A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

7th Pay Commission: Know the new salary of central government employees for pay band Rs 9,300-34,800

7th Pay Commission: Know the new salary of central government employees for pay band Rs 9,300-34,800

New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government on June 29 approved the implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on pay and pensionary benefits.
It will come into effect from January 1, 2016. The Cabinet has also decided that arrears of pay and pensionary benefits will be paid during the current financial year (2016-17) itself, unlike in the past when parts of arrears were paid in the next financial year.

The recommendations will benefit over 1 crore employees. This includes over 47 lakh central government employees and 53 lakh pensioners, of which 14 lakh employees and 18 lakh pensioners are from the defence forces.

The new scales of pay provide for entry-level basic pay going up from Rs 7,000 per month to Rs 18,000, while at the highest level i.e. Secretary, it would go up from Rs 90,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh. For Class 1 officers, the starting salary will be Rs 56,100.

The table below shows the new salary of central government employees fall under the pay band of Rs 9,300- Rs 34,800.

Pay Band  Rs 9,300- Rs 34,800
    Grade Pay 4200460048005400


Prevention of Sexual Harassment of working women at workplace - Seniority of the Chairperson of the Complaint Committee - regarding.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of working women at workplace - Seniority of the Chairperson of the Complaint Committee - regarding.

F. No. 11013/2/2014-Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment Division
North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Dated July 11th, 2016

Subject: Prevention of Sexual Harassment of working women at workplace - Seniority of the Chairperson of the Complaint Committee - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that many references for clarification on the rank of the Chairperson of the Complaints Committee vis a vis the employees against whom the allegations have been made in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013 has been examined. The draft instructions are attached. Before the instructions in the Draft O.M. are finalized, all stakeholders, Ministries / Departments are requested to offer their comments / views, if any, in this regard latest by 25th July, 2016
at the e-mail address dire-dopt@nic.in
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (E)
Tel: 23093176
All Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India
F. No. Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-III Desk
North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Dated , 2016

Subject: Prevention of Sexual Harassment of working women at workplace - Seniority of the Chairperson of the Complaint Committee - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that following the enactment

of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 [SHWW(PPR) Act] and notification of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal). Rules, 2013 [SHWW(PPR) Rules] on 09.12.2013, the Government notified the amendments to Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 and Classification, Control and Appeal Rules, 1965. The amendments and other salient features of the Act/ Rules was brought to the notice of all concerned vide Office Memorandum No 11013/02/2014-Estt.A-III dated 27.11.2014.

2. As per Section 4(1) of the SHWW (PPR) Act, 2013, the Internal Complaints Committee (referred to as "Complaints Committee" hereafter) is to be set up at every workplace. As per Section 4(2), this will be headed by a woman and at least half of its members should be women. In case a woman officer of sufficiently senior level is not available in a particular office, an officer from another office may be so appointed. To prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or influence from senior levels, such Complaints Committees should involve a third party, either an NGO or some other body which is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.

3. As per the amended Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, in cases of sexual harassment, the inquiry is to be conducted by the Complaints Committee in that Ministry/ Department. Recently, many references for clarification on the rank of the Chairperson of the Complaints Committee vis a vis the employee against whom the allegations have been made have come to this Department. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and Ministry of Women & Child Development. It is clarified that the committee constituted in terms of the SHWW (PPR) Act, 2013 is legally competent to hold an inquiry into a case irrespective of the fact that the Chairperson of such Committee is lower in rank to the employee against whom the allegations have been made.

4. All Ministries/ Departments/Offices are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all Disciplinary Authorities under their control.

5. Hindi version will follow.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (E)

Complaints Committee vis a vis the employee against whom the allegations have been made have come to this Department. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and Ministry of Women & Child Development. It is clarified that the committee constituted in terms of the SHWW (PPR) Act, 2013 is legally competent to hold an inquiry into a case irrespective of the fact that the Chairperson of such Committee is lower in rank to the employee against whom the allegations have been made.

4. All Ministries/ Departments/Offices are requested to bring the above guidelines to  the notice of all Disciplinary Authorities under their control.

5. Hindi version will follow.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (E)
The Secretaries of All Ministries Departments (as per the standard list)

7th Pay Commission Pay Out – Best Tax Saving Investment Options

There are a large variety of tax-saving options available under Section 80C of the Income-Tax Act. However, the key issues are the safety, returns and tax status while investing.

7th Pay Commission Pay Out – Best Tax Saving Investment Options – The increased pay packet by the 7th pay commission will come with its own set of concerns on managing the money.

The 7th Pay Commission payout is all set to begin with central government employees to get higher salaries and arrear payments soon.

The increased pay packet by the 7th pay commission will come with its own set of concerns on managing the money. While there will be a portion for expenditure that has been pending, you need to have a definite plan of setting aside a decent amount as long-term savings and invest it in appropriate instruments. One portion of investment would be for tax-saving purposes.

You will have nearly eight months till March 31, 2017 to make your investment for tax-saving purposes but it is always good to start investing early. So, what are the options before you and what should you look for while investing for saving tax?

“There are a large variety of tax-saving options available under Section 80C of the Income-Tax Act. However, the key issues are the safety, returns and tax status while investing. You also have to consider the periodic returns and at the time of maturity or redemption,” Sanjeev Govila, CEO, Hum Fauji Initiative, told FeMoney.

Govila suggests Public Provident Fund (PPF) figures among the top of the list. “PPF is the best tax- saving avenue for the risk averse as it gives decent interest of 8.1 per cent as on date and enjoys the E-E-E (Exempt ExemptExempt) status. If someone finds the returns low and are prepared to accept some volatility of returns, tax saving mutual funds (called ELSS – Equity Linked Savings Scheme) are very good. They also have E-E-E status. If chosen carefully ELSS are likely to provide higher returns than PPF,” Govila said.

Though ELSS have the shortest lock-in period of all tax-saving investments of just three years, you can continue investing for as long as you want. Also contributions can be made regularly through automatic ECS from bank account. Govila, however, warns that ELSS returns are market linked.

“Apart from these, five year tax-saving bank FDs, insurance policies and NSC also are 80C investments. But low returns take their sheen off. NSC are E-E-E provided the interest received is shown re-invested in the I-T Returns each year (except the last year when it matures) and bank FDs are in the E-T-T bracket,” says Govila.

FeMoney spoke to leading personal finance advisor, Anil Rego, CEO and Founder, Rights Horizons to bring to you snapshot of the most-favoured tax-savings options under Section 80C as a ready reckoner.

Equity-linked Savings Scheme – Has lock-in of 3 years; can be invested up to be a maximum of Rs.1.5 lakhs under 80C and others.

Public Provident Fund – Has lock-in of 7 years, investments are eligible for tax exemption u/s 80C.

Sukanya Samridhi Scheme (If the investor has a girl child) – Investments can be withdrawn only after girl turns 21 or 50 per cent of the corpus when girl turns 18 or gets married.

National savings certificates – NSC-VIII has a lock in period for 5 years and NSC-IX has lock in for 10 years. There is no maximum limit of investment in NSC, but you can claim a tax deduction for Rs 1.5 lakhs under section 80C.

Tax free bonds – These bonds are not eligible for deduction under section 80C. It means that the interest earned on tax-free bonds is exempted from taxation. However, the bonds are subject to capital gains tax. Usually these bonds have a lock in period of 5 years.

Insurance policies – Though these can be used for tax savings under Section 80C, Rego advises that the principal aim of insurance should be to cover life risk rather than as an investment instrument.

Source: FE

7th Pay Commission – Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers explains about the reasons for deferring the Indefinite Strike

The question of keeping in abeyance the implementation of the Cabinet decision on 29th June 2016 regarding 7th CPC recommendations, till the High Level Committee submits its report to Govt, was discussed in the NJCA meeting.

7th Pay Commission – Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers explains about the reasons for deferring the Indefinite Strike

NJCA took a decision to defer the indefinite Central Government Employees strike planned from 11th July 2016, after Govt assured that it would form a committee to review the increase in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula demanded by employees.  Though decision to defer strike was taken based on consensus among constituent members of NJCA, some of the members and employees raised concerns over the decision.  Responding to these members,    Mr.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees, replies as follows.

Dear Comrades,

We are in receipt of messages and emails from our grass root leaders and workers conveying their concerns over the decision of NJCA to defer the indefinite strike. Comments are circulated in other social medias like whats app etc. also. As it is not practically possible to reply to all the queries and comments, to put the record straight, we are clarifying below the common points raised by most of our comrades and well-wishers. We sincerely thank all those leaders, comrades and well-wishers, who have conveyed (and still conveying) their views, opinions, criticisms and concerns to the confederation CHQ.


NJCA has taken serious note of this incident and shall take precautionary measures in future.


The question of keeping in abeyance the implementation of the Cabinet decision on 29th June 2016 regarding 7th CPC recommendations, till the High Level Committee submits its report to Govt, was discussed in the NJCA meeting. It is decided that NJCA should not demand it, as the employees may be put to hardship, especially those who are in the verge of retirement. Com Shiv Gopal Misra, Convenor, NJCA has confirmed from the Finance Ministry that Govt notification on 7th CPC recommendations is under process and it will be issued shortly, payment may be made from August salary.


The new High Level Committee is the product of the discussion held by Group of Ministers including Home Minister, Finance Minister and Railway Minister with NJCA leaders after announcement of the Cabinet decision, in the wake of an impending indefinite strike. Govt is compelled to appoint the new Committee, as the decision taken by the Govt on the proposals submitted by the Empowered Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary (details of proposals of ECoS is not known to staff side) is not acceptable to the NJCA. Hence the new Committee shall be to reconsider the decision of the Govt. especially regarding minimum wage and fitment formula. Inspite of the assurance of the Groups of Ministers that the Committee is being constituted to reconsider the Govt. decision, if the Govt. again reject our demand, the NJCA have to reconsider its stand and deferred strike shall be revived.


All allowances including HRA, transport allowance, fixed medical allowance to pensioners etc. are referred to a committee headed by Finance Secretary. Committee shall submit its report within four months. Pending final decision based on the report of the Committee, all existing allowances to be paid as per the existing rates in existing pay structure. Govt. may try to deny arrears of revised rate of allowances by implementing it from prospective date as in the past. This issue will be further discussed by the NJCA with the proposed Committee.


All of us are aware that NJCA is not a monolithic, composite organization. It is a united forum of independent organisations. Each Federation has its own identity and individuality and take decision as per the direction of the managing bodies of each organization. Hence different views may emerge in the NJCA, but final decision is taken by consensus. If each organization stick on to its own stand and others to follow it, there is no question of consensus and NJCA will not exist.

With all its inherent weakness and limitations, the NJCA has successfully challenged the NDA Govt’s stand that there is no negotiation with the staff side on the 7th CPC recommendations. Govt. thought that once the Cabinet decision is announced unilaterally, followed by unleashing of well-orchestrated media propaganda that big bonanza is given for Central Govt. Employees, the NJCA will be forced to withdraw its indefinite strike decision. But the calculation of the Govt went wrong. NJCA took a firm stand that unless and until the retrograde recommendations especially minimum wage and fitment formula is modified, there is no question of withdrawing the strike. All the Federations are firm on this demand which ultimately compelled the Hon’ble Prime Minister to intervene. (NJCA has written to Hon’ble Prime Minister for intervention even before the Cabinet decision, but the Govt. ignored the NJCA’s appeal at that time). As per the direction of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Home Minister Sri Rajnath Singh, Finance Minister Sri Arun Jaitly and Railway Minister Sri Suresh Prabhu discussed the main issues raised in the Charter of demands with NJCA leaders, and assured that Govt. will appoint a High Level Committee to reconsider the decision of the Govt., especially on minimum pay and fitment formula. This assurance was given with the approval of Hon’ble Prime Minster.

Inspite of it, the NJCA has not deferred the strike and insisted written confirmation of the assurance regarding constitution of High Level Committee. Again Hon’ble Home Minister Sri Rajnath Singh called the NJCA leaders and reiterated the earlier assurances and informed that the Finance Minister will issue a press statement confirming the assurance given to NJCA. Only after receipt of the copy of the press statement issued by the Finance Ministry, NJCA has deferred the strike till the finalization of the report of High Level Committee.

As the Hon’ble Prime Minister of our country has intervened and as three Cabinet Ministers of Govt. of India discussed the demands with NJCA leaders and gave assurance that the demands, especially minimum pay and fitment formula will be reconsidered, and as the Home Minister has again reiterated the assurances to NJCA leaders and Finance Minster has issued press statement confirming the constitution of High Level Committee, the NJCA felt that before embarking upon an indefinite strike which is the last weapon in the hands of the workers, we should give time to the Govt. to implement the Minister’s assurances given as per the direction of the Prime Minister and honour its commitment given to NJCA leaders. NJCA taking a stand that we don’t believe the Ministers and their assurance and shall go ahead with the strike, may not be taken in good spirit by the general public and the media. In case the Govt. backs out from its assurances, the NJCA has got every right to revive the deferred indefinite strike.

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Convenor, NJCA has made it clear in the circular issued on 7th July 2016, which reads as follows: –

“Though there is positive assurance from the Govt. of India, but all of you will not take rest and assume counseling the cadre and ground staff that they should remain in full preparedness, because if there will not be SATISFACTORY OUTCOME, we will be having no alternative except to agitate the issues again.”


This issue was raised before the Group of Minister by Com. K. K. N. Kutty, who is also the Secretary General of NCCPA (National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Associations). It was pointed out to the Finance Minister that even though the Govt. has decided to accept 7th CPC recommendation to have two options to pensioners, it is qualified with the words “subject to feasibility.” The Finance Minister categorically assured the delegation that the Govt. has accepted the recommendations in toto and the Pension Department has only been asked to sort out the difficulties in implementation of the Option-No-I, if any.


Any increase in the minimum pay and fitment formula for departmental employees (MTS, Postman & PA) will be extended to Gramin Dak Sevaks also proportionately as the GDS Pay Scales are decided based on the pay scales of corresponding category of departmental employees. So, the demand to increase minimum pay and fitment formula of MTS, Postman and PA is equally important for GDS also.

    As regards, civil servant status the NJCA has raised this demand before the Govt and 7th CPC. Even though the 7th CPC Chairman, Retired Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur has informed the JCM staff side leaders he will not consider the GDS case as they are not included in the terms of reference of the Commission, the Chairman gave a very damaging recommendation to the Govt. that GDS are not Civil Servants but they are part – time employees and Extra-departmental agents. He further stated that all the GDS are having another main independent income from another source and GDS job is only a side-business. NJCA leaders have raised the issue of GDS before the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee and also before the Group of Ministers. We shall again raise the issue before the proposed high level committee also. Govt. has constituted a separate committee for GDS under the Chairmanship of Retired Postal Board Member Sri Kamalesh Chandra. NFPE, AIPEU-GDS and Confederation has submitted detailed memorandum before the Committee and Secretary General NFPE Com. R. N Parashar, General Secretary AIPEU-GDS Com, P. Panduranga Rao along with other leaders has given evidence before the GDS Committee demanding Civil Servant status. The GDS committee will submit its report before December 2016. Further NFPE and AIPEU-GDS has filed a case in the Supreme Court for grant of Civil Servant status. Supreme Court has transferred the case to Delhi High Court which in turn transferred it to Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal, Delhi. The final argument of the case will take place on 25th July 2016. NJCA, Confederation, NFPE and AIPEU – GDS are jointly trying their level best to get justice to three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department. If the GDS Committee report is against the GDS, then definitely NJCA and Confederation will be fully supporting the agitational programmes of NFPE & AIPEU-GDS including indefinite strike.

The main hurdle is the policy of the NDA Govt. as the Communication Minister of NDA Govt. has rejected our demand for grant of Civil Servant status to GDS.

    Secretary General,
    Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers
    Email: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
   Mob: 09447068125
Source: Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers

Public Sector Bank Employees Defer Strike After High Court Order

Public Sector Bank Employees Defer Strike After High Court Order

New Delhi: A section of public sector bank employees today deferred its proposed two-day nationwide strike from tomorrow following a retrain order from the Delhi High Court.

“In view of Delhi High Court restrain order our strike on July 12 and 13 stands deferred,” All India Bank Employees’ Association General Secretary C H Venkatachalam said.

Earlier, the employee union had announced to go on strike to protest against the proposed merger of SBI associates and privatisation of IDBI Bank.

All India Bank Officers’ Association and State Sector Bank Employees’ Association had also announced their support to the strike.

In the event of the strike, normal banking operations could have been affected on July 12 and 13.

The high court in its order on a plea of State Bank of Patiala and four other subsidiary banks of SBI restrained State Sector Bank Employees Association (SSBEA) and All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) from proceeding ahead with the two-day strike till the next date of hearing.

The HC listed the matter for further hearing on July 20.

The five associate lenders of SBI are State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Hyderabad.


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