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Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Non-Functional upgradation for officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3, PB-4 and HAG

Non-Functional upgradation for officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3, PB-4 and HAG
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
(Deptt. Of Personnel & Training)

Room No.215-A/II,
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated: 6th November, 2017.

Subject : Non-Functional upgradation for officers of Organized Group 'A' Services in PB-3, PB-4 and HAG.

Reference is invited to this Department OM No.AB.14017/64/2008-Estt(RR) dated 24.4.2009 on the above subject. The details of batch of the officers belonging to the Indian Administrative Service who have been posted at the Centre in various grades of PB-3, PB-4 and HAG was last circulated in this Department OM of even number dated 14-9-2017.

2. The details of the IAS officers who have been subsequently posted in the Centre in various grades as well as the date of posting of the first officer belonging to the batch is annexed. Necessary action may be taken for grant of higher scale for the officers belonging to batches of Organized Group `A’ Services that are senior by two years or more and have not so far been promoted to that particular grade in accordance with the provisions of this Department’s OM No.AB.14017/64/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 24.4.2009.

3. Hindi version will follow.
(G. Jayanthi)
Joint Secretary (E.I)


Stepping up of pay of senior of CSS promotion in the Officers Grade than juniors

Stepping up of pay of senior of CSS promotion in the Officers Grade than juniors

Government of India
Ministry of PG & Pensions
Department of personnel & Training

2nd Floor, A Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi, the 6th November, 2017

Subject: Stepping up of pay of senior of CSS promotion in the Officers Grade than juniors - reg.

Representations have been received from some CSS officers in whose case re-fixation and recovery orders have been issued by concerned Ministries/Departments in pursuance to DOPT 0M 20.05.2014, requesting withdrawal of the OMs referred above.

2. It is once again clarified that 0M No.5/16/80-CS.l dated 13.4.1988 was issued on acceptance of award by Board of Arbitration in CA Reference No.7 of 1984 which allowed stepping up of pay at an Assistant of CSS, who is senior by virtue of having been recruited through an earlier examination but is drawing less pay on promotion in the Grade of officer than his junior recruited through a letter examination, up to a level equal to the pay of such junior Sexton Officer in the same cadre i.e. senior DR Assistant to junior DR Assistant of later exam on their promotion as Section Officer, Vide OM No.5/21/192-CS.I dated 23.2.1994 this benefit of stepping up was extended to Section Officers appointed through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) (again applicable to Assistants only). OM NO.5/1/96-CS.l dated 8.10.1996 further extended this benefit in case of promotee Assistants and also to the cases where both junior and senior have been recruited on the basis of the same Select List/Assistants Grade Examination, as the case may be in accordance with OA No.365/90 (Shri K.C.Sehgal Vs UOI and OA No .869/91 (Shri L.K. Chawla VS UOI), which were upheld by the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

3. That there are general guidelines of stepping up of pay issued by the Ministry Of Finance vide 0M No.F.2(78)-E.III(A) dated 04.02.1966 and this Department vide 0M dated 04.11.1993. One Of the conditions of the general guidelines for allowing stepping up of pay to a Senior Govt. servant with reference to a junior in the lower grade also.

Source: www.dopt.gov.in

Recovery/adjustment of Interim Relief paid to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners

Recovery/adjustment of Interim Relief paid to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department, Pension Branch
Block No.IV,2nd Floor,
Writers' Buildings;
Kolkata - 700 001

No.563-F(Pen)/FJ/N/F-1P-121/16 Part
Date: 30.10.2017

Subject: Recovery/adjustment of Interim Relief paid to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, if any,whose pension/family pension is/was determined with respect to the pay of the retired/deceased employee covered under UGC/AICTE scale.

Consequent upon issue of this Deptt. Memo. No. 224- F(Pen) dated 03.06.2016 the Pensioners /Family Pensioners of the State Government and Government Sponsored or aided non Government educational institutions, local bodies, statutory bodies, boards, corporations, undertakings etc., covered under Finance Department Resolution No. 8071-F(P) dt. 27.11.2015 have been allowed the benefit of Interim relief @ 8% of the Basic Pension with effect from 01.07.2016.

2.Now, in view of the fact that the service and pay of the college teachers and others in the UGC/ AICTE scale is since not covered under the terms of reference of the Resolution issued vide No.8070-F(P) dated 27.11.2015, a question has raised whether the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of college who are/were entitled to pension/family pension from the State Government but on determination of the pension/family pension with respect to the last-pay of the retired/deceased employee in the UGC/ AICTE scale, are entitled to the Interim relief.
3.It is hereby clarified that the benefit of Interim relief contemplated in this Deptt. Memo No.224- F(Pen) dated 03.06.2016 relates to the grant only in respect of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners whose pension/family pension thus fixed on the basis of the pay and the service are covered in the terms of reference of the 6th Pay Commission as per the Resolution issued vide No.8070-F(P) dated 27.11.2015. Accordingly, the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Govt. Colleges & Non-Govt. Colleges covered under the UGC/AICTE scales of pay, i.e. retired teaching staff including Librarian, Laboratory Instructors, Physical Instructors, Demonstrators of Govt. & Non Govt.General Degree Colleges, Engineering Colleges & Polytechnic Colleges and all other Pensioners/Family Pensioners of such category whose service and pay are not covered in the Resolution ibid, are not entitled to the grant of Interim Relief under Memo No. 224- F(Pen) dated 03.06.2016.

4.Payment of the Interim Relief allowed to the category of Pensioners/Family Pensioners who are not entitled to such grant as clarified at Para- 3 above, if any, is liable to be recovered/adjusted immediately from the pension relief, as per rules, in 5 (five) instalments starting from the month of November, 2017.

5.All the Pension Disbursing Authorities may act accordingly.
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE, Hostel Subsidy Claims & Travelling Allowance Entitlement: PCDA's instructions

CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE, Hostel Subsidy Claims & Travelling Allowance Entitlement: PCDA's instructions


As specified in the Govt. letter No. 1(23) / 2017 / D(Pay/ Services) dated 15/09/2017, reimbursement of CEA is to be claimed once in a year, after completion of the Financial Year based on certificate from the Head of the Institution, where the ward of the employee is studying.

Similar procedure is to be applied for Hostel Subsidy. The certification from the Head of Institute should also mention the amount of expenditure incurred by the Govt servant towards boarding and lodging.

These orders are applicable from 01/07/2017.
Claims on account of CEA & Hostel Subsidy w.e.f. 01/07/2017 may be forwarded after completion of the financial year.

Claims already submitted for the period 01/07/2017 onwards are being returned unsanctioned.

GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/TA/DA/Mov C dated 15th September 2017 regarding provisions relating Travelling Allowance Entitlements, are effective from 01/07/2017.

Service Personnel, who had undertaken tours and had been transferred between 01 / 07 / 2017 and the date of issue of these orders i.e. 15th Sep 2017 and whose TA/ DA claims have been settled with reference to their earlier entitlements as per 6th CPC, may submit supplementary claims based on their revised entitlement as per 7th CPC."

Source: pcdaopune

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