A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Sanction of Bonus and Ex-gratia to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings for the year 2015-16 payable during 2016-17

Sanction of Bonus and Ex-gratia to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings for the year 2015-16 payable during 2016-17

TAMILNADU Government Employees Bonus 2016 : GOVERNMENT ORDER : Sanction of Bonus & Ex-gratia to the employees

State Public Sector Undertakings : Sanction of Bonus & Ex-gratia to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings for the year 2015-16 payable during 2016-17 : orders issued.

Finance (BPE) Department
Dated: 28.09.2016
Thunmugi, Puratasi : 12
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2047.

The Government issue the following orders for the payment of Bonus and Ex gratia for the year 2015 to 16 payable during 2016 to 17 to the workers and employees of State Public Sector Undertakings:

(i) All workers and employees of State Public Sector Undertakings who are drawing a Grade pay of Rs. 4300 in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 and below (Rs.5300-150-8300 and below in the pre-revised scale of pay) i.e.. those who are in the C & D Groups, irrespective of their eligibility, be paid a minimum Bonus of 8.33% and Ex-gratia of 1.67% before 30.9.2016 to claim it as an eligible expenditure under Income Tax Act, 1961 subject to the salary ceiling of Rs.7000/- for the purpose of determination of Bonus for the year 2015-16 and in relaxation of the eligibility salary ceiling of Rs.21,000/- as per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015.

(ii) Those State Public Sector Undertakings, which can pay Bonus over and above the statutory minimum Bonus, based on allocable surplus calculated as per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. may pay higher bonus upto 20% before 30.9.2016 to claim it as an eligible expenditure under Income Tax Act, 1961 subject to the salary ceiling of Rs.7000/- for the purpose of determination of Bonus for the year 2015-16 to the workers and to the employees in the C & D Groups and in relaxation of the eligibility salary ceiling of Rs.21,000/- as per the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015 In case, the Bonus payable based on allocable surplus is less than 10%, Bonus and Ex-gratia together not exceeding 10% shall be paid.

(iii) In the case of employees falling under the above salary limit, who worked for part of the year 2015 to 16, the Bonus & Ex gratia may be paid proportionately.

(iv) In respect of the workers / employees of State Transport Undertakings, Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation(erstwhile TNEB), Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation, Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation, Poompuhar Shipping Corporation and Plantation workers of Tamil Nadu Tea Plantation Corporation Limited, Arasu Rubber Corporation and Tamil Nadu Forest Plantation Corporation Limited, the Administrative Departments concerned of the Secretariat will issue orders separately on the same pattern as has been done during the previous year.

(v) In respect of the employees under A and B Groups. appropriate action would be taken to issue separate orders for payment of Special Adhoc Bonus / Ex gratis based on the orders, if any, issued for Government employees during Pongal Festival 2017.



Upgradation of Junior Accounts Assistants GP 2800 to GP 4200 in Railways : NFIR

Upgradation of Junior Accounts Assistants GP 2800 to GP 4200 in Railways : NFIR

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi -110 055

Dated: 30/09/2016
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,

Dear Sir,
Sub: Upgradation of Junior Accounts Assistants GP 2800 to GP 4200 in Railways : Implementation of the VII CPC recommendations (Para 11.62.15) reg.

In the Railways, the Junior Accounts Assistants are recruited from the open market through Railway Recruitment Boards. The Candidates with Graduation as qualification are required to face written examination conducted by RRBs and once short-listed, have to appear in an interview. An examination in typing skills had also been introduced in Railways. Based on the combined marks secured in both the written examination and the interview, the RRBs assign them ranlg based on which the seniority is fixed and appointments given. The RRB rank goes a long way in determining the seniority in the panel for Appendix 3 IREM qualification and also in other examinations for selections to Group B Gazetted posts.

2. The directly recruited JAAs through RRBs are compulsorily required to qualify in the Appendix 2 IREM examination for their confirmation in the posts. If they fail in the Appendix 2 Examination in two attempts, they have no choice but to quit the job as their services will be terminated.  Para 11.62.14 (iv) of IREM Vol. II

3. The VII CPC has recognized the importance of App.2 and 3 IREM examinations while dealing with the Accounts Department pay structure. The Pay Commission has stressed the direct recruitment stage with Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE) in its report as placed below:

Para 11.62.14 of the VII CPC report: It has been demanded that the pay scale of Auditor/Accountant may be upgraded from GP 2800 to GP 4200. It has been stated that the recruitment to the post of Auditor/Accountant is by promotion from Clerks/Typists under seniority quota, promotion under examination quota and direct recruitment through a Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE) conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. It has also been pointed out that their job profile demands greater audit/accounting skills which justify higher pay scale.

Under Analysis and Recommendation, the VII CPC has stated the following:

Para 11.62.15: The Commission notes the CGLE is held for recruitment for different posts in GP 2800, GP 4200 and GP 4600. This Examination consists of written examination and interview. A candidate is given the choice to appear only in the written examination or both  written examinations and interview depending upon the post for which he/she is an applicant Applicants who have to clear both the written examination as well as the interview are eligible for recruitment for posts carrying higher grade pays of GP 4200/GP 4600. Applicants who do not have to clear the interview and are selected only on the basis of written examinations are placed in GP 2800. Although Auditors/Accountants are selected through CGLE, they are selected only on the basis of written examination. The Commission, therefore, recommends replacement pay levels for Auditors/Accountants.

4. In this connection, NFIR contends that since the VI CPC has recognized the Accounts Department of Indian Railways as belonging to Organized Accounts alongside Audit & Accounts, the dispensation recommended for Audit & Accounts will have to be extended to the Accounts Department of Railways as well in the case of JAAs as their recruitment is also through CGLE-Combined Graduate Level Examination conducted by RRB (in the case of Audit & Accounts, it happens to be Staff Selection Commission and both recruitment Bodies are on similar pattern) followed by interview.

5. Therefore, the grade pay of JAAs in Railways needs to be upgraded from 2800 to 4200 pursuant to the analysis and recommendations of the VII CPC (Part 11.62.15). Consequently, since the present AAs are of GP 4200, the following structure should fall in place: JAA-4200, AA-4800, SSO(A)/Sr.TIA/Sr.ISA-5400 (It is relevant to note that GP of 4600 does not exist in the hierarchy of Accounts Department as per the Gazette Notification issued pursuant to VI CPC recommendation, while it is taken for the limited purpose of MACPS).

NFIR, therefore urges upon the Railway Board to take necessary action for upgradation of JAAs to GP 4200/Pay Matrix Level 6 and revise the pay structure of Accounts Department Cadre in Railways as proposed vide para 5 above.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Resolution on pensionary matter on recommendation of 7th CPC

Resolution on pensionary matter on recommendation of 7th CPC



New Delhi, the
30th September, 2016

The Terms of Reference of the Seventh Central Pay Commission as contained in Ministry of Finance (Department or Expenditure) Resolution (A), dated 28.2.2014, as amended vide Resolution, dated 8.9.2015, inter alia , included the following:-

To examine. review, evolve, and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern emoluments structure, concessions and facilities/benefits, in cash or kind well the retirement benefits of the personnel belonging to the Defence Forces, having regard to the historical and traditional parities, with due emphasis on the aspects unique to these personnel.

2. The Commission submitted its report to the Government on 19th November, 2015. Government has considered the recommendations of the Commission on pensionary benefits to the personnel belonging to the Defence Force contained in Chapter 10.2 of the Report of the Commission and have decided that the recommendations shall broadly accepted subject to certain modifications.

3. Detailed recommendations the Commission relating to pensionary benefits and decisions taken thereon by the Government are listed in the statement annexed to this Resolution.

4. The revised provisions regarding pensionary benefits will be effective from 01.01.2016.
(K. Damayanthi)
Joint Secretary the Govt. of India


Statement showing the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to principles which should govern the structure of pension and other terminal benefits contained in Chapter 10.2 of the Report and the decisions of Government thereon.

Item No. Recommendation for past Defence Forces personnel Decision of Government
1Revision of Pension of pre 7th CPC retirees The Commission recommends the following pension formulation for Defence Forces Personnel who have retired before 01.01.2016 :
(i) All the Defence Forces who retired prior to 01.01.2016 (expected date of implementation of the Seventh CPC recommendations ) shall first be fixed in the Pay Matrix being recommended by this Commission, on the basis of the Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired, at the minimum of the corresponding level in the matrix. This amount shall be raised, to arrive at the notional pay of the retiree, by adding the number of increments he 1 she had earned in that level while in service, at the rate of three percent. Military Service Pay shall be added to the amount which is arrived at after notionally fitting him in the 7th CPC matrix. Fifty percent of the total amount so arrived at shall be the revised pension.
(ii) The second calculation to be carried out is as follows. The pension, as had been fixed at the time of implementation of the VI CPC recommendations, shall be multiplied by 2.57 to arrive at an alternate value for the revised pension.
(iii) Pensioners shall be entitled to the higher of the two.
It is recognized that the fixation of the pension as per formulation (i) above may take a little time since the records of each pensioner will have to be checked to ascertain the number of increments earned in the retiring level. It is, therefore, recommended that in the first instance the pension, may be fixed in terms of formulation (ii) above, till final fixation of the pension under the Seventh CPC matrix is undertaken.
(Para 10.2.87 & 10.2.88 of the Report)
Both the options recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission as regards pension revision be accepted subject to feasibility of the implementation. Revision of pension using the second option based on fitment factor of 2.57 be implemented by multiplying the pension drawn on 31.12.2015 immediately. The first option may be made applicable if its implementation is found feasible after examination by the Committee comprising Secretary (Pension) as Chairman and Member (Staff) Railway Board, Member (Staff) D/o Posts, Additional Secretary &FA M/o Home Affairs and Controller General of Accounts as Members
2Rates of Pension, Family Pension & Special Family Pension
The Commission does not recommend any further increase in the rate of Pension for JCOs/ORs. (Para 10.2.22)
No change is being recommended by the Commission for either civilian or defence pensioners in Enhanced Ordinary Family Pension. (Para 10.2.33)
No further increase in the existing rate of Special Family Pension is recommended by the Commission. (Para 10.2.35)
3Additional Pension and Family Pension to the older pensioners.
No further increase in the existing rate of additional pension and additional family pension with advancing age is recommended by the Commiss:ion.(Para 10.2.24)
No further increase in the existing rate of additional pension and additional family pension with advancing age is recommended by the Commission.(Para 10,2.37)
4Pre-2006 Honorary Naib Subedar
This Commission does not find any merit in re-opening an issue that has been clearly settled. Therefore no change is Being recommended in this regard. (Para 10.2.26 )
5Defence Security Corps (DSC) personnel
The Commission does not recommend reduction in the qualifying service for entitlement of second pension to Defence Security Corps (DSC) personnel from 15 to 10 years. (Para 10.2.28)
6Depression in Pension for Qualifying Service
The Commission observes that pension formulation is appropriate and finds no justification for a review of the existing arrangements with regard to pension of Territorial Army personnel.(Para 10.2.30)
7Inclusion of War Injury Element/Disability Element in Computation of Family Pension
The Commission has not recommended any further change in the existing provisions with regard to inclusion of war injury element/disability element in the computation of family pension. (Para 10.2.39)
8Enhancement in rate of disability pension.
The Commission is of the considered view that the regime implemented post VI CPC needs to be discontinued, and recommended a return to the slab based system. The slab rates for disability element for 100 percent disability would be as follows

RankLevelsRate per
Service Officers10 and above27000
Honorary Commissioned Officers
Subedar Major /Equivalents6 to 917000
Subedar /Equivalent
Naib Subedar /Equivalents
Havildar/Equivalents5 and below12000
9Enhancing the Cover of Disability.
The Commission recommends broad-banding of disability for all personnel retiring with disability, including premature cases/ voluntary retirement cases fo disability greater than 20 percent.(Para 10.2.57)
10Additional old age Pension should be Applicable for Disability/War Injury Pension. No further enhancement by inclusion of elements of disability/ war injury pension has been recommended by the Commission.(Para 10.2.59)Accepted.
11Neither Attributable Nor Aggravated (NANA) cases, be awarded Disability Pension
The Commission recommends that while the existing regulations involving disability Neither Attributable Nor Aggravated (NANA) by service may continue, it is for the authorities to establish, in each case, through a reasoned order that disability was Neither Attributable Nor Aggravated ANA) by military service. (Para 10.2.61)
12War Injury Pension where Individual is Retained in Service
The Commission does not recommend any change in the. existing regime of payouts for those with war injury and retained in service. (Para 10.2.63)
13Ex-gratia Lump Sum Compensation to Invalided out Defence Personnel.
The Commission has recommended an increase in the existing lump sum compensation of Rs. 9 lakh for 100 percent disability to Rs. 20 lakh. However it finds no justification to recommend broad banding for payment of Ex-gratia award to service personnel boarded out on account of disability/war injury attributable to or aggravated by
military service.(Para 10.2.65)
14Ex Gratia Disability Award to Cadets.
The Commission, however, keeping in views the facts relating to cadets recommends an increase ex-gratia disability award from the existing Rs. 6,300 per month to Rs. 16,200 per month for 100 percent disability. (Para 10.2.67 )

Click to read the resolution
Authority: http://www.desw.gov.in/

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