7th CPC Children Education Allowance / Hostel subsidy – Jammu and Kashmir Central Government Employees
Central Government Employees
No. A/Clar(2019)-676/J
Dated: 14-08-2020
Subject: Clarification on Children Education Allowance / Hostel subsidy.
Consequent upon the implementation of Seventh Pay Commission Allowances after the Reorganization of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Finance Department has issued Govt. Order No. 473-F dated: 28.11.2019 wherein CEA /Hostel Subsidy was granted in favour of the employees of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Various queries have been received in the Finance Department from certain quarters regarding CEA/Hostel Subsidy.
After examining the issue, it has been decided to issue the following clarification on the subject of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy:-
1. The maximum ceiling amount for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance is Rs 2250/-per month per child and Rs 6750/- per month per child for hostel subsidy. The CEA amount is fixed irrespective of actual expenses incurred, but for claiming Hostel subsidy a certificate from the institute, where the child is studying shall indicate the amount of lodging and boarding charges paid by the employee to the residential educational institute. The reimbursable amount of the Hostel subsidy will be the actual expenses incurred or Rs 6750/- per month whichever is less.
2. Children Education Allowance and Hostel subsidy can be claimed by only one employee if both spouses are employed.
3. The reimbursement of CEA and Hostel subsidy will be made only once in a year after the completion of Financial year i.e., in the month of April/May. For example claim of CEA and Hostel subsidy for the financial year 2020-21 shall be submitted in April /May 2021.
4. The application for claiming the reimbursement is attached as Annexure “A”. In addition a bonafide certificate is to be obtained from Head of Educational Institution confirming that the child studied in the school during the period of the claim (Annexure “B”). In case such a certificate cannot be obtained, a self attested copy of the report card and receipt/ e- receipt of the institute can be produced as a supporting document.
(S. L. Pandita) Director General (Codes) Finance Department
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
An Autonomous Body under the
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
Government of India
Ref.No. 11022/NYkKS/PERS: crc/679/2020
Date 19.08.2020
Subject: Cadre Review of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan - reg.
Whereas the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports vide its letter F.No.1-7/2010-NYKS dated 29.01.2020 has communicated its approval for Cadre Restructuring of NYKS. Copy placed at Annexure-l.
AND WHEREAS the approved copy of the Cadre Review Committee Report of NYKS is placed at Annexure-ll.
NOW THEREFORE, the approval of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports for the Cadre Review of NYKS and copy of the approved Cadre Review Committee Report is hereby circulated for information of all employees of NYKS.
The Department of Personnel and Training has issued an office memorandum on 28th August, 2020 that allows it to prematurely retire government servants even if they are within the 50 to 55 age groups or have completed 30 years of service.
1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
Dated – 04.09.2020
Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers strongly oppose the move of Government of India to unilaterally and arbitrarily imposition of provisions of rules FR 56 (J) and rule 48 (h) pension rules to retire the Govt Employees prematurely and forcibly vide the OM No. 25013/03/2019-Estt-A IV dated 28. August 2020 issued by Department of Personal and Training, Govt. of India.
The above mentioned OM gives the power to Government to cause premature retirement of any Govt. official who has completed 30 years of service and attained age of 50/55 years on various vague grounds as such “doubtful integrity”, “ineffectiveness” and When petty allegations.
This OM gives infinite power to the authority to pick and choose the targeted employees for such forced premature retirement. The victim employee will not be given any opportunity to explain as natural justice demands. After retirement, he can approach advisory committee appointed by the Govt. of India.
This shows the autocratic attitude of Govt. of India towards the bask rights of employees and unions and in violation of Labour laws.
Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers strongly oppose such an authoritarian and arbitrary move of Govt. of India and demand for withdrawal the said OM forthwith.
If this OM is not withdrawn the Central Govt. Employees will be compelled to launch serious agitational programmes.