A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Revision of rates of Training Allowances and abolition of Sumptuary Allowance for Training Institutes

Revision of rates of Training Allowances and abolition of Sumptuary Allowance for Training Institutes.

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
RBE No.145/2017
New Delhi, Dated 06.10.2017
The General Managers,
All Indian Railway and
Production Units.
The Director General,
NAIR, Vadodara.

The Directors,
IRIEEN, Nasik,
IRIMEE, Jamalpur,
IRISET, Secunderabad,
IRITM, Lucknow,
JRRPF, Lucknow.

Sub: Revision of rates of Training Allowances and abolition of Sumptuary Allowance for Training Institutes.

Kindly refer to Ministry of Railways' letter Nos. E(MPP)/2005/13/2 dated 22.08.2005 (RBE No. 139/2005) followed by E(MPP)/2008/3/18 dated 20.10.2008 (RBE No. 156/2008) wherein Ministry of Railways had communicated that the training allowance is to be paid @ 30% and @ 15% of the basic pay to the faculty members, for imparting training to Group 'A' Officers and to Group 'C' & 'D' staff respectively on Centralised Training Institutes and various other training Centres on Indian Railways, respectively.

2. Pursuant to the recommendation of 7th CPC as per Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure- Resolution No. 1/1/2013 -E.III(A) dated 06.07.2017, the rates of Training Allowance is revised as follows:

Training Allowance
In the National/Central Training Academies and Institutes  for Group 'A' officers.24% of Basic Pay
In other Training Establishments12% of Basic Pay

3. It will be admissible only to the employees who join the training establishments for a specified period of time and are then likely to go back. It will not be admissible to those employees who are directly recruited by such training establishments for imparting training.

4. Training Allowance will be admissible to the faculty members without any ceiling of 5 years and standard cooling off period between tenures will apply.

5. Further, above mentioned Board’s instruction had stated that 'Sumptuary Allowance' shall be paid @ Rs 3500/- per month for the Director/ Head of the Centralised Training Instititutes for Group 'A' Officers and @ Rs 2500/- per month to Course Directors and @ Rs 2000/- per month to Counsellors. Pursuant to the recommendation of 7th CPC recommendation and as per Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure- Resolution No. 1/1/2013 -E.III(A) dated 06.07.2017, 'Sumptuary Allowance' for Training Establishment is abolished.

6. The revised rates of allowances and abolition of Sumptuary Allowance shall be applicable with effect from 1st July, 2017.

7. All other guidelines/instructions on the subject shall remain unchanged.

8. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Mahendra Kumar Gupta)
Director (MPP)
Railway Board
Source: Railway Board

Revision Of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioner as per 7th CPC

Revision Of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioner as per 7th CPC

RBA No.145/2017
New Delhi,dated 11-10-2017
General Managers
All Zonal Railways and Production Units

Sub: Revision Of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioner as per 7th CPC

Ref: 1. Board's letter No.2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 dated 22.5.2017 (RBE No.49/2017) & 11.07/2017 (RBE No.66/2017)

2. Board's letters of even No. dated 9.6.2017, 19.7.2017 & 25.07.2017 *RBA No.68/2017, 98/2017 & 103/2017)

3. Board (FC) D.O.letter No.2016/AC-II/21/8/PT-III dated 05.09.2017

Instructions have been issued regarding revision of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in line with 7th CPC recommendations vide Railway Board’s letter under reference above. These instructions envisage 'suo moto' revision in pension for all pre-2016 retirees. Till date 151982 pensioners PPO have been revised.

It may be appreciated that against the 14 lakh pensioners cases on Indian Railways, the pace of pension revision is slow. In the recently held review meeting, additional secretary (Expenditure) has also emphasized that adequate priority may be given to this area of work. Finance Secretary also expressed that exercise of pension revision may be completed in a time-bound manner. In this connection, Financial Commissioner, vide his DO letter No.2016/AC-II/21/8/PT-III dated 5.9.2017 has also advised that the exercise of revision may be carried out on a parallel track alongwith ARPAN to expedite the process.

As a welfare measure, it should be ensured to step up with pace for revision of pension. The work flow of pension revision envisages close coordination between the personnel and the accounts Department and hence, it is advised that PCPO and PFA to monitor the progress of revision of pension cases at their level to ensure that pension revision exercise is completed at the earliest.
Ravindra Gupta
Member Staff
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR

Rule 14(ii) of Railway Servants (D&A) rules, 1968 following of proper procedure regarding

Railway Servants DA rules, 1968 following of proper procedure - Rule 14(ii)
Dated: 22-09-2017
The General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaysmen
3, Chelmsford Road
New Delhi-110 055

Sub: Rule 14(ii) of Railway Servants (D&A) rules, 1968 following of proper procedure regarding.

I am directed to refer to the Federation's letter No.II/5/Part III dated 06.09.2017 on the above subject and to state that instructions regarding Rule 14(ii) of RS(D&A) Rules,1968 have been issued vide letter no.E(D&A)/2017/RG6-21 dated 18.09.2017, a copy of which is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

DA:As above.

Yours faithfully

For secretary Railway Board 

Source: NFIR

Recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commission - Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance

Grant of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy to Railway Employees

RBE No.147/2017
PC-VII No.68
Government of India
Ministry of Railway
(Railway Board)
No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3 New Delhi,
Dated: 12-10-20 17
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commission - Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance.

Please refer to Board's letter No. E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 01-10-2008 followed by subsequent clarifications thereon regarding grant of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy to Government employees on the recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

Now, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) has conveyed Government's decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission in regard to grant of Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy to Government servants vide OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017 (copy enclosed). These instructions shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees and shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

Aforesaid instructions on Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy are being issued in supersession of Board's letter No. E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 13-05-2014.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Sunil Kumar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board
Source: AIRF

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