HRA - Terms of Application for Government Accommodation and the issuance of a 'No Accommodation Certificate' for the admissibility of a House Rent Allowance
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010
No. AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.54
Dated: 10.02.2020
PCA (Fys) Kolkata
(Through CGDA’s website)
Sub: Dispensation of conditions of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for admissibility of House Rent Allowance.
Reference is invited to Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum No. 2/5/2017-E.IIB dated 05.03.2019 (copy attached) wherein the Ministry has dispensed with the condition of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ by Central Government employees to become eligible for HRA, in respect of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) controlled by Directorate of Estate, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. It has been further stipulated in the ibid Office Memorandum that Ministries/Departments having their separate pool of residential accommodation for their employees other than GPRA, have been suggested to adopt these provision, wherever feasible.
Accordingly, comments from PCDA/ CDA/ Estate Officers were called for and the matter was under consideration at this office. Now, in terms of rules contained in Allotment of DAD Pool Residential Accommodation Rules, 2019, it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority that the provision of Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum No. 2/5/2017-E.IIB dated 05.03.2019 shall be applied to DAD Pool Residential Accommodations except Reserved or Appointment accommodation at various stations pan India with retrospective effect ie. w.e.f. 05.03.2019, the date of issue of ibid orders.
PCDA/ CDA/ Estate Officers are therefore requested to apply the ibid Office Memorandum dated 05.03.2019 on DAD Pool Residential Accommodations except Reserved or Appointment accommodation and dispense with the conditions of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for admissibility of House Rent Allowance w.e.f. 05.03.2019.
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 10
No.AN/III/3012/Circular Vol-VII
Dated 03-03-2017
CsDA/CsFA (Fys)/IFAs
(Through CGDA Website)
Subject: Information on House Rent Allowance-regarding.
find enclosed copy of Min. of Defence, Deptt. of Expenditures, ID
No.11-1/2016-IC/Pt.II dated 23.02.2017 on the subject received through
MoD/D (Civ-I).
Ministry in their ID has stated that the
committee on Allowances headed by the Finance Secretary and Secretary
(Expenditure) has desired that the information relating to occupancy of
Govt. Accommodation and the officers/officials HRA (not allotted Govt.
accommodation) may be obtained.
The information in the following format has been sought for by the Ministry.
Total number of employees
Number of Officers/Officials residing in Government accommodation
Number of Officers/Officials drawing HRA
is therefore, requested that the information on the format in respect
of officers and staff working in your organization (including sub
offices under your jurisdiction) may please be furnished on the E-mail by 03.03.2017 to enable their HQrs. Office to render
the compiled report to the Ministry.
Directorate of Estates Guidelines: Withdrawal of guidelines related to sharing and close relations
No. 12035/4/2014-Pol.II Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Policy-II Section
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110 108.. Dated the 10th August, 2015
Subject: Withdrawal of guidelines related to sharing and close relations.
is invited to the Directorate of Estates guidelines issued vide O.M
No.12033/17/78-Pol.II dated 26.5.1978, O.M No. 12035/52/78-Pol.II dated
25.1.1979, O.M No.12035/58/79-Po1.II dated 31.8.1979 and OM
No.12032(1)/74-Pol.II dated 21.12.1976 regarding sharing of
accommodation and definition of close relations for the purpose of
sharing of General Pool residential accommodation. In view of amendments
made in SR-317-B-2 vide Gazette Notification GSR No.112 dated
13.06.2015 the above mentioned guidelines have become redundant.
Therefore, the competent authority has decided to withdraw the above
mentioned guidelines w.e.f 13.06.2015.
Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Staffs posted to ECR & NWR
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) Railway Board
R.B.E No.115/2014
No.E(G)2009 QR-1-2
New Delhi, Dated:.20.10.2014
The General Managers, All Indian Railways and Production Units (others as per standard list).
Sub: Extension of the period of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of officers/staff posted to ECR & NWR.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(G)2009 QR-1-2 dated 07.05.2014.
The issue of permitting the Railway Officers/Staff posted in the ECR and NWR to retain Railway quarters at their previous places of posting has been considered by the Board.
2. In exercise of its powers to make reasonable relaxations in public interest for a class/group of employees, in all or any of the existing provisions regarding house allotment/retention, the Board have decided that permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of officers/staff posted to LCR and NWR be granted up to 31.12.2015 in supersession of Board’s earlier instructions dated 07.05.2014.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation for NE Region, A&N Island & Lakshadweep extension upto 30.06.2015
Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation by Central
Government Civilian Employees and Officers of All India Services posted
to North Eastern Region, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and
Lakshadweep – extension upto 30.6.2015: Directorate of Estates Order-
12035/24/77-Policy-II (VoI.V)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110 108.
Dated the 9th July, 2014
Subject: Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation
by Central Government Civilian Employees and Officers of All India
Services posted to North Eastern Region, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar
Islands and Lakshadweep – extension upto 30.6.2015.
Reference is invited to this Directorate O.M.No.12035f31/96-Pol.II
dated 7.9.1998 and subsequent instructions dated 30.9.1999, 30.4.2002,
15.7.2005, 1.7.2008 and 3.6.2011 regarding retention of General Pool
Residential Accommodation at the last place of posting by Central
Government Civilian Employees and Officers of All India Services on
posting to North Eastern Region, Sikkim, Andaman 8. Nicobar Islands and
Lakshadweep. The existing orders on the subject are valid up to 306.2014
and further extension beyond 30.5.2014 has been considered by the
competent authority. It has now been decided to further extend allowing
retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation at the last place of
posting by Central Government Civilian Employees and Officers of All
India Services on their posting to North Eastern Region, Sikkim, Andaman
& Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep for a period of one year i.e. up
to 30.06.2015. The concession of retention of GPRA would also be
admissible if a Government servant is transferred from one place to
another in the North Eastern Region.
2. Since the retention I allotment of Government accommodation is
allowed for bonafide use of the dependent family of the transferred
government servant, he/she will furnish a certificate on 1st July and
15‘ January of every year, stating that his/her dependent family members
are actually residing in the Government accommodation at the last place
of posting. Such a certificate will also have to be furnished at the
time of
seeking retention. In case no such certificate is received by 31st
January and 31 July every year this Directorate will be constrained to
cancel the allotment of the residence in question.
3. The request for retention of entitled type of accommodation should
be received within a period of one month from the date of relinquishing
the charge at the 1st place of posting so that further necessary action
could be initiated by the Directorate of Estates in Time.
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)