RAILWAYS: Year End Review of Ministry of Railways for the Year 2015
It has been decided to provide stainless steel mug with chain arrangement in Non-AC coaches also as being provided in AC coaches.
· It was decided to upgrade the specification and design of linen and curtains provided in AC coaches through consultancy with NIFT and accordingly an agreement was executed.
Commencement of provision of Braille signage on 3000 Coaches.
Innovative Funding initiatives and non traditional sources of funding:
Many initiatives were taken to explore alternative sources of funding, besides the traditional GBS route. These are listed as follows:
Speedy Project Implementation and Execution:
Following steps were taken to improve project delivery by addressing the issues of fund availability and empowerment of field organization:
· Working towards ‘Zero Accident’ Mission.
· Train Protection Warning System (TPWS): TPWS is a safety Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system conforming to European Train Control System (ETCS) Level-1. It eliminates accidents caused by human error of Signal Passing at Danger or over speeding by loco pilot. TPWS trials at 160 Kmph were successfully conducted during the year on Nizamuddin-Agra Cantt. Section after completion of requisite works. This section was also made signalling fit for speed potential of 160 Kmph by executing required signaling system upgradations during the year.
· Enhancement of Safety at Level Crossing Gates: 282 Level Crossing Gates have been interlocked with Signals to enhance safety.
· Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS): To overcome shortcomings of ACD system due to its dependence on GPS and for large scale deployment on Indian Railways, a cost effective indigenous safety system – Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is being developed indigenously by RDSO in association with Indian Vendors. This system is aimed at providing dual capability of preventing train accidents caused due to Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD) or non observance of speed restrictions by train drivers as well as preventing train collisions caused due to non-observance of rules in case of manual operations. RDSO has finalized the Specification after successful proof of concept trials. Field work for Extended field trials of TCAS with 40 locos on 3 sub-sections in Lingamapalli-Vikarabad-Wadi-Bidar section, SCR (250 km) having RE/Non-RE, Single Line/Double Line Absolute Signalling section with diesel and electric locos are in advance stage of progress by RDSO & SCR.
Achievements of Road Safety Works (i.e. Level Crossing & ROB/Subways)(from Jan, 2015 to Nov. 2015) : -
Elimination of Unmanned Level crossings by
Closure/Merger/Subways : 637
Manning : 271
Total : 908
Closure of Manned Level Crossings : 312
Construction of Road Over Bridges : 155
Construction of Subways : 699
Provision of Integrated Security System (ISS)
ISS at 5 stations namely Trivandrum, Mangalore & Ernakulum (SR), Triputi (SCR), Thane (CR) has been commissioned. In addition to that, CCTV system has been commissioned at 10 stations namely Miraj (CR), Bengaluru, Yesvantpur, Mysore(SWR), Bhubaneswar, Puri, Cuttack, Visakhapatnam (ECoR), Bhopal & Itarsi (WCR). Cumulatively, ISS at 63 stations has been commissioned over Indian Railway. In addition to that, CCTV system has been cumulatively commissioned at 19 stations over Indian Railway. CCTV surveillance system has been provided at 21 PRS/UTS locations.
· In the current year from 1st April to 10th December, 2015, consequential train accidents decreased from 105 to 81 in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year.
· During the current year from January to 10th December 2015, safety drives were launched by Board on prevention of cases of SPAD, prevention of accidents at unmanned level crossings, observance of rules and precautions during shunting, prevention of cases of fire in pantry cars, observance of rules for working of push trolleys, etc.
· One conference of Chief Safety Officers was organized for detailed discussions on various issues relating to safety and rules for train operations.
· High Level Safety Review Committee (HLSRC): HLSRC under the Chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kakodkar, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission submitted its report on 17.02.2012. The HLSRC has made 106 recommendations covering the various aspects of Indian Railways. All the recommendations have been examined by the Board. Out of the 106 recommendations, 68 have been fully accepted and of which 22 have been fully implemented and 46 are under implementation. The remaining 38 recommendations are under active consideration in the Ministry of Railways for appropriate action in a phased manner.
· Proposal invited for installation of ‘Fracture Detection System’ to detect Rail/weld failures and prevent derailments.
· Provision of Fire extinguishers in Non Air-conditioned coaches. A initial sanction for provision
on 1000 coaches has been made and the railways and production units are in the process of provisioning the system.
· Provision of double acting AC compartment swing doors on coaches for faster evacuation of passengers in case of fire emergency.
· Provision of Automatic fire and smoke detection system for Non AC coaches for the first time.
· Provision of Fire suppression system in Pantry cars and Power cars as these are more fire prone than other passenger coaches.
· With a view to reduce the Nation’s dependence on imported petroleum based energy and to enhance energy security to the Country, as well as to make the Railway System more eco- friendly and to modernize the system, Indian Railways have been progressively electrifying its rail routes. 1479 route kilometers have been energized from January’ 2015 upto 15th December’ 2015.
· Provision of Route Relay / Panel / Electronic Interlocking along with Multi Aspect Color Light Signaling: To increase efficiency and enhance Safety in train operations, modern Signalling system with Route Relay Interlocking (RRI)/ Panel Interlocking (PI)/ Electronic Interlocking (EI) along with Multi Aspect Colour Light Signalling (MACLS) in replacement of Over-aged Mechanical/Multi Cabin Signalling system has been provided at 299 stations.
· Automatic Block Signalling (ABS): To increase line capacity and reduce headway, Automatic Block Signalling has been commissioned on 141 Route Kms.
· LED Signals: To improve reliability and visibility of signals, incandescent filament signal lamps are being replaced by long life, highly durable LED signals.171 stations have been provided with LED signals.
· Railway has already provided Solar panel on roof top of coaches for train lighting system in 2 broad gauge coaches & 4 narrow gauge coaches plying on Pathankot-Joginder Nagar section in Kangra Valley and fourteen narrow gauge coaches plying on Kalka-Shimla section on trial basis.
· Setting up of Solar Plants : – Tender document & policy guidelines for 50 MW solar plants at rooftop of Railways buildings issued. 10 Railways have issued tenders accordingly.
· Setting up of wind plant : – Commissioned 25 MW wind mill power plant at Jaisalmer in October, 2015 which has already supplied 40 lakh units till now.
· 1000 MW solar power plants being set up over next 5 years; 10.5 MW already set up; in 2015-16, additional 6.5 MW will be set up ; PPP model finalized.
· Till Nov-2015, 7621 bio Toilets has been fitted in 2144 coaches. The cumulative fitment of Bio Toilets till date is 27800 Bio-Tanks in about 9200 coaches.
· An innovative Indian design of a Bio-Vac Toilets, a Hybrid of Vacuum Toilet and Bio-Toilet is working successfully in one coach of GHY Rajdhani train. It has opened a new possibility to control the problem of human waste falling from trains.
· Bio diesel: Use of bio diesel-B5 (i.e. 5% Bio-Diesel and 95% Diesel) was started on 5th June 2015 on World Environment Day. 11,000 KL of biodiesel has been ordered on 14 Zonal Railways.
· CNG DEMU: CNG DEMU power cars introduced on Northern Railway to make commuter trains environment and user friendly.
· Work of Water Recycling Plants (WRPs) at 10 coaching depots got sanctioned in Budget 2015-16. In addition, 32 stations have been identified for provision of WRP.
· To facilitate participation in Green India Mission (GIM), Railways has requested MoEFCC to issue guidelines to State Governments (beginning with Haryana & Punjab Govt.) for undertaking plantation on Railway land without affecting Railways’ requirement of cutting/felling of trees for its operational requirement.
— In order to cope with the stress involved in the job and to have a disciplined life, Yoga training has been made mandatory in all training courses in Centralised Training Institutes, Zonal Railway Training Institutes, Multi-Disciplinary Training Centres, Main Training Centres and other Training Centres.
— Instructions have been issued to start specialized programme on soft skills to frontline staff dealing with customers in an effort to give greater thrust towards customer satisfaction.
— MOU has been signed with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) on 14th July, 2015 to make available separable railway infrastructure to MSDE and its authorised representatives to start skill training centres in rural and remote areas.
— For rationalisation of man power across Indian Railways, one of the big four HR audit companies, Deloitte has been identified and entrusted with the task of studying the manpower rationalization of the Group A services.
· Modules on sensitization of Railway personnel on gender introduced in Centralised Training Institutes.
· Academic Service Agreement signed with Beijing Jiatang University, China for training of 100 Railway officers of various departments in Heavy Haul Technology.
· A Railway Chair known as ‘Chair on Sustainable Mobility’ set up at TERI University, New Delhi.
· In the current year of 2015-16, recruitment process is underway for about 48,500 Group ‘C’ posts with RRBs. Out of these 48500 vacancies, panels for about 10800 RRB empanelled candidates have since been supplied and process for the remainder is on.
· In a quantum leap towards achieving greater transparency, objectivity and credibility, IT based recruitment system for Group ‘C’ posts has been initiated by the RRBs. A Pilot Project of Computer Based (On-line) applications and examinations for 54 categories of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs), Junior Engineers (JEs) and Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants (CMA) has been completed successfully.
· Positive efforts have been made to reduce the time taken for recruiting Group ‘C’ category staff from open market. In this process, Computer Based examination for SSE/JKE has been conducted within one month from the closing date of application. This has been possible due to the initiative of calling of On-line (IT based) application.
· As a measure of transparency, question paper, answer sheet and answer keys for SSE/JE examination 2015 have been uplodaded on RRBs’ websites providing an opportunity to the candidates to view their performance and to submit any objection. Candidates were also advised of this facility through individual emails/SMSs.
· In order to reach out to the employees directly, Hon’ble MR had desired to convey personal Birthday wishes to every employee through SMS on mobile phone or letter.
. Railway Recruitment Cells, since their formation in 2005, are into the fourth cycle of conducting recruitment to posts in Grade Pay Rs.1800/-. They have notified around 62000 vacancies in the year 2013 and are in the process of completion of the same without any untoward incidents. So far, panels of around 38000 persons have been published which includes panels of around 850 persons with disabilities.
· Criterion for qualification of OBHS trains has been revised to include all important mail &express trains (excluding purely overnight trains) under the scheme. With revised criterion more than 1000 trains can now be covered under the OBHS scheme. As against 34 last year, 74 trains has been covered in the current year for Onboard House-keeping.
· Advice sent to ZRs on 23.04.2015 for taking up Special Intensive Cleaning drive at stations and being monitored. 11 ZRs have so far taken action at 226 stations on this, covering important stations.
· 27 Charitable Institutions/Social Organizations were invited to take part in ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ through Shramdan campaign. 16 Organizations have already launched their action in this regard. One of the organizations viz. Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation offered is undertaking this campaign at 45 major Stations of IR & KRCL.
· 2nd year of Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched w.e.f. 25.09.15 by involving railways staff at all levels as well as Charitable Institutions / Social organisations. 16 such organisations participated with railways in these efforts. The first theme based drive viz. “Sardar Patel United Clean India drive” was observed w.e.f 11.10.15 to 31.10.15 with special focus on Cleanliness and Sanitation of Stations & Trains.
· As a part of ‘SWACHCHH BHARAT ABHIYAAN’, the cleanliness activities monitored through the CCTV cameras of 18 stations duly connecting them in a network and extending the video stream to Divisional and Zonal Headquarters in SC Rly.
· The historical country wide massive public outreach event under the name “Railyatri/Upbhokta Pakhwada” (Passenger and customer Facilitation fortnight) organized all over Indian Railways from 26.05.2015 to 09.06.2015 concluded successfully. This fortnight long programme was primarily directed towards improvement of passenger amenities and services, customer care, participation of passenger and railway staff in various activities and for creating awareness amongst the public about Railway’s initiatives and achievements.
· Some of the tangible outcomes of this historical passenger outreach effort of Indian Railways are as under:
1. 233 projects/works of passenger amenities and services ranging from escalators, foot over bridges, station buildings, reservation offices, new platforms, new train services etc. were commissioned/opened for the railway passengers at an approximate cost of Rs. 4000 crore.
2. Work on 73 projects connected with passenger amenities and augmentation of network capacity was commenced costing approx. Rs. 550 crore.
3. Over 7000 Railway stations were inspected by railway officials and taken up for improvement in various passenger amenities.
4. 4000 road shows were undertaken by senior railway officers at railway station premises and in trains to interact with rail users, obtain their suggestions and taking feedback on the railway services provided.
5. Passenger outreach through railway officers and staff, unions, NGOs, scouts, guides, charitable organizations and through social media touched over 7 million passenger and public ( Face Book reach -5 million, Twitter Impressions- 1.3 million and .7 million passenger interactions at stations and in trains).
6. 7500 cleanliness and sanitation drives and inspections were undertaken at various stations, railway premises and colonies under ‘Swatch Bharat Abhiyan’ with the involvement of railway staff, passengers and NGOs.
7. 2700 catering services checks were undertaken in order to ensure quality of catering services and
standards of hygiene at various stations and in trains.
8. 4600 intensive ticket checking drives were launched to curb the menace of ticket less traveling and to prohibit the entry of antisocial elements. These drives resulted in detection of 1.6 lakh cases and recovery of Rs. 9 crore of railway revenue.
9. 3000 inspections for improving punctuality of trains were undertaken during this period.
10. 1400 inspections were conducted to check the presence of antisocial elements, touts and other irregularities by teams of vigilance officers.
11. Intensive safety awareness drives were launched on all Zonal Railways with focus on precautions to be taken by road users at unmanned level crossing gates. 8500 such inspections were conducted by railway officials.
12. 126 Skill Development Programmes were organized in various Railway Workshops and Production Units to impart training to 5500 persons.
13. MOUs were signed between Zonal Railways and 5 Railway PSUs for 10 identified railway stations for their participation in development of passenger amenities through CSR.
14. 1300 Medical and Health Camps were organized by the Zonal Railways at different locations which wereattended by 55000 persons both railway employees and their families and also members of public.
15. 22000 staff quarters were taken up for repairs and maintenance in 450 identified railway staff colonies.
16. 590 Yoga camps were organized and attended by 19000 persons.
17. As an outreach effort 176 Press conferences were organized at Zonal HQs, divisional HQs State Capitals and District HQs. Over 6700 news items were published.
· Indian Railway (5 Women & 1 Men) weightlifters represented India in the Commonwealth Youth, Junior & Senior Weightlifting Championship held at Pune from 11th to 15th November, 2015, the performance of Railways players is outstanding. All Railway players won medals in this Championship. Ms. Matsa Santoshi, Ms. Punam Yadav, Ms. Sanjita Chanu, Shri S. Satish Sivalingam won gold medals and Ms. S. Mirabai Chanu won silver medal, Ms. Minati Sethi won Bronze medal in their weight categories.
· 4 players in India’s Men Hockey team and 16 in Indian Women Hockey team probables for Rio Olympic Games 2016 are from Indian Railway Hockey.
· During January to December 2015, Indian Railway team won National titles in 15 disciplines and stood runners-up in 03. National titles in were for Aquatics (Men) -Water polo, Swimming, Aquatics (Women) – Diving, Cricket (Women), Kabaddi (Women), Bridge, Boxing (Women), Archery (Women), Powerlifting (Men & Women),Atheltics (Women), Hockey (Men & Women) Volleyball (Men & Women) and runners-up in were for Archery (Men), Aquatics (Men)- Diving, Kho-Kho.
· Following Railway players have been honored with National Sports Awards during January to December 2015:-
· For the Financial Year 2014-15 PLB equivalent to 78 days
wages has been paid to eligible railway employees as per Board’s letter
No. E(P&A) II-2015/PLB-4 date 07.10.2015. For the financial year
2015-2016 calculation of number of PLB days is yet to be done.
· E-procurement System was extended to 216 Depots/Divisions in the Zonal Railways. Sale of scrap is 100% computerised through E-auction.
· RPF rescued about 9,947 children.
· It was been decided to provide CCTV on coaches without infringement of privacy of women passengers as per specification developed by ICF and accordingly a work of provision on 500 coaches including 100 sub urban coaches has been sanctioned.
· More than 100 Budget announcements implemented.

Year End Review of Ministry of Railways for the Year 2015
- Provision of All India Security Helpline ‘182’
- Provision of All India Passenger Helpline ‘138’
- Complaint Management System (COMS) Portal
- A mobile app based complaints and suggestion application (currently on the android platform)
– A web based complaints ans suggestions application on URLwww.coms.indianrailways.gov.in
– As sms based complaints and suggestion application on the number 9717630982
- E-Catering - In order to widen the range of food options available to passengers, E-catering services have been introduced, through Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) in trains without pantry car or Train Side Vending as well as on 45 designated stations from where passengers of originating/passing trains can avail of this facility. IRCTC has set up a call centre with toll free no. 1800-1034-139, developed a website www.ecatering.irctc.co.in and also SMS facility to 139 as MEAL<PNR> to take orders.
- Water Vending Machine: As a recent initiative, to ensure availability of clean drinking water at low cost to the passengers, a policy on Water Vending Machines (WVMs) has been notified on 16/06/2015. These WVMs are to be set up by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) at identified Railway stations.
- Pre-cooked Food (ready to eat meals) – Railways have conducted trials for service of pre-cooked (ready-to-eat) meals of reputed brands on some trains. A policy guideline on “Ready to Eat Meals” has been issued to zonal railways on 30.01.2015.
- First workshop of all Food Safety Officer, Designated Officers & IRCTC Officers held in Kolkata to improve the standard of food safety in Indian Railways.
- Executive Lounge: Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has introduced an Executive Lounge at New Delhi railway station. The Executive Lounge provide value added services at a charge, offering facilities such as WiFi Internet, buffet services, wash and change, concierge services for pre-departure and post-arrival assistance to passengers. IRCTC is in the process of setting up Executive Lounges at 48 more stations.
- Concierge Services: Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has introduced concierge services (pick-up & drop and porter services), as Pilot Project at a few railway stations. The stations are New Delhi, Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Howrah, Patna, Secunderabad, Jaipur, Tirupati, Ernakulam, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Lucknow Jn., Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Delhi Safdarjung, Anand Vihar Terminal, Delhi Cantt, Delhi Sarai Rohilla, Vijayawada, Guntur, Ahmedabad and Sabarmati Jn.
- Mid-Segment Tourist train: Indian Railways in association with Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has now introduced a mid-segment tourist train also. The all inclusive round trip packages covers rail transportation in different air-conditioned classes, local transportation, guided tour for sightseeing in groups, variety of meals and hotel accommodation etc. To begin with, a train on the circuit Delhi – Jaisalmer – Jaipur – Delhi commenced operation on 13.12.2015 while the second one on the circuit Delhi – Varanasi – Khajuraho – Agra – Delhi is scheduled to commence operation on 20.12.2015.
- New Trains : – Upto the month of November, 2015 112 new trains and 15 extension of trains and 5 increase in frequency have been implemented as announced in Railway Budget 2014-15. No new train has been announced in Railway Budget 2015-16
- Augmentation : - Indian Railways also facilitates the passengers by augmenting the load of popular trains services by attaching extra coaches on permanent basis and thereby generating extra carrying capacity. During the year 2015-16 upto November 2015, Indian Railways attached 691 coaches thereby generating an additional capacity of 45605 berth/seats which also includes augmentation of 52 pairs of Mail/Express trains to 23/24 coaches during the Year 2015-16
- Special Trains : – During peak seasons special trains are operated by Indian Railways to clear the extra rush of passengers. This year upto November to facilitate passengers, Indian Railways have run 23666 train trips in the Year 2015-16.
- Election Special :- During election in the State of Bihar, 36 Special trains were made to run.
- Mela Special : During Sinhastha Kumbh Mela – 2015 in order to cater the extra rush of passengers traffic, Board arranged additional rakes (of 236 coaches) and 32 cars of MEMU/DEMU rakes . During Mela period, 608 special were made run and 795 coaches were temporarily augmented. Besides, 789 GS coaches of regular train services were earmarked for the pilgrims.
- Non-Budget Trains : Owing to heavy public demand and completion of gauge-conversion of some sections the 13 pair Non-Budget new trains have been introduced upto December 2015.
- Experimental Stoppage in trains : - During the current year upto November, 2015, 146 stoppages have been provided in Mail/Express trains (in single) on an experimental basis.
- Computerised Parcel Management System implemented on New Delhi – Howrah, New Delhi – Mumbai, New Delhi – Chennai, Howrah-Chennai and Howrah-Mumbai route.
- Computerisation of Retiring Room booking launched at more than 480 locations.
- Paperless Unreserved Ticketing through Mobile Phone between Church Gate and Dahanu Road.
- Paperless Unreserved Ticketing through Mobile Phone between New Delhi –Palwal Section
- Destination Alerts to passengers through SMS for Rajdhani and Duronto trains.
- E-ticketing Portal in Hindi
- Currency Coin cum Card operated Automatic Ticket Vending Machines at New Delhi Railway Station.
- Currency-cum-coin-cum-card based Automatic Ticketing Vending Machines (ATVMs) commissioned over Central Railway, Easter Railway, Western Railway, Southern Railway, Northern Railway and South Central Railway.
- · Concession based ticketing including online ticketing for the physically challenged persons using Photo identity Card issued by the Railways.
- Lower berths to senior citizens : With a view to facilitate senior citizens and female passengers when travelling alone, a combined reservation quota of two lower berths per coach in Sleeper class has been enhanced to four lower berths per coach is Sleeper class. Further w.e.f. 01.11.2015, the facility of booking tickets under senior citizen quota will be permitted even when two passengers eligible to book tickets under this quota intend to book.
- Staggering to Tatkal booking timings : - W.e.f. 15.06.2015, the timings for reservation under Tatkal scheme has been staggered and now it opens at 10.00 hours on the previous day of journey from train originating station. Also, all types of ticketing agents( YTSK, RTSAs, IRCTC agents, etc.) are debarred from booking tickets during first thirty minutes of opening of booking i.e. from 08.00 to 08.30 hours for general bookings, and from 10.00 to 10.30 hours and 11.00 to 11.30 hours for Tatkal booking in AC & non-AC classes respectively.
- Automatic refund of Confirmed / RAC e-tickets on cancellation of trains : Automatic refund of Confirmed /RAC e-tickets on cancellation of trains similar to waitlisted e-tickets is granted There is no requirement for cancellation/filing of TDR for refund of e-ticket in case of cancellation of trains.
- Introduction of Suvidha Trains : – Suvidha Trains have been introduced wherein the maximum Advance Reservation Period is 30 days while the minimum Advance Reservation Period is 10 days. Zonal Railways will decide the exact ARP of reach train within this limit.
- Opening of PRS counters beyond 2000 hours on week days and beyond 14.00 hours on Sundays : - Instructions were issued on 15.5.2014 wherein Zonal Railways were advised that subject to demand and availability of manpower, the PRS counters can be opened even beyond 20.00 hours on week days and beyond 14.00 hours on Sundays. This has facilitated the passengers in getting reserved tickets through PRS counters as per their convenience.
- Timings for advance reservation : - Time limits for booking reserved tickets was increased to 120 days w.e.f. 01.04.2015. This has facilitated the passengers to plan their journey well in advance.
- Change in timings of booking through internet : The timings of booking reserved tickets through internet have been changed and is now available daily from 00.30 hours to 23.45 hours.
- Fitment of dustbins in all coaches including non AC coaches.
- A special train on Gandhi Circuit covering places related to life and work of Mahatma Gandhi run.
- A kisan Yatra special train to help the farmers has also been run. Kisan Yatra special coaches have been operated from different parts.
It has been decided to provide stainless steel mug with chain arrangement in Non-AC coaches also as being provided in AC coaches.
· It was decided to upgrade the specification and design of linen and curtains provided in AC coaches through consultancy with NIFT and accordingly an agreement was executed.
Commencement of provision of Braille signage on 3000 Coaches.
- Provision of Optical Fibre Cable (OFC)
1,098 Rkms OFC has been laid. Cumulatively, 48,818 Rkms (approx.) OFC has been commissioned over Indian Railways enabling high speed communication network. - Provision of Video Conferencing System
A new Video Conferencing System connecting Civil Engineering officials of Railway zones based on latest state of art technology has been commissioned in Board. This system has the provision of two concurrent Multi Part Conference of 60 participant of Railway Board & Zonal Railway having provision of simultaneous display of 24 participants of single screen. - 2 locomotive factories at Madhepura and Marhowrah successfully bid after 7 years.
- Train sets for improving passenger comfort and reducing travel time ; EOI invited. 5 international bidders shortlisted for participation RFP.
- Rail Coach Factory at Kanchrapara – Fresh RFQ application have been called. Will be opened in December, 2015.
- Modern LHB Coach manufacturing facility Phase-1 commissioned at ICF Chennai. Indian Railways will shift 100% to 160 kmph fit LHB coaches in next 5 years.
- ICF Chennai has developed first of its kind stainless steel 3 phase energy efficient AC-AC transmission 1600 HP DEMU train set. The first air-conditioned DEMU was manufactured this year by ICF.
- DLW Varanasi developed designs and manufactured 5500HP Diesel Locomotives. Moving towards Make in India – Design in India.
- Indian Railways signed an Assured Off Take Agreements (AOT) for manufacturing of 1200 wagons per annum and rehabilitation of 300 wagons per annum for a period of 10 years with SAIL-RITES Bengal Wagon Industry Pvt. Ltd. (SRBWIPL) Kulti, West Bengal
- Traction Alternator Factory at Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh – The project aims to manufacture 100 traction alternators per annum of high horse power diesel locomotives which are currently being imported
- Automotive rebate for Traditional Empty Flow Direction Traffic with a view to convert empty running of rakes into loaded one, automatic freight rebate scheme has been introduced from 25.6.2015 wherein all rakes loaded in notified empty flow direction are charged at Class – LR1 (Train load) and at Class-100 (Wagon load), subject to certain terms and conditions.
- Various proposals under different Railway schemes like Private Freight Terminals (PFT), Special Freight Train Operator Scheme (SFTO), Automobile Freight Train Operator Scheme (AFTO), Liberalized Wagon Investment Scheme (LWIS), Wagon Leasing Scheme (WLS) have been finalized.
- Mobile Application for Freight Operations (PARICHAALAN)
- Heavy haul Initiative – The prototype of the 25T axle load BOXNS wagons has been made during Oct’15. The wagon will run at 100 kmph in loaded and empty condition with pay load to tare ratio of 4.1 as compared to conventional BOXNHL wagons, which have payload to tare ratio of about 3.6. These wagons will achieve increased throughput per week by 14.8%.
Innovative Funding initiatives and non traditional sources of funding:
Many initiatives were taken to explore alternative sources of funding, besides the traditional GBS route. These are listed as follows:
a) An Memorandum of Understanding with LIC of India was signed on 11.3.2015 for committed long-term funding to the tune of Rs 1.5 lakh crore over 5 years for financing Railway projects. First tranche of Rs 2000 cr has been received.
b) MOF approved issue of tax free bonds by IRFC amounting to Rs.6,000 crore during the FY 2015-16; the entire amount has been raised from the market.
c) World Bank was approached to explore the possibility of setting up a Railway Infrastructure Development Fund for raising resources for long term investment in Railways. A detailed scope and options study has been commissioned by World Bank which is currently in progress.
d) World Bank loan of USD 650 million to finance Eastern DFC – Phase 3 (Khurja-Ludhiana & Khurja-Dadri section) has been negotiated as a direct loan to DFCCIL under Govt. of India guarantee.
e) IRFC’s proposal to raise a Syndicated Foreign Currency Loan of USD 400 million to re-finance an earlier ECB of the same amount, aimed at achieving a saving in debt service costs by about Rs.33 crore, has been agreed and backed by MOR.
Speedy Project Implementation and Execution:
Following steps were taken to improve project delivery by addressing the issues of fund availability and empowerment of field organization:
a) Identification of projects leading to throughput enhancement/network decongestion was done and these projects were prioritized for dedicated financing and targeted execution. These projects have been provided adequate funding to enable timely completion.Policy Formulation:
b) For prompt and speedy execution of Railway Projects, it was decided to delegate full powers to General Managers for acceptance of tenders. The powers to revise estimates have also been enhanced.
a) The policy guidelines on station redevelopment on Swiss challenge mode, were finalized and issued.Obtaining professional input from outside agencies:
b) Model Concession agreement for Customer Funded model was finalized and issued.
c) Model Agreement for EPC was finalized and issued.
a)A Working Group and an Advisory Body have been constituted to assist in suggesting modified accounting system.SAFETY
b) Financial Services Cell headed by Adv (Finance) has been constituted in the Railways and services of SBICAPS are being engaged to obtain expert inputs.
c) An Advisory Board on Railway finances with members drawn from the highest echelons of financial world like SBI Chairman, MD & CEO/ IDFC Bank and Shri Raghav Bahl, Founder, The Quintillion Media Pvt. Ltd. has been constituted. Members have given valuable ideas and suggestions on diverse topics like investment strategies and accounting reform.
· Working towards ‘Zero Accident’ Mission.
· Train Protection Warning System (TPWS): TPWS is a safety Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system conforming to European Train Control System (ETCS) Level-1. It eliminates accidents caused by human error of Signal Passing at Danger or over speeding by loco pilot. TPWS trials at 160 Kmph were successfully conducted during the year on Nizamuddin-Agra Cantt. Section after completion of requisite works. This section was also made signalling fit for speed potential of 160 Kmph by executing required signaling system upgradations during the year.
· Enhancement of Safety at Level Crossing Gates: 282 Level Crossing Gates have been interlocked with Signals to enhance safety.
· Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS): To overcome shortcomings of ACD system due to its dependence on GPS and for large scale deployment on Indian Railways, a cost effective indigenous safety system – Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is being developed indigenously by RDSO in association with Indian Vendors. This system is aimed at providing dual capability of preventing train accidents caused due to Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD) or non observance of speed restrictions by train drivers as well as preventing train collisions caused due to non-observance of rules in case of manual operations. RDSO has finalized the Specification after successful proof of concept trials. Field work for Extended field trials of TCAS with 40 locos on 3 sub-sections in Lingamapalli-Vikarabad-Wadi-Bidar section, SCR (250 km) having RE/Non-RE, Single Line/Double Line Absolute Signalling section with diesel and electric locos are in advance stage of progress by RDSO & SCR.
Achievements of Road Safety Works (i.e. Level Crossing & ROB/Subways)(from Jan, 2015 to Nov. 2015) : -
Elimination of Unmanned Level crossings by
Closure/Merger/Subways : 637
Manning : 271
Total : 908
Closure of Manned Level Crossings : 312
Construction of Road Over Bridges : 155
Construction of Subways : 699
Provision of Integrated Security System (ISS)
ISS at 5 stations namely Trivandrum, Mangalore & Ernakulum (SR), Triputi (SCR), Thane (CR) has been commissioned. In addition to that, CCTV system has been commissioned at 10 stations namely Miraj (CR), Bengaluru, Yesvantpur, Mysore(SWR), Bhubaneswar, Puri, Cuttack, Visakhapatnam (ECoR), Bhopal & Itarsi (WCR). Cumulatively, ISS at 63 stations has been commissioned over Indian Railway. In addition to that, CCTV system has been cumulatively commissioned at 19 stations over Indian Railway. CCTV surveillance system has been provided at 21 PRS/UTS locations.
· In the current year from 1st April to 10th December, 2015, consequential train accidents decreased from 105 to 81 in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year.
· During the current year from January to 10th December 2015, safety drives were launched by Board on prevention of cases of SPAD, prevention of accidents at unmanned level crossings, observance of rules and precautions during shunting, prevention of cases of fire in pantry cars, observance of rules for working of push trolleys, etc.
· One conference of Chief Safety Officers was organized for detailed discussions on various issues relating to safety and rules for train operations.
· High Level Safety Review Committee (HLSRC): HLSRC under the Chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kakodkar, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission submitted its report on 17.02.2012. The HLSRC has made 106 recommendations covering the various aspects of Indian Railways. All the recommendations have been examined by the Board. Out of the 106 recommendations, 68 have been fully accepted and of which 22 have been fully implemented and 46 are under implementation. The remaining 38 recommendations are under active consideration in the Ministry of Railways for appropriate action in a phased manner.
· Proposal invited for installation of ‘Fracture Detection System’ to detect Rail/weld failures and prevent derailments.
· Provision of Fire extinguishers in Non Air-conditioned coaches. A initial sanction for provision
on 1000 coaches has been made and the railways and production units are in the process of provisioning the system.
· Provision of double acting AC compartment swing doors on coaches for faster evacuation of passengers in case of fire emergency.
· Provision of Automatic fire and smoke detection system for Non AC coaches for the first time.
· Provision of Fire suppression system in Pantry cars and Power cars as these are more fire prone than other passenger coaches.
· With a view to reduce the Nation’s dependence on imported petroleum based energy and to enhance energy security to the Country, as well as to make the Railway System more eco- friendly and to modernize the system, Indian Railways have been progressively electrifying its rail routes. 1479 route kilometers have been energized from January’ 2015 upto 15th December’ 2015.
· Provision of Route Relay / Panel / Electronic Interlocking along with Multi Aspect Color Light Signaling: To increase efficiency and enhance Safety in train operations, modern Signalling system with Route Relay Interlocking (RRI)/ Panel Interlocking (PI)/ Electronic Interlocking (EI) along with Multi Aspect Colour Light Signalling (MACLS) in replacement of Over-aged Mechanical/Multi Cabin Signalling system has been provided at 299 stations.
· Automatic Block Signalling (ABS): To increase line capacity and reduce headway, Automatic Block Signalling has been commissioned on 141 Route Kms.
· LED Signals: To improve reliability and visibility of signals, incandescent filament signal lamps are being replaced by long life, highly durable LED signals.171 stations have been provided with LED signals.
· Railway has already provided Solar panel on roof top of coaches for train lighting system in 2 broad gauge coaches & 4 narrow gauge coaches plying on Pathankot-Joginder Nagar section in Kangra Valley and fourteen narrow gauge coaches plying on Kalka-Shimla section on trial basis.
· Setting up of Solar Plants : – Tender document & policy guidelines for 50 MW solar plants at rooftop of Railways buildings issued. 10 Railways have issued tenders accordingly.
· Setting up of wind plant : – Commissioned 25 MW wind mill power plant at Jaisalmer in October, 2015 which has already supplied 40 lakh units till now.
· 1000 MW solar power plants being set up over next 5 years; 10.5 MW already set up; in 2015-16, additional 6.5 MW will be set up ; PPP model finalized.
· Till Nov-2015, 7621 bio Toilets has been fitted in 2144 coaches. The cumulative fitment of Bio Toilets till date is 27800 Bio-Tanks in about 9200 coaches.
· An innovative Indian design of a Bio-Vac Toilets, a Hybrid of Vacuum Toilet and Bio-Toilet is working successfully in one coach of GHY Rajdhani train. It has opened a new possibility to control the problem of human waste falling from trains.
· Bio diesel: Use of bio diesel-B5 (i.e. 5% Bio-Diesel and 95% Diesel) was started on 5th June 2015 on World Environment Day. 11,000 KL of biodiesel has been ordered on 14 Zonal Railways.
· CNG DEMU: CNG DEMU power cars introduced on Northern Railway to make commuter trains environment and user friendly.
· Work of Water Recycling Plants (WRPs) at 10 coaching depots got sanctioned in Budget 2015-16. In addition, 32 stations have been identified for provision of WRP.
· To facilitate participation in Green India Mission (GIM), Railways has requested MoEFCC to issue guidelines to State Governments (beginning with Haryana & Punjab Govt.) for undertaking plantation on Railway land without affecting Railways’ requirement of cutting/felling of trees for its operational requirement.
— In order to cope with the stress involved in the job and to have a disciplined life, Yoga training has been made mandatory in all training courses in Centralised Training Institutes, Zonal Railway Training Institutes, Multi-Disciplinary Training Centres, Main Training Centres and other Training Centres.
— Instructions have been issued to start specialized programme on soft skills to frontline staff dealing with customers in an effort to give greater thrust towards customer satisfaction.
— MOU has been signed with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) on 14th July, 2015 to make available separable railway infrastructure to MSDE and its authorised representatives to start skill training centres in rural and remote areas.
— For rationalisation of man power across Indian Railways, one of the big four HR audit companies, Deloitte has been identified and entrusted with the task of studying the manpower rationalization of the Group A services.
· Modules on sensitization of Railway personnel on gender introduced in Centralised Training Institutes.
· Academic Service Agreement signed with Beijing Jiatang University, China for training of 100 Railway officers of various departments in Heavy Haul Technology.
· A Railway Chair known as ‘Chair on Sustainable Mobility’ set up at TERI University, New Delhi.
· In the current year of 2015-16, recruitment process is underway for about 48,500 Group ‘C’ posts with RRBs. Out of these 48500 vacancies, panels for about 10800 RRB empanelled candidates have since been supplied and process for the remainder is on.
· In a quantum leap towards achieving greater transparency, objectivity and credibility, IT based recruitment system for Group ‘C’ posts has been initiated by the RRBs. A Pilot Project of Computer Based (On-line) applications and examinations for 54 categories of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs), Junior Engineers (JEs) and Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants (CMA) has been completed successfully.
· Positive efforts have been made to reduce the time taken for recruiting Group ‘C’ category staff from open market. In this process, Computer Based examination for SSE/JKE has been conducted within one month from the closing date of application. This has been possible due to the initiative of calling of On-line (IT based) application.
· As a measure of transparency, question paper, answer sheet and answer keys for SSE/JE examination 2015 have been uplodaded on RRBs’ websites providing an opportunity to the candidates to view their performance and to submit any objection. Candidates were also advised of this facility through individual emails/SMSs.
· In order to reach out to the employees directly, Hon’ble MR had desired to convey personal Birthday wishes to every employee through SMS on mobile phone or letter.
. Railway Recruitment Cells, since their formation in 2005, are into the fourth cycle of conducting recruitment to posts in Grade Pay Rs.1800/-. They have notified around 62000 vacancies in the year 2013 and are in the process of completion of the same without any untoward incidents. So far, panels of around 38000 persons have been published which includes panels of around 850 persons with disabilities.
· Criterion for qualification of OBHS trains has been revised to include all important mail &express trains (excluding purely overnight trains) under the scheme. With revised criterion more than 1000 trains can now be covered under the OBHS scheme. As against 34 last year, 74 trains has been covered in the current year for Onboard House-keeping.
· Advice sent to ZRs on 23.04.2015 for taking up Special Intensive Cleaning drive at stations and being monitored. 11 ZRs have so far taken action at 226 stations on this, covering important stations.
· 27 Charitable Institutions/Social Organizations were invited to take part in ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ through Shramdan campaign. 16 Organizations have already launched their action in this regard. One of the organizations viz. Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation offered is undertaking this campaign at 45 major Stations of IR & KRCL.
· 2nd year of Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched w.e.f. 25.09.15 by involving railways staff at all levels as well as Charitable Institutions / Social organisations. 16 such organisations participated with railways in these efforts. The first theme based drive viz. “Sardar Patel United Clean India drive” was observed w.e.f 11.10.15 to 31.10.15 with special focus on Cleanliness and Sanitation of Stations & Trains.
· As a part of ‘SWACHCHH BHARAT ABHIYAAN’, the cleanliness activities monitored through the CCTV cameras of 18 stations duly connecting them in a network and extending the video stream to Divisional and Zonal Headquarters in SC Rly.
· The historical country wide massive public outreach event under the name “Railyatri/Upbhokta Pakhwada” (Passenger and customer Facilitation fortnight) organized all over Indian Railways from 26.05.2015 to 09.06.2015 concluded successfully. This fortnight long programme was primarily directed towards improvement of passenger amenities and services, customer care, participation of passenger and railway staff in various activities and for creating awareness amongst the public about Railway’s initiatives and achievements.
· Some of the tangible outcomes of this historical passenger outreach effort of Indian Railways are as under:
1. 233 projects/works of passenger amenities and services ranging from escalators, foot over bridges, station buildings, reservation offices, new platforms, new train services etc. were commissioned/opened for the railway passengers at an approximate cost of Rs. 4000 crore.
2. Work on 73 projects connected with passenger amenities and augmentation of network capacity was commenced costing approx. Rs. 550 crore.
3. Over 7000 Railway stations were inspected by railway officials and taken up for improvement in various passenger amenities.
4. 4000 road shows were undertaken by senior railway officers at railway station premises and in trains to interact with rail users, obtain their suggestions and taking feedback on the railway services provided.
5. Passenger outreach through railway officers and staff, unions, NGOs, scouts, guides, charitable organizations and through social media touched over 7 million passenger and public ( Face Book reach -5 million, Twitter Impressions- 1.3 million and .7 million passenger interactions at stations and in trains).
6. 7500 cleanliness and sanitation drives and inspections were undertaken at various stations, railway premises and colonies under ‘Swatch Bharat Abhiyan’ with the involvement of railway staff, passengers and NGOs.
7. 2700 catering services checks were undertaken in order to ensure quality of catering services and
standards of hygiene at various stations and in trains.
8. 4600 intensive ticket checking drives were launched to curb the menace of ticket less traveling and to prohibit the entry of antisocial elements. These drives resulted in detection of 1.6 lakh cases and recovery of Rs. 9 crore of railway revenue.
9. 3000 inspections for improving punctuality of trains were undertaken during this period.
10. 1400 inspections were conducted to check the presence of antisocial elements, touts and other irregularities by teams of vigilance officers.
11. Intensive safety awareness drives were launched on all Zonal Railways with focus on precautions to be taken by road users at unmanned level crossing gates. 8500 such inspections were conducted by railway officials.
12. 126 Skill Development Programmes were organized in various Railway Workshops and Production Units to impart training to 5500 persons.
13. MOUs were signed between Zonal Railways and 5 Railway PSUs for 10 identified railway stations for their participation in development of passenger amenities through CSR.
14. 1300 Medical and Health Camps were organized by the Zonal Railways at different locations which wereattended by 55000 persons both railway employees and their families and also members of public.
15. 22000 staff quarters were taken up for repairs and maintenance in 450 identified railway staff colonies.
16. 590 Yoga camps were organized and attended by 19000 persons.
17. As an outreach effort 176 Press conferences were organized at Zonal HQs, divisional HQs State Capitals and District HQs. Over 6700 news items were published.
· Indian Railway (5 Women & 1 Men) weightlifters represented India in the Commonwealth Youth, Junior & Senior Weightlifting Championship held at Pune from 11th to 15th November, 2015, the performance of Railways players is outstanding. All Railway players won medals in this Championship. Ms. Matsa Santoshi, Ms. Punam Yadav, Ms. Sanjita Chanu, Shri S. Satish Sivalingam won gold medals and Ms. S. Mirabai Chanu won silver medal, Ms. Minati Sethi won Bronze medal in their weight categories.
· 4 players in India’s Men Hockey team and 16 in Indian Women Hockey team probables for Rio Olympic Games 2016 are from Indian Railway Hockey.
· During January to December 2015, Indian Railway team won National titles in 15 disciplines and stood runners-up in 03. National titles in were for Aquatics (Men) -Water polo, Swimming, Aquatics (Women) – Diving, Cricket (Women), Kabaddi (Women), Bridge, Boxing (Women), Archery (Women), Powerlifting (Men & Women),Atheltics (Women), Hockey (Men & Women) Volleyball (Men & Women) and runners-up in were for Archery (Men), Aquatics (Men)- Diving, Kho-Kho.
· Following Railway players have been honored with National Sports Awards during January to December 2015:-
S.No. | Name | Game | Award | Rly. |
i) | Shri Mandeep Jangra | Boxing | Arjuna Award | NR |
ii) | Shri Manjeet Chhillar | Kabaddi | Arjuna Award | NR |
iii) | Shri S. Sathish Kumar | Weightlifting | Arjuna Award | SR |
iv) | Shri Bajrang | Wrestling | Arjuna Award | NR |
· E-procurement System was extended to 216 Depots/Divisions in the Zonal Railways. Sale of scrap is 100% computerised through E-auction.
· RPF rescued about 9,947 children.
· It was been decided to provide CCTV on coaches without infringement of privacy of women passengers as per specification developed by ICF and accordingly a work of provision on 500 coaches including 100 sub urban coaches has been sanctioned.
· More than 100 Budget announcements implemented.