A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 9 March 2015

Increasing Pension Limits Under Employees Pension Scheme

Increasing Pension Limits Under Employees Pension Scheme

Ministry of Labour & Employment
09-March, 2015 15:00 IST

The Government is not considering to enhance the age limit for Employees Pension Scheme (EPS).The Pension implementation Committee (PIC) has recommended to increase the short service pension entitlement age from 50 years to 55 years. The proposal is under consideration of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT),Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF).The proposal, if accepted is likely to decrease the reduction of pension due to short service.

This was stated by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State(IC) for Labour and Employment in response to a written question in Lok Sabha today.


Railways’ Revenue Earnings up by 12.93 Per cent During April 2014 – February 2015

Railways’ Revenue Earnings up by 12.93 Per cent During April 2014 – February 2015

Ministry of Railways
09-March, 2015

The total approximate earnings of Indian Railways on originating basis during 1st April 2014 to 28th February 2015 were Rs. 142358.27 crore compared to Rs. 126064.06 crore during the same period last year, registering an increase of 12.93 per cent.

The total approximate earnings from goods during 1st April 2014 –28th February 2015 were Rs. 96613.19 crore compared to Rs. 85666.65 crore during the same period last year, registering an increase of 12.78 per cent.

The total approximate revenue earnings from passengers during 1st April 2014 – 28th February 2015 were Rs. 38726.74 crore compared to Rs. 33755.50 crore during the same period last year, registering an increase of 14.73 percent.

The approximate revenue earnings from other coaching amounted to Rs.3682.44 crore during April 2014 – February 2015 compared to Rs. 3480.33 crore during the same period last year, registering an increase of 5.81 per cent.

The total approximate numbers of passengers booked during 1st April 2014 – 28th February 2015 were 7546.49 million compared to 7709.62 million during the same period last year, showing a decrease of 2.12 per cent. In the suburban and non-suburban sectors, the numbers of passengers booked during April 2014 – February 2015 were 4132.73 million and 3413.76 million compared to 4168.17 million and 3541.45 million registering a decrease of 0.85 per cent and 3.61 per cent respectively during the same period last year.


Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff: Railway Board Order

Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff: Railway Board Order

No: PC-VI/2009/I/1/3
dated 28 -01-2015.
The General Secretary, .
The General Secretary,

Sub:- Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff.

Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 19-12-2012 seeking your views on the proposal regarding grouping/broad-banding of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff and revision of their designation. However your reply is awaited. Keeping in View recommendations of 6th CPC and instructions issued by Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM dated 30-04-2010 & views of nodal Directorates, proposed revised designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff (now in Grade Pay Rs.1800) were discussed by the Committee for Standardization of Designations. Accordingly, a department-wise list of proposed revised designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff in Grade Pay Rs. 1800 is enclosed. Nodal Directorate have also given their comments to the proposed revised designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff.

Federations are requested to please convey their views expeditiously on the proposed revised designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ staff, so that case may be processed for Board’s consideration.

Encl: As above
Your faithfully,
for Secretary, Railway Board
Click here to download full letter

Railway Board issued orders on printing of All India Helpline Number 138 and Security Helpline No.182 on the Ticket

Railway Board issued orders on printing of All India Helpline Number 138 and Security Helpline No.182 on the Ticket

G.I., Min. of Railways, Railway Board’s Letter N0.2013/TG-1/20/P/PRS Ticket, dated 9.3.2015

Subject: Printing of All India Helpline Number 138 and Security Helpline No.182 on the ticket.

Vide Board’s letter No. 2015/TG-II/02/HeIpline dated 23.2.2015, it has been decided to provide the All India Helpline Number 138 for passengers, as interface for queries/complaints related to Medical emergency, Cleanliness, Food & Catering, Coach Maintenance, Linen etc.

2. In order to publicise the above mentioned number, Board desires that the text “All India Passenger Helpline No.138” may be got printed at the front of the PRS as well as UTS tickets.

3. The text “PNR and train arrival/departure enquiry No.139” may also be printed on the front of the ticket.

4. Further, with reference to the revised general instructions enclosed with Comml Circular No.7 of 2015, Board desires that the text “to report unsavoury situation during journey please dial railway security helpline No.182” may also be got printed at the back of the PRS as well as UTS tickets.

5. It is also desired that the text please carry valid Identity proof’ as appearing at the back of PRS ticket may be moditied as “please carry original identity proof’.

6. IRCTC may also make necessary arrangements to ensure printing of the above mentioned text on the hard copies as well as SMS of e-tickets.

7. The above instructions may be implemented w.e.f 1.3.2015.

8. Necessary instructions in this regard may be issued to all concerned.

Source: Railway Board

Implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T.S. R. Subramanian & Others vs. UOI & Others

Implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T.S. R. Subramanian & Others vs. UOI & Others

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.F.No. 41017/2/2015-Estt.A, dated 9.3.2015

Subject: Implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011 in the matter of Shri T.S. R. Subramanian & Others vs. UOI & Others — Parliament Assurance in Rajya Sabha Unstarred Q. No.988, answered on 17.07.2014, on ‘Amendment in Rule 3(3) of All India Service (Conduct) Rules’ — regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that in reply to part (b) of the above Rajya Sabha Unstarred Q. No. 988 for 17/07/2014, the Parliament was, inter-alia, informed that ‘the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the PIL filed by Shri T.S.R. Subramanian and others were brought to the notice of the various Ministries / Departments who are the Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Central Civil Services for compliance’. This part of the reply has been treated as an Assurance.

2. It may please be recalled that, following the Supreme Court’s judgement dated 31.10.2013 in WP(Civil) No. 82/2011, the Ministries / Departments were requested to take steps for implementation of the judgement. In view of the above Parliament Assurance, all Ministries / Departments are requested to please send a line in confirmation of the implementation of the above judgement in respect of the Cadre(s) under their administrative control by 20.03.2015 so that the Assurance can be fulfilled. The Cadre(s) under the administrative control may also please be indicated for records.

3. The Ministries / Departments, which are not Cadre Controlling Authorities for any cadre, may also kindly send a communication in this regard for the records of this Department.

Authority www.persmin.gov.in

Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – Pensioners Portal Orders Mar 2015

Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – Pensioners Portal Orders Mar 2015

G.I., Dept. of Pen. & P.W., O.M.No.38/77-A/09-P&PW(A)(Pt.)

Sub:- Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – reg.

The orders for implementation of the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of 6th CPC for revision for pension of past pensioners were issued vide Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare’s OM dated 1.9.2008. The provisions of Para 4.2 of this OM were clarified vide this Department’s letter dated 3.10.2008.

2. The Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi in its common order dated 1.11.2011 in four petitions [OA No.655/2010, 306/2010, 50712010 and 3079/2009] directed that the past pensioners may be granted, w.e.f. 1.1.2006, a minimum pension with reference to the fitment table applicable for revision of pay of serving employees.

3. A large number of representations from pre-2006 pensioners are being received by the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare for extension of benefits similar to what had been allowed in case of OA No.655/2010 by CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi.

4. In this context, it is informed that four Writ Petitions were filed in the High Court of Delhi challenging the order dated 1.11.2011 of Hon’ble CAT in four OAs. These petitions were dismissed on 29.4.2013.
Subsequently, four SLPs were filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court over a period of time against the said order of the Hon’ble High Court. Of the four SLPs, the one pertaining to Central Government SAG (S-29) Pensioners’ Association which was first in the series of said SLPs, has since been dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 29.7.2013. As the Review Curative Petition against the said order dated 29.7.2013 also failed, the Government of India decided to comply with the order by extending the requisite benefits to the parties involved in the said SLP. As regards the other three SLPs (Nos.36148-50/2013), Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order dated 19.11.2013 issued notice and made the following observation: .

“Learned Counsel for the respondent submits that during the pendency of these petitions the respondent-writ petitioners shall not precipitate the matter by filing contempt proceedings either before the High Court or before the Tribunal. That statement is recorded. “

5. Thus the issue of revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 1.1.2006 as covered under SLP Nos. 36148-50/2013 in the Apex Court which have been tagged with Civil Appeal No.8875-76/2011 filed by Ministry of Defence in a similar matter is subjudice.

Authority www.pensionersportal.gov.in


 Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Application form for Membership (Rev 2015)

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Army Headquarters
Maude Lines .
Delhi Cantt- 110 010
3/49711 /AG/ECHS
18 Feb 2015


1. Ref Central Org ECHS letter No Bl49711/AG/ECHS dt 15 Jan 2015.

2. The application form as fwd vide the letter under ref may please be treated as cancelled. A fresh application form is fwd herewith and the inconvenience caused is regretted.

3. Application form (Revised 2015) for ECHS Smart Card in case of fresh applicants has been modified with additional details. The format for the same is enclosed herewith. The format of the application has also been uploaded on our website www.echs.gov.in. The same may be downloaded.

4. It is mandatory for all applicants to provide details of Aadhar card incl those of dependents. Aadhar card details for NBC ESM is not mandatory.

5. The old application form be discontinued wef 30 April 2015 and the new revised form be implemented wef 01 May 2015.

6. It is requested that the above be given wide publicity and disseminated to all concerned under your jurisdiction.
(D Rajaram)
Lt Col
Offg Dir (Stats & Automation)

Encls :- As above

Man days of work lost due to industrial disputes/Strike: State-wise Details


ANSWERED ON-04.03.2015
Man days of work lost due to industrial disputes

(a) the State-wise details of number of industrial disputes/strikes that occurred in the country during the years from 2012 to 2014;

(b) the State-wise number of man-days of work lost because of these strikes;

(c) the details of measures taken or proposed to be taken by Government with regard to labour reforms for curtailing disputes/strikes and reducing man-hours lost; and

(d) the details of the targets, implementation and safeguards to ensure compliance to the aforementioned reforms?



(a) & (b): A statement showing the State-wise details of number of industrial disputes/strikes that occurred in the country during 2012 to 2014, details thereof, the State-wise number of man-days of work lost, because of these strikes, as per the statistics complied by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment, is Annexed.
(c) &(d): The Appropriate Government regulates Disputes/Strikes in the Industrial establishment through I.D. Act 1947. Reconciliation proceedings are facilitated by Labour Commissioner Officers to bring disputing parties together and resolve differences, attempts are made to avert strike and thus reduce the lost man hours. Upon failure of reconciliation proceedings, the matters are referred to Labour Court. The Government has taken a number of measures to improve compliance of Labour Laws by the Industrial Establishment. Better compliance and enforcement reduces chances of industrial disputes and strikes. Shram Suvidha portal and computer Risk Based Inspection Scheme has been launched to improve compliance/enforcement. As per the recommendations of the 2nd National Labour Commission, a number of initiatives have been taken to simplify Labour Laws, reduce complexity and thus improve compliance. Some of the Amendments initiated by the Ministry are as follows:

1. Amendment in Labour Laws (exempt from furnishing returns and maintaining registers by certain Establishments) Act, 1988
2. Amendment to Apprentice Act, 1961
3. Amendment in Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
4. Amendment to Factories Act, 1948
5. Amendment to Mines Act, 1952
6. New bill for small factories
7. Amendment to Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
8. Drafting of labour codes
The above proposal bills are at various stages of legislative process.
Source: RajyaSabha.nic.in

Private Sector Participation and Investment in Railways


(a) & (b):  Yes, Sir. Ministry of Railways has identified areas for private participation and investments which will develop, strengthen and expand railway network and operation. These include building/strengthening of rail connectivities, private container train operations, building private freight terminals, wagon investment/leasing schemes and redevelopment of stations.

A policy for participative models for rail connectivity and capacity augmentation was issued in December, 2012. Total investment of Rs. 10,000 crores has been committed in 19 rail projects.

Private operation of container trains was permitted in 2006 and since then private operators have procured 128 rakes and developed 14 new terminals with an investment of about Rs. 5,000 crore.

Private freight terminal policy was launched in 2010 and 20 terminals have been notified for commercial working generating an investment of approximately Rs. 384 crores.

Procurement of 21 rakes under Liberalized Wagon Investment Scheme with investment of Rs. 488 crores and 6 rakes under Automobile Freight Train Operator scheme (AFTO) with investment of Rs. 80 crores have been made. Approval for procurement of 3 rakes under Special Freight Train Operator Scheme (SFTO) with investment of Rs. 36 crores have been granted. Leasing of 12 rakes by leasing companies to container train operators has resulted in an investment of Rs. 24 crores.

Five stations i.e. Habibganj, Chandigarh, Bijwasan, Shivajinagar and Anand Vihar have been entrusted to Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC) for redevelopment. Draft master plan and feasibility reports have been prepared for the same.

ANSWERED ON 27.02.2015
*47.     SHRI K.C. TYAGI:
Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Railways have identified areas for private sector participation and investment in development activities to strengthen and expand railway operations and network, if so, the details thereof; and

(b)  the projection of funds flowing from private sector participation in development activities of Railways?

(a) & (b): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
(As above)
Source: RajyaSabha.nic.in

TDS on Recurring Deposits from June 1

TDS on recurring deposits from June 1 force investors to close down deposits prematurely

NEW DELHI: Days after the Budget announced that tax deducted at source (TDS) will also apply to recurring deposits, banks are witnessing a rush of investors closing down their deposits prematurely.
Though it is fully taxable, the interest from recurring deposits is exempt from TDS. This only applies to interest from fixed deposits if the income exceeds Rs 10,000 in a year. The new rule is proposed to come into force from June 1, so investors are rushing to close their recurring deposits before the taxman gets whiff of their wealth.

"Premature closure of my recurring deposit will fetch me a lower interest rate. But at least there won't be a tax deduction," said an investor at a public sector bank branch in Delhi. Banks may see more premature closures of deposits as more investors become aware of the new rule.

It is not difficult to see why investors are panicky. Since the TDS is credited to the permanent account number of the investor, not mentioning the income in the tax return can lead to problems. The computer-aided scrutiny system of the tax department could pick up the mismatch in the tax credit and income declared by the assessee, which can lead to a detailed scrutiny by the tax authorities. If tax has been deducted at source but returns have not been filed, the tax department may want to know why.
"The new rules on TDS will help nail tax evasion and improve tax collections," declares Sudhir Kaushik, co-founder and CFO, Taxspanner.

TDS rules for fixed deposits are also being changed. Till now, this deduction kicked in only if the income from fixed deposits made in a particular bank branch exceeded the threshold of Rs 10,000 in a financial year. It was common for investors to open fixed deposits at multiple branches of their bank to avoid TDS. The budget has proposed that TDS should be levied if the combined interest income from FDs in all branches of a bank exceeds Rs 10,000 in a year.

The third major change is that co-operative bank deposits will also be subject to TDS. This was more or less expected.

Read more at: Economic Times

Employment News Report – Government vacancies from various departments

Employment News Report – Government vacancies from various departments

‘Employment News Weekly’ reported a bunch of vacancies for every week. We have collected some important vacancies from various departments and given below for your information…

1. Union Bank of India
Name of Post -Forex Office and Economist
No. of Post- 49
Last Date-28.02.2015

2. Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai
Name of Post- Senior Manager-Credit
No. of Post- 100
Last Date- 14.03.2015

3. Kendriya Vidyala Sansthan (HQ)
Name of Post-Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner and Principal
No. of Post- 95
Last Date- 30.03.2015

4. NMDC Limited, Karnataka
Name of Post- Junior Officer (Mechanical Trainee/Electrical/Civil Trainee etc.), HEM Operator GR I Trainee etc
No. of Post- 311
Last Date- 10.03.2015

5. Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited
Name of Post- Chief Manager (Finance & Accounts), Senior Manager (Chemical/Fire & Safety/Laboratory), Manager (Chemical/ Cpmtract etc), Deputy Manager (Chemical etc.), senior Engineer (Chemical/Instumentation/Mechanical etc.)
No. of Post- 66
Last Date- 28.02.2015

6. Union Public Service Commission Notifies Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Ecamination,2015 and Combined Geo-Scienctit and Geologist Examination,2015
Last Date- 20.03.2015

7. The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.
Name of Post -Administrative Officers (Scale-I)
No. of Post- 246
Last Date-20.03.2015. Details: Click Here

8. Heavy Water Board
Name of Post-Category –I Trainee & Category –II Trainee
No. of Post- 167
Last Date-16.03.2015

Name of Post-Joint Director, Scientists SB (Chemical), Professor etc.
No. of Post-27
Last Date- 19.03.2015

10. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
Name of Post-Executive Trainee
No. of Post-110
Last Date- 20.03.2015

11. Central Pollution Control
Name of Post-Research Associates – I and Junior Research Fellow
No. of Post-70
Last Date- 30 days after publication

12. Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
Name of Post -Deputy Director General, Assistant Director General etc.
No. of Post- 72
Last Date-24.03.2015

13. NMDC Limited
Name of Post-Executives Trainees.
No. of Post-250
Last Date-24.03.2015

14. Steel Authority of India Limited.
Name of Post-Management Trainees.
No. of Post-346
Last Date- 18.03.2015

15. Atomic Energy Education Society.
Name of Post-Principal, PGT, TGT etc.
No. of Post-48
Last Date-21 days after publication

Name of Post-General Manager, Dy. General Manager etc.
No. of Post-29
Last Date- 15 days after publication

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