A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 25 May 2015

Special Recruitment Drive to fill up the vacancies for Persons with Disabilities.

Special Recruitment Drive to fill up the vacancies for Persons with Disabilities.


No.36012/39/2014-Estt (Res)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, Dated the 22nd May, 2015

Subject: Special Recruitment Drive to fill up the vacancies for Persons with Disabilities.
The Hon‘ble Supreme Court in its interim Order dated 28.04.2015 in Contempt Petition No. 499/2014 in Civil Appeal No. 9096/2013 in the matter of National Federation of Blind has. inter-alia, directed that the period for filling up of vacancies of Persons with Disabilities needs to be suitably compressed. Keeping in view the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. the competent authority has approved launching of Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of unfilled vacancies of Persons with Disabilities.

2. in a meeting held on 08.05.2015 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Personnel) with more than 45 Departments/Ministries, the issue of launch of the Special Recruitment Drive was discussed in detail.

3. Keeping in view the time frame agreed upon by the Departments/Ministries, all Ministries/Departments are requested to take immediate necessary action for filling up of vacancies for persons with disabilities already reported to the Hon’ble Supreme Court and launch a Special Recruitment Drive to fill up those vacancies as per schedule given below:-

I. Outer Time frame for filling up of vacancies where recruitment action has already been initiated

Sl. No.
Target Date
Issue of instructions by the Ministries / Departments to all appointing authorities under their charge for conduct of the drive
Reporting of vacancies to the UPSC / SSC or other concerned recruiting agencies by the concerned Ministries / Departments / appointing authorities. if not already reported
By 15.07.2015
Advertisement by the UPSC/SSC/ Other recruiting agencies, if not already done
By 31.8.2015
Receipt of applications / nominations by the UPSC/SSC/Other recruiting agencies
By 30.9.2015
Holding of interviews / tests etc. by the UPSC/SSC/Other recruiting agencies
By 15.11.2015
nformation about the selected candidates by the UPSCISSC/Other Recruiting Agencies to the concerned Ministry/Department/Office
By 30.11.2015
Issue of offers of appointment to the selected candidates
By 31.12.2015

II. Outer Time frame for tilting up of vacancies where recruitment action is yet to be initiated
Sl. No.
Target Date
Issue of Instructions by the Ministries / Departments to all appointing authorities under their charge for conduct of the drive
By 01.07.2015
Reporting of vacancies to the UPSC/SSC or other concerned recruiting agencies by the concerned Ministries Departments/appointing authorities
By 30.07.2015
Advertisement by the UPSC/SSC/ Other recruiting agencies
By 30.9.2015
Receipt of applications / nominations by the UPSC/SSC/Other recruiting agencies
By 20.11.2015
Holding of interviews / tests etc. by the UPSC/SSC/Other recruiting agencies
By 20.12.2015
Information about the selected candidates by the UPSC/SSC/Other Recruiting Agencies to the concerned Ministries/Department/Office
By 1.1.2016
 issue of offers of appointment to the selected candidates
By 1.2.2016

4. All the Ministries I Departments. attached. subordinate offices, Central Public Sector Undertakings and autonomous bodies are requested to take action as per schedule given in preceding paragraphs of this Office Memorandum. They are also requested to collect information from all the appointing authorities under them and send the reports to this Department. as per the prescribed proforma attached with this Office Memorandum.

5. The attached offices. subordinate offices. Central Public Sector Undertakings and autonomous bodies will send their reports to the concerned administrative Ministry, who will ensure compilation of the same and thereafter send a consolidated report to the Department of Personnel and Training.

6. Hindi Version will follow.
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of india
Source: www.persmin.nic.in

Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents

Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents: 

In order to facilitate the prompt payment of the family pension in such cases, Armed Force Personnel/pensioners/their spouses may open a bank account of such children/siblings/parents and submit the same to the Pension Sanctioning authority through the appointing authority for inclusion in the PPO /revised PPO.
No. 1(7)/2013-D(Pension/Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi
Dated: 15th May 2015
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
SUBJECT: Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents
The undersigned is directed to refer to the provisions contained in the GOI, MOD letter No A/49601/ AG/PS-4 (e)/3363/B/D(Pen/Ser) dated 27.08.1987 as modified vide this Ministry’s letter No. 906//A/D(Pen/Ser)/05 dated 13.08.2008 and No 02(03)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17th January 2013 of the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare regarding grant of Pension to old parents and disabled children/sibling after the death of the pensioners/family pensioner. Certain difficulties are being experienced for grant of such pension. The matter has been examined and it has been decided to further streamline the process of grant of pension to old parents/disabled children sibling as under. The employee/pensioner/family pensioner may, at any time before or after retirement/ death of Armed Force Personnel, make a request to the Appointing Authority seeking advance approval for grant of family pension for life to a permanently disabled child/sibling in terms of provisions contained in GOI, MOD Letter No.- A/49601/ AG/PS4(e)/3363/B/D (Pension/Services) dated 27.08.1987 as amended vide GOI MOD Letter No. 906/ AIDGPen/Sers)/05 dated 13.08.2008, which are reproduced as under:
2. Before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the appointing authority shall satisfy that the handicap is of such a nature so as to prevent him or her from earning his or her livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from a Medical Board comprising of a Medical Superintendent or a Principal or a Director or Head of the Institution or his nominee as Chairman and two other members, out of which at least one shall be a Specialist in the particular area of mental or physical disability including mental retardation setting out, as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child. As per GOI, MOD Letter No.- PN/7995/D(Pen/Pol)/2010 dated 01.10.2010, the family Pension to the dependent disabled siblings shall be payable if the siblings were wholly dependent upon the Armed Force Personnel immediately before his or her death and deceased Armed Force Personnel is not survived by a widow or an eligible child or eligible parents.

3(a). In terms of GOI, MOD Letter No. B/38207/ AG/PS4/931/B/D(Pen/Ser) dated 6.08:-1998 the-family pension-to the parents-shall-be-payable if-the parents were wholly dependent on the Armed force Personnel immediately before his or her death and the deceased Armed force Personnel is not survived by a widow or an eligible child.

7. The authorization as indicated above shall be made in the PPO or by issuing a revised PPO if a child, parents or siblings is authorized for family pension after issue of the PPO. The revised PPO shall take the usual route to the Pension Disbursing Authority. The Pension Disbursing Authority shall start disbursing family pension to the permanently disabled child/sibling or dependent parents after the death of the pensioner/spouse/other family pensioner, as the case may be, on the basis of the PPO /revised PPO, approval of the appointing authority and the death certificates/s) of the pensioner and other family pensioners and the self-certificate for income.

8. Such an authorization shall become invalid in case a person becomes member of family after issue/amendment of such PPO and is entitled to family pension prior to the disabled child/sibling/dependent parents at the time of the death of the Pensioners/spouse. For example, the pensioner may marry/remarry after the death of first spouse or adopt a child. Such spouse/child may be eligible for family pension at the time of death of the pensioner or death/ineligibility of the spouse. A child adopted by the spouse of the pensioner shall not be treated as a member of the Family of the deceased pensioner. A decision regarding grant of family pension in such cases will be taken by the appointing authority in accordance with provisions of A151/80.

9. In order to facilitate the prompt payment of the family pension in such cases, Armed Force Personnel/pensioners/their spouses may open a bank account of such children/siblings/parents and submit the same to the Pension Sanctioning authority through the appointing authority for inclusion in the PPO /revised PPO.

10. This issues with the concurrence of the finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. 10(01)/2015/FIN/PEN dated 24.03.2015.

11. Hindi version will follow.
(Prem Parkash)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: http://www.desw.gov.in/sites/upload_files/desw/files/pdf/D%28PenPolicy%29-15-May-2015_0.pdf

Headquarters/Home Town Leave Travel Concession : Central Government Employees’ Confusions Continue

Headquarters/Home Town Leave Travel Concession : Central Government Employees’ Confusions Continue

Headquarters / Place of Posting and Home Town LTC: Central Government Employees’ Confusions Continue on this matter

“The number of Central Government employees utilizing the LTC facilities has increased substantially thanks to the initiative of the tourism department to encourage the development of economically-backward states”
Not many would have know this message that there are a number of retired Central Government employees who had completed 40 years of their service without utilizing even a single LTC facility.

“Once upon a time, LTC was considered as a wasteful expense…things have changed, and now people treat it as an indulgence…!”

In the past, not many were interested in LTC because the families were big and only the lowest class journey fare was reimbursed by the Central Government. But, now, LTC includes travel in air-conditioned class and air-fare. Not surprisingly, employees are now very much interested and are utilizing the facility without fail.
Practical difficulties began when a number of employees began to travel. One of them was the situation where the office location and the employee’s hometown are the same. Usually, Central Government employees are posted in towns and cities that are away from their hometown, or their native place. At the time of joining, the employees are required to denote a village or town as their home Town. This cannot be changed.

Once in every four years, the Government would give the option to reimburse the to and fro travel tickets for the employee and his/her family to go to their hometown to meet their relatives and to look after the family’s immovable properties located there. This facility is called the Home Town LTC.

In the past, since only a few utilized this facility, there wasn’t any confusion in implementing them. When the Government announced that Home Town LTC could be converted as All India LTC, troubles began and clarifications were required.

LTC rules state that the headquarter/place of posting and the employee’s Home Town are the same, then he/she is not entitled to the conversion of Home Town LTC.

There are many questions in the minds of the employees about this clause.
  • Will the facility of Home Town LTC be denied if the headquarters and home town share the same Postal Pin code?
  • Does this apply if both come under the limits of the same municipality or Panchayat?
  • Will the 8 KM rule of CGHS apply to this?
  • Should the home town and headquarters not be located in the same district?
  • What does the phrase “irrespective of distance,” which is underlined in a number of orders, mean?
  • Will the interpretation differ from one office to the other?
A number of such doubts prevail among employees.

One thing is for certain – Central Government employees will now be very alert about definitions regarding hometowns.
Source: http://90paisa.org/

Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents

Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Orders regarding Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents

G.I., Dept. of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, O.M.No.1(7)/2013-D(Pension/Policy), dated 15.5.2015

SUBJECT: Simplification of Pension process for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents

The undersigned is directed to refer to the provisions contained in the GOI, MOD letter No A/49601/AG/PS-4 (e)/3363/B/D(Pen/Ser) dated 27.08.1987 as modified vide this Ministry’s letter No.906//A/D(Pen/Ser)/05 dated 13.08.2008 and No 02(03)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17th January 2013 of the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare regarding grant of Pension to old parents and disabled children/sibling after the death of the pensioners/family pensioner. Certain difficulties are being experienced for grant of such pension. The matter has been examined and it has been decided to further streamline the process of grant of pension to old parents/disabled children sibling as under. The employee/pensioner/family pensioner may, at any time before or after retirement/ death of Armed Force Personnel, make a request to the Appointing Authority seeking advance approval for grant of family pension for lif to a permanently disabled child/sibling in terms of provisions contained in GOI, MOD Letter No.A/49601/AG/PS4(e)/3363/B/D (Pension/Services) dated 27.08.1987 as amended vide GOL MOD Letter No.906/ AIDGPen/Sers)/05 dated 13.08.2008, which are reproduced as under:

2. Before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the appointing authority shall satisfy that the handicap is of such a nature so as to prevent him or her from earning his or her livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from a Medical Board comprising of a Medical Superintendent or a Principal or a Director or Head of the Institution or his nominee as Chairman and two other members, out of which at least one shall be a Specialis in the particular area of mental or physical disability including mental retardation setting out, as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child. As per GOI, MOD Letter No.PN/7995/D(Pen/Pol)/2010 dated 01.10.2010, the family Pension tothe dependent disabled siblings shall be payable if the siblings were wholly dependent upon the Armed Force Personnel immediately before his or her death and deceased Armed Force Personnel is not survived by a widow or an eligible child or eligible parents.

3(a). In terms of GOI, MOD Letter No.B/38207/AG/PS4/931/B/D(Pen/Ser) dated 6.08:-1998 the-family pension-to the parents-shall-be-payable if-the parents were wholly dependent on the Armed force Personnel immediately before his or her death and the deceased Armed force Personnel is not survived by a widow or an eligible child.

7. The authorization as indicated above shall be made in the PPO or by issuing a revised PPO if a child, parents or siblings is authorized for family pension after issue of the PPO. The revised PPO shall take the usual route to the Pension Disbursing Authority. The Pension Disbursing Authority shall start disbursing family pension to the permanently disabled child/sibling or dependent parents after the death of the pensioner/spouse/other family pensioner, as the case may be, on the basis of the PPO/revised PPO, approval of the appointing authority and the death certificates/s) of the pensioner and other family pensioners and the self-certificate for income.

8. Such an authorization shall become invalid in case a person becomes member of family after issue/amendment of such PPO and is entitled to family pension prior to the disabled child/sibling/dependent parents at the time of the death of the Pensioners/spouse. For example, the pensioner may marry/remarry after the death of first spouse or adopt a child. Such spouse/child may be eligible for family pension at the time of death of the pensioner or death/ineligibility of the spouse. A child adopted by the spouse of the pensioner shall not be treated as a member of the Family of the deceased pensioner. A decision regarding grant of family pension in such cases will be taken by the appointing authority in accordance with provisions of A151/80.

9. In order to facilitate the prompt payment of the family pension in such cases, Armed Force Personnel/pensioners/their spouses may open a bank account of such children/siblings/parents and submit the same to the Pension Sanctioning authority through the appointing authority for inclusion in the PPO /revised PPO.

10. This issues with the concurrence of the finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.10(01)/2015/FIN/PEN dated 24.03.2015.

Source: www.desw.gov.in

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