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Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term vacancies of Postmen/Mail Guards and MTS

7th CPC Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks (Postmen/Mail Guards & MTS) Clarification on Date of Implementation

No. 7-9/2016-PCC
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
Date: 12.07.2017
All Heads of Circles.

Sub :- Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term vacancies of Postmen/Mail Guards and MTS.

1 , Attention is invited to this Directorate OM of even number dated 26.04.2017 vide which rate of remuneration of the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term department vacancies of Postmen, Mail Guards and MTS was issued. In this context, references are being received from Service Unions that the words "In future" and "with effect from 01.01.2016" in the Para 3 of the said OM dated 26.04.2017 give different impression over date of implementation of the instructions and has requested to issue clarification.

2. The matter has, further, been examined in this Directorate in the light of the approval of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it is clarified that the orders contained in the ibid OM dated 26.04.2017 (copy attached) are to be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
Asstt. Director Gene (GDS/PCC)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001,
Dated: 26.04.2017

Subject: Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term vacancies of Postmen/Mail Guards and MTS.

Consequent upon the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission's recommendations, the matter regarding the rates of remuneration payable to Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term departmental vacancies of Postmen/Mail Guards and MTS has been reviewed.

2. It has now been decided that the remuneration of the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as substitutes in short term departmental vacancies of Postmen, Mail Guards and MTS may be calculated on the basis of the minimum pay of the respective levels of the pay matrix in whiCh the substitute is engaged as defined in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 and as mentioned in Table below:

S/No.PostPre-revised in Pay BandPay under Pay Matrix
1.Postman/ Mail GuardRs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2000 Min. 7200)Level 3 (Min. Rs.21700 Max. Rs.69100)
2.Group-D (Now MTS)Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1800 Min.7000Level 1 (Min. Rs. 18000 Max. Rs.56900)

3. In future, GDS who are willing to work as substitute will be paid at the minimum pay of the respective Levels of the Pay Matrix barring other allowances like HRA, Transport allowance etc. with effect from 01.01.2016.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Implementation Cell, DoE, ID Note No. 30-1/17 (ii) /2016-IC (Pt) dated 20.04.2017.

(R.L. Patel)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Source: utilities.cept.gov.in

Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes - Department of Posts

Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes - Department of Posts

F.No 113-03/2017-SB
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 05.07.2017
All Head of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

Subject : Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes.

In continuation of SB Order 09/2016 dated 23.09.2016 the undersigned is directed to say that Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) New Delhi, vide its Memorandum No. 1/4/2015-NS.ll dated 12.05 2017, has conveyed that commission on Pay Roll Savings Scheme had been discontinued w.e.f. 01.10.2016. Now MOF has conveyed that only commission on PRSS has been discontinued and not the scheme, willing establishment can operate the scheme voluntarily without claiming commission . However, it needs to be ensured that no commission is paid by any post office to any Pay Roll Savings Group w.e.f. 01.10.2016. Case any commission has been paid after 01.10. 2016, necessary recovery be made.

2. This may kindly be circulated to all CBS and Non-CBS Host Offices for information and necessary guidance. This should also be placed on the Notice Board of all the Post Offices.

3.This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
(P.L. Meena)
Assistant Dire tor (SB-1)

Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC- related anomalies by the Staff-Side, NC JCM and for their disposal by the National Anomaly Committee

Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC- related anomalies by the Staff-Side, NC JCM and for their disposal by the National Anomaly Committee - regarding

No.11/2/2016- JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 17th July, 2017

Subject: Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC-related anomalies by the Staff-Side, NC JCM and for their disposal by the National Anomaly Committee - regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to the aforementioned subject and to say that in further partial modification of this Department’s O.M. of even no.dated 5th May, 2017, it has been decided to extend the time limits for both receipt and disposal of the 7th CPC-related anomalies, as per the following details:
(i) The time limit for receipt of anomalies will stand extended by three months from 15.05.2017(as notified vide OM. referred to above) to 15.08.2017; and

(ii) The time limit for disposal of anomalies will stand extended by three months from 15.11.2017 (as notified vide QM. referred to above) to 15.02.2018.
2. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
(D.K. Sengupta)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
Source: [DoPT]

The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement

The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement 

CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2017-l8/68
Office Memorandum

Subject:- The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement regarding.

Attention is invited to Ministry of Finance, Dcpartment of Expenditure Resolution No.11-1/2016-IC dated-6th July, 2017 on the above subject whereby it has been decided to revise the existing rates of following allowances for Pensioners:

Sl.No.Name of the AllowanceExisting Rates Revised Rates
1.Fixed Medical AllowanceRs.1000/-Rs.500/-
2.Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablementRs.4500/- Rs.6750/-

These revised rates are payable w.e.f. 01.07.2017.

In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs/Government Business Departments of all the banks are requested to arrange to credit the pensions/family pensions to the bank accounts from the month of July, 2017 onwards, for the respective pensioners who are already being paid above allowances, with the revised rates without waiting for any specific/separate authority from CPAO for such Pensioners.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Subhash Chandra)
(Controller of Accounts)
Authority: http://cpao.nic.in/

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