A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 30 October 2015

7th CPC – Modifications in LTC – Expectations…

7th CPC – Modifications in LTC – Expectations…

7th Pay Commission recommendations on LTC Everyone knows that Central Government Employees are entitled to avail Leave Travel Concession (LTC) once in two years to visit home town and once in four years to visit any places in India. The employees are reimbursed full expenses for transport from the work station to the place to be visited and back.

Before the sixth CPC was implemented, availing of LTC by the employees was less in number all over India. In order to encourage employees to avail LTC, the Central Government made some impressive modifications in the rules, which saw a huge increase in the percentage of employees going for it. The employees were allowed to travel by air to Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern States and it continued till June 2015. The modification in the rules that was brought in was the travelling expenses were given in packages depending upon employee’s designation. These visits by the employees saw a huge growth in tourism in these states. It turned out to be a great opportunity for the employees to travel to these places, to know different people, their culture and so on. But for unknown reason, the central government did not extend the orders beyond June 2015.

Home Town LTC: Is it possible to make changes in the Permanent Address of a Central Government Employee?

Those Central Government Employees having their Hometown on the outskirts of their work places, are automatically ineligible for availing LTC Hometown. But they are eligible for the LTC for visiting any other places in India. For the benefit of those employees, in exceptional cases, the CCS Rules (LTC) – Change of Hometown – allows an employee to change the Permanent Address only once in their whole service. The employee can apply for this, through their respective head of sections with detailed documents. A male employee can choose the native place of his wife or vice versa or any other closed relation’s address. Care should be taken while applying for the changes, as the rule allows only once in their whole service. After the changes in the permanent address, the employee can apply for the LTC showing the new address.

Expecting new changes in 7th CPC for availing LTC…
Central Government Employees should be allowed to avail LTC Home Town once in a year and All India LTC once in three years which can bring huge changes in the department of tourism in India. It can motivate the employees to travel, visit different places, to know different people and their working conditions etc. Air travelling should be allowed to all other places in India and can be extended to other neighbouring countries also.

Let us wait and see for the recommendations…!

Source: http://www.govtstaffnewsportal.in/

Expected DA January 2016 – AICPIN for September 2015

Expected DA January 2016 – AICPIN for September 2015

Expected DA January 2016 – AICPIN for September 2015

DATED : 30th October, 2015
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – September, 2015
The All-India CPI-IW for September, 2015 increased by 2 points and pegged at 266 (two hundred and sixty six). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.76 per cent between August and September, 2015 which was static between the same two months a year ago.
The maximum upward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing (+) 1.78 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Arhar Dal, Masur Dal, Moong Dal, Urd Dal, Mustard Oil, Onion, Cauliflower, Green Coriander Leaves, Potato, Tea (Readymade), Sugar, Electricity Charges, Private Tuition Fee, Flower/Flower Garlands, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was restricted by Wheat, Fish Fresh, Poultry (Chicken), Eggs (Hen), Apple, Coconut, Tomato, Petrol, Washing Soap, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.
The year-on-year inflation measured by monthly CPI-IW stood at 5.14 per cent for September, 2015 as compared to 4.35 per cent for the previous month and 6.30 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 5.71 per cent against 3.55 per cent of the previous month and 6.46 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.
At centre level, Chhindwara reported the highest increase of 10 points followed by Varanasi (9 points), Pune, Tripura, Jalpaiguri and Bhilwara (6 points each). Among others, 5 points rise was observed in 5 centres, 4 points in 7 centres, 3 points in 8 centres, 2 points in 16 centres and 1.point in 19 centres. On the contrary, Goa recorded a maximum decrease of 4 points followed by Ernakulam 3 points. Among others, 2 points decrease was observed in 4 centres and 1 point in 2 centres. Rest of the 9 centres’ indices remained stationary.
The indices of 36 centres are above All India Index and other 42 centres’ indices are below national average.
The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of October, 2015 will be released on Monday, 30th November, 2015. The same will also be available on the office website www. labourbureau.gov. in.
Authority: http://labourbureau.nic.in/

Bonus orders 2015 – Ad-hoc Bonus for Rajasthan Govt Employees

Bonus orders 2015 – Ad-hoc Bonus for Rajasthan Govt Employees

Following the Central Government, the State Government of Rajasthan has declared ad-hoc for its employees a head of Deepavali festival. The Finance Department issued orders for granting ad-hoc bonus equivalent to 30 days emoluments at the maximum ceiling of 3500.


 No.: F.6(5)FD(Rules)/2009
Jaipur, Dated : 29.10.2015

Subject:- Grant of ad-hoc bonus to State Government employees for the financial year 2014-15.

The matter relating to grant of ad-hoc bonus for the financial year 2014-15 to State Government employees has been considered and the Governor is pleased to order that the State Government employees may be granted ad-hoc bonus equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the financial year 2014-15 on the following terms and conditions:

(I) Government Servants who were in service on 31-03-2015 and continuing in service on 1st April 2015 and drawing pay in Grade Pay of Rs.4800 or less (excluding officers of State Services) are entitled for ad-hoc bonus.

(II) For drawing ad-hoc bonus Government employee must have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year 2014-15. Ad-hoc bonus equal to 30 days emoluments will be admissible to eligible employees who have rendered continuous twelve month service during the year 2014-15. Pro-rata payment will be admissible for continuous service from six months to twelve months. The eligibility period shall be taken in terms of number of months or service rounded to the nearest number of months. Rounding to the nearest number of months will, however, not be permissible for service of less than six months.

(III) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable to the eligible employees for the financial year 2014-15 will be computed on the basis of actual emoluments as on 31st March 2015 and for the purpose of calculation of ad-hoc bonus the maximum amount of emoluments will be restricted to Rs,3500/- per month.

(IV) The term ’emoluments’ occurring in this order will include basic pay, personal pay, deputation allowance and dearness allowance but will not include other allowances such as house rent allowance, compensatory (city) allowance etc.

(V) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable shall be computed assuming the month of 31 days.

(VI) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.

It is further clarified that: –
(a) Except in the case of extra-ordinary leave (leave without pay), the period of leave of other kinds will be included for the purpose of working out eligibility period. The period of extra-ordinary leave (leave without pay) will be excluded from eligibility period but will not count as break in service for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus. In case a Government servant is on leave on 31-03-2015 the emoluments last drawn immediately before proceeding on leave shall be taken into account for the purpose of eligibility and calculation of ad-hoc bonus.

(b) The subsistence allowance given to an employee under suspension shall not be treated as emoluments. Such an employee will become eligible for the benefit of ad- hoc bonus if he is re-instated with benefit of full emoluments for the period of suspension and in other cases such period will be excluded for the purpose of eligibility as in the case of employees on leave without pay. In case a Government servant is under suspension on 31-03-2015 no ad-hoc bonus for the year 2014-15 shall be given for the present. If he is reinstated later on, eligibility of the period under suspension for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus shall be decided on the lines indicated above.

(c)The employees who retired on superannuation or on invalidation on medical grounds or on voluntary retirement or died on or before 31st March 2015 will not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus.

(d) The eligibility of the re-employed Government servants for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus shall be determined on the basis of service rendered during the year 2014-15 after re-employment. The basic pay in respect of such persons shall mean basic pay fixed on re-employment or as increased thereafter and admissible on 31-03-2015 plus pension (including commuted part, if any).

(e) Employees who resigned from service on or before 31-03-2015 shall not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus under these orders.

(f) Employees engaged on part time / casual or on a daily wage or on contract basis will not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus.

(g) Employees appointed as probationer trainee on fixed remuneration shall not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus.
(1) Government servants who were on deputation on 31-03-2015 if have opted for deputation allowance in terms of this department order No. F.1(47)FD(Gr.2)/82 dated 27th June, 1989, as amended from time to time and are eligible for ad- hoc bonus under this order, shall be paid, the admissible amount of ad-hoc bonus by the borrowing organisation. The eligibility period shall include the continuous service rendered under the Government as also the period spent on deputation upto 31st March 2015. Similarly, Government servants who returned from deputation during the year 2014-15 shall be paid ad-hoc bonus by the Government which may be calculated on the basis of eligible and continuous service rendered under the borrowing organisation and the Government.

(2) In the case of Government servants who were on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings, Cooperative Societies, Autonomous Bodies etc. and who have opted for deputation allowance in terms of this department order No.F.1(47)FD(Gr.2)/82 dated 27th June, 1989, as amended from time to time and are eligible for ad-hoc bonus under this order, out of the amount of bonus paid under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 by the aforesaid organisation the amount equal to the amount of ad-hoc bonus admissible under this order shall be retained by the Government servants and the residual amount shall be deposited in the Government account.
(3) Government servants on deputation who have opted for bonus and / or ex- gratia payable to the employees of the borrowing organisation in terms of this department order referred to above will be entitled to ad-hoc bonus equal to an amount by which, the bonus and / or ex-gratia admissible as per order of the borrowing organisation falls short of the total of (a) the deputation allowance which would have been admissible and (b) the ad-hoc bonus admissible under this order.

(4) In the case of Government servants belonging to the Cooperative Department and on deputation to Cooperative Institutions registered under the Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act, 1965 whose terms of deputation are governed by the Cooperative Department Order No. F. 18 (75) Coop. 176 dated 13.07.1976 as amended from time to time, ad-hoc bonus, equal to an amount by which the bonus/ex-gratia paid/payable as per terms of deputation falls short the total of (a) 2.5% of basic pay subject to Rs.600/- per month drawn during the year 2014-15 and (b) the amount of ad-hoc bonus admissible under this order shall be payable by such borrowing Cooperative Institution.

(i) In cases where it is in the notice of Head of Office that the Government servant eligible for ad-hoc bonus on 31-03-2015 will definitely become ineligible for grant of ad-hoc bonus due to retrospective grant of pay in Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- and above on promotion in State Services, only pro-rata ad-hoc bonus be
permitted provided that the eligibility period is six months or more.

The payment of ad-hoc bonus, except to those Government servants who were on deputation on 31-03-2015, under these orders shall be made by the office in which an employee is posted on the date of issue of this order and it will be chargeable to the Budget Head to which the pay and allowances of the employees are charged.

This order shall also be applicable to the employees of the Zila Parishads & Panchayat Samities and the Work-Charged employees who are drawing pay in the pay scales prescribed for them.

By Order of the Governor
(Siddharth Mahajan)
Special Secretary, Finance (budget)

AICPIN Points for the month of September to be released today

AICPIN Points for the month of September to be released today

“2015 September’s All India Consumer Price Index Points for the purpose of Dearness Allowance calculation to be released today”

The last ‘Expected DA from Jan 2016’ calculations based on the 6th Pay Commission recommendations for Central Government employees and pensioners are already started. The fluctuation in the prices of essential commodities will be taken into account for this calculations. The September’s points of CPI for Industrial Workers base year 2001=100 for the calculation of additional DA and DR is expected to be released today. Already Labour Bureau released the statistics points of AIPCIN for the months of July and August and today the third step is going to be completed.

The additional dearness allowance percentage from January 2016 will be calculated based on the AICPIN points for the six months starting from July 2015 upto December 2015. The dearness allowance to be issued in the month of January 2016 will be added to the salary drawn by the employee based on the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission. Only after this will the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission take effect.

Source: 90paisa.org

Processing of files referred to DOP&T for advice/clarification-procedure to be followed

Processing of files referred to DOP&T for advice/clarification-procedure to be followed

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg.,
O.M.F.No.43011/9/2014-Estt.D, dated 28.10.2015

Subject: Processing of files referred to DOP&T for advice/clarification-procedure to be followed

This Department has from time to time issued instructions prescribing the procedure to be followed for making references to this Department for advice/clarification. In this regard, O.M.No.20034/2/2010-Estt(D) dated 13th August, 2010, O.M.No.20034/2/2010-Estt(D) dated 30th November, 2011 and OM of even number dated 13.02.2015 refers.

2. Inspite of these instructions, some Ministries/ Departments continue to refer the files to this Department without following the procedure enunciated in the above mentioned OMS, resulting in avoidable procedural delays, grievances and unwanted litigation.

3. In this background While reiterating instructions mentioned in the above three OMs, the following procedure for referring the proposals including court cases to this Department, may be followed:-
i. Administrative Departments shall refer cases to the DoPT only where there is a specific point which is either not covered by prevailing policies/ guidelines/ rules /regulations or interpretation of a specific clauses/provisions in the said policies/ guidelines/rules/regulations is involved for a particular case.

ii. When such a reference is made, all facts pertaining to the case may be incorporated in the Self Contained Note.

iii. All the references should be made to DOP&T with the approval of the Secretary of the Administrative Ministry/ Department. These references should be sent atleast two weeks in advance so that it can be properly examined in DoP&T.

iv. The concerned Ministry/ Department, which sends the proposal should indicate the Division within DoPT where it has to be dealt with and also to the concerned Joint Secretary/ Director so that there is no delay in processing within DoPT.

v. While sending the proposal, the name, designation of i the Joint Secretary/ Director (Phone number and e-majl id) who can be contacted for further correspondence may also be indicated.

4. The content of this O.M. may be given wide publicity and brought to the notice of all concerned and will be applicable from 1st November, 2015.

Source: www.persmin.gov.in

DA from 1st July 2015 – Tamilnadu Government GO for Dearness Allowance revision from 01.07.2015 to State Government employees

DA from 1st July 2015 – Tamilnadu Government GO for Dearness Allowance revision from 01.07.2015 to  State Government employees

Manuscript Series

G. O. No. 281, Dated 26th October 2015
(Manmatha, Iyppasi-09, Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2046)

ALLOWANCES – Dearness Allowance in the pre-revised scales of pay – Enhanced Rate of Dearness Allowance from 1st July, 2015 – Orders – Issued.

READ – the following papers:
1. G.O.Ms.No.137, Finance (Allowances) Department, dated 30.04.2015.
2. From the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi, Office Memorandum No.1-(3)/2008 – E.II (B), dated 01.10.2015.
    In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued sanctioning revised rate of Dearness Allowance in the pre-revised scales of pay to State Government employees as detailed below:-
Date from which payable Rate of Dearness Allowance in the pre- revised scales of pay (per month)
1st January, 2015
223 per cent of Pay plusDearness Pay

2. The Government of India in its Office Memorandum second read above has enhanced the Dearness Allowance to its employees who continue in the pre-revised scales of pay from 223% to 234% with effect from 1st July 2015.

3. Following the orders issued by the Government of India, the Government sanction the revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the State Government employees who continue to draw their pay and allowances in the pre-revised scales of pay that was in existence prior to 01.01.2006 as indicated below:-
Date from which payable     Rate of Dearness Allowance in the pre-revised scales of pay (per month)
1st July 2015     234 per cent of Pay plusDearness Pay

4. The Government also direct that the Dearness Allowance increase shall be paid in cash with effect from 01.07.2015.

5. While working out the revised Dearness Allowance, fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to next higher rupee if such fraction is 50 paise and above and shall be ignored if it is less than 50 paise.
6. The Government also direct that the revised Dearness Allowance sanctioned above, shall be admissible to full time employees who are at present getting Dearness Allowance and paid from contingencies at fixed monthly rates. The revised rates of Dearness Allowance sanctioned in this order shall not be admissible to part time employees.

7. The revised Dearness Allowance sanctioned in this order will also apply to the teaching and non-teaching staff working in aided educational institutions, employees under local bodies, employees governed by the University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Education scales of pay, the Teachers/Physical Education Directors/Librarians in Government and Aided Polytechnics and Special Diploma Institutions, Village Assistants in Revenue Department, Noon Meal Organisers, Child Welfare Organisers, Anganwadi Workers, Cooks, Helpers, Panchayat Secretaries/Clerks in Village Panchayat under Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department.

8. The expenditure shall be debited to the detailed head of account `03. Dearness Allowance’ under the relevant minor, sub-major and major heads of account.

9. The Treasury Officers / Pay and Accounts Officers are requested to make payment of the revised Dearness Allowance when bills are presented without waiting for the authorisation from the Principal Accountant General (A&E) Tamil Nadu, Chennai-18.



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