A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 17 June 2019

Grant of Special Casual Leave to a Central Government Servant who donates blood

Grant of Special Casual Leave to a Central Government Servant who donates blood.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi 110 067
Dated: 28.12.2017
Office Memorandum

Subject: Grant of Special Casual Leave for the Purpose of Blood Donation – Reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the provisions of this Department’s O.M. dated 8.10.1956, which for grant of Special Casual Leave to a Government servant who donates blood on that day.
In this regard, it is noted that presently this rule applies only to whole blood donation and does not cover apheresis donation. It is felt that rule should cover apheresis donation as well since it will have the added advantage of getting blood components like platelets, plasma etc.

In view of the above, it has now been decided that Special Casual Leave may be granted for blood donation or for apheresis (blood components such as red cells, plasma, platelets etc.) donation at licensed Blood Banks on a working day (for that day only) up to a maximum of 4 times in a year on submission of valid proof of donation.
(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India)
Source: icar.org.in

Visit Report to RIMS Hospital Imphal under Swachhta Pakhwada by Rekha Shukla Joint Secretary

Visit Report to RIMS Hospital Imphal under Swachhta Pakhwada by Rekha Shukla Joint Secretary

1353038/ 2019/ 0/0 JS(RS)
O /o, Joint Secretary (lEe )
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Report on the visit to RIMS Hospital, Imphal, Manipur

The undersigned visited the RIMS Hospital, Imphal, Manipur on 11th April, 2019 to review the progress of the Swachhta Pakhwada Activities, and for an assessment of the cleanliness at the Hospital and the Campus.

2. During my visit, I briefly witnessed the proceedings of an ongoing Seminar on Waste Disposal, Sanitation and Hygiene. A complete round of the Campus and the Hospital was taken along with the Director, Medical Superintendent and other Senior Members of the staff. The Hospital is located on a sprawling Campus of more than 300 acres, and caters to a large number of patients in North-East. During my visit, the OPD areas, as well as the IPD Wards of various Departments in the Hospital were found loaded with patients. During the Campus tour the following were inter-alia covered:-

i) Gynae and Obs Ward
ii) General Surgery Ward
iii) Neuro Surgery Ward
iv) AIDS and HIV Ward
v) Paediatrics Ward
vi) Trauma and Emergency Wards
vii) Labour Rooms
viii) Intensive Care Units
ix) Nephrology Ward and ICU
x) Oncology Ward and ICU
xi) Bio-Medical Waste Management Area
xii) Administrative Blocks
xiii) Record Rooms
xiv) Security Rooms
xv) Radiology Department
xvi) Digital X-Ray Room
xvii) Ultrasound Room
xviii) MRI Room
xix) Radiotherapy and new Cancer Wing
xx) Central Sterilization Unit
xxi) Lecture Rooms
xxii) Hostels
xxiii) Kitchen and Stores
xiv) Washing areas etc.

3. A lot of construction activity was found to be in progress on the Campus. The present hospital building is quite old and is in need of regular maintenance and reinforcement. There are some green pockets on the Campus, but given the huge size of the Campus, a lot more needs to be done towards landscaping and beautifying the outdoors.

4. Despite the fact that the building is very old and there is a great deal of space constraint, the OPO areas and the Wards etc. were found to be clean. The toilets, however, throughout the Campus are in need of maintenance and more thorough cleaning. It was noted that there was not even a single disabled friendly toilet in the entire Campus. There was also not found any toilet with the western seat. The provision for the same needs to be made immediately in order to make the building disabled/ handicapped friendly.

5. The Labour Room was found to be clean but the labour tables were found to be old and rusted. The Hospital needs to take action in this regard. The new Maternity OT has become fully operational in the Hospital.

6. The Kitchen and the Cooking Rooms are antique, and require modernization and upgradation.

7. The Gynae OPD, the Central Sterilization Unit, the New Radiotherapy and Cancer Units were found to be very good. The condition of the Maternity Ward was also fairly good.

8. A CCTV was found to be installed in the office of the Medical Superintendent to monitor the Doctors Room in the Emergency Reception and the Emergency Wards. This initiative has reportedly added to the quality of emergency attendance and medical care.

9. There is one incinerator for Bio-Waste Management in the Hospital which is not sufficient to meet the needs of the Hospital. It was reported that some part of Bio Waste Management had been outsourced by the Hospital.

10. It was noticed that the area outside the PMJAY Help desk was not very well maintained. The open drains outside need to be properly covered and cleaned. Likewise, fans in the General OPO areas also require cleaning.

11 . The tiles on the floors and the plaster on the walls in the Hospital are also in urgent need of reinforcement.

12. In the Administrative Block, old records were found stacked here and there including in the Security Room. It was suggested that old records should be managed through off-site warehousing in an outsourcing model, in order to clean up the working area of the Hospital.

13. There was not found any IEC material in the Hospital Premises despite the fact that there is a huge patient load in the Hospital. It was suggested that IEC activities should be strengthened and every wall of the OPD areas, Doctors rooms and Wards etc. must be utilized to put up the useful EC material. The signages in the Hospital can also be improved further.

14. On the whole, the Hospital and the Campus were found to be clean. Apparently the Director and his team had taken pains to clean up the Campus during the Swachhta Pakhwada, 2019.

(Rekha Shukla)
Joint Secretary
Source: Mohfw.gov.in


Pension Adalat on 28.06.2019 (Friday) by O/o Pr.CCA, Delhi at 11:00 AM

Pension Adalat on 28.06.2019 (Friday) by O/o Pr.CCA, Delhi at 11:00 AM

We value our Employee
We care about our Pensioners

Office of Principal CCA, Delhi Region Holds PENSION ADALAT on 28.06.2019 (Friday) At 11.00 A.M

Pension Adalat will be held on 28-06-2019 (Friday) at 11:00 AM at the O/o Pr, CCA, DoT Building, Prasad Nagar, New Delhi- 110005. Telecom Pensioners/ Family Pensioners whose ppos/ Fppo have been issued by Ao (Pension), Delhi Region or who are drawing pension from pension Disbursing Authorities (Banks/ Post etc.) in Delhi Region are requested to forward their pension related grievance, if any to AO (Pension) O/o Pr. CCA, DoT Building, Near Fire Station, prasad Nagar, New Delhi in two copies containing all relevant details viz- name & designation of the pensioner/ Family pensioner, date of retirement/ death Name & address of the unit office where last served, PPO/ FPPO Number, Name and address of pension disbursing authority (Bank/ Post), current corresponding address and contact number etc, along-with full details of their grievance.

  1. If you are a Telecom pensioner/ Telecom Family Pensioner of above mentioned category and have any kind of pension / family pension related grievance, please send your representation in two copies to above mentioned officer latest by 20.06.2019.
  2. Cases involving purely legal points eg. Succession etc. and the grievance involving policy matter cannot be taken up in the Adalat.
  3. For more details visit at our office website : www.prccadelhi.gov.in
  4. Telephone No.011 25729702, 25729703 & Toll Free No.1800118119
Source: DoT


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