A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Showing posts with label Central Trade Unions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Trade Unions. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Central Trade Unions decides to observe All India Protest Day on 15th March 2018

Central Trade Unions decides to observe All India Protest Day on 15th March 2018

The meeting of the Central Trade Unions held on 22nd February 2018 at INTUC Office New Delhi expressed indignation and strongly condemned the Government of the day for their intensified attack on the lives and livelihood of the people and seriously compromising the national interest.

Attack on working class centering around dismantling labour laws designed to completely casualise employment conditions through various routes like amending Contract Labour Act, introducing Fixed Term Employment etc has assumed aggressive height. Further it is noted that the Government is out to erase the public sector from the industrial map of the country. Specific cases of attack on privatization of railways, opening coal mining to private and foreign companies without any restriction whatsoever, mass scale privatization as well as destruction of defence production network through widespread outsourcing, thereby dismantling the almost half of the ordinance factories are some of the examples of the gross anti-people and anti-national actions of the Govt. Accumulation of huge non-performing assets of the public sector banks arising out of pilferage of bank-funds by deliberately defaulting private corporate coupled with recent explosion of frauds with bank fund engineered by the same corporate class is also a reflection of the anti-national act of the Govt indulging and patronizing the same big-business class.

The Central Trade Unions reiterated their utter condemnation against the Union Budget 2018-19 which is basically anti-worker and anti-people in character and engineered a deception on the mass of the people through loud populist slogans without actually making any resource allocation.
The Central Trade Unions denounced the Govt of India’s surreptitious move in postponing the 47th session of Indian Labour Conference, thereby reducing tripartism to a mockery.

CTUOs noted with satisfaction the surging struggles by the working people in different sectors throughout the country, both organised and unorganized.

The workers and federations of coal and transport have been preparing for united industry wide actions to be undertaken shortly. All the Federations of Defence Production workers have jointly decided to go in for nationwide strike on 15th March 2018. Many more sectoral actions are in the offing.

The CTUOs while reiterating their resolve to intensify preparation for indefinite strike in the days to come, calls upon all their constituents and working people in general irrespective of affiliations to jointly observe

  • In solidarity with the striking Defence Production workers against anti-national privatization move
  • Against the Anti-people Deceptive Union Budget 2018-19.
The CTUOs will meet shortly after 15th March 2018 to decide their next course of united countrywide action.
Source : Confederationhq

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Released in the Press Conference of CTUOs held on 31st August 2016 at Press Club, New Delhi Press Communique

Released in the Press Conference of CTUOs held on 31st August 2016 at Press Club, New Delhi
Press Communique
31st August 2016

Central Trade Unions Reiterate countrywide General Strike on 2nd Sept, 2016 Group of Ministers (GOM) Announcement an eyewash

The Central Trade Unions reiterate the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2016 against the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Govt. in view of utterly unresponsive and undemocratic attitude of the Govt. The CTUs view the announcements made by Committee of Ministers as an eyewash and decide to go ahead with the Strike. Meagre raise in minimum wage to Rs.9100/- per month in central sphere is not binding on the States.

The CTUOs expressed dismay over utterly negative attitude of the Govt. towards basic demands of the workers on minimum wages as per consensus formulation of the Indian Labour Conference, on universal social security including pension for all workers including those in unorganised sector, against mass scale contractorisation of permanent and perennial work, against onslaught on basic rights of the workers through so called labour-law-reforms through various state governments and also by the centre in the background of large scale violation of labour laws being promoted by both the central govt and also many state govts, desperate move for privatisation/disinvestment of strategic and sensitive public sector units, and promoting limitless FDI in sensitive sectors like Defence, Railways, Banks, Insurance, Retail and Pharmaceuticals etc. which is also against the interest of the national economy.

The CTUOs made it clear that the desperate bid of the Govt for changing the labour laws both through central and many state govts is basically designed to throw even the overwhelming majority of the organised sector workers out of the coverage and purview of all basic labour laws which would render all other rights and benefits of the working people virtually meaningless.

The CTUOs also noted with dismay that the Govt while making public statement on being positive on the demands of the workers, has actually been actively pushing through executive measures, one after another, just in the opposite direction, against the interest of the working people in the grab of ensuring so called “else of doing business”. All these proactive initiatives militate against the basic interests and rights of the working people. Even the non-striking Central Trade Union also officially recorded its opposition.

The CTUOs expressed satisfaction over the increasing response by the workers throughout the country to the call for united action. The strike is going to be complete in industrial sectors such as transport, financial, power, coal, textile, automobile, port and dock, steel, oil, defence production, scheme, education etc.
sectors and Central and State Govts. employees. In some states it is going to be bandh like situation.

It is unfortunate that during the past one year, the Group of Ministers appointed for discussion with the CTUOs on 12 point charter has not convened even a single meeting but has been only talking to BMS which has not joined the strike call. The CTUOs denounce such undemocratic bias of the Govt.

The CTUOs condemn the move of the central govt to divide the workers in the face of ongoing strike campaign and create confusion through making misleading statements on its so called positive attitude on workers’ demands both directly and through their various agencies and allies.

While expressing confidence that such dubious action to divide the workers will not succeed, the CTUOs appeal to the working people of the country irrespective of affiliations to further widen their unity and unitedly combat the anti-worker, anti-people policies of the Govt through making the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2016 a total success.

And independent federations of Workers/Employees.

Source http://confederationhq.blogspot.in

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

All India General Strike by Central Trade Unions – 2nd September, 2016

All India General Strike by Central Trade Unions – 2nd September, 2016

Dated : 02/08/2016
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Sub: All India General Strike by Central Trade Unions – 2nd September, 2016 – reg.

The INTUC and other Central Trade Unions in the country have decided to go on One Day General Strike on 2nd September 2016 on 12 Points Charter of Demands submitted to the Central Government as below:-

1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wage of not less than Rs. 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than 3000 p.m. for the entire working population (including unorganized sector workers).
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/state Public Sector undertakings.
8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of gratuity.
10. Compulsory registration of Trade Unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO conventions C-87 and C-98.
11. No. FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.
12. No unilateral amendment to labour laws.

In support of one day General Strike, the NFIR affiliates are called upon “to hold demonstrations and rallies throughout the lndian Railways” on 2nd September 2016. A report in this regard should be sent to the Federation latest by 7th September 2016.
Yours fraternally,
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

Thursday, 28 July 2016

12 Point Charter of Demands – General Strike 02/09/2016

12 Point Charter of Demands – General Strike 02/09/2016

2016 September 2nd General Strike 12 Point Charter of Demands of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions submitted to government:


1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.

2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

4. Universal social security cover for all workers.

5. Minimum wage of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).

6. Assured enhanced pension not less than 3000 p.m for the entire working population (including unorganized sector workers).

7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/state public sector undertakings.

8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and similar work.

9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of gratuity.

10.Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO conventions C-87 and C-98.

11.No FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.

12.No unilateral amendment to labour laws.


Demand of the Central Govt. Employees

1. Avoid delay in implementing the assurances given by Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30th June 2016, especially increase in minimum pay a fitment formula. Implement the assurance in a time bound manner.

2. Settle issues raised by the NJCA, regarding modifications of the 7th CPC recommendations, submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015.

3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant Pension/Family Pension to all Central Government employees under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.

4. No privatization, outsourcing, contractorisation of Government functions.

5. (i) Treat Gramin Dak Sevaks as Civil Servants and extend all benefits on pay, pension and allowances of departmental employees.
(ii) Regularise casual, contract, contingent and daily rated workers and grant equal pay and other benefits.
6. Fill up all vacant posts by special recruitment. Lift ban on creation of new posts.

7. Remove ceiling on compassionate appointments.

8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act amendment 2015 on enhancement of payment ceiling to the Adhoc bonus/PLB of Central Govt. employees with effect from the financial years 2014-15. Ensure payment of revised bonus before Pooja holidays.

9. Revive JCM functioning at all levels.



The Joint platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) of the Country along with Independent National Federations of employees of different industries and services including Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, have decided to organize All India General Strike on 2nd September 2016, against the anti-people, anti-workers policies and authoritarian attitude of the NDA Government. Intensive campaign and preparation to make the general strike a resounding historical success is going on in full swing throughout the country. The attitude of the NDA Government is profoundly negative and hugely challenging to the working class including Central Govt. employees. The issues in the Charter of demands submitted by the Trade Unions to the Govt. relate to basic interest of the country’s economy and also issues concerning the livelihood of the working people of both organized and unorganized sectors.
Govt. has not taken any meaningful step to curb price rise of essential commodities and to generate employment except making tall baseless claims. Govt. is mysteriously silent on the question of retrieving the black money stashed abroad and recovering lakhs of crores of rupees of bad debts of public sector banks. Whole range of social security measures are under severe attacks including the pension of post — 2004 entrants in Central Govt. Services. Govt. has launched atrocious attack of drastic cut in interest on small savings deposits. Totally ignoring the united opposition of the working class, the Govt. has been moving fast to demolish existing labour laws thereby empowering the employers with unfettered rights to “hire and fire” and stripping the workers and trade union of all their rights and protection provided in laws. Along With the peasantry and agri- labourers are also under severe attack. Attack on public sector has been pushed to unprecedented height with Govt. announcing mega strategic sale and also allowing unlimited FDI in strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and financial Sector as complimentary to the move of privatization and Public Private partnership etc. The anti-worker and authoritarian attitude of the Government is also nakedely reflected in their refusal to implement the consensus recommendations of 43rd, 44th and 45th Indian Labour Conference for formulations of minimum wages, equal wage and benefits of regular workers to the Contract workers.
The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Govt. has landed the entire national economy in distress and decline affecting the working people the most.

Central Govt. Employees worst affected:

The policy offensives of the Govt. like downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, corporatization and privatization has affected the Central Govt. departments and employees in a worst manner. Ban on creation of new posts and non-filling up of about six lakhs vacant posts had increased the work load of the existing employees and adversely affected the efficiency of the services. The New Pension Scheme (NPS) implemented with affect from 01.01.2004, is nothing but a “No Pension Scheme”, as it is fully dependent on the vagaries of share market forces. The Govt. is not ready to grant civil servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and to regularize the services of causal, contingent and contract workers. The 5% ceiling on compassionate appointment is not yet removed. The bonus ceiling enhancement from Rs.3500/- to Rs. 7000/- is not made applicable to Central Govt. Employees. Govt. is not ready to modify the 7th CPC recommendations, which is worst ever made by any pay commissions. The assurance given to the staff side regarding enhancement minimum pay and fitment formula is yet to be implemented. All other retrograde recommendations like reduction in the percentage of HRA, abolition of 52 allowances etc. are yet to be modified. Overall the attitude of the Modi Govt. is totally negative towards the Central Govt. employees and pensioners. The National Secretariat is of the firm opinion that unless the policy of the Govt. is changed, more attacks are likely to come on the Central Govt. employees and working class. To change the policy the united struggle of entire working class is required. It is in this background the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers has decided to join the General Strike along with other sections of the working class of our country.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Out of 12 Central Trade Unions, Seven Unions went on strike – PIB Report

Out of 12 Central Trade Unions, Seven Unions went on strike – PIB Report

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
02-September-2015 19:09 IST

Normal Life not Affected by Labour Unions’ Strike
Government Committed to Ensure Welfare of Workers

The impact of the strike call given by some of the Central Trade Unions has not been felt much in the most parts of the country as per information received from all over the country.

The situation remained, by and large, normal and peaceful across the country. Most of the employees attended their offices. Trains, buses, auto rickshaws, lorries plied as usual. There has been minimal effect in banking, coal, major ports & defence production units. The essential services functioned more or less normally.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee constituted by the Prime Minister had held several rounds of meetings with the representatives of Central Trade Unions to discuss their demands. The Government is positive on many of their demands without any pressure and expressed its commitment to ensure the welfare of workers.

Out of 12 Central Trade Unions, two Unions did not join the strike, three Unions remained neutral and seven Unions went on strike. It indicates that the workers want to settle their demands through the dialogue and discussion.

The workers are in agreement with the Government and are looking forward to positive steps taken by the Government on nine of their twelve demands which will be met as per their aspirations.

Source: PIB News

CITU Salutes the Working Class of India for the Historic Strike On 2nd September 2015

CITU Salutes the Working Class of India for the Historic Strike On 2nd September 2015

Press Release
2nd September 2015

CITU Salutes the Working Class of India for the Historic Strike On 2nd September 2015

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions congratulates and salutes the working class of India for the unprecedented and historic strike today against the anti worker, anti people and anti national policies of the BJP led NDA government.

Over 15 crores workers employed in almost all the sectors of the country’s economy covering the organised and unorganised sectors, public and private sectors, the central and state government sectors and the scheme workers participated in this strike. Protest demonstrations, rasta roko and rail roko were held across the country in which thousands of workers participated.

Police was used on the workers in several states. The Trinamool government in West Bengal used the brutal force of its police as well as its goons to physically attack the workers on strike. In fact attack by Trinamool goons to foil the strike started at least three days before the strike date and during this period several processions and meetings for strike campaign in different places in the state were attacked, offices were ransacked and many activists were injured. On the day of the strike, police along with Trinamool goons carried on brutal attacks on the strikers and TU activists throughout the state severely injuring many of the activists including senior leaders. Workers and their leaders were arrested in several places in the state. Police resorted to severe lathi charge and arrests in many other states including Assam, Jammu and Kashmir etc. CITU congratulates the workers, particularly in West Bengal for heroically resisting these attacks and participating in the strike in a massive manner.

In many states, including West Bengal, Kerala, Tripura, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Telangana, Himachal Pradesh, many districts of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh etc the strike turned into a virtual bandh with road transport and normal activities coming to a grinding halt. The manufacturing activities in several industrial clusters across the country totally stopped due to the strike.

The unprecedented response to the strike reflects the anger and resentment of the workers against the attacks on their working and living conditions and the attempts to deny their basic justifys by amending the labour laws to benefit the national and multinational corporations. It reflects the anger at ignoring their basic demands that were being raised since the last several years. It also reflects the determination of the working class to fight back the nefarious design of the corporate-serving Govt at the centre to impose slavery on them through draconian changes in all labour laws. Through this strike the working class of India has warned the government that it was not going to take lying down the attacks on its basic justifys. It also warned the government that policies that mortgage the country to corporate interests, both foreign and domestic will not be tolerated.

The CITU extends its gratitude to the massive support and solidarity extended to the strike by various sections of the people including kisans, agricultural workers, adivasis etc.

CITU demands the government to scrap all the anti worker amendments to the labour laws and take immediate concrete action on all the demands raised by the joint trade union movement.

It calls upon the working class to further strengthen the unity at the grass root level and be prepared for more intense struggles if the government chooses to continue with its policies.

Issued by,
General Secretary
Source: Confederation

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Strike under reconsideration – Govt assured on Bonus, Minimum wage and Labour law issues

Proposed Strike on 2nd September under reconsideration – Govt assured on Bonus, Minimum wage and Labour law issues

Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands Appeals to Reconsider Proposed Call for Strike in View of Discussions

The Second meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) continued discussion on 12 Demands Charter of Trade Unions for the second day here today in continuation of discussions held yesterday. The Committee comprises Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, MoS(IC) Labour and Employment, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MOS(IC) Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Jitendra Singh, MoS DOPT, and Shri Piyush Goel, MoS (IC),Power. During the discussions Trade Unions expressed concern and asked for clarifications on their demands. Addressing their concerns and expectations, the Finance Minister explained policies on which the Government is working and assured that the Government is committed to welfare of labour. Underlining the importance of role of Trade Unions, Shri Jaitely assured the Central Trade Unions that all labour laws reforms will be done with due discussions and tripartite consultations.

In view of the discussions held in conducive and cordial atmosphere, the IMC appealed to Trade Unions to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 2nd September, 2015.The Trade Unions have agreed to consider the appeal.

In view of the suggestions given by Central Trade Unions in the meetings held on 19th July, 26th August and 27th August, 2015, the Government assured the following :
1. Appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.

2. For the purposes of bonus the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. Earlier in 2006-07 the calculation ceiling was decided at Rs.3500/- and eligibility limit was wage of Rs.10,000/- per month which is proposed to be revised to Rs.7,000 and Rs.21,000 respectively.

3. The Government is expanding the coverage of social security and working out ways to include construction workers, Aanganwari workers ,ASHA workers and Mid Day Meal workers..

4. Regarding contract workers the Government assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. Moreover, the Government is working out ways so that workers of industries will get sector specific minimum wages.

5. Government has already enhanced minimum pension for EPFO members and every pensioner gets minimum pension of Rs.1000/- per month perpetually.

6. Labour laws reforms will be based on tripartite consultations as already stated by the Prime Minister. The States are also being advised to follow the tripartite process.

7. For strict adherence to labour law enforcement, advisory has been issued to the State/UT Governments and strict monitoring has been initiated by Central Government.

8. For employment generation Mudra Yojana, Make in India, Skill India and National Career Service Portal initiatives have been taken.

9. Abolition of interviews for all primary jobs which do not require any special knowledge/expertise, is being done for transparency and expediting the process of recruitment.

10. Inflation is lowest in the last many years excepting two items onion and pulses. Government is taking necessary steps to contain the higher prices of these two commodities also.
It was further clarified that there is no ban on filling up of vacancies in Government jobs and all concerned Departments are taking necessary action to fill-up these vacancies. It was further assured that the Government is committed to job security, wages security and social security to the workers. The issue of equal wages for equal work for contract workers is an issue requiring wider consultations and a committee will be constituted, if required.

Source: PIB News

Monday, 20 July 2015

PM meets Trade Union Leaders

PM meets Trade Union Leaders

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today met leaders from various Trade Unions, over tea. The meeting followed extensive consultations that these leaders had with an inter-ministerial team headed by the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, earlier in the day.

The Prime Minister heard the views of the Trade Union leaders on various issues of interest to workers, including in areas related to economic policy, and related laws.

The Trade Unions represented at the meeting included AITUC, All India United Trade Union Centre, All India Central Council of Trade Unions, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, CITU, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, Hind Mazdoor Sangh, INTUC, Labour Progressive Federation, National Front of Indian Trade Unions, Self-Employed Women’s Association, Trade Union Coordination Centre, and United Trade Union Congress.

Union Ministers Shri Arun Jaitley, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Shri Piyush Goyal and Dr. Jitendra Singh were present at the meeting.

Source: PIB News

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

10 (+2) Points Charter of Demands of Central Trade Unions

10 (+2) Points Charter of Demands of Central Trade Unions
Minister of State for Labour & Employment (Independent Charge) writes to all Central trade unions with reference to the 10(+)2 Point Charter of Demands submitted by Trade Unions, that after consultation of Prime Minister he is detailed to discuss with the all trade unions. The Inter ministerial committee will held 2 day’s meeting after International Labour Conference organizing in June in Geneva. The text of MoS Labour & Employment (IC) is reproduced below:-
NEW DELHI – 110119
23rd May, 2015
All Central Trade Unions

This is with reference to the 10(+2) point charter of Demands submitted by Central Trade Unions to the Government on 24th June, 2014 and 15th September 2014.  In pursuance of the said demands, a meeting was held on 15th May, 2015 with the Central trade Unions, which was chaired by me alongwith Hon’ble Minister of State (IC) for Petroleum and Hon’ble Minister of State(IC) of Power.  Prior to the said meeting, a meeting was also held with all Central Trade Union along with Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance.
Consequent to the said meeting, I had met with Hon’ble prime Minister and informed him about the charter of demands and issues & concerns raised by the Trade Unions.  Hon’ble Prime Minister advised me that detailed discussions be held with all Central Trade Unions through a Committee of Ministers.  I am happy to announce that the Prime Minister Office has constituted a committee comprising of Finance Minister, Minister of State Independent Charge for Petroleum and Natural Gas an Minister of State Independent Charge for Power, Minister of State Prime Minister office and myself to address all issues raised by the Central Trade Unions.
We shall be visiting Geneva for the International Labour Conference in June and immediately after return from Geneva, we shall organize two days meeting with the Central Trade Unions to carry out threadbare discussions on each of the charter of demands given by the Unions.
I would like to reiterate that the amendments of labour laws are taken up only after detailed deliberations and discussions with the Central Trade Unions in the Tripartite meetings and the suggestions of the Trade Unions are given due consideration.  I am enclosing a copy of the press note being released by me which indicates action taken so far on the Charter of Demands.
In view of above, I would expect your full cooperation in the Government’s endeavor to achieve not only the twin objectives of transparency and accountability but also safe guard the interest of the workers.
Yours sincerely,
(Bandaru Dattatraya)
Encl. as above
The above letter was attached with NFIR’s undermentioned correspondence:-

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (lTF)
No.IV/NFIR/INTUC/Corres/Part. I
Dated: 28/05/2015
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR
Sub: 10 (+2) Points Charter of Demands of CentraI Trade Unions-reg.
The Government has constituted the Inter Ministerial Committee to hold threadbare discussions with representatives of Central Trade Unions on Charter of Demands and other issues:-

The Inter Ministerial Committee consists of the following:-

1. Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minster,
2. Shri Bandaru Dattatreya. Minister ofState (I/C) Labour & Employment,
3. Shri Dharmendra Pradhani Ministerial of State (I/C) for Petroleum & Natural Gas.
4. Shri Piyush Goel, Minister of State (I/C) for Power,
5. Dr. .Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in the Prime Minister Office.
The above is for information and necessary action.
Yours fraternally
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Thursday, 28 May 2015



The National Convention Calls upon the Central Trade Unions All India General Strike on 2nd September, 2015.


This National Convention of Workers being held under the banner of joint platform of all the Central Trade Unions of the country along with independent national federations of all sectors and service establishments expresses deep concern over anti worker, anti-people and pro-corporate actions of the present Govt. at the Centre in pursuance of the policy of the globalisation. During this period the Govt. has been over-busy in amending all labour laws to empower the employers with unfettered justifys to “hire and fire” and stripping the workers and trade unions of all their justifys and benefits besides aggressively pushing through almost unlimited FDI in strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and Financial Sector. Also, through sweeping changes in the existing Land Acquisition Act, farmers’ justify to land and agri-workers’ justify to livelihood are been sought to be drastically curbed and curtailed.

The Govts’ aim in aggressively pushing through sweeping changes in labour-laws is nothing but to push our overwhelming majority of workers out of the coverage of all labour laws and to drastically curb the trade union justifys. The CTUs had besides other issues raised the issue of strict enforcement of labour laws and universal social security but this Govt. is doing away with all justifys-components in all the labour laws aiming at creating conditions of bonded labour in all the workplaces. EPF and ESI schemes are proposed to be made optional which is also aimed at demolishing the PF and ESI schemes dismantling the basic social security structures available to the organized sector. And for the vast unorganized sector workers, old schemes are being repackaged and renamed, without providing for funds and implementation-machinery/network with a view to befool the people. The Govt. has not taken any step to curb price rise of essential commodities and to generate employment except making tall claims of containing inflation in the media. On universalising public distribution system, the Govt. is trying to scuttle it through Direct Benefit Transfer resulting further squeeze on the common people.

During the year with the support of the present Govt. various state governments have brought about drastic anti-workers changes in basic labour laws viz., Industrial Disputes Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, Factories Act and Apprenticeship Act, Trade Unions Act etc introducing “hire & fire”, throwing more than 71% of factories out of coverage of Factories Act and making all contractors employing up to 50 workers free from any obligation towards workers. The Central Govt. on its part has introduced amendments to Factories Act raising doubly the limit of workers for registration of factories, put in public domain the proposals for new Small Factories (Regulations of Service conditions) Bill which prescribes that major 14 labour laws will not apply to factories employing upto 40 workers. Labour Code on Wages Bill and Labour Code on Industrial Relations Bill which under the cover of amalgamation seek to make registration of unions almost impossible, making retrenchment and closure almost free for the employers class. These bills have been put in public domain without consulting the trade unions thereby violating the provisions of ILO Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation. Amendments have also been brought in EPF & MP Act and ESI Act to make it optional with a sinister design to finally demolish the two time-tested statutory schemes for the workers. The Prime Minister’s office has written to the Chief Secretaries of States to follow Rajasthan Model in labour laws. All these amendments are meant to exclude 90% of the workforce from application of labour laws thereby allowing the employers to further squeeze and exploit the workers.

The Convention also expresses dismay over the Govt’s total inaction in implementing the consensus recommendations of 43rd , 44th and 45th Indian Labour Conference of formulation of minimum wages, same wage and benefits as regular workers for the contract workers and granting status of workers with attendant benefit to those employed in various central govt schemes like anganwadi, mid-day-meal, ASHA, para-teachers etc. On the contrary, the Govt drastically curtailed budget allocations to all those centrally sponsored schemes meant poor peoples’ welfare. It is also noted with utter dismay that the present government is also continuing to ignore the twelve point demands of entire trade union movement pertaining to concrete action to be taken for containing price-rise and aggravating unemployment situation, for strict implementation of labour laws, halting mass scale unlawful contractorisation, ensuring minimum wages for all of not less than Rs 15000 per month with indexation and universal social security benefits and pension for all including the unorganized sector workers, etc. The demands also include compulsory registration of Trade Unions within 45 days and ratification of ILO Conventions 87 and 98. Even the legislations passed by Parliament on the issue of Street Vendors is not being implement appropriately.

The National Convention also denounced the retrograde move of the Govt. in hiking/allowing FDI in Defence, Insurance, Railways and other sectors and also its aggressive move for disinvestment in PSUs including Oil and financial sector aiming at total privatisation which will be detrimental to the interests of the national economy, national security as well as mass of the common people. The National Convention also condemned the sweeping change sought to be brought in Land Acquisition Act permitting forcible acquisition of land from the farmers and putting in jeopardy the livelihood of agricultural workers. It is disgusting to note that 147 workers of Maruti-Suzuki at Manesar are being forced to languish in Jail for more than two years on false and fabricated charges. It is unfortunate that even after the assurance of Prime Minister to revive the closed NOKIA Sriperumbudur unit, the recent decision to sell it out demonstrates Government approach to deny protection to workers. The coal sector has already been opened for commercial operations by private sector.

The Convention supports the decision of the constituents of JCM of Central Govt. employees to go for indefinite strike from 23rd November, 2015 and will decide at appropriate stage the form of solidarity action to be taken. The Convention also congratulates coal, postal, transport and telecom workers for their strike against policies of the Govt.

The Convention demands upon the Central Govt. to stop forthwith the process of making retrograde amendments to the labour laws. The Convention also demands immediate steps to implement the consensus recommendations of successive Indian Labour Conferences and also positive response to long pending demands of the entire trade union movement of the country. The Convention urges the Central Govt. to desist from mindless drive for disinvestment in CPSUs and liberalising FDI in defence, insurance, Railways etc. and the convention also condemns the Govt. move of corporatization of major ports and postal services etc. The Convention urges the Govt. to reverse the direction of the ongoing economic policy regime which has landed the entire national economy in distress and decline affecting the working people most.

The Convention calls upon all the trade unions, federations across the sectors to widen and consolidate the unity at the grass-root level and prepare for countrywide united movement to halt and resist the brazen anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Govt and in preparation to the same undertakes unanimously the following programme:
1) Joint conventions and campaigns during June-July in state, district and industry level wherever possible and taking initiative to involve common people in support of workers struggle

The National Convention calls upon the trade unions and working people irrespective of affiliations to unite and make the countrywide General Strike a massive success.
and All India Federations of Banks, Insurance, Defence, Railways, Central/State Govt.
Employees and other Services Establishments

Source: Confederation

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