st August, 2014 or till finalization of next empanelment process, whichever is earlier on’ same terms and conditions as defined in OM on which they were empanelled earlier.

[Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Verma]
Director (CGHS)


Extension of working hours of Central Government employees

Extension of working hours of Central Government employees

While answering to a question in Rajya Sabha, Minister Shri Jitendra Singh said there is no proposal to extend the working hours beyond 40 hours a week for Government employees by making each or alternate Saturday a working day or sticking to the present 5 days week system with extended daily work hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

And he also said, the 6th CPC had recommended continuation of the five day week with 40 hours of working in the offices of the Central Government.



INDWF submitted a separate memorandum to 7th Pay Commission on the service matters of Defence Civilians Employees on 30th July 2014.


INDWF/7th CPC/Memorandum/002/2014


Member Secretary,
VII Central Pay Commission,
New Delhi

Sub: Forwarding the memorandum to 7th Central Pay Commission by INDWF.
Sir, Indian National Defence Workers Federation being one of the constituent Federation of National Council (JCM), the Staff Side members of the Standing Council jointly prepared a memorandum in respect of Pay and Allowances as well as Retirement benefits. The same was submitted by the Secretary, Staff Side National Council (JCM) which was endorsed by INDWF and other constituent organisations.

We on behalf of INDWF have prepared a memorandum in respect of issues relevant of the Defence Civilian Employees other than Pay and Allowances and Retirement benefits, our memorandum pertaining to Defence Civilian employees is enclosed for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary

Click to view the memorandum…

Source : INDWF

Click to view the image of proposed pay scales for Admin Staff…
Click to view the image of proposed pay scales for Industrial Staff…

One Rank One Pension

One Rank One Pension

The principle of One Rank One Pension for the Armed Forces has been accepted by the Government. The modalities for implementation were discussed with various stakeholders and are presently under consideration of the Government. It will be implemented once the modalities are approved by the Government.

There is a Pension Grievances Cell in the Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to attend to grievances of the Ex-servicemen (ESM). Pension grievances received manually are being processed with the concerned offices. In addition, an online grievance redressal mechanism under the Centralised Public Grievances Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), developed by Department of Administrative Reforms, is also in operation through which the grievances received from ESM are being processed and replied electronically.

Further, there are Veteran Cells / Grievance Cells in Service Hqrs, Office of Controller General of Defence Accounts and Office of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Allahabad respectively. Defence Pension Adalats are also being organised at six locations every year to settle the grievances of ESM pensioners on the spot.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply to Maj. General (Retd.) BC Khanduri in Lok Sabha today.

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