A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Maternity Benefit Amendment Act 2017

Maternity Benefit Amendment Act 2017

Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment

Sharam Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi
28 August, 2017
The Secretary,
Labour Department,
All State Governments/UT Administrators

Subject: The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act,2017

Kind reference is invited to Ministry of Labour & Employment’s earlier letter number S-36012/03/2015-ss-I dated 12.04.2017 (copy enclosed) highlighting the recent amendments made to Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. The Ministry had also clarified therin certain points of doubts to facilitate smooth implementation of the provisions of the said Act, specially in respect of coverage of contractual workers under the Act. This Ministry in the recent past have been receiving a number of complaints and grievances from working women stating non-implementation of the provisions of the M.B. Act including alleged dismissal of few women by the employers in violation of section 12 of the said Act, non coverage of contractual employees, etc. The honourable National Commission for women has also taken serious view of such denial of rights of working women. This Ministry would, therefore, urge all the State/UT Labour Commissioners (which is the implementing authority under the M.B. Act) to effectively enforce the provisions of M.B. Act, and take strict punitive action against defaulting employers and ensure that the provisions of the statute are implemented in true spirit and letter to protect the rights of working women enshrined in the Act.
Yours faithfully
(Manish Kumar Gupta)
Joint Secretary, Govt of India
Source: Confederation

Ministry of Railways permits m-Aadhar as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel Purpose

Ministry of Railways permits m-Aadhar as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel Purpose
Ministry of Railways
13-September, 2017 16:34 IST

Ministry of Railways permits m-Aadhar as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel Purpose.

Ministry of Railways has decided to permit m- Aadhar (Aadhar card on mobile app namely m- Aadhar launched by UIDAI) as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel purpose in any reserved class.

m- Aadhar is a mobile app launched by UIDAI on which a person can download his/her Aadhar Card. It can be done only on the mobile number to which Aadhar has been linked. For showing Aadhar, the person has to open the app and enter his/ her password to show the Aadhar Card.

m- Aadhar when shown by the passenger on his/her mobile after entering the password should be accepted as proof of identity for undertaking journey in any reserved class over Indian Railways.

Source : PIB

Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700

Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding  to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700

No. AN/XIV/14164/7th CPC/Corr/Vol-II
Dated : 12/09/2017
PCof A(Fys) Kolkata / Jt.CDA(AF) Nagpur
CDA(IT&SDC) Secunderabad

Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700.

Of late, this HQrs has been receiving queries/ references from various Controller offices seeking clarification regarding the pay fixation under 7th CPC consequent upon enhancement of IOR (Index of rationalization ) vide MoF, Dept of Expenditure Resolution dated 16.05.2017 from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of the pay matrix i.e corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of Rs 8700/- .

2. In this context, it is clarified that Index of rationalization is to be applied for computation of first cell of a particular level i.e corresponding to a specific pay band and Grade pay under 6th CPC. Accordingly, a revised pay matrix has been provided under the Gazette of India dated 16.05.2017 incorporating the ibid enhancement from 2.57 to 2.67. It is however, intimated that the fitment factor of 2.57 as mentioned under Para 4(2) of Ministry of Finance resolution dated 25.07.2016 which is to be uniformly applied to all employees stands unchanged.

3. All pay fixation cases may be regulated accordingly.
( Kavita Garg )
Source : CGDA

CSIR - Instructions on payment of revised Pension / Arrears as per 7th CPC

CSIRInstructions on payment of revised Pension / Arrears as per 7th CPC


Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Dated : 11.09.2017
To : The Directors / Heads of all CSIR National Labs./Instts./Hgrs./Complex/Centres/Units.

Sub : Instructions on payment of revised Pension / Arrears as per 7th CPC-reg.
Ref : CSIR letter No.5-1(428)/2017-PD dated 11.05.2017 and 02.06.2017.

Sir / Madam
With reference to the subject mentioned above and in continuation of the CSIR letters of even number dated 11.05.2017 and 02.06.2017, the undersigned is directed to state that the matter has been considered by the Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR in consultation with JS & FA,DSIR / CSIR and following has been decided:
a) Pension / Family pension for all pensioners (pre-2016 & post 2016) may be revised notionally in terms of CSIR circular letter No.5-1(428) / 2017 - PD dated 11.05.2017. For this notional revision of pension DoP&PW OM dated 04.08.2016, 12.05.2017, 06.07.2017, 18.07.2017 and Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM 23.05.2017 may be used.

b) Payment of revised pension / family pension (i.e monthly pension) to all the pensioners (both pre-2016 and post 2016) as per 7th CPC, from the month of September, 2017 onwards may be made.

c) Those retiring from the month of September, 2017 will be paid the eligible gratuity as per revised / enhanced ceiling and commutation of pension as per the 7th CPC pension amount.
d) Those who retired between 01-01-2016 and 31-08-2017 will be paid the difference in gratuity between the eligible amount as per revised ceiling and what they were paid at the time of retirement.

e) For the payment of arrears on account of revision of other pensionary benefits for the period 01.01.2016 to 31.08.2017 (viz., arrears of pension and the difference between original and revised commutation amount), separate instructions will follow. Therefore, these amounts of arrears will NOT be paid until further orders.
Yours faithfully
Joint Secretary (Admin)

Source : Confederation

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