7th CPC Revision of Pay of Scientists of ICAR
F. No. 1(4)/2017-Per.IV
Dated: March 27th, 2018
The Directors/Project Directors of ICAR Research
Institutes/N RC s/Project Directorates/Bureaux
:- Revision of Pay of Scientists of ICAR in light of
scheme of revision
of pay of teachers in Universities notified by MHRD
vide notification
dated 02.11.2017 following revision of pay scales of
Central Government
employees on recommendations of VIIth CPC.
am directed to state that Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (lCAR)
has decided to revise the pay scales of Scientists in
light of scheme
of revision of pay of teachers in Universities notified
by MHRD vide
notification No.1-7/2015-U.II(l) dated 02.11.2017
following revision of
pay scales of Central Government employees on the
recommendations of the
VIIth CPC. as accepted by the Government of India. The
revised pay
scales and other provisions are as under:
2. Revision of Pay Scales:
The revised pay scales shall be exactly similar to the
revised pay
scales given as per the M/o HRD letter dated 02.11.2017
strictly in
accordance with the equation between the existing pay
scales in case of
ICAR Scientists and the pay scales applicable to
teachers under the UGC
framework immediately before 01.01.2016. and no
deviation is allowed.
2.2 For fixation of pay of Scientists in the Pay Matrix
as on 01.01.2016. the existing pay (Pay in the Pay
Band plus RGP) in
the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be
multiplied by a
factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be
located in the
Research Level corresponding to the Scientists” Pay
Band and RGP in the
new Pay Matrix
(Annexure - I). If a Cell identical with the
figure so arrived at is
available in the appropriate Research Level. that Cell
shall be the
Revised Pay: otherwise the next higher Cell in that
Research Level shall
be the Revised Pay of the Scientist. If the figure
arrived at in this
manner is less than the first Cell in that Research
Level. then the Pay
shall be fixed at the first Cell of that Research
If a
situation arises whenever more than two stages are
bunched together. one
additional increment equal to 3% may be given for
every two stages
bunched. and pay fixed in the subsequent Cell in the
Pay Matrix.
2.3 The revised pay scales are as under:
Implementation Date:
The date of implementation of the above revised pay
shall be 1st January 2016.
Incentives for higher
incentive structure is built-in in the pay structure
itself wherein
those having M.Phil or PhD. degree or other higher
qualifications will
progress faster under CAS. Therefore. there shall be no
incentives in
the form of advance increments for obtaining the
degrees of M.Phil or
PhD or other higher qualifications.
Date of Increment:
The annual increments to each scientist would move up
in the same
Research Level. with a scientist moving from the
existing Cell in the
Research Level to the immediate next Cell in the same
Research Level
There shall be two dates for grant of increments
namely. 1st January
and 1st July of every year. instead of existing date of
151 July.
provided that a scientist shall be entitled to only one
annual increment
on either one of these two dates depending on the date
of appointment
or assessment promotion.
Fixation of Pay on Promotion:
When an individual gets a promotion. his/her new pay on
promotion would be fixed in the Pay Matrix as
promotion. the scientist would be given a notional
increment in his
existing Research Level of Pay. by moving him/her to
the next higher
Cell at that level. The pay shown in this Cell would
now be located in
the new Research Level corresponding to the post to
which he/she has
been promoted. If a Cell identical with that pay is
available in the new
level, that Cell shall be the new pay; otherwise the
next higher Cell
in that level shall be the new pay of the scientist. If
the pay arrived
at in this manner is less than the first Cell in the
new level. then the
pay shall be fixed at the first Cell of that level.
Allowances for Scientists in
per Deptt. of Expenditure. Ministry of Finance ID Note
No. 1(6)/E.III
B/2017 dated 20.03.2018, revision of allowances
including NPA shall not
be made at present. and the same would be taken up for
only after allowances are revised by M/o HRD in case of
teachers of Universities/Colleges under UGC framework.
Therefore, all allowances
will continue to be paid at the existing pay structure.
as if. the pay
had not been revised with effect from 01.01.2016.
Age of Superannuation:
The existing age of superannuation of ICAR scientist is
62 years and the same will continue.
9. 30% of the additional financial impact would be met
by ICAR from its own resources.
An undertaking shall be taken from every employee to
the effect that
any excess payment made on account of incorrect
fixation of pay in the
revised Research Pay Level or grant of inappropriate
Research Pay Level
and Pay Cells or any other excess payment made shall be
adjusted against
the future payments due or otherwise to the
Appropriate action may be taken to revise the pay of
the Scientists at
the Institutes as per the terms and conditions laid
down herein and in
accordance with the instructions issued by Government
of India from time
to time and in consultation with the concerned
Internal Finance
This issues with the approval of Competent
Authority after concurrence of Deptt. of Expenditure.
Ministry of
Finance vide ID Note No. l(6)/E.III B/2017 dated
Yours faithfully,
(Chabbilendra Roul)
Special Secretary,
Secretary, ICAR